What If (Chandler Riggs Fanfi...

By walkerlady

42 6 3

What if your life was perfect? You were rich, had thousands of fans, got to do anything you wanted whenever y... More

Chapter 1

42 6 3
By walkerlady

I wake up in my familiar comfy bed, I look at my alarm clock it's 9:57 a.m. I sigh and sit up in my bed and stretch.

I slip on my slippers and climb down my stairs, I see a note on the fridge from my dad.

I left for work early today and shouldn't be home until after dinner, I left you 50 dollars on the table if you get bored. Paulina is coming late, so make yourself whatever. Love you and try to have a nice day.
Love, dad

I rolled my eyes and threw the white note in the trash, what's new? Paulina is our maid, she's very nice and helps me with my spanish homework a lot since I'm homeschooled, Paulina had been working for us for 10 years and is almost like a mom to me.

I grab a carton of milk and a bowl, I frown when I see there's no milk left and throw the container away. Since I'm too lazy to make eggs, I decide to take the bus to the local diner.

I take a quick shower and leave my long brown hair down. My hair stops right at my bum when it's down so it gets in the way a lot. I put on some mascara and foundation on, I smudge on some red lip stain and put on my old 'I <3 NYC' shirt. My dad got it for me a couple years ago and it's just barely starting to fit me. I throw on some light washed shorts and my white converse. I fix my messy hair in the mirror one last time and start to head out the door. Right as I'm about to close the front door I stop it just before it shuts with my foot and grab my wallet that has my money and keys in it.

I wait at the bus stop for what seems like centuries, with whining children, the mothers telling them to be quiet, people who smell like they just crawled out of the trash, and just weird people in general. You think I'd have a private limousine or a BMW since I'm rich, but my dad thinks I should wait until I'm 17 which is in 2 months anyways so really I don't mind taking the bus for now. In fact, I like being by myself on the bus, it lets me think. The bus finally arrives and I show the driver my ticket. I find a spot in the very back where I can be all alone, I reach into my back pocket and grab my tangled headphones, once I finally untangle them I put my playlist on shuffle and smile as one of my favorite songs come on, I write sins, not tragedies by Panic At The Disco!

If I were by myself right now I'd be going totally crazy. I've begged my dad so many times if I could get a lip piercing because I find them so cool but he says it'd make me look trashy and unprofessional.

I see my stop and pull down my hook I say thank you to the bus driver and jump off the crazy ride.

As I walk into the diner, I receive looks and whispers, I remember the glasses on my head and put them on so people don't recognize me.

"Hey! Is that my lil sugar bug?!" Constance says.

She's way too old to be working at a diner but she's the owner and she refuses to sell it or give it to someone in her family.

"Hey Constance how you doing?" I ask helping her sit down at a booth.

"Ya know... the same old honey, people tryna steal my restaurant and they sayin' it's all about money. Well not for me! My brother made this diner with his own hands I ain't gonna sell it for no money, to me it's priceless," She said proudly, she tells me this everytime I come but I think she forgets so I let her go on until she's done. she was wearing her usual old pink diner dress with her grey hair in a bun and her brown skin was ashy.

"How bout you sugar?" She said nodding her head and smiling. She was wearing her usual pink diner dress, the white was dingy and the pink was starting to fade, her grey hair was in a bun with a hairnet over it and her brown skin was ashy and wrinkly.

"Same old, ya know." I shrugged there was nothing new really.

"And your dad? Haven't seen him in a bit." She said slouched over with her hands folded within one another.

"Oh he's doing just fine with... well, everything." I shrugged once again.

"Oooh!! I just can't wait till the next episode of his show, that Daryl boy is just a cutie!" She said smiling revealing her dentures and yellowed teeth.

I giggle at her excitement and help her back into the kitchen, so she could help cook.

"Okay hun, I'll have someone out in just a sec to get you what you need. And don't you worry it's on the house as always!" She went into the back as I sat at my booth and waited.

A mid-aged lady with blonde hair came over to where I was sitting and grabbed a pen and paper, I didn't recognize her so she must've been new.

"Good morning, what can I get you?" She mumbled with her thick country accent standing out.

"I'll have the Wacky omelet without mushrooms and a side of hash browns with chocolate milk." I said my regular, as always.

"Would you like grits with that?"

"No, I'm good." I said still scanning the menu as if I was going to actually get something else, I handed her the menu as she scoffed,

"It'll be out in a bit."

What's her deal...

Only a few minutes later, as promised, my food came out. I ate it all in just a few minutes and went to the front counter to pay. Even though Constance always says not to, I always do.

"It'll be $12.67. Would you like to leave a tip for your waitress?" The checkout lady smiled at me.

I gave her $20.00 and told her to take the recent of the change and give it to my waitress, and she gave me a warm smile.

As I was turning to leave, I turned my head to the commotion going on to the left of me.

"Really I'm sorry I just don't have enough money on me! Now, please lady get off me!" I heard someone yell.

I gasped as I saw Constance on the floor and helped her up slowly.

"What's the matter?!" I asked her.

"This boy isn't paying me my damn money!" She pointed at him.

Chandler's Pov
"Thank you for the delicious meal."
I tell the waitress.

As I get up to check my pockets for money, I realize I left my wallet back home.

"Um, listen..." I say to the lady, I lower my black shades so she can see my eyes.

"You may not recognize me, but I'm from a very popular show called The Walk-" I whisper.

"So you're saying you don't have enough money?" She said raising her eyebrow.

"I can get it to you, just let me leave and-" I whisper trying not to start anything.

"Constance!!! We've got a non-payer!!!" She yells out into the kitchen.

Just fucking great, why are people so stupid.. don't they know who I am?

I get up to leave, my manager will take care of it.

"Hey son, you're not going anywhere! I'm gonna call the police!" The old black lady yells as she grabs onto my the hood of my sweatshirt choking me almost.

I push her off of me and people start to make a crowd.

"Really, I'm sorry. I just don't have the money right now! I'm gonna be late!" I turn around realizing I pushed harder than I thought and the old lady was now on the floor.

A girl comes rushing up to the crowd and helps the lady up into the kitchen.

Once she comes back she looks me straight into the eyes and says,

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" She yells.

"Chandler Carlton Riggs." I say under my breath, I look at my watch and I'm already late.

She raises her eyebrows at that and pays for my breakfast.

We are finally out of the diner, when she grabs my hand tightly and pulls me into an ally.

"Woah, if you wanted things to get heated-" I start,

"Eww no!" She says making a face that almost offends me.

"I know you, that's why I pulled you over here." She says.

"Well duh, everyone knows me," I say smirking,

"Here what's your name, I can get you an autograph. It's on me for paying for my breakfast, hurry up I'm already late enough for work." I say pulling out my phone so I can get her information.

"If I could punch you right now, I so would. Look idiot I wanted to ask you for a favor." She says while rolling her eyes and squeezing my forearm.

"Maybe if you were a bit nicer.... And ouch." I say, pulling away from her grip

"Just listen to me, please!" She begs and gets closer to me.

She smells like fresh fruit and her eyes are a greenish-brown, I almost got lost in them.

"Fine." I sigh giving in, I mean who wouldn't give in when a pretty girl asks for a favor.

"Yes!" She smiles the brightest smile and sighs.

I look at her for awhile as she's staring at me, I clear my throat as I realized I've been staring her down and say,

"Well, um, anyways what's the favor?" I say getting to the point.

"Can I go on a date with you?" She says fluttering her eyes.

"Wait, really? I mean-" I say scratching the back of my head and almost blushing.

"No I was kidding, wow are you really that gullible?" She laughs,

"Okay the real favor is, I wanted you to keep on eye on my dad." She says seriously.

"Your dad?" I ask cluelessly.

"You work with him...? Andrew Lincoln. You know your dad, my dad, whatever." She rolls her eyes and smiles a little.

"Wait, you're Lydia?" I say surprised, I almost gasp

She nods slowly.

"Woah I mean wow, I- you've just changed so much. we use to hang out as little kids, I- you're just so pr-" I stop myself before calling her pretty. I was rambling way too much.

She raises her eyebrow.

"Well uh yeah sure, whatever." I say quickly.

Wow nice save Chandler I give myself a mental slap and smile at her.

"Umm, okay yeah, well. Just tell me if he's around any girls flirting you know anything crazy like that." She stated.

"Yeah... so what's in it for me?" I say blankly

"Preventing the spread of this," she says while giving me her phone

I look and it's a video of me pushing down the lady inside the diner.

I could definitely not let that happen, my manager would kill me.

"Okay deal." I shook her hand and just as she was about to let go, I grabbed her hand again.

"Uh, maybe we could- see each other again?" I say looking down at her nose, not making complete eye contact.

"Well how else am I going get any new stuff about my dad?" She smirks as she lets go of my hand and starts walking away.

I catch up with her and walk besides her.

"Well I look forward to that, and um I'll make sure to look out for him." I smile at her.

"Yeah, I will too... Hey, don't you have a job to get to?" She says raising her eyebrow and smirks.

"Oh shit!" I pick up my pace and run down the street, I look back once and see her on the sidewalk staring at me.

She's different from the other girls, I like her.

Hey guys! I hope you like this story so far, I'm trying out new ideas and hopefully all the chapters will have good detail like this one, sadly that might mean it will take longer.

Please leave some comments and votes on this chapter for the next chapter.

If you have any questions, concerns, or recommendations just private message me!

Thanks! ~Angie🌞

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