She's One Bad Cat

By NyssaStarling

180 5 3

Black Cat is back in the city to drive Spider-man crazy with her thieving antics. One day Spider-man has got... More

Part 2

Part 1

112 3 3
By NyssaStarling

 Spider-man checked his Instagram while he nommed on a bagel and cream cheese, his mask lifted above his mouth for the task. It was nine PM in the summertime, and Spider-man was grateful that his favorite coffee and bagel truck had still been there on the corner of 79th street. 

The sun set with a beautiful pink and red horizon. The masked hero sat on the edge of a fire escape railing with his legs dangling lazily.

He put his phone down for a moment to reach for his ice coffee. He took a long sip.

His phone rang. The caller ID read: Yuri Watanabe.

Spider-man momentarily struggled to decide which item to put down to answer it, his bagel or his coffee. He hurriedly webbed his coffee to the railing and picked up his phone. "Yuri. What's up?"

He took a big bite while Yuri talked.

"Spider-man, I've got a silent alarm at a jewelry store on 49th street. I sent some officers, but they've been delayed. Can you check it out?"

Spider-man answered while struggling to swallow his bite. "Sure Yu-mmh-Yuri. Anything for my favorite captain."

"Are you eating? Never mind. I'm sending you the location. Let me know what happens."

She hung up.

Spider-man sighed. He threw the remaining third of his bagel to a group of pigeons and left his coffee behind. "Just for once it'd be nice to finish a whole bagel. A whole pizza would be great too for that matter."

His stomach still grumbled with the hunger of his super-fast metabolism and ridiculously strenuous lifestyle. He web swung through the city until he reached 49th.

He zip lined over to the ledge of a building across the street from the jewelry store. Inside the glass doors, Spider-man could see five thugs, wearing all black with ski masks, among the jewelry displays. Two were keeping a look-out with guns pointed towards the streets, while the other three were trying to open a glass case without triggering any alarms. Well, any alarms that they actually knew about anyway.

Spider-man adjusted his earpiece and focused in on what the thugs were saying.

One complained in a deep voice, "Yo let's just break it and run. I mean what we got to do after we grab it anyway?"

"'Cause dumbass, Larry said he needs to get us at least fifteen blocks away before we're in the clear. You think he'll have time for that if we trip the alarm?"

Spider-man had heard enough. "What is this? Amateur hour?"

He snuck into the building through the ceiling vents and quickly webbed the two look-outs to the ceiling. The other three hadn't even noticed yet.

The masked hero hung upside down from the ceiling behind them and quipped, "Guys, that glass case probably isn't a three-person job. At least not for real criminals."

They startled. "It's Spider-man! Whoop his ass!"

"That's rude." Spider-man easily webbed two of them up together. The last one aimed a gun at him. Spider-man ripped the gun from him with his webs. "Zoink! I'll be taking that."

The thug was then promptly kicked in the face and webbed to the wall.

"Well that was too easy."

A car drove up to the front of the store, saw Spider-man, and slammed on the gas.

Spider-man webbed the car and zipped on top of it. He peeked into the driver's side window of the speeding car. "Hi! Larry I presume?"

Larry pulled his gun out and swerved, driving haphazardly with one hand while trying to shoot the masked hero.

Spider-man pendulum kicked through the window and took Larry with him out the passenger side. "Nice to meet you, I'm Spider-man!"

He webbed the now driverless car and pulled it back with a loud grunt until it stopped. Car exhaust poured out from the vehicle that smelled of burning tires.

When Spider-man returned to the jewelry store with the webbed-up getaway driver, two cop cars had finally arrived with their flashing red and blue lights on.

He handed Larry over to a waiting cop. "This one's especially dumb. Not that it's much of a contest among the six of them."

She replied, "Thanks Spider-man. We got delayed by a mugging right in the middle of the street on our way over. It was really strange; the victim hardly had a scratch on him."

"Huh. Well maybe you caught them early." His mind already drifted to where he was going to acquire his next snack after this was wrapped up. "I'll call Yuri and tell her-"

"Spider-man!" A cop from within the store interrupted. He approached them. "Before you call the captain, you might want to see this..."

Spider-man gave a perplexed head tilt and excused himself from the first cop. He followed the other one inside the jewelry store to the back room, where an open vault waited. The cop said awkwardly, "Um...look in the vault."

The wide-open door of the book-sized vault in the wall was unnerving. If it had been the work of those thugs, then the cops would already have the loot back and wouldn't need to show him anything.

The vault was empty, with the exception of a folded, hand-drawn note. It was a drawing of a black cat batting around a helpless looking spider.

Written on the inside were the words:

Aw maybe next time little spider <3

Embarrassment washed over Spider-man like a heat wave. He quickly put the note back down and turned to the cop like he had been caught in the crime himself.

"Who wrote it?" the cop asked, sensing that Spider-man knew.

Spider-man cleared his throat. The cop must not have been on the force for very long if he didn't know too.

"Oh....just....Black Cat." He sighed. After the whole Hammerhead fiasco, he thought that just maybe Felicia, aka the Black Cat, had gone straight. It was too much to hope for and he knew it.

"Black Cat?" the cop asked.

"Could me a favor and tell Captain Watanabe for me? She'll call me back about it when she's ready..."

The cop agreed. Spider-man replied his thanks while he zipped out of there as fast as he could, as if the cops could see the blush under his mask.

From the rooftops, Spider-man scanned the area in vain for the master thief. He swung around in a doomed attempt to find her.

"Ugh, Felicia...why are you doing this to me again!" Spider-man complained to himself.

He didn't need this stress. After all it had only been a week since he and MJ broke up. Again. Or were they on a break? Whatever it was, it wasn't good. After three years back together, he had hoped it would last. Wait, could that be why Felicia was toying with him again? Because he was single now?

Spider-man landed on a ledge to think that startling idea through without the distraction of web swinging. No...if Felicia wanted to...'play' with him, she would just hit on him even when he was with MJ. Just like she had the last time they met. Spider-man recalled their last encounter from three years ago. The only reason they hadn't....played....together then was because he had resisted her for MJ. Not that it was easy.

Spider-man sighed. "Time to stress eat!"

He back flipped off the ledge and swung away towards Leo's pizzeria.


Leo kindly left a double pepperoni pie on the rooftop for Spider-man after he called in his order as usual. Spider-man opened the pizza box. "Oh thank god. And Leo of course!" he chuckled.

Spider-man devoured his pizza, determined to finish it before anything else interrupted. He was starting the last slice when Yuri called again.

"So close..." He put the slice back down in the box and answered the call. "Hi Yuri..."

"Black Cat?! Seriously?! You didn't happen to notice Black Cat in that tiny ass jewelry store while those other guys were playing dumb and dumber?"

Spider-man rubbed his temple. " I didn't. Sorry...Spider-cop is a little off his game tonight I guess."

"Ugh. It's like she's not even trying anymore and you're still falling for it anyway!" Yuri scolded.

"What did she take?"

"A one-of-a-kind, Incan, emerald jaguar figurine."

Spider-man swallowed thickly. "Well, she does have a thing for cat related stuff..." He chuckled nervously.

"This isn't a joke Spider-man! Get that emerald jaguar back before I get fired for sending you to that heist in the first place!"

She hung up.

Spider-man bit his tongue. He imitated a different script of that phone conversation, "It's okay Spider-man, Black Cat is a master thief with tech far beyond yours after all. The important thing is that no one got hurt. All thanks to you. And that silly jaguar statue was insured anyway so no biggie!"

He sighed and picked up his remaining pizza slice. "Come here you little pepperoni slice. I still need you inside me."

He paused at his own weirdness. "Okay. I'm officially too lonely and weird." He nommed.


Around four in the morning, Spider-man returned to his studio apartment in Harlem by way of the window. Tired from a long night of patrolling, all he wanted was to crash in his bed.

He pulled off his mask.

"Mm you are a handsome one Spider..."

Spider-man whirled around, but saw nothing. "Felicia!?"

"But I think I still prefer you with the mask on." Her voice was always a purring hum of feminine seduction.

He glanced up at the empty ceiling. "Come out, come out wherever you are....Cat!"

"Hm maybe if you ask nicely."

Spider-man sighed and lowered his head. "Please!?" he shouted at the empty room.

"Aw, what a polite spider."

The Black Cat materialized right before Spider-man's eyes.

"What the-! So you're doing invisibility now? That's your new thing?"

Felicia shrugged playfully. "You like it?"

"Sure, sure. Love it. I mean same great look, just with a more literal disappearing act now." He gestured awkwardly at her skin-tight black suit that left nothing to the imagination. "I've been trying to crack invisibility for years-! How did-? Who made you a suit that bends light and sound waves?"

"Aw Spidey, you don't think I'm smart enough to invent this myself? Ouch."

"N-no!...that's not what I..!"

"I'm teasing you Spidey."

She circled in on him while picking up the mask that he had discarded on the nightstand. "Put the mask back on little spider. For old time's sake."

Spider-man took his mask from her, but then angrily decided not to put it back on. He knew the mysteriousness of that mask would only arouse her. It was all exactly what she wanted.

One of these days he was going to teach her that she can't always get what she wants.

She caressed his face and smoothed her other hand up his thigh and over the bulge in the crotch of his spandex.

He gulped. Just...maybe not today. But someday soon...Yeah. Next time.

She pressed her voluptuous cleavage against his chest while her hand remained teasingly on his manhood. He caught himself looking down at the display before snapping his eyes up to meet Felicia's emerald green irises behind her mask lenses. "How do you even know where I live?" he asked exasperatedly.

Felicia laughed. "You're adorable Spider."

"I've moved like six times in the last few years!"

"Let me guess. Your last place was with Mary plain Jane in Hell's Kitchen."

"Ye- No! That's not it."

Felicia laughed at his inability to tell a proper lie. He still hadn't changed much from the sixteen-year-old kid she had first met that couldn't even convince her that he was eighteen. He was a boy scout with his naivety being chipped away at a much slower rate than everyone else. And that was one reason why she adored him.

"Oh Spidey..." she glanced around coyly at the tiny bachelor pad of an apartment. "Where is your ginger girlfriend now?"

"She's...not in the country, or in my life...right now. I guess."

"You must be so lonely." Her lips brushed against his. Her breath smelled like cherry blossoms. He couldn't help wondering why she was attracted to him at all in this moment when his own breath probably smelled like cheese and pepperoni. Not to mention he probably looked tired as all hell.

"It's not really your business... I mean- Wait. I should arrest you." Spider-man scolded half-heartedly as she pulled him to the wall.

"Don't worry Spidey. I'm not going anywhere." She purred.

He pinned her arms to the wall. "You stole a one-of-a-kind figurine and you're going to give it back."

She kissed him, softly and sensually. He withdrew reluctantly. Opening his eyes again, he saw her breathing heavily within that tight, black leather. Her breasts were rising and falling within her strapless bra that barely contained them.

He only had to hook his fingers into the V neck and lower it by a centimeter to expose her nipples. No sooner than he had imagined it had he done it without even realizing.

"Ohhh I need you Spider-man. Need you so bad." She moaned.

In a flash, Spider-man yanked the rest of his suit off. He laid Felicia on his bed and tugged at her zipper. The suit unzipped all the way down to her crotch and around behind her ass, giving him full access. He quickly fumbled for a condom in his nightstand drawer and rolled one on his stiff cock.

Arousal surged through him like it hadn't in months. She laced her gloved fingers in his hair as they made out. He pushed his cock inside her sinfully tight pussy and all of his stress was forgotten in that instant. He grinded against her slowly and methodically, trying to savor every wave of pleasure.

He whispered in her ear as they writhed together. "You know I'm going to catch you."

"Ohhh mmmhh!" Felicia moaned as if that was dirty talk. To her, it was.

"You're lucky I needed this so bad....Felicia..." Spider-man panted. "The longer you make me chase you, the angrier I'll be when I catch you."

"Ohh! You'll never catch me Spider, but you are so welcome to try."

Spider-man picked up his pace angrily and humped her with reckless abandon now. Felicia came in a twitching, shivering mess beneath him.

"I've already caught you!" he insisted. He gripped her hips tight enough to bruise and finished inside her with a gasp.

He caught his breath. He leaned in and kissed her.

That was the last thing he remembered.


Spider-man woke up, naked and too hot even without bed covers on him. He was completely exposed. His face was lined with pillow marks from such a deep sleep...or unconsciousness. The bright sunlight from the window was baking his tiny apartment. He must have been out for a long time. He remembered now that he had sex with Felicia last night, but he couldn't remember how she escaped.

Spider-man lifted himself up slowly and realized with disgust that his soft cock was still wrapped in his used condom. "Gross..." he peeled the offending condom off and threw it in the nearby trashcan. "Well at least I know Felicia didn't try to sell my sperm to a sperm bank again..."

As he flipped over to lay on his back, he felt a sharp feeling on his butt catch against the sheets, like something was pulling at his skin. "What the heck..."

He twisted his back while lying on his side to contort himself enough to glimpse his own ass. A cutesy little Band-Aid with black cats on it was stuck to the top of his left butt cheek. He touched it. "Ugh! Felicia!"

It was stuck on there pretty good, so he abandoned it for now and lay back on his front to despair. Felicia always was a fan of using knock-out drugs on her enemies.

After a few minutes of self-loathing, Spider-man finally reached for his nightstand and checked his phone. There was a voicemail from a blocked number.

He played it on speaker and wasn't too surprised that it was Felicia's voice coming through: "I just love making you chase me Spidey. And letting you think that you've caught me...for a night. Sorry to skip out on you before sunrise, but I'm a very busy cat and I had to go meet up with my....other man. Does that make you jealous little Spider? That I'm back in town for another man too? Mmm I hope so. I bet you'd be hot when you're jealous."

Spider-man waited there with his face in the pillow, mustering up the dignity to get up and continue his life. He groaned, "Oh Yuri is going to kill me...."

He slowly stood up and looked at his naked self in the mirror. Then he turned on the shower to its iciest, coldest setting. "Maybeeee no one needs to mention this to Yuri. What she doesn't know won't hurt her, right? Even if I did screw up big time.... There isn't much anyone can do about it now!"

After his cold shower, Spider-man tried to pinpoint Felicia's location by tracing her voicemail call, but it was no use. She was too smart to leave a digital trail. And now she even had invisibility in her bag of tricks.

Spider-man did sometimes wonder who this mysterious "other man" was that Felicia often mentioned. If he was a criminal accomplice, then it would be useful to find out who he was. It would be strange though, since Felicia always openly confessed to him that she had a thing for heroes. For the 'good boys'.

Spider-man's stomach growled, drawing him away from all his thoughts. Since his refrigerator only ever seemed to contain ketchup packets and a box of baking soda, he pulled on his spider suit and set out to get breakfast.

The usual coffee and bagel truck happily provided him with free food because of the publicity he brought to their little business. Much like Leo, a select handful ofvendors were always happy to serve the masked hero free of charge.

Spider-man's breakfast was interrupted by wailing sirens as usual. He stopped a few muggings, a break-in, helped some firemen at the scene of a fire, then finally got to eat.

In the evening, he got a call from Yuri, "Spider-man, have you made any progress getting that stolen jaguar back from Black Cat?"

"N-nope. Been pretty busy all day."

"So you have no leads at all?"

"Nope! My bad."

"That doesn't sound like nothing...." She hung up before he could defend himself.

He groaned. "Ugh. She hates me now."

His phone rang again only thirty seconds later. The caller ID was blocked.


"Spidey!" Came Felicia's voice. But it was panicked, unlike anything Spider-man had ever heard from her before. "There's a bomb planted on the riverside pier. Dock 34. My other man did it and he said I could never tell but- just go! I think it's going to explode in three minutes!"

"What! Who's the man? Tell me!"

"I'll explain later just go!"

She hung up.

Spider-man had already started zipping from rooftop to rooftop towards riverside. He called Yuri along the way. "Yuri! Felicia called me. She said there's a bomb on dock 34 of the riverside pier. I'm heading there now."

"I'll send a bomb squad immediately. But you think she might just be setting you up with a distraction?"

"Very possible. But I can't just ignore it and hope it's not real. People could die!"

"Of course. The bomb squad is en route. I'll alert the banks and art museums too. We'll try to catch her in the act of any thefts while you're handling the bomb."

"You should know-" Spider-man panted as he trebucheted across a building gap. "She has invisibility tech now."

"Invisibility tech, are you serious? Just when were you going to share that bit of information with me?"

"Well. Now seemed like a relevant time!" Spider-man ran up a skyscraper and slingshot himself around its corner.

"You'd better hope that we catch her this time Spider-man, or you're helping me find a new job."

"Try using thermal imaging to- Yuri?" He realized that she had already hung up. "Darn it."

Spider man reached the dock and scanned with every sensor he had. His spidey sense wasn't pointing him to anything.

He heard a beeping sound. "There!" his lenses highlighted a metal briefcase taped to the side of the dock. It started beeping faster.

"No no no!"

Just as Spider-man shot his webs at the briefcase, it exploded with the sound of a party horn and colorful confetti rained everywhere.

"Are you kidding me!" Spider-man had flinched at the "explosion" and looked around at all the confetti.

He raced away. "Ugh! I have got to stop being so gullible!"

He called Yuri while he swung. "The bomb was a diversion. Do you have anything on-"

"Get to the location I'm sending you in Greenwich. We know Black Cat's been in there, but we don't know if or when she got out."

"I'm on it."

Spider-man's lenses read Yuri's next text and highlighted the location for him. Spider-man zipped to the building in Greenwich as fast as he could. The skyscraper was lit up with green and purple lights tonight. "Looks like she was hitting someone's penthouse..." he mused.

He found a sneaky entrance through a vent and made his way to the top. The penthouse was highly secure. Spider-man had to break the door lock to get in. "IIIIII really hope the police forgive me for that..."

No one seemed to be home in the dark, lavish penthouse. It reminded Spider-man of the penthouse in Oscorp tower. Even the walls looked like they were worth millions of dollars. Spider-man scanned, but couldn't find any heat signatures, electric sign of the master thief.

Then he noticed something that his scanners hadn't alerted him to. 

It was hard to see it in the dark, but one of the glass windows had a perfect hole cut out of it.

"Oh fantastic. I'm too late..." Spider-man sling-shot himself through the hole in the window and landed on the next rooftop over.

Suddenly, his spidey sense tingled. He flipped into the air, dodging the circular glass cut out.

He looked around and saw nothing. "Damn it Felicia if that was you!"

Felicia laughed. Spider-man whipped around towards her unmistakable voice.

She materialized, holding a fancy gadget that Spider-man quickly realized was a glass cutter. In her other arm she held something else, an ivory statue of some kind. It looked like a matching accessory to her practically glowing white hair.

"Catch me if you can." She said seductively.

As Spider-man zipped towards her with his webs, she disappeared.

He couldn't even hear her running footsteps. She must be using some sort of sound inhibitor.

Looking around frantically for the invisible thief. Spider-man was at a loss. He couldn't even guess a direction.

From the next rooftop, Black Cat materialized and teased, "Not much of a chase unless you actually chase me Spider."

"Felicia! Stop!"

She disappeared.

He zipped to that roof and then saw her materialize at the next. Now she ran, with the statue under her arm, in full view. She obviously wanted him to see her and chase her.

Spider-man ran and swung after her. She grappled from rooftop to rooftop with her cables as gracefully as he could web swing, and she ran just as fast.

Spider-man kept his eyes locked on her white pony-tail as he kept chase. That is, until he got distracted by her scrumptious looking ass jiggling as she ran.

"Just stop Felicia! Whatever you stole, we can talk about it!" he yelled.

He gained on her as she ducked under an elevated train and disappeared. Spider-man followed her to her disappearing point. He searched and searched the surrounding rooftops. He was now all the way up on the west side. "Where are you!" Spider-man complained.

Suddenly he was zapped with something, not painful but noticeable. "What the-!"

Black Cat reappeared a mere few feet in front of him. "Oops. I think your web shooters are malfunctioning Spidey."

Spider-man tried to shoot a web. Nothing.

He threw his hands up in exasperation. "I don't need webs to catch you."

"Are you chasing me for this?" She held up the ivory statue, which now he could see was carved in the shape of a tiger. "Or are you just chasing me for me?"

"Another cat for your collection?" he asked angrily.

She laughed. "Aw Spidey. I have enough. Here. It's yours." She threw him the ivory tiger.

He caught it at the last second with surprise.

"Uh, I'm sensing some sort of trick here..."

"I know I've played a lot of tricks on you. Poor Spidey. I've made you so cautious haven't I? Do you know whose penthouse that was? Who that tiger belonged to?"

He caught himself staring at her pink, beckoning lips instead of listening to what they were saying. He recalled what she had just asked him. "No..."

"His name is Marcus Graywall, and he gained his fortune by selling ivory on the black market. It's all very hush hush of course, but you can't sneak much past a clever cat."

"So he's enabling ivory poachers....that is terrible. But it still doesn't mean you get to burgle his home." He chided.

"It won't be his home for much longer." She said teasingly. "I've already sent some of his falsified records of earnings to the police. I think they'll find all the proof they need. Especially with the added bonus of that tiger."

Spider-man looked down at the ivory tiger in his hands. He sighed. "So that's why you're giving me this? Because you want me to take it to the police. Why didn't you just deliver it yourself?"

She tilted her head coyly. "Isn't it obvious little spider? I just couldn't resist letting you catch me again."

Black Cat smoothed her hands up his chest and gently lifted up his mask at an agonizingly slow pace. When his lips were finally revealed, she kissed them softly. She lingered on the kiss with a little nip at the end. Slowly, she lowered the mask back down.

Spider-man's heart raced, but he tried to stay stern. "I still have to arrest you for that emerald jaguar you took."

"That little beauty has its own, unfinished story. And it doesn't involve you ever finding it." She smiled slyly. "But you know that I only steal from people who deserve it."

"It's...It's still not right Felicia!"

"So cutting off a source to the black market isn't right?"

"No-I mean- Yes! But- Just not-The WAY that you stopped it isn't ri-"

"I just love watching you squirm little Spider." She smirked. "You are such a good boy for everyone, even the people who don't deserve it. That's why I adore you. Because I, I could never do what you do."

Spider-man swallowed. All the flattery was probably just flirtation, but part of Felicia did actually seem genuine.

"They don't appreciate you like I do Spider-man." She pulled him back against the brick chimney.

He put the ivory tiger on the ground and pinned her. "If you let me help you go straight, we can talk about an early parole."

"You would do that for me Spidey?" she asked with hope in her voice.

"You have such amazing talents, Felicia! And you have such a warm heart. You could do so much good if you would just let me help you on the right path!"

"Ohh...Peter. That's the nicest thing you've ever said about me." She said like a moan.

"I meant it." Spider-man said, his face feeling much too warm under his mask. He decidedly took the mask off. Maybe seeing how genuine he was would help convince Felicia to take him up on his offer. At the very least, maybe his kindness would guilt trip her a little.

Felicia stared into his eyes and kissed him.

He pressed his body against her while still keeping her arms pinned. There was no way she could escape now. Her cherry perfume enticed him into kissing her neck. The sounds she made in response were too heavenly for him to ignore. Little purrs and whines in appreciation as he sucked behind her ear and dry humped her against the bricks.

He was almost too far gone to turn back. His cock had never felt tighter in his restraining spandex, at least not in recent memory.

He panted, "We can't. We shouldn't. I don't...I don't have a condom on me."

"Let go of one of my hands Spidey." She teased.

"Not a chance."

"Then check my cleavage yourself." She smirked.

Delightfully taken aback, he switched to gripping both her wrists above her head with one hand and used his other hand to pry into her exposed cleavage. Crammed between her pillowy breasts, he felt a plastic wrapper and pulled out a condom.

"You're full of tricks cat." He praised. "And it'll be nice and warm!"

She laughed. "Oh Spidey..."

He unzipped her suit. He growled in frustration when he realized he needed his other hand to open the condom wrapper. He was too far gone now. "Oh screw it!" He released Black Cat's hands and opened the wrapper. She giggled and hooked her fingers into the waist of his spandex. She pulled his suit down to his upper thighs.

He wasted no time getting the condom on. He picked her up by her thighs and aligned his cock with her pussy.

Spider-man let gravity help him slide Felicia down on his cock while he thrust inside her.

Felicia's eyes closed behind her mask lenses. "Ohhh damn."

Spider-man moaned. He held her against the brick wall and milked his cock with her tight body. Felicia threaded a hand in his hair by his ear, cradling his head almost lovingly while he gave her the pleasure she was hoping for.

"Oh god...oh yesss..." Spider-man moaned.

Felicia reached around with her other hand to squeeze his cute, tight little ass. She loved the way his glutes worked as he fucked her.

In the back of Spider-man's clouded mind, he half expected to feel another surprise injection in his ass. She was only squeezing. It was too hard to think. Her body felt so tight, so good. He didn't want to worry about that threat right now.

His thrusts gradually became less savored and polite. As he felt his climax approaching, he pounded her senselessly against the wall. She screamed and whined her enjoyment.

Spider-man gasped in her ear as he came. Her pussy seemed to flutter with tight contractions around his shaft as he twitched. "Aiiiihhhhh...." He breathed.

"Oh Spider...such a manly Spider." She whispered in his ear and kissed his neck.

Spider-man tried to catch his breath. He slowly withdrew his cock with his fingers on the condom. He let Felicia back down on her feet. She zipped up her suit.

As he was delicately peeling the condom off, Felicia somersaulted to the side.

"Wait- Don't!"

She went invisible. Spider-man tried to grab her, but he wasn't fast enough. There was no one there anymore.

"Fu-DAMNIT!" he exclaimed as harshly as his boy scout morality let him.

He was left all alone on the rooftop with his spandex down and the ivory tiger staring at him.

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