[COMPLETE Book 1-4] Nothing B...

By Rose_Romantica

332 0 0

[Multi-book series will be 40+ chapters with 1000+ words each chapter] Book One Description: Monoma has a cru... More

Book One-1
Book One-2
Book One-3
Book One-4
Book One-5
Book One-7
Book One-8
Book One-9
Book One-10
Book Two-1
Book Two-2
Book Two-3
Book Two-4
Book Two-5
Book Two-6
Book Two-7
Book Two-8
Book Two-9
Book Two-10
Book Two-11
Book Two-12
Book Two-13
Book Two-14
Book Two-15
Book Three-1
Book Three-2
Book Three-3
Book Three-4
Book Three- 5
Book Three-6
Book Three-7
Book Three-8
Book Three-9
Book Three-10
Book Three-11
Book Three-12
Book Three-13
Book Three: 14
Book Three: 15
Book Three: 16
Book Three-17
Book Three: 18
Book Three: 19
Book Three-20
Book Four-1
Book Four-2
Book Four-3
Book Four-4
Book Four-5
Book Four-6
Book Four-7
Book Four-8
Book Four-9
Book Four-10
Book Four-11
Book Four-12
Book Four-13
Book Four-14
Book Four-15
Book Four-16
Book Four- 17
Book Four-18
Book Four-19
Book Four- 20

Book One-6

5 0 0
By Rose_Romantica

Yuki sighed out a bit as she stared up at him. "You really don't want to take 'no' for an answer do you?"

"Does it look like I do?" He asked with a raised eyebrow

She let out a stressed sigh before she quickly moved herself so she was on top of Monoma, making him freaked out for a moment as he didn't know what she was doing as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She let her golden eyes stare into his blue eyes for a moment only for her to flap her wings in his face. "You're too stiff, you're afraid of me. No way." She said before she grabbed her tray and left out.

Neito had to shake his head and recover himself before he realized what had happened. He quickly took care of his tray before he rushed after her only to see that she was going down the hall and turning the corner. He shouted after her only for her to look at him for a mere moment before she bolted off. He went from jogging to running just to catch up to her- knowing damn well that she was going to be stubborn. Neito had seen what she was like around Midoriya and Bakugo, two people who she messed with a lot as well as a few of the others.

He knew if he wasn't quick enough he'd never be able to talk to her properly about why he had stiffened up with her on his lap. When he had left the school he was able to cut her off before she got to the dorms taking shortcuts that he had learnt about over the last few years. He grabbed a hold of her arms and pinned her to a nearby tree as he looked her dead in the eyes. "You...you're rather fast for a woman who uses her wings more than her legs."He said slightly out of breath

She gave him a sarcastic smile. "Oh thanks, what do you want Monoma?"

"How about a bit of time to explain myself?"

She tilted her head to the side as she hummed out with a raised eyebrow. "Really how?"

"Do you know anything about when a man is attracted to a female?"

"Pft-hell no. I had to learn on my own about what a female menstrual cycle was. No one was ever there for me to tell me what anything meant. I've always been on my own to figure things out."

He looked at her sadly before he pressed his forehead against hers. "You poor, poor thing. Let me help explain what happened earlier to you in a way that you'll be able to understand." He said before he placed their hands in front of her. He laced his hands with her making her look down at them.

"So naturally if males are calm this is how males are waist down...but say a beautiful woman the male thinks is attractive goes and sits on the males lap. Instantly without fail." He said before his fingers went up.

She blinked her eyes a few times. "W-Wait...me sitting on you...I..." She said comprehending what was going on.

"Yeah, but it's okay. I stiffened up because I didn't expect you to do that. You're just so innocent I didn't want to end up doing something I'd regret. I'm not afraid of you, why would I ever have a reason to be afraid of you?" He asked softly to her

She teared up as she took her hands from his. "I...I'm sorry I'm so stupid. J-Just forget about it okay?" She said before she pushed him away from her and flew off.

He sighed out as he rubbed between his eyes. "Damn it...why did she have to go and do that?" He muttered to himself

But he let her have time to herself, he figured she'd need time to be able to figure out what to do with herself. Yuki went to fly away from the school at a high place where no one would be able to find her. She turned her phone off so she could have time to herself, to cry and possibly think over her options of what to do. She had no idea what she had done to herself, it made her feel so restless and upset. As it got darker she still hadn't moved from where she was, it wasn't until she felt someone sit beside her that she said anything.

"Go away."

"And leave you to your own devices in that head of yours? Yeah fat chance there kid. Tokiyami called me saying you weren't back at the dorms after your lesson was cut short today. He feared what was going to happen to you if you were on your own for so long." Keigo said, shaking his head as he leaned against one of his knees. "C'mon Yuki, you can talk to me, you know that right?"

"Go to hell." She said coldly as she got up and flew off

Yuki went to her dorm room and opened the window before she went into her room and shut the window. Once she changed her clothes she went to bed completely skipping dinner or talking with anyone. After having an argument with Jiro she didn't think she could ever talk with her fellow classmates ever again.

The next day yuki didn't eat anything and just went straight to the school building where she went to the staff room. She knocked on the door as she waited for an answer, it didn't take long before she saw President Mic. "Hey kid what's up?"

"Uhm...do you know if principal Nezu is in his office or not? I want to talk to him about something but I know you and Mr. Aizawa usually talk to him in the morning."

"Yeah he is, is something the matter Asaya?" He asked concerned

"There is, but I'd rather talk to him about it. Thank you." She said before she bowed her head and left out

She knocked on the principal's door before she was allowed in. Once she got into the room she bowed her head respectfully to him. "Principal Nezu sir, I know that I'm just about done here-but I...I can't deal with being in Hero class A anymore. Too many people there hate me and bully me. I...I can't take it anymore. Please let me drop out and move on with my life, I won't even be a hero when I leave here, I'll be going to a different school altogether."

"I can't convince you to stay for the last half month can I?" Principal Nezu asked sadly

Yuki looked down sadly. "I really don't know if I can go on like this sir, just yesterday I had someone I thought was my friend assault me because she was envious of me going to a different school than her. I...I don't like that she has done that or that people question me for being friends with someone from B class."

"Then how about this, we have you transferred to B class today. If those in A class can't behave themselves around you then we'll have you be somewhere that won't be toxic. Would you be okay with that?"

She blinked her eyes a few times before she smiled at the male rat male. "Yes, I...I'd be more than okay with that."

"Good then please stay here for a moment Asaya, I'll be right back."

The elder male soon left, and came back with the head teacher for B class. "So you'll be moving down to B huh? Is it because of academics or something else?"

"A class students have been assaulting and bullying me for the last month or so. I'm done with putting up with it. B class has treated me much better, I wanted to leave the school entirely but Principal Nezu wouldn't allow me to. So this is the solution that was made." Yuki explained

"Very well then, come with me, you'll have to share a desk with one of the students until we can get you a desk after your lunch break."

She nodded her head and she followed the teacher to B class. When they all saw her, they were more than stunned to see her. "Alright everyone, Starting today Miss Asaya will be here in B class. Now I'd like to remind you that this doesn't mean that certain people get to boast about this. This is for her own safety."

The teacher then looked at Yuki. "Go sit by anyone you feel comfortable by alright?"

She nodded her head and she looked to Kendo who was looking away from her, so she sat beside Monoma who smiled at her. The day was then normal for her as she enjoyed the company of Monoma who helped her out when she couldn't get something. Monoma had no idea how much Yuki was struggling in their classes until he saw just how much she had been struggling.

When it came to their lunch break Monoma and Yuki sat down together at a table, he was then able to talk to her freely about what had happened that day. "So you moved down huh? What made you choose to do that?"

"What happened yesterday, after getting slapped and yelled at by Jiro, was literally the last snapping straw." Yuki explained as people from A class went past them.

Two of the people that passed them were Jiro and Kamanari. "So, you chose to run huh? I hope you realize you're never going to be as good as me Asaya. Don't think for a moment that your weak voice will get you anywhere." Jiro said seriously

Before Yuki could speak, Monoma spoke up. "You're just salty that she is far more talented than you are, you have nothing on her. Yuki has talent and looks that outweigh you in so many ways. Don't think for one moment that you could ever do better than her. If you even had an ounce of intelligence in you, you would have been nicer to her and not been so physical to her."

"Asaya can talk for herself, she doesn't need you to talk for her." Kamanari said seriously

"What he said is right, Kamanari, I won't disagree with what he said. Anyways.."She said before she turned herself to look at him and she kissed him on the lips before she looked at Kaminari. "He's my boyfriend, he can stand up for me all he wants. Unlike the lot of you who don't seem to remember-he knows just how mentally fucked up I am and keeps that in mind."

"Seriously, you want your first boyfriend to be someone like him?" Jiro said with a scoff

"At least I know he'll protect me and won't insult me, you two can't say that now can you?" yuki inquired

Both of them scoffed and walked off insulted, when they were gone Neito raised an eyebrow at her. "Why did you lie to them?"

"It wasn't a lie, I thought about it a lot yesterday. If I was going to be dealing with this nonsense I'd need someone who'd be able to have my back. You'd always have my back, so why not just be with you? That way I know if anything happens to me I'll always have you to fall back against and vice versa."

He placed his hand on the side of her face before he gave her a rather passionate kiss on the lips pulling her closer to him with his other hand. She was stunned he'd do such a thing but she happily wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back. He pulled away from her after a bit and smiled at her. "You haven't made a mistake with this Yuki, I'll do whatever I can to keep you happy and safe. I love you so damn much."

"I love you too, thank you for being around me." She said with a smile

They finished their lunch before they left the cafeteria, Monoma then showed her all of the things that he had made into an acoustic tone. Her eyes lit up seeing the songs that he had done. "You really have a talent Neito!"

"Thank you."

"Have you ever thought about writing your own music?" Yuki asked curiously

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I've tried but I can only do melodies." He said before he showed her a few sheets of music that had notes on them but no lyrics.

She hummed out the notes before she looked at him. "I think I can come up with lyrics for this one. I'm supposed to change dorms today-I have a piano in my dorm. We can figure out things from there."

"You know you're the only person who hasn't laughed at me having this as a hobby." Neito said leaning against his desk with a smile

"Well I adore music, knowing that I'm not the only one that has talent for music-I'd never laugh at you Neito."

"Is that how you and Jiro became friends?" Neito asked

"Pft-We were never friends. She was just an acquaintance." She said with a shrug

"Okay, well were you friends with anyone in A class?"

"Mhm, Mina, Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki and Tokiyami. Everyone else not so much. I coped with them."

"Ahn, I see. So you not being in that class doesn't really hurt you that much then huh?"

"Nope, if it wasn't for the fact that I was suggested to be in this class I would have completely dropped out."

His blue eyes widened in shock before he placed his hand over hers. "You were seriously thinking about leaving here permanently?" He asked sadly

"Well, yeah. Why should I be somewhere that obviously doesn't give me good vibes? I don't really get why people are so salty and cold towards me. Kendo I used to think was my friend but she hasn't said anything to me all day...I'm starting to think that people were using me." She said sadly

"I don't know what's up with her, but I can find out." He said squeezing her hand softly

"Please? I don't know what would happen if I tried to talk with her."

He kissed her forehead softly. "Sure thing, I'll be right back sweetie."

He then got up and went to find Kendo, Kendo was right outside of their classroom hugging herself as she looked down sadly. "Why are you just outside of the classroom?" He asked curiously

"I wanted to see if what I heard from A class was right, you two are seriously together?"

"Well duh, so far I've been the only one who has actually given her a reason to keep on living. You and the others who used to be her friend have made her feel like she isn't worth being here. If you really see her as a friend then do something about the rift between the two of you. Starting today she'll be in our dorms, so you'll be seeing a lot more of her." Neito said seriously

Kendo frowned as she looked down at her hands. "I don't know Neito, what if she doesn't see me as her friend anymore?"

"Just talk with her, you always tell me to communicate with people before going to conclusions. Well you're now being more than a bit of a hypocrite."Neito said as he had his hands in his pockets

She took a deep breath and went into the room with him only for neither one of them to see her in the room. Neito looked around only to see on the chalkboard a message that she left with a few of her black feathers around the ground.

|Since I am not really wanted or needed, I will make it so no one will have to hear, see or deal with me ever again. Monoma I am sorry but this is just how my brain is. May you find someone better than me that is more stable and less of a freak.|

Neito was more than crushed to see that she flew out of the window, it hurt him to know that she felt the way she had without talking about what was going on throughout her mind. Instantly after he read what he had, he called Yuki repeatedly until she answered her. When she did, he had just finished talking with their teachers and was outside looking around for her. "Please don't do this Neito."

"Sweet heart, please don't do anything stupid. This isn't the right thing to do."

"Whether it's right or not it's what my mind feels is right."

"Your mind doesn't know always what's right or wrong. Please come back to the school. Just talk to Kendo and the others and let them know what's on your mind. Express yourself to them, they aren't going to know what you're going through if you don't tell them. Communication and comprehension are key in any relationship. Be it with two partners or a bond between friends. I don't want to lose you Yuki. I love you, I love you so much." Neito said as he was on the verge of tears

Yuki sobbed out. "I'm afraid...I'm so afraid of going back. I...I'm so sorry I can't go back Neito....I love you too but you need to move on-"


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