Fighting for The Eradicator

By Casanova702

18.3K 579 13

Cassandra is the daughter of the famous Triple H. As she works as Director of Creative for WWE. This is where... More

Meeting Her
Check Mate
Date Night with the Nightmare
Not Finished
Fight for us
What about Us
Thoughts and Prayers
Life away from home.
A Reminder
Fixing us
bad things comes in threes
I need you
Believing you
Dying Wish
Your Rubber Band
Don't Let Me Fall
Teasing and Jealousy


460 23 1
By Casanova702

    I did everything I could do in my control to make sure my dad and my sisters were taken care of before I left to head back to Florida to take over the company for a while. I finished putting the groceries so bought for them away and making sure that everything for my dad regarding my mom's affairs was taking care of. I went back upstairs and into my room seeing Demi packing our things, making sure that we had everything and that nothing was left behind. "Hey baby, how are you doing today." She looked at me with kind eyes and a soft smile. I pushed past her, going into the bathroom and grabbing a few things that I wanted to bring home instead of leaving. "Cas?" I looked over to my wife who gave me a worried look as she rested against the door. "I'm fine Demi. I'm just trying to get everything because we have to leave and make it home for the dogs and I need to get arena tonight early to make everything is ready and things are in order." Pushing past her again, throwing then small things into my suitcase, letting out a small sigh. I felt Demi wrap her arms around my waist , resting her head on my shoulder, kissing my neck sweetly. It felt nice and comforting but I couldn't let myself feel anything right now. "What can I help with right now?" She asked me, kissing me a few more times before I pushed off of her. "There's nothing you can do Demi. Let's go or I'm going to be late and I don't want to hear shit from anyone about the head of the company late." She grabbed my wrist as I looked at her. "Cas, I'm worried about you. I know you're pushing me away from you and I know you need to grieve the way you need. But you don't have to do this on your own baby, I'm here for you , to help you through this." I saw the love and the sadness in her eyes but all I could feel is anger. "Just like you help me through our relationship right." I pulled my hand back as I heard the hurt in her voice as I walked out of the room. I made it outside to the rental and throwing my bag in the back as I went to the driver seat and started the car. I heard Demi throwing her bag in and slamming the door to the trunk , breaking me out of my thoughts. "Your dad is looking for you, love." She whispered to me as she stood by the door waiting for me to come out. "Okay." I took a few deep breaths , jumping out of the car and heading back inside to find my dad and sisters waiting for me.  I saw my dad fighting back tears as I went to hug him first, his arms held me tightly as he took a deep breath. "Things will be fine here sweetheart. Live your best life with Demi, go travel and explore the world with her. Treasure your marriage the way I treasured mine, Demi loves you Cassandra. I'll come back to the company once I feel ready, but don't let yourself drown in work." I didn't respond back because everything he said I was going to either do or do the opposite.  He kissed my temple before letting go, I saw Demi hugging my sisters as they cried in her arms. I knew that we shouldn't be leaving so fast but with the dogs not here with us and then the company. I needed a distraction, I needed to busy myself from everything that I was feeling.

     The ride to the airport and back home was nothing but silence between me and Demi. She was being so kind,respectful and honestly a great wife. I felt guilty for the way I acted earlier towards her but I couldn't help it.  She pulled her truck into the driveway , opening the garage door. "What time do you need to be there tonight?" she asked me as I stared at the garage. "I'm gonna go get ready now and leave within the hour. Tomorrow our flights to raw are leaving around 12 so we will have to go straight to the arena right after we land." She nodded as she got out of her truck and walked over to my side to help me out but I jumped out when she reached me. I looked at her as I saw the anger but then hurt in her face.  I grabbed my own bag and made my way back into the house as the dogs were so excited to see us as they jumped all over me and then Demi when she came into the mud room. "Guys enough, Go!" I raised my voice as the dogs immediately stopped as Zeus tucked his head and ran down the hallway as Barry hung his down. "Cas that was uncalled for. They were excited to see you after not seeing you for almost a week. They are dogs , they don't understand what you're going through. You didn't need to yell at them." Demi looked at me as her voice was slightly angry. " Well they should know better than jumping on us like that. I'm not fucking having this conversation with you. I have more important shit to do." I stormed out of the room and down the hallway, making my way upstairs to get ready. I slammed the bathroom door as I screamed out of frustration, swiping my hand across my vanity, breaking everything as it crashed on the floor. "FUCK." I pushed my hair back keeping  my hands in my hair as I looked at everything, feeling the warm tears falling down my face. "Cas , are you okay. What was that loud crash." I heard the door trying to open but I quickly locked the door, resting my head against it. "Baby." I heard her voice crack as I silently sobbed knowing I'm acting irrationally, I'm spiraling in emotions.
    I eventually got ready, wearing my all black suit as I finished my makeup. I looked at all the broken glass and my jewelry on the floor next to my vanity. I grabbed my phone, quickly walking out of the room as I saw Demi sitting in the bed as she stood up quickly. "Cas." I saw her face as it was worried, her eyes were red and puffy. "Stay home tonight, take a break for yourself. This isn't good for you." I rolled my eyes as I walked back downstairs, grabbing my work bag from my office , my keys and wallet as I heading to the door.  "Cas , please. You're going to burn yourself doing this. You need to morn and grieve. I know you said you have to pay the bills but i'm making enough right now to cover everything. Take time off and morn babe." I looked at her as I licked over my teeth. "You don't get to tell me what I should be doing or not be doing. Just because we're married now doesn't change the fact that you still have a lot more trust that needs to be established with me. Just because my mom died doesn't mean you get a free pass." I watched her face falter as my words hit her like a rock, hearing me throwing the past in her face. I took a deep breath as I knew what I said was uncalled for but before I could say anything she kissed me goodbye and told me to be safe driving. I saw Zeus sitting down the hallway as I heard him whimper as he held his head down and went towards the living room.

-Time skip-
   I came back home late tonight as I was getting everything ready for summer slam since it's our next big event and I had to finalize the schedule.  I pulled into the house, seeing it was dark and the house was quiet. I made my way to the office, closing the door and sitting behind my desk. 
    I finished more work for the company and for the wrestlers as I rubbed my eyes and taking a sigh. I looked over to my desk , noticing all of the pictures. I picked up the one of me and my mom as I smiled at it, remembering the memory of it.  I set it back down and turning back to my computer realizing the time and how late it truly was. I made my way up to our room as I saw Demi lying on her stomach, her bare back uncovered as she slept peacefully. I felt my stomach turn knowing what I said to her earlier and how it hurt her. I stripped my clothes away , hanging up my suit before crawling into bed next to her. I turned to my side as I reached over , lightly trailing my fingers along her back seeing her muscles tensing and then relaxing to my touch. She turned her head over to me , her arm slinking over my hips as she pulled me into her. "Did you just get home?" I shook my head no as I pushed back the hair on her face. "No, I was doing some work in the office after I got home." She let out a soft sigh as she made herself comfortable. "Demi." I whispered to her as I was still tracing her back, hearing her hum in response. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier, It was unfair and un called for. I'm sorry." She opened her eyes again, turning her body towards me as she pulled me even closer. "I know. Come on you need to sleep." She kissed my temple, tightening her grip on me as she started falling back asleep.
    This morning was a hard morning for me and Demi as I was just snapping on her left and right . She was just taking it as she made sure that we both were on time for the airport. Once we landed in Arizona, she made sure to grab all of the bags and the rental. We went straight to the arena and parked in the back parking spot. I walked to my office as she went to her locker room, to do whatever she needed to do to get ready since she had a match later. I opened my office door, placing my things down and instantly getting to work and making sure everything is going to go smoothly.  I looked at my phone seeing that Demi was up to go in the ring next. I grabbed my blazer , putting it on and making my way to the gorilla to watch and make sure things are going well. I walked down the hallway, a few wrestlers waved to me and said hello which a returned to them. I walked into the room seeing Demi was making her way down the ramp as Finn and Damien were watching from the monitors. "Hey Cassandra , I'm so sorry for your loss.I can't imagine what you are going through. How are you hanging in there?" Damien gave me a warm hug as I shrugged my shoulders at him. "Doing the best I can for the time being. It hasn't truly hit yet." He looked at me with a worried look. "Is that because you don't want to accept it or you're distracting yourself with work." I looked at him and then quickly turned my attention back to the ring as I watch Demi destroying her opponent. I can see the anger and the frustration coming out of her and onto her opponent, I couldn't help but feel guilty that I had a play in this.  
    She won her match and the guys ran out to celebrate her as I smiled seeing her happy and smiling.  I went back to my office and sat behind my desk pulling up my laptop and answering emails, trying to figure out what is going to happen for the next PPV and who is going and who's staying. I heard a knock on my door , looking up I saw the one man that made my blood boil.
    "Adam." I leaned back in my chair, crossing my arms as I watched him walk into my office with that stupid look on his face. "Sad excuse for a company director." I bit my lip from saying something I'd regret right now. "What do you want. Let me guess you want a match huh." He smiled as he nodded his head. "I want payback on the Judgment day, I want to destroy them."  I raised my eyebrow as he paced back and forth in front of my desk. "And why's that. Because you got betrayed, oh poor edge. I'm not going to let you destroy a faction that has high ratings and is currently very well liked by the people. I'll give you match but you won't be destroying them." I looked back at him , not even flinching at him as his hands slammed on my desk. "They deserve to be disband . That was my faction, my idea and you're gonna let them take it and run with it." I nodded my head as I looked at him with no emotions. "Oh is it because of your wife huh. You want to give her something to feel like she belongs huh. How kind of you looking out for her but remember last time you did that, didn't that back fire and hurt her career. You really think it's a good idea to repeat history again." He crossed his arms looking down at me like he won the battle but I simply looked at my hand unamused. "It's quite funny actually that she and the boys have no leaders and they make their own schedules, I just sign off on them. They seem to be doing alot better than they were with you. I mean look at my wife, she's on a winning streak, unstoppable." I looked back at him with a sly smirk on my face as he look pissed. "I'll give you match against Priest and Finn.A triple threat match if that's what you want but you already know who's gonna win so up to you." He scoffed as I stood up from behind my desk. "You know you're such an egotistical and entitled little bitch." I locked my jaw in place as I took a deep breath. "I can't believe that your family could ever entrust you with a multi billion dollar company to a 27 year old. You can't save a storyline or a wrestlers name for shit, only caring about your own right.  You'll never be half of the woman your mother was." I looked at him angrily as I stormed over to him as I stood 3 inches away from him. "You keep my mom out of your fucking mouth if you know what's good for you." He challenged me right back. "It's the truth, you try to fill her shoes , but you'll never be anything close to your mother. It's a great thing she passed away before seeing you burn this company and everyone with it to the fucking ground. She would have been embarrassed to call you a daughter, hell who's to say that she didn't die already believing it." I felt my eyes getting clouded by the tears forming as I grabbed Edge by the back of neck roughly as I walked him out of my room. I threw him against the wall hard as I heard him grunt at impact. I grabbed his next again as I pulled him to the gorilla as wrestlers who saw me in the hallway move out of my way in fear of seeing me this pissed off and a scared Edge in my grip.  I turned the corner , seeing Demi talking to Charlotte as I passed them seeing the shock and horror on their faces. "Cas what the hell are you. Let him go." Demi grabbed my arm roughly as I pulled away from her roughly. "You touch me I won't hesitate to do the same thing to you." I pushed edge to the curtain as the sound guys didn't wait a second longer as I stepped out. "You want to talk shit. You want to act all high and mighty. Let's see how to act in the ring." I stormed down to the ring as I slid under the bottom rope as I waited for Edge who stood there in fear and shock. He made his way down slowly as he kept a close eye on me as he climbed over the rope. "You wanna talk about my dead mom then go for it , come on lemme hear more. I bet you've been dying to have me in this ring huh. Think that makes you man, to degrade women." I watched his face twist in emotions as he watch me pace the ring. "COME ON EDGE IM RIGHT HERE. DO IT." I screamed at him, seeing him shake his head as he was backing down. "Cassandra you're not in the right head space. come on let's leave the ring and we can talk in private." I had enough of talking as I ran to him and spearing him to the ground as the crowd went insane and cheered. "You lost your right to speak to me." I grabbed his collar of his jacket lifting him up and into a suplex as I slammed him hard on his back. "That's enough cas." I had two arms wrapped around me as I fought back the tears. "Let me go. Get off me ." Breaking free from the grasp I saw Charlotte standing in the ring as I rolled my eyes at her. Walking back to edge as I grabbed him once more pulling his scruff. "You're fired." I threw his head back as I walked to the ropes to exit the ring, The JD music went off and all three members ran into the ring as they attacked Edge. Well the guys did, Demi stood next to me as she looked at me worried. I climbed out and made my way back up to the gorilla, and ignoring everyone coming up to me. I sat behind my desk as I cried into my hands as I thought about everything he said about my mom and questioning if I'm half the woman she was.

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