For You I'd Risk It All | b.w...

By bradderzgirl_xx

5.7K 264 157

Leigha is an 18 year old girl from America, but when she has to move to Birmingham, her life changes complete... More

New Friends?
More Than Just Friends.
High Hopes
My Other Half
Perfect Night
Moving Again?!
She Was The One; He was The One
I Cant Do This Anymore...
Better Off Without You?
No Hard Feelings
It Wasn't My Fault..
N-No... No Y-You're L-Lying..!
She Doesn't Remember.
I Think I Love You.
Wake Up.
Baby, You're My One And Only.
I love you, It's as simple as that
Mr. & Mrs. Simpson (Finale)

Risking It All

315 14 12
By bradderzgirl_xx

~ Leigha's POV ~
As soon as I opened the door, I regretted offering to see who was here. There stood Laura, glaring at me. If looks could kill, I'd be laying on the floor by now. "Hi" I said while putting on a fake smile. She scoffed at me in return. "Could you just go tell my boyfriend to come here" she spat at me. As soon as she the word boyfriend, I felt tears prick my eyes. "Uh... Yeah sure. Wait here" I said trying my hardest not to lash out on her right there and then. "Hurry up" she snapped as I was walking into the living room. I walked in the living room, causing everyone to look up from their phones. By now tears were cascading freely down my cheeks. "Leigha what's wr-" Brad started as he rushed over to me and tried to hug me, but I cut him off. "Your girlfriend wants to see you" I snapped at him causing him to jump. "Leigha what are you ta-" I cut him off for the second time. "Laura, your girlfriend, is waiting for you" I said raising my voice at him. He tried saying something else, but I just shoved past him to sit on the sofa, where Rachel was trying to comfort me. Brad just rolled his and made his way to the front door. We couldn't hear what they were saying. For all I know they were probably making out. I was really annoyed with Brad at the moment. When he returned, he looked really mad. To be completely honest, I couldn't care less. I was really hurt that he lied to me. He told me he broke up with Laura for me! I knew it was too good to be true, but I was just too blind to realize. "Are you guys ready to go bowling or what" he growled. Great he's gonna be in a mood the rest of the night. Once we arrived, there was music playing, and flashing lights all around. It was pretty cool I must say. "Alright the next song is called 'Last Night' by The Vamps" someone said over the loud speaker. "Hey I've heard of The Vamps before! Although I've only ever heard 'Lovestruck'. I think that's what it's called" I said remembering when I heard the song on Pandora while I was at Starbucks. Everyone looked at me like I had 5 heads, then they all started busting out laughing except Brad. "What" I questioned oblivious to what they were laughing at. "You've met The Vamps, Leigha" Tris said like I was dumb. "No I haven't" I said not understanding what they were saying. "Leigha, we're The Vamps" James laughed. "You're what?!" I said in astonishment. "For fucks sake, Leigha! We're, as in me, Con, Tris, and James, are The Vamps. What is so hard to understand? Damn." Brad practically yelled at me. Tears started rolling down my cheeks once again. Everyone looked at him shocked. "Geez man. What is your problem" Con asked Brad. "Well I don't understand how Leigha is so dumb" he said flatly. This killed me. Why is he acting this way? I was officially done with this asshole. All the girls came over to me to try and calm me down. "I-I'm just gonna go" I croaked out to them. "No Leigha! You don't even have a ride home" Lauren said. "Don't worry I'll just walk. I don't want to be here with this ass any longer than I have to be" I said while glaring at Brad. "Oh grow up" he laughed at me. "Shut up Brad" Molly yelled at him. "No! Why don't you shut the fuck up" he screamed back at her. "Don't talk to my girlfriend like that" Connor said while getting into Brad's face. Brad got into Con's face as well. Tris pulled Connor away as James got Brad. "Get your fucking hands off of me" Brad yelled at James, while pushing him away. "Brad calm the fuck down" I screamed at him. "Shut the fuck up" he yelled back while coming over to me. I was scared that he was going to hit me or something. "I'm tired of your shit Leigha! Everything was better when you weren't around! You know what? I wish Molly never brought you here, that way I would still be happy with Laura!" Brad screamed at me. This infuriated me. "What the hell did I ever do to you Brad? Huh? You're the one that lied to me and said that you broke up with Laura for me!" I yelled back. "I didn't fucking lie Leigha! I actually did break up with her! She came over tonight to try and get me back! But you know what she told me? She told me that she saw you sneaking around with some other guy last night" he said raising his voice even louder. I was beyond furious at this point. How could he believe that lying bitch. He knows damn well that I was at Molly's house all night. For fucks sake he slept on the sofa with me! "Brad you know damn well that I was at the house all night last night! You were sleeping on the sofa with me for fucks sake! I don't even know any other guys here besides you Tris, Con, and James! You know I thought you actually cared about me" I said as more tears fell from my eyes. "Well you thought wrong" he said back coldly. My heart shattered into a million pieces. "You know what? I'm out of your life and all your lives" I said looking at everyone. "That's clearly what you want isn't it? Me gone. Well you might as well just go back to Laura because you're clearly happy with her." I said my voice quivering. "Leigha please don't do this" Molly cried. "Please you're our best friend" Lauren was crying as well. "We all need you, even Brad" Rachel whispered in my ear while they all gave me a big hug. They were all crying, which made me cry even harder. "I guess this is goodbye then" I said to them all. "Leigha please don't go" James choked out. "Please just let Brad cool down" Tris said while giving me a tight hug, resulting in Con and James giving me a hug as well. "I'm sorry guys, but it's for the best. Im not welcome here anymore." By now everyone was crying even Tris, Con, James and Brad? Brad was actually crying? Well now I feel like shit. I gave everyone a hug except Brad. I walked out of the bowling alley and I started my journey back to my house. This was all a mistake. I wish I never met them.
~ At home ~
I walked into my house and luckily my mom was already in bed. I mean don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but I just don't want to end up fighting with her too. I went up to my room and slowly shut the door. I slid down the door and cried my eyes out. Why me? Why did this have to happen to me? The next thing I knew I was out like a light.
I woke up the next morning to see I was sleeping in the floor. The next thing I knew all of the memories from last night came flooding back to me. I didn't feel like crying my eyes out at the moment, so I pushed the thoughts aside. Then I remembered I still had a lot of my stuff at Molly's. I decided that I would go over and get it later. I picked up my MacBook Pro, which has a floral case, and I decided to log onto Twitter. After scrolling through my feed, I came across tweets from Molly, Lauren, Rachel, James, Tris, and Con. Nothing from Brad, typical. I decided to read the tweets.
Lauren: Please come back... We miss you! 😔💕
Rachel: We need you back! 😭❤️
Molly: Just know that we all still love you! Missing you like crazy right now!😔💜
James: Come back... It's too quiet! 😔
Tris: Nobody is the same. We need you! 😟
Con: We need to talk to you! Come back 😪
After I read them, I decided to go onto Brad's account. Don't judge me. I searched his name and went onto his account. I was surprised to find that he tweeted a lot last night.
1st tweet- "This is all my fault." This made tears form in my eyes.
2nd tweet- "I'm such an asshole" I felt a wave of sadness rush through me.
3rd tweet- "You were my everything" at this point I was crying.
4th tweet- "I need you. You complete me. You're like the missing puzzle piece I need to make it complete. I'm so sorry"
Even know they were indirect tweets, I knew they were about me. I decided to shut my laptop and go downstairs to get some breakfast. I decided on a bowl of granola topped with fresh fruit. After I ate, I headed back upstairs to have a quick shower. Once I got out, I brushed my teeth, and put my contacts in. Yes I wear glasses, but only at home. After that, I made my way to my vanity table to blow dry my hair. After it was completely dry, I decided on straightening it. For makeup I decided on just some eyeliner, mascara, and lip balm. I walked into my walk-in wardrobe and pulled out a pair of light blue high-waisted shorts, and a crop-top with daises on it. After getting dressed, I put on some socks and pulled on my white high-top converse. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table, and made my way back downstairs. I told my mom that I was going out for a bit, to which she agreed to. I made my way down the street, but passed Molly's house. I decided to go to the nearest park to relax for a bit. Once I got there, I sat down on a little bench right in front of a beautiful lake. I sat there for a good 30-45 minutes just thinking about life. I got up and made my way back. I walked up the driveway to Molly's houses once I got to the door, I knocked ever so lightly. I heard footsteps coming closer. There was no backing out now. The door opened revealing....
Another cliffhanger! Sorry😂😳
Who Do you think answered the door? 😁🙊 Sorry for the strong language throughout the chapter. Comments are highly appreciated!
Ily guys! 😊😘
~ Leigha 💕

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