The Academy

By Randompovs616

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Y/n Nash is finally in their senior year of high school. They were popular and everyone had their eyes on her... More

Chapter 1: Senior Year
Chapter 2: Welcome to The Academy
Chapter 3: After Tryouts
Chapter 4: Party Time
Chapter 5: Spin the Bottle
Chapter 6: Humility is Attractive
Chapter 7: MIA
Chapter 8: Be Our Guest
Chapter 9: Be a Good Girl
Chapter 10: Blast From the Past
Chapter 11: Secret Club
Chapter 12: Heat Wave
Chapter 13: The Truth
Chapter 14: Not Another Fling
Chapter 15: Meet & Greet
Chapter 16: After Party
Chapter 17: Tensions
Chapter 18: Caught in Paradise
Chapter 19: Surprise
Chapter 20: Talk of the Town
Chapter 21: Popular
Chapter 22: Victory
Chapter 23: Only You
Chapter 24: Teasing Games
Chapter 25: Tragedy
Chapter 26: Stay
Chapter 27: The Proposition
Chapter 28: The Funeral
Chapter 30: Explanations
Chapter 31: Once Again
Chapter 32: Happy Birthday
Chapter 33: Skip Day
Chapter 34: Family Dinner
Chapter 35: The Reveal
Chapter 36: Aftermath
Chapter 37: A Dozen of Daisies
Chapter 38: School Spirit
Chapter 39: Not So School Spirited
Chapter 40: The Breakup
Chapter 41: Healing & Hope
Chapter 42: Graduation
Chapter 43: The Waiting Game
Chapter 44: A Gripping Desire
Chapter 45: Deepest Cravings
Chapter 46: In Secret

Chapter 29: Undercover

837 49 9
By Randompovs616

*Wanda's POV*

Weeks passed and this weekend was Y/n's birthday. She hasn't been back to school since and I find myself staring at the empty seat next to me in homeroom too much. I think I'm doing better. I've been adjusting and getting used to the fact that Y/n and I weren't together anymore, but it's so hard. I've cried so much that I don't feel like I have anymore more tears left to cry. I go about my days but it's almost as if I'm just here physically. Mentally my mind was somewhere else with the thoughts of what went wrong. I know if I keep doing this I will never be able to move on from her.

I started eating again and sometimes I wonder how Y/n has been. No one at the table mentions anything but I can tell they were worried since this is the longest they've gone without hearing from Y/n. No one hears from her but we are somehow caught up in her life when we see the newspaper of town. This seemed to be the only way we all kept in contact with her. The cameras were always on her now about her family's company. My brother loves looking through the news at lunch time.

"Oh man..." He commented.

"What is it?" Steve looked at him.

"The transition is happening for her." He said as he placed the newspaper in the middle of the group blocking some our lunches.

"Y/n Nash set to take over family's company." He read the title as it showed a picture of her. God she looked incredible in that photo with a feminine suit on. She wasn't smiling in the picture. I glance up to her face in the photo as this was the only way I'd be able to look into her eyes again. That wasn't my Y/n. She doesn't look happy. Her face seemed to have gotten skinnier along with makeup trying to cover the bags under her eyes. I wonder if she has been having trouble with sleep and eating the same way as I have been too. Y/n was always an athlete so her body was amazing. But in this photo, she looked amazingly attractive but it just wasn't her. She looked as if she was losing weight in an unhealthy way. I sigh and move the newspaper back over to my brother.

"Come on let's go out tonight instead." Tony suggested.

"I will not say no to that." Carol said.

"Wands you in?" Natasha smirked at me.

"Surreee. Why not?" I said shrugging my arms.

"Hey the best way to get over someone, is going under someone else. I'll pick you guys up tonight." Carol winked at me. I playfully roll my eyes at her as I take one last glance at Y/n's photo from the newspaper. I sigh to myself knowing that I wasn't over her, but a little fun couldn't hurt right?

We all meet at the secret club but have dinner first before heading towards the back. We're all seated at the table and I feel like for the first time in weeks my mind has not been on Y/n. The group and I carry conversations and laugh here and there. Just then a loud and obnoxious group walks in laughing and playfully pushing each other. It definitely catches the attention of several people in the restaurant and ours. All of our heads turn and sees Jarvis and his group of friends along with several girls walk in. They were clearly all drinking already and I sip my water not trying to make any eye contact. Jarvis catches us looking and walks pass our table.

"Ah. The infamous group that Y/n is no longer part of." He says as he stands near the edge of the table with his group behind him.

"She's just got different priorities right now." Tony said before sipping his water ignoring eye contact.

"Indeed she does. It is her birthday weekend to have some fun though." He smirks at all of us as they head to the back. Just then the door swings open again and it felt as if everything was in slow motion. I look over and there was Y/n walking in.

"Y/n!" One of the girls from the group calls to her. She has no reaction to the girl but simply nods her head in her direction. My god she looked stunning tonight. How perfect timing when I didn't think about Y/n tonight and she pops up out of the blue.

"Y/n..." Natasha said. She changes her gaze from the back to our table. She couldn't have been here with Jarvis and his group. There's no way, she absolutely hated him for everything he's ever done.

"" Before Y/n could get anything out, the girl makes her way over to Y/n to cut her off. She places a hand on her cheek and turns Y/n's face towards her. My body began fuming that someone else was touching Y/n the way I used to. That should be me embracing her. Not some little groupie who just wants to bang because of Y/n's status. My heart sinks as the girl reaches down to her hand and guides her towards the back to follow her. I clear my throat not knowing if I felt jealousy, heartbroken, sad or what.

"What in the actual fuck." Carol said.

"Did we miss something?" Steve said glancing towards the back of the room.

"There's no way..." Natasha said,

"No way that what?" Tony asked.

"Come on Tony..." Steve said clearly annoyed looking in his direction.

"Look. Y/n just lost everyone. What happened when she lost her parents, she was messing around with not that specific group, but groups she shouldn't have been. Now that she's getting the company, she's getting on their good side." Tony defended himself.

"Y/n doesn't need to be on anyone's good side to run the company." Carol said leaning back crossing her arms.

"Carol's right. Y/n's company was never on good terms with the Visions so what's going to make a difference now?" Steve continued. We all look at each other with concerned faces not knowing what the hell was going on.

"Only one way to find out right?" I said wiping my mouth with a napkin and stand up from the table.

"Woah Woah. What do you think you're doing?" My brother said standing up with me.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I said shoving pass him to make my way towards the back.

"Wanda wait for us!" The girls said chasing after me as the boys pay for the food. We head down the stairs as I try to find Y/n in the crowd. Jesus there were so many people here tonight. A bartender walks by with shots and I grab one from her tray and swallow it.

"Okay okay, calm down please." Carol said rubbing my shoulder.

"None of it makes sense." I said turning to them. "Y/n wouldn't do this to you guys and I definitely know she wouldn't need the Visions to continue the company." I made my way through the crowd trying to spot her but I couldn't find her anywhere.

*Y/n's POV*

Fucking hell why did they have to be here tonight? I didn't think they'd come here but I think I've finally gained some of Jarvis' friends trust. They all knew I used to deal so they're a bit iffy with me but slowly getting there. I was in one of the back rooms with them as Jarvis was dealing with someone who owed them money. The boy gives Jarvis the cash.

"That's all I have for now." Jarvis begins counting the money in front of everyone. "One more week is all you have. You still owe us another 1500 hundred."

"That means nothing to you guys though..." This sets Jarvis off and he grabs his collar as everyone moves out of the way and he pushes him out of the door.

"1500 hundred. One week. Go." The boy scrambles and leaves.

"Now we party and wait for our next customer tonight." He said walking pass all of us to go to the dance floor with a girl. The whole group walks pass me going out to the dance floor. I didn't want to be part of this anymore. I hated seeing the way they treated people but I knew I had to find out the big boss working under the Visions company loaning all this crap. I've discovered that it's not only drugs they're selling now. Guns were being imported along with other types of weapons that you don't just buy at a store.

I head over to the bar to order myself a drink. I go and lean against the wall as I watched the group on the dance floor. Yes we had all been drinking already, but on the dance floor I see the boys' putting pills in the girls' mouth of whoever was with them. I couldn't tell what it was but obviously I wasn't enjoying it. They were so willingly to just take it which showed me how much drugs have consumed them. Some of the boys were just going girl to girl down there offering until I see one boy reach someone I knew.

I straighten my poster as one of them goes over Wanda who was dancing on the dance floor. What the hell was she up to. I see him offer the pill to her and she smiles at him and turns around to walk away. That's my girl. He pulled her back to face her and I can tell from where I was standing she's had a few drinks. Her cheeks were always flushed red from being a lightweight. He started dancing with her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. I chug the rest of my drink down and begin to walk in their direction until I'm cut off by the girl from earlier and who led me in here. She was clearly high and drunk. Throwing herself all over me and I felt all I could do was try to hold her up.

"Hi Y/n..." she said giggling while I held her up as she tried to dance on me.

"Hi..." I couldn't help but keep glancing over in Wanda's direction to make sure she was safe.

"Are you sad Y/n?" I'm thrown off by her question and look down to her.

"What?" I've realized she's stopped throwing her body on top of mine and was only swaying with me at this point which was a lot nicer to handle if she was to fall over.

"You broke up with your girlfriend after a family's death...and now you're here with Jarvis' group. Are you sad too?" I tilt my head in her direction.

"No...I'm not sad." I said as I led her over to the bar to get her a glass of water and myself another drink.

"Thank you..." she said softly trying to sit on one of the chairs.

"Here..." I helped her sitting on the chair until she realized there was no back to the chair for her to lean on.

"How long have you've been running around with them?" I said sipping my drink.

"A bit. Pretty much whenever I feel sad."

"Are you okay?" I asked leaning down towards her while I see tears start forming in her eyes.

"I don't know. My dad passed away a while ago and my mom has been working with the Visions and it just seemed as if we're stuck." She shrugged.

"Do you happen to know who else works with them?" She giggles, "probably like half the town. There's someone the Visions are scared of to keep their company going." I act interested and sit down by her sipping my drink. "Please indulge me who this big bad guy is then." I chuckled which caused her to laugh as well. I know I was blending in but if it meant by this girl getting me all the information easily, why not make my time easier this way.

She sips more of her water. I don't know if she thought it was alcohol or not cause she was holding it as an alcoholic drink. She looks around as if someone was listening to our conversation and leans over to me.

"He goes by the name Kingpin. No one ever knows where he is but his involvement is crazy. He's like the mafia king and jumps town to town with the highest people to make their businesses grow way more and for his too." I press my lips together and nod my head not breaking eye contact with her.

"Well, his name sounds like he should join a bowling league." I said which caused her to laugh.

"I like you Y/n." She said placing her arms around my neck. "You're not like the rest of them." I smiled but pulled her arms away from me and looked down to my drink.

"I'm sorry." She backed away in embarrassment.

"It's okay. You're sweet, but my heart belongs to someone else." I said. She glanced up to lock eyes with me,

"It's Maximoff right?" I tilt my head acting as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

"Hmm?" I try to act as if I didn't know what she was saying.

"Wanda! I saw the way you used looked at her. Maybe you're trying to figure something out right now and it just wasn't right timing." I sip my drink looking off in the distance.

"Timing is never on our hands it seems." As I see me phone buzz and show her my screen. It was a text in the group chat for all of us to meet in the parking lot.

*Wanda's POV*

I knew exactly what I was doing dancing with that boy. But he was useless just about almost every boy was. He didn't know much of when Y/n began getting involved again. I sit down at one of the booths as the girls join me. We're taking shots left and right. I stop at my 3rd as I look over to the counter of that girl with Y/n. They were surprisingly close to each other. Y/n had her arms around her back getting a drink for her. It seemed intimate and they kept leaning in and laughing which just made me feel angry. Was she moving on already? Was she living up to what I've always heard from when I first moved here?

The girls see where my glance was. They turn back over and take their shots.

"Something's fishy." Carol said. I see Y/n help the girl out of their seat and make their way up. I couldn't tell if Y/n was just being nice or not to her. Obviously she looked like she couldn't stand on her own, but Y/n had her arm wrapped around her waist getting out of the building. I chug my shot and go look for my brother and tell the girls to find the other two boys.

We finally find them and I felt like we were on our own little mission spying on Jarvis' group. We make our way to the parking lot and see their group over there messing with a boy. This is not the Y/n I knew. She was leaned against her car with her arms crossed around her chest just watching. My Y/n would've stopped all of this. We kept our distance to make sure but they were so loud that it didn't even seem to matter. A cop pulls up with his lights and the group doesn't seem to be surprised. I see one of the boy's hand off something to him as he handed him cash. The cop looked over to the boy who was pushed down on the floor and shrugged.

"Care for a show?" Jarvis said as he was the one messing with him. The cop leaned against his car as Jarvis continued shoving him allowing him to get up. I see Y/n not looking at them but so unbothered.

"Someone's gotta do something." My brother whispered trying to go over.

Steve pulls him back down and slams his back against a car. "Stop. Are you stupid? Not with the dirty cop over there." We look back over and the group is still messing around doing their own thing but Y/n was looking in our direction since she wasn't paying much attention to the group.

We all duck down until the cop disappears. The boy couldn't get back on his legs. All of our gazes change directions when a girl comes out screaming at them to stop. She shoves Jarvis to back off a bit and leans down to the boy laying on the floor. The group laughs as she tries to comfort him and that's when my brother decides to be an idiot and go out there. He's fast so there was no hope at this point as he slid pass Steve.

"Hey!" My brother shouted which caused the rest of us to come out from our distance. Jarvis smiles at us walking towards them. Y/n doesn't move from her position and she tilts her head looking at us.

"Leave them alone." Pietro said as one of the boys shoved my brother back. The other boy was bigger so he stepped down and didn't try anything else.

"What are you gonna do about it Maximoff?" He said right up at my brother's face. My brother steps back more which makes them laugh. Y/n was watching them carefully but wasn't doing anything. The girl on the ground was crying about the boy. Jarvis looks back at Y/n and then to me. He smirks at me as he picks up the girl from her arm. She screams for him to stop until he stops her at standing up.

"This is a perfect opportunity for Y/n." This catches her off guard and looks over to him as he's still looking over in our direction. "Y/n this one's yours tonight." He shoves the girl over to Y/n which she catches her as she stumbles from the force. He turns over to them, "maybe you can show her a good night tonight and show her who's boss in this town." Y/n doesn't respond but clenches her jaw. I can see the girl looking down in fear as Y/n observes her body. Y/n was intimidating before but this look of no expressions of anything was even more intense.

"Happy birthday Y/n." Jarvis said laughing and turning back to his group. Y/n grabs the girl's arm and shoves her into her passenger seat as the group whoops and hollers. I can see the girl sobbing to herself as she sat and waited for Y/n. She speeds off out of the parking lot leaving tire marks of where her car was parked.

"Take me to her house." I said to Carol and we all rush back to our cars. At the speed Y/n was driving we would get there in time. She probably doesn't remember that Hazel had given me the code at one point so I could get in with no problem.

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