Toshoshitsu no kanojo ~Seiso...

By RohitMadu

9.7K 88 38

As you all know with the latest and last chapter being animated my curiosity got the better of me again which... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

1.5K 15 5
By RohitMadu

Hello again Friends! I hope you liked the previous chapter, in this chapter I'll introduce some characters as the story progresses

Ayanokouji: How have you been Junpei?

Junpei: I am fine, How are you Ayano-kun?

Intro: Junpei is Ayanokouji's friend from his school days and also a businessman who took up after his father and who is very influential in Japan

Ayanokouji: I am good, how long has it been since we met like this?

Junpei: the last time we met was probably a year back I guess!

Ayanokouji: yeah that's right! Anyhow I have a problem and I need your help with something

Junpei: what is it ayano-kun?

Ayanokouji: A friend of mine has been missing for a week and I want your help with her whereabouts

Junpei: just leave it to me and I will take care of it, we'll meet again at the same place after I get any information and send me her details and photos along with her number

Ayanokouji: alright! I'll leave the rest to you, I'll be heading to my hotel now. Bye!

Junpei: See ya!

Ayanokouji and Junpei head off to their places

Time-skip 3 days

Ayanokouji had nothing to do and was lazing on the bed staring at the ceiling thinking that it's been already three days but there wasn't any call from Junpei

Brzzzz... brzzz... brzzz... (there it is, a call from junpei)

Ayanokouji: Tell me you've found something.

Junpei: yes we did find something, come to the usual place and I'll bring the evidence

After sometime

Ayanokouji was waiting for Junpei at the table and saw Junpei entering and there was someone behind him

Junpei and the other guy sit down and notice that the other guy is hunched over and sits in a strange way

Ayanokouji thought "What a strange guy sitting like that in a public place" but he didn't want to be judgmental and wished both of them.

Ayanokouji: Greetings! Gentlemen

Junpei: Ayanokouji this Mr L and Mr L this is the guy I told you about and his missing friend

Intro: L is a prominent and sharp detective whose background is a mystery and he has killer instincts which always prove him right, he's a mastermind who can replicate the thought pattern of any person he wants to. The agency that handles Mr L wouldn't take small cases like this but Junpei pulled some strings for his friend and got the agency to take up this case

L: pleased to make your acquaintance Mr Ayanokouji

Ayanokouji: The feeling's mutual. So gimme the bad news I'm prepared for anything at this point.

L: Here! Listen to this audio recording. We've gone through all of the call recordings of Mrs Takamine after her disappearance and even prior and this is the only one we think is related to her disappearance

Ayanokouji takes the player, keeps the headphones on and starts playing it

Trrrr... trrrr... trrrr... (dialling tone)

Takamine: Hello Takamine Speaking

??: Yo! It's been a while, sensei, do you remember me?

Takamine: hah? And who exactly are you? If this is a prank call...(gets interrupted)

??: now, now, no need to be so cold, sensei

Don't you remember the friendly old janitor?

Takamine: Janitor?.... Kitou!

Kitou: oh, so you did remember me almost immediately, I'm glad, sensei

Takamine: how did you get my number?

Kitou: now, now, don't sweat the details. I heard you're trying to learn about Serizawa Yukhia's whereabouts. If you'd like to know, come over to my house. However, you have to come alone, no telling the cops, of course, if you do... I can't guarantee Yukiha's safety? Y'know? I'll tell you where, later see ya.

Takamine: wait a sec!

Phone hangs up

The recording stops playing

L: This is our second piece of information as to what happened to her after that call. here take a look at the cover of this DVD (hands over a DVD)

Ayanokouji is shocked to see Takamine and a girl (he presumed that she's Serizawa) nude on the cover and looks like Serizawa's pregnant in it and that is a recent one too, there are tons of emotions flowing in him right now(he's gritting his teeth controlling those emotions), he felt like breaking the DVD but he knew breaking a single DVD wouldn't do anything to the harm already had been done and also he had a plan with that dvd hoping he could find something which can make sure the bastard pay for it as a mere threat call is only punishable by 2 years or a fine according to the law

Ayanokouji: Junpei, I need your help!

Junpei: you don't have to say it. I'm already on it! we gonna find and destroy every DVD of them and also take severe actions legally as soon as possible against the distributors but the main problem is that we can't do anything about the DVDs which have already been sold out

Ayanokouji: It's alright we'll deal with that later. one step at a time. For now, first comes the bastard and how to deal with him and save the girls

L: I'm already looking into that guy and will update you about the details as soon as I find out

Ayanokouji: thanks! How about we grab a bite before we all leave?

Junpei & L: yeah sure but the bill's on you

Then they ate and had some drinks and left for their places.

3rd person pov:

After reaching the hotel room Ayanokouji sat on the bed and stared continuously at the DVD, he wanted to play the DVD and find any clues as to get to that bastard but was also afraid that he might not be able to handle it. after thinking for some time he resolved himself and prepared for the worst and started playing the DVD while watching he noticed there was another fat guy in the video whom he didn't know and his rage was building up after seeing the girls being treated like some objects and also felt strange that Serizawa isn't opposing at all but whereas takamine try's to oppose them even though they are just words but not in actions and felt something's off but sadly there weren't any clues in the video

He then changed into his pyjamas and was wondering why the girls weren't opposing and also cooperating sometimes and fell asleep while being in deep thoughts

The Next Day

Ayanokouji woke up had a bath and breakfast and left to meet a particular person

Ayanokouji arrived at a house and rang the doorbell

"Footsteps approaching"

Ayanokouji: Mrs Tomoki?

Mrs Tomoki: yes, who's this?

Ayanokouji: Greetings Mrs Tomoki, Aida-kun's a friend of my brother. My brother lent him a game of mine and forgot to get it back. Is it alright if I get it back (he lied as they'd be on their guard and wouldn't allow him near Aida-kun if they knew the truth about why he came here)

Mrs Tomoki: Oh! I'm sorry I'll just ask Aida Kun. give me a minute

She goes to Aida-kun's room and calls out for him. Aida-kun there's someone here to see you and knocked on the door but there was no response she tried it again and it was the same again, but she could hear him from inside. She went back to Ayanokouji and said that he was not responding but the door was unlocked if it's alright you can fetch it yourselves but please do mind that Aida is not in a good condition and he's not himself anymore

Ayanokouji: Thanks Ma'am, that was a limited version game I couldn't afford to lose it and I won't cause any problem for you or Aida Kun

3rd person pov:

Ayanokouji reaches his room enters it locks it and calls out to Aida-kun but he doesn't respond he just continues playing his game. Then Ayanokouji goes and switches off the console yet there is no response from Aida Kun instead he just starts reading a manga ignoring Ayanokouji. Then Ayanokouji inserts the DVD he got with him and plays it and then Aida Kun starts to freak out listening to the voice of Serizawa and goes erratic. Then Ayanokouji held him and slapped him to get him to his senses and while holding him by his neck he made sure Aida Kun's watching the video

Ayanokouji: look at them do you remember the women in the video?

Aida: No... No... No... I don't want to see (struggling to not look at the video trying to avert his gaze)

Ayanokouji: do you remember your homeroom teacher? That's the other woman in the video(with a cracked voice). This is all happening because you couldn't man up and tell Takamine the truth about what's happening; now she's fallen victim to that janitor too. Is this the kind of man you want to be? A pussy? Who runs away from his troubles instead of facing them. You could have prevented all this if only you'd told her the truth. She would've found out a way to save Serizawa instead you choose to shut in yourselves and save yourself when you could have helped Takamine to save the girl you love. Anyhow, what's happened is in the past and we are going to save them both regardless of your involvement if you wanna be a part of the rescue then contact me on this number or reach me out at this address in three days and after that, I won't entertain you even if you resolved yourselves to save them. You won't get the same chance again & again and something like this might happen to someone if you don't do something and if you don't want to help us then you can be an ignorant fool and continue living this pathetic life of yours

Leaving a card in his hand, Ayanokouji left the room

Aida bursts into tears yet he is silent and feels guilty for what happened to Ms Takamine and thinks that it was his fault that she succumbed to that bastard as well when all she wanted was to guide them to a happy life

Mrs Tomoki: leaving already! Did you find what you're looking for?

Ayanokouji: yes Ma'am! And thank you for letting me.

(Closes the door behind him and leaves for his hotel room)

Time-Skip Three Days:

Brzzz... Brzzz... Brzzz...(Phone Ringing)

Reception: Greetings Mr Ayanokouji, there's someone to see you here. he says his name is Aida. Should I send him to you or make him wait in the lobby?

Ayanokouji: Please, Send him to my room.

Reception: Yes Mr Ayanokouji. We'll escort him to your suite ASAP.

A few minutes later.

Doorbell Rings

Ayanokouji: Coming! (opens the door)

Aida:.......(He was silent as he didn't know what to say)

Ayanokouji:  Come on In, have a seat

Aida is escorted to a chair

Ayanokouji: There might be many things going on your mind right now. let me clear some things up before we get to discuss anything further (hands him over a juice can). you can call me Ayanokouji, I am a friend of your homeroom teacher Takamine. Takamine had been missing for a week and after enquiry, we found out about her whereabouts and also came across the whereabouts of Ms Serizawa. that's when I paid a visit to you to get more info on the situation but watching you like that shutting yourselves from the world shattered my hopes of getting any information from you and that's when I took a serious gamble which looks like it has been paid off. I know it might be hard for you to recollect the traumatic past but I need every detail of what happened between You, Serizawa and the janitor

Aida clenched his fist trying to fight his emotions and started explaining to him how Serizawa got drugged and got raped in the school and how he even started to rape her after blackmailing her and also on the day of their date. and when she explained to Aida all that was happening to her and how he promised to protect her and wanted to go to the police. but she didn't want that and decided she would end things with the janitor and didn't care if her videos got leaked or not as she already had me to love and look after her and she wanted to make love with me so we got a room and made love with each other and after he fell asleep for a while and by the time he woke up Serizawa's been missing and he went out to search for her and tried calling her but she wouldn't lift her phone and after some time he got a video call from Serizawa in which she thanked him for loving a girl like her and she couldn't be with him anymore and said she has become the janitor's woman and started to have sex in the call and that's when she changed into some other person and since then I went into a traumatic state in which I couldn't get out until you bought me out of it forcefully

Ayanokouji: What does she mean by "a girl like her"?

Aida: She told me that even though she hated being raped at first but she started to feel good and also started to crave sex with the janitor

Ayanokouji: and is it the first time you both had sex while dating or did you do it prior?

Aida: No, It was the first and last time I had sex with her

Ayanokouji: Did Serizawa mention the janitor or her using any contraceptives or safety while they were doing it?

Aida: No, she said he always raped her without using safety and also cummed in her many times.

Ayanokouji: I think that's enough information and I think I know the gist of what's happening to both women but I need to get proof to get that bastard and save the girls

Aida: Do you think we can truly save them?

Ayanokouji: yes, we can and we will. By the way, did you recognise the other fat guy from the video?

Aida: I couldn't recognise him as his face wasn't shown and also he didn't talk much to recognise the voice but his physique looked similar to our vice principal

Ayanokouji: I think now it makes sense as to why the vice principal lied to Mrs Ayako about Takamine's whereabouts. I think he has something to do with her disappearance and now I have enough information to piece it all together. for now, go home and I'll contact you to further discuss the details and the plan to save the girls.

Aida Kun leaves for his home leaving Ayanokouji alone.

End of Chapter 2

will meet you guys again in Chapter 3. See ya!

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