Mated Dragons

By StylesWife17

448 18 0

The legend of kouka kingdom was that 2000 years ago, four dragon warriors were born to protect the crimson dr... More

Chapter 1: The Princess Yona
Chapter 2: Torn Bonds
Chapter 3: Distant Sky
Chapter 4: Wind Clan
Chapter 6: Red Hair
Chapter 7: Destiny
Chapter 8: Shaking Resolve
Chapter 9: Anticipation
Chapter 10: Blindfolded Dragon
Chapter 11: Echoing Fear
Chapter 12: Light
Chapter 13: To A New Land
Chapter 14: War Games
Chapter 15: Pirates Of Awa

Chapter 5: Howl

21 1 0
By StylesWife17

"I wish they had something smaller" I whispered to myself as I threw away another dagger "Hey, Master Hak? what are you doing here in the middle of the night?" "Sorry shop keep, didn't mean to wake you" "you know if you came during the day you wouldn't have to break the door down" he said looking at the door "I need a small sword and bow" I said continuing to look for the needed weapon "Are you going on a hunting expedition?"

"Yeah. Something like that" once I found a satisfactory weapon I stood up and handed him a bag of money "I may be gone for a while. Sorry to bother you" Master Hak? you're paying for these? This will cover your whole tab and then some" I smiled at him "Thanks for everything. Live a long life"

I watched Yuri's chest rise and fall. Her breathing being a lot calmer than it was earlier "He's back! Han-Dae's back!" I quickly got out of bed and ran to the room Tae-Yeon resided in "Tae-Yeon, are you all right?" I asked worriedly after he took his medicine "That was inhumanly fast, Han-Dae" "Leave it to Han-Dae" "Are you in pain?" "Is there anything you need?" "Thank you. I'm fine" he said giving the most adorable smile "AWWWW!!!!"

"Okay, I'm going to check on the merchants. I'll bury this corpse while I'm at it, too" Teu said grabbing Han-Dae by the neck and walking out. Once I knew Tae-Yeon was alright, I headed out for a walk. Suddenly I was bumped by a bunch of blankets "Oh, Rina, sorry" "it's ok Ma'am" "oh you don't have to call me ma'am?" she pushed some blankets on to me "Take these. Really, those Fire Tribe men are out of control. Hopefully we can ease some of their pain"

My eyes widened at the amount of bloodied people. I didn't even notice someone coming towards me "Whoops. Sorry, Rina I'm a little unsteady. Rina?" I snapped out of my haze "It's all right! We'll be fine with the Master and the elder around. Despite how they seem, they look out for their family" "Family?" I asked confused.

"Yeah! Everyone in the Wind Tribe is family. So you're part of our family now, too" his words made tears well in my eyes "Huh? Ah-" "Aww You made her cry, Han-Dae" Teu said walking over to us "Master Hak's gonna kill me!" I laughed at the two's antics.

'Hak and Mundok, and The kind people of the Wind Tribe They must be feeling such terrible pain, and intense rage. But they hide these feelings within, and smiles'

"Huh? Rina, are you all right?" I nodded knowing what I had to do

'I can't let these people get caught up in this!'

I went back to the room Yuri resided in and cuddled next to her. Having her next to me gave a sort of comfort. Knowing she was really here eased my heart. The next day when I woke up the bed Yuri was in was empty. I was surprised but then it turned into excitement that Yuri was finally up "Tae-Yeon?" I found him staring out a window "Rina"

"have you seen Yuri?" "Yeah. She went on a walk with Grandpa" I nodded looking at him with a gentle smile "What is it, Rina?" I kneeled down and bowed in front of him "I wanted to thank you" "Thank me?" "You gave me warm food, wiped away my tears, and brought me cheer. Thank you. Thank you for everything"

"It sounds like your saying goodbye" I leaned back up to see him look out the window before back at me. He suddenly pulled his hat over his eyes "But I-I wish he would stay" I quickly moved to hug him, laying his head against my chest

'Some nights, I wanted to die. But with this small body, with his strength and smiles that never showed the slightest sign of pain, he gave me courage'

"I will not forget you or the people who live here. Stay well, and take care" I said before getting up to go find Yuri and Hak. I found Yuri and Mundok walking towards me "Yuri! Your finally up!" I ran to her and pulled her into a tight hug "Hey Princess" "Please call me Yona, Yuri. Your like my big sister" she smiled as she pat my head. "Where's Hak" I asked looking around to find his tall stature "Yona..." I turned to face Yuri when I heard her somber tone "What is it?" "Hak...Hak left" my eyes widened.

'He wouldn't do that! He promised that he would stay by my side!'

"I'll let you two talk" Mundok said before walking off "why would he do that?" "Well Mundok said that he resigned his position as a general and left to travel" my heart broke "I'm leaving this place too" my eyes widened once more when Yuri said that "take me with you" I said grabbing her hands "Yona-" "If I stay here, Capital Fuuga will be caught in the conflict" she sighed through her nose.

"Hak already spoke to Mundok. This place is safe now. You should live quietly here" she said before turning to walk away "I don't remember allowing you to leave me" I said moving to stand in front of her "Yona, you can live a quiet and free life here. I don't have to take care of you anymore. If you keep quiet, Soo-Won won't do anything"

She tried to walk around me but I wasn't going to back down "I've already decided! I'll go with or without you" her eyes widened "Do you have money? If we're going to be traveling together, I'll have to protect you. And for someone with my skills I am a high price to pay" "I don't have anything to give you" "then goodbye, Princess Yona" she said walking around me. I didn't want to be left alone again so I knew no matter what I needed to convince her "But I want you! Yuri I don't wanna be alone. I want someone by my side. And I want that someone to be you"

She let out a huff and itched the side of her head "Damnit, it's so annoying...Fine. You win, Princess" She told me to get Mundok and tell him of the situation while she got ready before meeting her at the gate. "Mundok" I smiled as he pulled back from the hug "It seems like I'm losing two more grandchild" his words make me smile even more "Everyone told me that I was family. It made me happy. But That's why I'm leaving....Mundok, please protect the Wind Tribe"

Mundok nodded with teary eyes "Don't forget, Princess If you ever lose hope again and need assistance, the Wind Tribe is always on your side, no matter who stands against us, nor how far you may be" I nodded "Don't worry Mundok. I'll protect Yona with my life" she wore her uniform from the palace "looks like your uniform is fixed. She nodded with a smile "someone was nice enough to stitch it up for me" "bye Mundok!!" we both waved goodbye before heading on our adventure.


"How does the old man expect us to find someone, when we don't know where he is?" I said more to myself as I looked over the cliffs of the northern mountains.


"A priest?" Yona and I said confused "Yes. Since ancient times, a priest who has seen the Kingdom of Kouka's future is said to live somewhere within the Wind Tribe's territory. If you are unsure what to do next, you should seek out the priest. I am sure the priest will show you the way"

Flashback Over

"Long ago, the priest lived in a temple at the royal palace and was deeply involved in the kingdom's rule. After Yoo-Hon began oppressing the priest, he left the castle. Now he lives quietly, somewhere far from people." I looked out in the distance "Far from people...This certainly seems like somewhere a person could live" I smirked turning around "If you tried living here, you might fall off a cliff. But I'm sure one could do it if they really tried"

I sighed and lifted my hand in the air to stretch "By the way, Yona, if we must search every corner of this area, we'll have to sleep outside" "Oh? I've gotten somewhat used to it" "Unlike the mountains behind the castle, it gets cold here" I said turning to her "Then I'll snuggle against you while I sleep" my jaw dropped at her words.

'this child is so oblivious to her own words'

I shook my head but the sudden feeling I got from the ground made me freeze. I crouched down and rested my hand on the ground.


I grabbed Yona and pushed heragainst the cliffside "Yuri what are yo-" "Quiet" using my dragon eyes, I couldsee Fire Tribe soldiers heading our way "Footsteps. Forty No, fifty" I felt Yona Stiffen "Troops? I thought they weren't chasing us anymore" "No. There's too many to be troops" I grabbed Yona's hand and started running.

We came to an opening where arrowheads poked out from bushes. I grabbed my double bladed glaive and attached the poles to become one "Time to get to work" arrows came flying at us but I swung my glaive, breaking them without a sweat "Stay close, Princess" "She truly is a monster" "I see the Oranryuu is going strong" I turned to glare at the Son of the fire tribe general "So it is you"

"I've been waiting for this moment, General Lady Yuri and Princess Yona. I, Gang Tae-jun, of the Fire Tribe" I pulled the princess to the cliff edge and pointed out to the surroundings "Look Princess. Isn't the view just lovely" "What?! I've been practicing this for awhile how dare you ignore me!" he whined "Oh, you were talking to us?"

I folded my arms with a smirk "I'm General Yuri of the Earth Tribe and the Oranryuu. Hak may not be with us anymore but I am still Princess Yona's bodyguard and will protect her from anything. Including you!" the boy glared at me "and seeing as Hak isn't a General anymore means he has nothing to do with the Wind Tribe" he scoffed "I don't care about the Wind Tribe. I will make those who stand in my way disappear. I have business with Princess Yona!"

I glared at him and pulled Yona behind me "Don't let her rest!" arrows were shot at us once again but I kept any of them from touching the princess "Stop her!" a guard yelled "Archers, fire!" Tae-Jun yelled. I picked up the princess knowing that I would be able to keep running faster "You've gained weight, Princess" "that's because Hak made me" "After them!" I swung again at the next onslaught of arrows.

'There are arrows and soldiers closing from all sides. Damnit! Where are you when I need you Hak!'

"Aim for the princess!" myeyes widened and I hastily pulled Yona in front of me to block her from anyharm. A searing pain ran through my back and I had to step forward to keep mybalance "Yuri! Yuri, are you all right? Yuri!" "Don't worry about me. I'm fine""After them!" I pulled Yona and I into a bush with a small cave just before the soldiers arrived "We haven't found them yet. What about over there?" 

Once I was sure the soldiers were gone I turned to Yona "Don't move, no matter what" Yona looked at me worriedly "Yuri, you're bleeding" I smirked "don't worry Yona. It isn't mine" I headed out before she could say anything else.

I headed out and down the hill to lead them away. Not to long after I was out they came running towards me "Get her!" I could feel my body getting sluggish the more I cut down soldiers.

'Damnit! The arrow must have been poisoned'

I knew that I couldn't stop. I needed to get Yona out of here. As I cut down another guard the loud squawk of a bird made me turn my head. I looked at the sky to see a familiar bird.


"Mundok send this to Hak" I said handing him a letter "Hak might have left already but once he gets this I know he'll come running to help" Mundok nodded and I ran after to catch up with Yona.

Flashback Over


Because I wasn't paying attention I was slashed on my back. Snapping back into focus I turned to the soldier and split him down the middle. Quickly turning, I swung my glaive, cutting down a group of soldiers. When I looked up I noticed Yona standing in front of Tae-Jun "Why aren't you hiding!?" I knew I had to get to her. I started running up the hill but more soldiers surrounded me. I looked back at Yona before I turned back to the soldiers "Bring it on" I smirked.

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