(Y/N)Reincarnation of Isshiki...

By Crimsonemperor428

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Y/n as a Saiyan-Ōtsutsuki born in Universe 6 had longed to be the strongest out of a need and want to show ev... More

Y/n bio
Y/n's tries to stand up for everyone gets bearhugged and tortured to near-death
Y/n gets taken to Kefla's house meets her and tells us about his past
Y/n is bullied by Yaikor after Kefla visited him in the hospital
Kefla listens to Y/N's past then Y/N gets Kāma V1 while training with Kefla
Y/n and Kefla bond on Y/N's birthday and train
Y/n and Kefla become best friends after their big fight
Y/N tells Kefla about his past and his Bestfriend Boruto
Y/N and Boruto train and bond with each-other
Y/N and Boruto meet Yaikor and Victon after they talk
Y/N and Boruto learn of their Ōtsutsuki lineage and learn they are brothers
Y/N and Boruto help people and gain renown and praise for their acts
Y/N Boruto and The Renokath go and kill Seimun's followers and allies
Y/N and Boruto meet Tyakio and they all begin changing the status quo
Y/N spends time with Boruto and celebrates his Eighth Birthday
Tyakio is killed by Weinok and Y/N swears vengeance
Y/N and Boruto see Tyakio's death and Y/N mourns Tyakio
Y/N meets Yaikor and Yaikor earns his trust
Y/N researches about Weinok
Rewriting this story (Fake notice)
Rewriting this story (for real this time)

Y/N and Boruto create a cult of followers called The Renokath

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By Crimsonemperor428

Then as Y/N and Boruto woke up Y/N said to Boruto

Y/N:Little bro I'm gonna go make eggs toast and sausages so just get your clothes on let's go eat.

As Boruto nodded Y/N thought as he was flipping the eggs

Y/N:(Soon the true beginning of my Revolution shall begin the beginning of my three-step plan it'll take four more hours until the applicants get here but afterwards I shall begin the plan next step is kill every single one of Seimun's Militia Soldiers Political Supporters and then I shall begin having my Political supporters vote for me so that when we storm Seimun's castle and kill him with my army I shall succeed in my Revolution and the third step is to stop every war around the planet to usher in an era of peace.)

Then as Boruto got down Y/N had their plates ready they both looked like this

As Y/N and Boruto began eating Y/N asked Boruto after they finished eating

Y/N:Boruto I have a question for you that is very important.....

Boruto:Yeah big brother?

Y/N:Do you have any problem with our methods of killing the evil and also do you feel it is wrong to drag and manipulate people into our cause?

Boruto:I had used to have a problem with killing but now I feel that since you and I have been wronged by Seimun he and all those allied with him must die but with dragging others into our cause I do not see any problem with it because you and I both know Seimun has wronged them too so why not give them Justice?

Y/N:You are right but what I now need to ask is why is it Seimun did this to me?

Boruto:Neither of us know but we might as well ask Seimun himself but after we have finished with the plan before killing him in the second step we will have to ask him can we do that?

Y/N:Yes we will but Boruto let us discuss this How strong is Seimun we might have to train before killing him in the second step How strong do you think he is Boruto?

Boruto:Well to sum it up he is hiding his power relying more on manipulation and political affairs but he is powerful as a matter of fact he is Solar System Level we shall need to get stronger to face him.

Y/N:Then we shall but know this Boruto I shall not accept waiting beyond the allotted time Boruto how strong are you normally compared to when you use Kāma Version 1?

Boruto:Well when I am in my Base Form I am about on Multi-Continental but when I use Kāma Version 1...

As Boruto took his torso clothes revealing his full Kāma Version 1 he said afterwards

Boruto:I'm as strong as you in Base form because this power multiplies my power hundreds of times over since you are Super-Large Star Level when you unlock your Version 1 it will multiply your power Hundreds of Thousands of times over because your Kāma was applied by Isshiki Ōtsutsuki the current clan leader and the strongest Ōtsutsuki with the most combat experience making you Solar System Level once you unlock it.

Y/N:Okay then how can I unlock mine right now I can't manifest stripes like you I can only do this...

Boruto said after getting his shirt and coat back on

Boruto:It can only be triggered during a severely traumatic and stressful experience like how I needed the power to beat the monster when my friend died and I had felt I had to beat him that is how you unlock it but when you unlock Version 2 with the Kāma you get quite a substantial amplifier in all your techniques speed durability and power with me it'll hundreds of thousands of times but with you it'll be millions to trillions of times over to unlock V2 you need to want someone dead so badly you get enraged I haven't felt like that yet but I think you will unlock it someday.

As Y/N smiled at his Younger brothers words he said

Y/N:Thank you Boruto but now I have to check in on Crimson Hunters mission with his two comrades..

As Y/N had used the com link to talk to Crimson Hunter he asked Crimson Hunter

Y/N:Crimson Hunter what is the status report on the attempts to look into Victon's mind?

Crimson Hunter tapped into his communications link to Y/N and said obediently

Crimson Hunter:My lord Y/N all attempted mistakes have been dealt with but me and the others are growing impatient with our missions results on what else to do what should I tell them?

Y/N responded in a respectful manner

Y/N:Just wait on me to tell you when you are done and tell them that once I am done militarizing my army you three can join it as top generals it'll take a few months but just grin and bear tell them that alright Crimson Hunter?

Crimson Hunter said in response to this obediently and with a respectful tone to his creator

Crimson Hunter:Yes my lord I understand I have told them now goodbye I shall see you when you call on us my Lord Y/N

Y/N responded before cutting off the com link

Y/N:Good have a nice few weeks goodbye.

Then as Y/N hung up Boruto asked Y/N in a curious and inquisitive tone

Boruto:Who was that big brother?

Y/N:That was my most prized hunter and stealth commander also my second in command Crimson Hunter one of my Creations.

Boruto:Okay so when did you make them?

Y/N:During when I had first set this Revolutionary Three-Way Step Plan into fruition.

Boruto said in curiosity and intrigue

Boruto:Well how did you make those guys and how strong are they?

Y/N said with a clear voice after putting this hand to his chin in his thoughts

Y/N:I made them three and a half years ago when I was 10 so right now I am 13 I had made them by using my imagination to picture them to what they they should look like then I used my physical energy to bring them into being alive I named them Crimson Hunter Iaokath and Yintai my three generals for my army.

Boruto asked politely

Boruto:Then how strong are they?

Y/N said confidently

Y/N:Since I'm at Super-Large Star Level in Base-Form and you are Medium-Planet Level in Base-Form but when you are using The Kāma Version 1 with the blue markings around your body you are also Super-Large Star Level but those three are Large-Planet Level stronger than anyone except for Seimun or Yaikor You or me but that is how strong they are Stronger than anyone besides Me You Yaikor or Victon.

Boruto:Okay then are they going to report back now?

Y/N:Yes their mission is very nearly done.

Boruto:How is that possible didn't you say it would take a few months in there?

Y/N:Yes I did but I neglected to tell you this a few months in someone's head is a few seconds out here...

Boruto:Then when are they going to report Big bro Y/N?

Y/N:About now.

Then as Y/N felt his com link buzz in his ear he said impatiently

Y/N:Yes Crimson Hunter?

Crimson Hunter said after the others had finished guarding Victon's brain he said

Crimson Hunter:My Lord Y/N we have finished our mission and we are coming to you...

Y/N said inquisitively

Y/N:Have you three placed the seals on his brain so no one can look inside his head but me?

Crimson Hunter said obediently

Crimson Hunter:Yes My Lord we have done what you have asked now can you create a portal for us to go home?


Then as Y/N created a Black-Whitish portal as they got to home as they all kneeled with their arms on their knees while bowing their head they all said

Yintai Ioakath and Crimson Hunter:Master we are most humbled and honored to assist you in any way.

Just to let all of you know Yintai is the violet one Ioakath is the green one and Crimson Hunter is the one with the Red Face and Dark-Purple armor and this is the chain of command and the power-ladder from strongest to weakest Crimson Hunter is the leader Ioakath is second-in-commands and Yintai is the scouter Crimson Hunter is the strongest Ioakath is second-best and Yintai is the weakest

Y/N said gratefully

Y/N:Rise my friends I would like to introduce you to my younger sibling Boruto.

As they all got up as they're master said Yintai said in surprise

Yintai:Younger Brother wait Lord Y/N has a sibling I thought he was an only child.

At that perceived insult Iaokath elbowed Yintai making him cough and said to Yintai

Iaokath:The Master has summoned us back from our mission show him respect it is only natural for him to have a brother after we we are siblings to aren't we?!

As Yintai was holding the place he was elbowed in he said

Yintai:Okay okay sorry sorry Iaokath!

Then as Y/N cough they all did soldier poses as Y/N said as Boruto entered the room with his clothes looking like this

Crimson Hunter said to Y/N in respect while bowing his head

Crimson Hunter:Master this is your younger brother?


As Crimson Hunter nodded the group of three Y/N created had gotten to kneeling as Y/N said to them in stern torn with an expression of conviction

Y/N:This is my only family I have left in this world if any of you hurt him you will answer to me and be punished accordingly is that clear my soldiers?

Yintai Iaokath and Crimson Hunter nodded then Boruto said embarrassed and grateful at the same time for his Big Brother's protection

Boruto:Big bro you don't have to go that far.

Y/N:You are my only family left if something happened to you I do not know how enraged and vengeful I would be understood.

Boruto nodded then Iaokath said to his master and creator Lord Y/N

Iaokath:Lord Y/N what is your bidding we are yearning to please you guide us to your enemies you wish to be killed.

Y/N:Do not rush I have to find them and you shall be part of that but for now I need you three to recharge inside my brain after being trapped there for 40 years your batteries need to recharge.

Crimson Hunter Iaokath and Yintai nodded then Crimson Hunter said

Crimson:What shall you have us do Lord Y/N?

Y/N:I am building an army to change the state of corruption and evil our planet is in the state of my most hated enemy Seimun is the propagator of that my plan is to create an army kill every single last one of his political allies and militia soldiers storm his castle and become the king everybody desires I am naming you Crimson Hunter to be the Second in command in charge of the army and my advisor understand?

Crimson Hunter:Yes thank you sir....

Then as Y/N sucked them into their charging stations within his mind he said to Boruto

Y/N:They are almost here I want you and I to go to the standing speech where everyone is signing up for our army let us begin the grand work to change the world.

Boruto slammed his fist to his palm and said with conviction and determination

Boruto:Alright let's do it!

Then as Y/N and Boruto stood in the speech stand outside where everyone forty-five hundred Saiyans had been Y/N said talking with the microphone

Y/N:Welcome everyone who has signed up our base you see behind you....

As everyone looked they gasped impressed at the massive fortress with Military Training Grounds A Council Meeting Place and A Targeting Map Room Y/N then said

Y/N:That fortress is our official base where we shall be training you all for six years in Military Training afterwards we shall begin the plan of targeting Seimun's Public Political Officials Allies and Supporters then target his Financial Resources then kill all of his soldiers that protect him and after we sway his Villager supporters to us we shall storm his castle and make a planet without war or tyranny only hope peace security and justice brought to our people and after you have made me the King of Sadala after everything that I have done for everyone on this planet we shall enter into a Peaceful and Safe Future!!!

As the entire group of 45'000 Saiyans cheered for him they said

Saiyan cheerers:Yeah we will help and you will be a great king!

Saiyan cheerers:Y/N we shall call you Lord Y/N our future King!

Then as Y/N talked to Boruto as his training commanders were training them Y/N said to Boruto inside their home in their beds since it was bedtime

Y/N:Our Revolution Plan begins in Six-Years Boruto how much do you think I've won them over?

Boruto:Well you were so charismatic that anyone would help you and even though you desire a world like you said in the speech why do we need an army I have been wondering that for awhile?

Y/N:Because if we just took Seimun's throne by force his lawyers political supporters and allies would get us ousted from power in a few weeks and then we would get banished from our own planet unable to change anything which is precisely what Seimun wants but if we absolutely and completely eradicate his political assets power base and his militia then when I become king after ending wars the people will proclaim me as a better king than Seimun ever was even after Seimun was king so I am doing this because we need every strategic move we can get to make a Revolution in this world.

Boruto:Okay then a few other questions Big Bro why is it that Seimun has lasted this long why has anyone else not ousted him already and how can we get to Solar System Level which is where Seimun is at?

Y/N:First of all Seimun has lasted this long because for one he is very strong and very favored by his political assets even when someone has taken his politicians out he just beat them anyway and when someone else took power from him he got it back within a few weeks so we have to play it smart not just with brawn but also with brains second everyone else who tried to oust him failed because they only thought power could defeat him but when they actually got power they got ousted and when others took out his politicians he beat them effortlessly because they thought their smarts could beat his brawn no you need both brawn and brains finally the way we can get to Solar System Level is by training in a harsh situation that is all there is to it.

Boruto:Okay thank you Big Bro for answering my questions g'night.

As Boruto snored while sleeping peacefully Y/N thought smiling while thinking as he slept after watching him for awhile

Y/N:(This is also one of the many reasons that I want to enact this Three-Way Revolution Plan because not only do I hate this broken and failing system that failed me and Boruto but also because I want to make a world that where Boruto my only family can be safe once more like in the days where the good Saiyans were still around soon My Revolution will succeed and I shall establish a new system tear the old one down and create a new world where I am the adored king however I do not want that but it is the only way I can see that will succeed to change every single evil and corrupt thing in this failed system eventually I will end all of this EVIL!!!)

After this Y/N had flashed back to Kefla he said

Y/N:That is about when the first step of my Revolution began to change everything in the failed system.

Kefla said curiously

Kefla:Then where is Boruto you loved and wished for a safe world for where is he?

Y/N lowered his eyes in shame and self-pity as he said after taking a breathe in and out

Y/N:I shall tell you that when I tell you why I hate Victon and Yaikor there is one thing I shall say though....

Y/N:When we get to that point it will be very sad and full of despair.

Then as Y/N began talking about his past once more

Y/N:Then after six-years of training up my army called the Renokath I had began targeting my enemies like Seimun's political assets his militia and setting up voters increasingly making my popularity increase more and more and more.

Kefla:Okay then what did you do who did you target first?

Y/N:Who I targeted first was a nameless official who had supported Seimun the leader of Seimun's assets politically once i explained my reasoning to destroy their group by cutting off the serpent's head we came and went to kill him.

See you in the next chapter so see you there my guys adios my amigos

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