The Sensei Siblings

By TheGastlyGarden

1.9K 62 18

(Y) and June... Two "siblings" an older alien adopted moth brother, and a younger tomboy sister. Both of them... More

2 - (Y) Adopts AI
Halloween Special! Part 1

1 - America 2.0

548 19 6
By TheGastlyGarden

Images... No memories passed through the minds of the two people as they fell through time and space.

One tall boy with a deadpan expression and the other a girl who hugged the boy like a scared cat.

(Y): "June calm down. This is hardly the weirdest thing you've seen."


(Y): "Don't you remember that time mom chased dad across the city with a Mad Max golf cart she spawned from nowhere because he fell asleep when mom wanted to have sex? Or that time you tried to make me jealous by claiming you got a boyfriend only for Dad to fly an F-16 into a random kid's house?"

June: "...Okay fair! But still, how are you so calm about this?!"

(Y) shrugs before a bright light blinds the two.

After shaking the light from his eyes (Y) looks to see an injured girl all blooded. She had white hair and had an assault rifle by her side.

???: "Oh my. I didn't expect to see two of you."

June who was cursing up a storm next to (Y) while trying to get her sight back finally looks at the girl, a little pissed.

June: "What the fuck?!"

(Y) looks the girl up and down. Noting everything about her... Hair color, eye color, every injury, and how bad said injury was. Nothing escaped his analytical eye.

(Y): "I'm surprised you're still alive."

The two girls look over to (Y).

(Y): "Your're injury's are enough to make any human die 10 times over... Yet here you are sitting and having a conversation with us. I take it you're the reason we are here?"

The mysterious girl giggled at (Y)

???: "They were right. You are smart. I guess I no longer have to worry about the students of Kivotos. I have a favor to ask both of you."

June: "Wait. Why would we accept anything you say? We don't even know you!"

???: "Please."

(Y): "June, let her ask."

June looks at her brother, before sighing.

June: "Fine... What's your favor?"

???: "Please look after the students of Kivotos. I'm running out of time and cannot explain everything... Just please remember this "We thirst for the seven wailings, We bear the known of Jericho" it's very important for what comes next... Please don't make the mistake I did. If they trust you... Then I trust you as well."

All that could be said after that was June saying "Wait!"

Before the sibling's vision once again, faded.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi June glaring at a Chibi Arisu who was sitting in Chibi (Y)'s lap as they played Minecraft Split Screen

???: "Sensei... Sensei..."

A female voice called out as (Y)'s vision returned to him.

As (Y)'s eyes flutter open he comes face-to-face with a tall woman. She had long black hair with a blue undertone, blue eyes, and elf ears.

When he woke up his sharp analytical eyes instantly turned to playful and naive.

(Y): "Oh! Hey. One second! Let me wake my sister."

(Y) turns around and scans the room for his sister. Finding her asleep on another chair. He gains a mischievous grin before sneaking up behind her and whispering something into her ear.

(Y): "Dad's making breakfa-"


June looks around for a second seeing the girl who has been watching the two interact. Before June could say or do anything (Y)'s voice entered her brain.

(Y): 'Don't say or do anything... Follow my lead... And let me play the idiot. We're in a questionable situation.'

June understood. This wasn't the first time (Y) had used his weird power... And she doubts it'll be the last.

???: "Apologies. You two fell asleep after I asked you to wait here. I even had some trouble waking you up... I didn't expect you to be sound asleep. You must have been having a dream. Anyways, gather yourselves and focus."

(Y) listened to her with a reluctant June following after him. She was holding his hand... (Y) was playing aloof. It was for the best but it still felt... Weird.

Rin: "Let me explain the current situation again. My name is Nanagami Rin, and I'm a General Students Council officer from the Academy City, Kivotos. And you two are teachers that have been summoned here... Or so it would seem. Pardon my uncertainty, but I only say that because I still don't fully understand how you got here."

June: "...Do you know who we are?"

Rin: "I was only told that a young man named (Y) was coming. They said he would be smart, analytical, and have special abilities that would help us with our situation."

June: "And me?"

Rin: "You... We're a surprise."

June grunted a bit.

(Y): "That was rude. 'Junebug' over here is my Gaming Ride or Die. She's great at TF2."

June: "You're scout playstyle still annoys me 'MellowMoth'."

(Y): "Sounds like a skill issue."

Rin clears her throat prompting the two siblings to look at her.

Rin: "Please follow me. I can explain on the way. I will also be asking for your assistance in a matter that if not taken care of quickly, can cause the destruction of the Academy City."

June: "Oh shit. This is serious, serious."

(Y): "Eh sure lead the way."

The two siblings follow Rin into an elevator.

Rin: "Welcome to Kivo-"

(Y): "Why is it so bright?!"

June: "Way too much white... And too much city for that matter."

(Y): "Mr. Beast must be fuming."

Rin: "Ahem! Welcome to Kivotos, Sensei's."

June: "Shit! I'm a teacher now too?!"

(Y): "This can't end well. Anyways continue!"

Rin: "Kivotos is a massive city, home to thousands of different academies. This is where you two will be working from now on."

(Y): "Question... How does the economy function? Like at all? Being home to thousands of different academies must cause a lot of rivalry."

Rin looks at (Y) with a blank look.

Rin: "Don't worry about it."

June: "Shit. By the law of Gig UK, you can no longer worry about it... They are too powerful."


Rin: "Judging by your reactions, this must be different from what you're used to. It may take some time, but I'm sure the both of you will adjust just fine. After all (Y) was chosen by the General Student Council president, and with June by your side I'm sure you two will be fine."

June: "Anyone else feeling like a side character or is it just me..."

Rin: "We can leave the rest of the details for later."

(Y): "Totally not a red flag right there."

The elevator door then opens upon (Y)'s sarcastic remark.

June: "At least the door finds you funny."

(Y): "You hurt me June... You hurt me."

Rin leads (Y) and June out of the Elevator into a "wait room" where 4 girls are whispering loudly to each other and looking around nervously.

(Y): "The gender ratio so far scares me."

The 4 girls look toward the elevator where (Y), June, and Rin are walking out of.

???. "There you are, Acting President! We've been waiting! Get the real president in here already!"

A girl with purplish hair and eyes walks up to the group

June: "Oh no she's either a Tsundere or a Karin... Both options scare me."

???: "Who's that adult and new girl next to you."


(Y): "Just be happy that she basically called you good-looking."

June: "I would rather you say that!"

Another girl with long black hair that is styled like (Y)'s just mostly black and longer in the back... Oh, and she had massive black crow wings.

???2: "I've been waiting to see you, Chief Officer."

June: "... I already don't like her."

(Y): "She had wings... I wonder if she can fly?"

Another girl with blond hair and elf ears walks up.

???3: "I'm here to meet with the General Student Council president. The head prefect has terms she would like to discuss."

June: "Okay your right the Gender ratio is fucked!"

(Y): "I feel like this will only somehow get worse."

Rin who was in front of the Siblings looked at the 4 new, uninvited guests annoyed.

Rin: "Well... This timing is rather inconvenient. Hello, guests who represent neighboring academies' student councils, disciplinary boards, and those who otherwise have too much time on their hands. I am well aware why you irksome-- I mean, important representatives have come here today. You're here to blame us for the fuss happening in Academy City. Isn't that right?"

???: "If you're well aware, then do something! You represent the General Student Council after all!"

(Y): "I don't think that's how it works..."

June: "Yea, shit takes time. We don't even know what's going on, but there's no magical fix-all button."

Everyone stares at the Siblings.

(Y): "Please don't tell me there's a magical fix-all button.-"

???: "Thousands of academy districts are in a panic! Our academy's wind generator shut down just a few days ago!"

???3: "There are also rumors a student under the Federal Corrections Bureau's custody has escaped."

Another girl who was kinda just in the back chilling suddenly speaks up. She has white hair with one white on the back of her head.

???4: "There has been a sharp increase in the number of thugs attacking our students on their way to school. Public safety is not being properly enforced."

???2: "Illegal distribution it tanks, choppers, and other unknown weapons have increased by over 2000 percent. At this rate, ordinary school life in Kivotos will be a thing of the past."


(Y): "Oh my gods this is America but 10 times worse..."

The group of natives looks at the two siblings who are questioning everything that the busty crow lady just said.

June: "Why the FUCK would you allow students to carry any weapon?!"

(Y): "And they question why the crime rate has gone up by 2000 percent..."

???: "Okay can we also point out the elephants in the room?!"

June: "Rude."

Rin: "Let me start by saying that The General Student Council president has gone missing. We have lost control of our authority because of this. We were searching for a way to bypass the need for verification, to no avail. That is until these two came into the picture... These two Teachers are the answers to our problems."

June: "Since when?"

(Y): "Maybe when we got here?"

June: "But why would we be the answer?"

(Y): "Hell if I know."

???: "Hold up. Who are these "Teachers" you're talking about? What are they doing here in the first place?"

???2: "Whoever they are there not from Kivotos.

Rin: "This is (Y), and June Rand. Not only are they going to be teaching in Kivotos, but they were also personally selected by the General Student Council president."

???: "The president who is now missing?"

(Y): "Funny how the world works, huh? Anyway, I'm (Y). This is my adoptive sister June Rand. Guess we'll be teaching you stuff..."

June: "What can I even teach them? You're good with Biology and everything nature-related."

(Y): "You're really good at art. You drew our Steam Profile Pics... Still can't believe you made mine a Moth smoking weed."

June: "You're Gamertag is MellowMoth!"

(Y): "But I don't do drugs! It's another word for chill! Draw the character in a garden or drinking tea!"

June: "You still used it..."

(Y): "You're good at art, and you made it for me. Of course, I'll use it."

June: "Love you~"

(Y): "Don't make this weird..."

Yuuka: "Right I'm Hayase Yuuka from Millennium High School! I mean- why am I even bothering to introduce myself right now?!"

Rin: "Don't worry about that annoying girl. Let's just move on..."

Yuuka: "Who are you calling annoying?! I'm Hayase Yuuka! You better remember it!"

June: "Cool nice meeting ya, Annoying girl."

(Y): "Nice to meet you."

Rin: "You're here to serve as the advisor for a club that was formed by the General Student Council president."

June: "Wait does that mean she owns two clubs?"

(Y): "No I think it's more like a queen creating a new branch of her military."

June: "Ah, that makes sense."

Rin: "In a way you're right. The Federal Investigation Club: Schale. This is as (Y) guessed, not an average club. It's more like a type of Extrajudicial Organization. Since it's a federal club, you'll be allowed to register students from any of the academies in Kivotos."

June: "So we're handling things the Government can't so to speak... We do the dirty work that you guys can't get involved with."

Rin: "In a way, yes. You two are permitted to conduct activities in each school district without restrictions."

(Y): "So we're staying with the outsider role. We don't follow the restrictions that one school district has."

Rin: "Yes."

June: "Okay. Can we also get our own firearms?"

Everyone raises an eyebrow at that as (Y) facepalms.

(Y): "June... We're not supposed to let them know that we're somewhat capable... The whole point is for them to underestimate us if things go south."

June: "Shit... Hey at least they don't know that you're-"

Before June could finish her sentence, (Y) already had his hand over her mouth.

June looked up at him and wiggled her eyebrows.

(Y): "We know how to handle weapons... Our parents were very important people and also badasses."

Rin: "We will need to reclaim the Schale Club room. It's about 30 kilometers away. Apparently, there is something in the basement that the president left for you. It's my job to take you there. I can give you two substitute firearms until I can order any specific ones for you."

(Y): "Any pistol with a silencer is fine for now."

June: "Give me a bolt action rifle for now."

Rin nodded as she pressed a small device in her ear.

Rin: "Momoka. I need a helicopter to take us to the Schale club room."

Momoka: "The Schale club room? That's over in the outskirts. Things are kind of crazy over there right now.'

Rin: "What do you mean by crazy?"

Momoka: "A suspended student escaped from the Corrections Bureau and is wreaking havoc. It's a battlefield over there right now!"

Rin: "What?"

Momoka: "They rallied all the thugs in the area and are destroying everything in their path to get revenge on the General Student Council. I hear they've even got a Crusader tank! They must be trying to occupy the Schale building because they know the General Student Council controls it. Maybe they think there's something valuable inside."

Rin looks more and more pissed she looks over to the Siblings who are looking at each other intensely.

Momoka: "Oh, well. The city's already a dump, so I don't think it'll make that much of a difference... Oh, great! The food I ordered is here. I'll talk to you later!"

Rin looks down angrily as the earpiece she had is now crushed.

(Y): "Get us that silenced pistol and a heavy assault rifle. We can go on foot."

Rin and the other girls look over to the Siblings.

(Y): "You have 4 students here, a girl who can destroy things with extreme prejudice, and me... Someone who can get into enemy back lines in an instant."

Rin looks over at the 4 visitors.

Rin: "You're right (Y) Sensei. It's so reassuring to have 4 trustworthy academy representatives here with us. Let's get you and you're sister a gun."

(Y) nods as his eyes sharpen. June gets up with a grin.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Kayoko sleeping on a blushing Chibi (Y)'s shoulder as Chibi June glares at Chibi Kayoko while loading a pistol.

Gunshots flew over the cover that June and (Y) we're behind

Yuuka: "Why do we have to be the ones fighting them?!"

Chinatsu: "Rin said defending the club room is paramount if they're to regain control of Sanctum Tower."

Yuuka: "I get that, but I belong to my school's student council! Why is the busy work like this falling to me?"

June: "Hey! At least you're bulletproof! If I get hit I get hurt! Like really badly!"

Hasumi: "June Sensei is right."

(Y): "My turn."

Before the others can react (Y) rushes out of cover as June pops up with a grin and starts gunning the thugs down.

The 4 girls watch in amazement as (Y) dodges the bullets before popping one round into one thug's head at point blank. Using the momentum built up he springboards off the girl and twirls sideways mid-air knocking out 2 more before his arms rip in half causing 2 arms to become 4. The new arms quickly gained a long 14-inch blade-like spike to appear from his knuckles. While low to the ground he dashes toward his next victims using the spikes to take out 3 thugs along the way and using his pistol to knock out 4 more students. Needing to reload (Y)'s two new arms retract the blade and reload his pistol as his first two arms grow the same blade-like stinger as he continues the offense while reloading.

June was taking down any thug that (Y) didn't focus on. Running and gunning and when close beating the shit out of thugs with a metal pipe.

All the girls could do was watch in awe as the siblings cleaned the streets. One with the efficiency of an assassin and the other with the unpredictability of a drunk.

Rin who was watching all of this from her office just stared wide-eyed at the two.

Rin: "...This is a welcome surprise. I have a feeling Kivotos is in good hands..."

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