A New Form || A Warrior Cat F...

By Cordet1

1.5K 65 10

A new world, a new POV; Secrets are no doubt not to be told to anyone else unless trusted. Being one who can... More

/Chapter 1\
/Chapter 2\
\Chapter 3/
|\Chapter 4/|
|\Chapter 5/|
/|Chapter 6|\
/|Chapter 7|\
-/Chapter 8\-
-/Chapter 9\-
/-Chapter 10-\
/-Chapter 11-\
|-Chapter 12-|
|-Chapter 13-|
-|Chapter 14|-
-|Chapter 15|-
\-\Chapter 16/-/
\-\Chapter 17/-/
\-\Chapter 18/-/
|-|Chapter 19|-| SPECIAL
+\Chapter 20/+
+\ Chapter 21 /+
/+Chapter 22+\
/+Chapter 23+\
|+Chapter 24+|
+|Chapters 26|+
+|Chapter 27|+
|+|Chapter 28|+|
|+|Chapter 29|+|
|=Chapter 30=|

|+Chapter 25+|

12 0 0
By Cordet1

{I'm finally back. This plot is cringe ngl, trying to make it better. I promise.}

Northpaw looked up, glancing around at the last place she wanted to visit, yet she was there again. Sitting in one of the moss beds in the medicine den, of course, no offence to Midgeberry and Sheepaw, but she came here way too many times in a single moon. The next gathering would be the start of leaf-bare, the first nights were always cold.


The sun peeked through the camp, casting warm rays despite the cold winds. Northpaw was up and ready, pushing through the willows in front of the medicine den. She stretched her limbs, before padding to the fresh-kill pile for a quick feast before she started training with her mentor.

Her enlightenment dropped when she saw the ones she least wanted to see in her sight. A shaded with amber eyes, and a chocolate tabby. 'Those two... What are they still doing here?' As much as she wanted to sink her claws in their fur, her Clanmates would disapprove of that. She noticed the small wounds she left on the she-cat, they had just exited the medicine den, waving goodbye to Midgeberry. The two siblings passed Dovelake, who looked unsure about them. But how come she never saw, smelled, or heard them, if she had just been in Midgeberry's den a couple of moments ago?

With gritted teeth, she flexed her claws into the ground. She wanted to smear her claws and onto their pelts. Seeing they stopped at Shiveringstar's den, she eyed them with hostility. But Northpaw hesitated, looking away.

Blizzardpaw and Whistlepaw had gone out with their mentors, Sagewing and Lynxberry. Silverfeather was sharing tongues with Cloudpuddle. Sleepingleaf and Lightwhisper padded alongside each other with a grateful amount of fresh kill dangling from their jaws.

It made her feel at ease when someone had to ruin it.


Startled, Northpaw came into eye-to-eye contact with Kestrelpelt on her left. Kestrelpelt walked across the camp and toward the apprentice with a dissatisfied look. "Kestrelpelt?" She tensed, Kestrelpelt was never this sore to mood. He exhaled, "Why, why did you attack them?" It was obvious he was disappointed.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled, causing her mentor's back fur to bristle, "Saying sorry does not excuse the fact that you hurt them! Their bloodline helped our Clan over the generations, and you harm them without any solid reasons?!" Infuriating as it was, they knew better than an apprentice.

"I said I'm sorry!" Northpaw raised her voice a bit, and Kestrelpelt looked taken aback. "Oh, so you're talking back now?" He accused her, which was greeted by frantic headshakes. "I'm not though..." She muttered, catching a glimpse of Echopaw giving her a disapproving look near the medicine den, once she saw Sheepaw beside him, the medicine apprentice just looked away, going back inside the den.

Northpaw wanted the ground to just swallow her whole, she didn't even intend to hurt them in the first place. "You'll do double for a moon." The mottled tom groused, "I want the kill pile to be full by the end of the day, I do not care if you can't find any more prey around, just make a way." He hissed. "I-I can't do that!" The apprentice wailed, ending up with Kestrelpelt giving her a sharp glare, huffing, before leaving her.

She looked down to the ground, wishing she had never done that.

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