The Akatani Twins and the UA...

By aizuna-kun

20 1 0

In which Vigilante Twins have been added to the UA Staff Chat chaos ensues. Read to find out more(; More


Part 1: chaos sweet sweet chaos(:

6 1 0
By aizuna-kun

-Present mic : precious cockatoo-
-Midnight : sleeptight-
-Thirteen :alien angel-
-Vlad king : vampire diaries2.0.-
-All might: sticksnobones -
-Cementos: blockbusters 2.0-
-recovery girl: UA's Salvation-
-snipe: shoot yer shot-
-Hound dog: terepi-
-lunchrush: king chef-
-Powerloader: tonystark but cooler-
-eraserhead : sleepzone-
-izuku: cyber-
-aizuna: viper-
In the UA Staff on Crack chat
Ratgod: I sense entertainment 🍵

UA's Salvation: what did we say about world domination? I swear if I see any robots attacking the commission I will whack my cane over your head
2 Users have been added to the hero network
precious cockatoo🐤:what in the fuc-
2 Users are online

Viper: cy don't you dare start. 🫠

Cyber: you told me to shut up so I'm going to text you about it 🧏‍♀️😜

Viper: cy.

Cyber : honestly if you think about it-

Viper : cy

Cyber : can you not cut me off?💀💁‍♀️

Viper : Look at the goddamn chat name

Cyber : why we don't even have any friends💀🤚

Viper : just do it before you say something stupid

Cyber : Okay fine damn

Viper : ...

Cyber : .... Oh fuck.

Ratgod : who art thou?

Viper : cy I think we're in the UA staff chat...

Cyber : YOU THINK?! We're in the fucking UA staff chat? Fml fml fml

Cyber : I'm going to die OMGOMGOMG

Viper: secure the IP address already you dumb ass

Cyber : I already did fucker

Vampire diaries, 2.0: ...

Sleepzone: who are you guys? How old are you?
Are you villains? Are you minors?

King Chef : how did you hack into the chat?
And what did you mean by " secure the IP address"

Viper: We didn't hack into the chat tho :/

Cyber: figuratively speaking, if we're in the UA staff chat then that would mean ...oh fuck

Viper : recovery girl is here..

Cyber : can one of you guys kick us? It's not letting us leave.

Tony stark but better : sure I'll try

Tony stark but better has kicked 2 users
2 users have been added the chat
2 users have left the chat
2 users have been added to the chat
Cyber : FUCK

Viper : FUCK

Sleeptight : since you guys can't leave, we might as well get to know each other (;

Sleep zone : Nem no. Don't listen to her. Well try to get you guys out.
Sleep zone has kicked 2 users
2 users have been added to the chat
Sleep zone: you know what you might as well stay :/ i am in need of a nap

Cyber: might as well make it fun if we're gonna stay

Viper: are you thinking what I'm thinking?;)

Cyber : ;)

Ratgod : I like this(:

AlienAngel : f e a r

tonystark but cooler: Nezu don't not encourage this How do we know there not villains?

sticksnobones: yes. What he said and even if they aren't we can't converse in a chat with civilians.

Ratgod: hm it seems I can't hack through their firewalls.

Shootyershot : again f e a r

Cyber: let's play a game (:

Viper : yes yes

Terepi: we'll play if-

AlienAngel: wait why tho? I don't know if it's a good idea

Ratgod: I have checked their files they are trustworthy but I can't get past their firewalls

vampire diaries2.0.: Nezu this is dumb what if they-

Shootyershot: lemme stop you there before you lose your job :|

UA's Salvation: okay dearies we will play this game only if you can guess who we all are

Cyber: we were just gonna say 21 questions but okay

Viper : since I'm bad at guessing cy is gonna do it

Terepi: okay then give it your best shot

Precious cockatoo: pfttt pls

Sleep tight: HAHAHAHA

Vampire diaries, 2.0.: good luck, you'll need it

UA's salvation: everyone be nice or I'll whack you all with my cane.

Cyber: you doubt us PFTT

Viper: fools.

Cyber: here are my guess'
-present mic: precious cockatoo-
-Midnight : sleeptight-
-Thirteen :alien angel-
-Vlad king : vampire diaries2.0.-
-All might: sticksnobones -
-Cementos: blockbusters 2.0-
-recovery girl: UA's Salvation-
-snipe: shoot yer shot-
-Hound dog: terepi-
-lunchrush: king chef-
-Powerloader: tonystark but cooler-
-eraserhead : sleepzone-

Sleep tight: what.

Sleep zone: The..

Terepi: actual.

Block busters, 2.0.: fucking.

Sticks no bones: Hell.

Viper: you've doubted us

Cyber: so deal widdit 💁‍♀️
Precious Cockatoo has changed Cyber's name to Menace
Sleeptight has changed Viper's name to Terror
Menace: well damn.

Terror: well damn.

Menace: QuIeT Down

Terror: ItS TrUE but damn you didn't have to say say it🫠

Menace: like

Terror: like

Shootyershot: oh hell naw they synced up 💀💁‍♀️

Blockbuster2.0: death come pick me up rn. RN.

Menace: ...

Terror: ...

Menace: I need coffee cats and sleep

Terror: I need tea 🍵

Sleepzone: see @menace is the only exceptional person here:/

Terror: o u c h. Eraser you have o u c h e d me

Sleepzone: Lies and slander. I will not stand for it

Menace: then sit bisch

Terror has changed their name to Viper

Ratgod: well then shall we start this game?

Menace: yes yes :clappy hands:

Viper: :gremlin face:

KingChef: f e a r

Menace: Okay 21 questions!!!

Viper: you ask us 21 questions

Menace: and we both answer

Viper: it cannot be personal

Menace: but as we grow to trust you we will reveal more about ourselves

Ratgod: okay!! First question, Are you minors ?

Menace: Nope

Viper: Nope

Sleeptight: Are you single?~

Menace: ...


Menace: no

Viper: no

Precious Cockatoo: Have you guys finished school?

Menace : yes

Viper: would you like us to list our degree's

Sticksnobones: that would be good. Please

Menace: Masters degree in Medicine, Masters degree in Quirk Ideology, Masters degree in Quirk Psychology, Masters degree in Quirk Analysis

Viper: Masters degree in Medicine, Masters degree in Quirk Ideology

precious cockatoo:... w h a t

sleeptight: t h e

alien angel: f u c k

vampire diaries2.0.: do you guys have intelligence quirks or something?

sticksnobones : that would explain the bravado

blockbusters 2.0: another word from you 2 , and I'll have your heads they have more degrees than the both of you combined

UA's Salvation: hm. You two dearies have the exact same degrees as my grandchildren.

shoot yer shot: that's pretty sweet y'all have more degrees than me

terepi: me as well I am terrified

king chef: what in the actual fuck

tonystark but cooler: I'm impressed, but terrified

ratgod: interesting

sleepzone:... damn

Menace: V...

Viper: Cy

Menace: we fucked up

Viper: we fucked up

UA's salvation: indeed indeed you have. I'll be seeing you two in my office if you value your life.

KingChef: ...?

Menace: yes. Ma'am.

Viper: yes. Ma'am.

Sticknobones: wait they're coming to UA?

KingChef: why we don't know enough about them yet?

Menace: what? No

Viper: we are going to her home office

Sleepzone: how you don't know where she lives?

Menace: ...

Viper: ...

UA's Salvation: they will reveal themselves in due time

Ratgod: Fourth question, How do you know Chiyo-San?

Menace: She's our grandmother

Viper: She's our grandmother

precious cockatoo: WAIT

sleeptight:W H A T


vampire diaries2.0.: F E A R

sticksnobones : CHIYO-SAN HAS GRANDKIDS?

Menace: yes yagi we are also related to two of you mentors

Viper: continuing onnnn

blockbusters 2.0: fifth question, Are you heroes or Villains ?

Menace: We are

Viper: Neither

shoot yer shot: huh? How does that work?

terepi: civilians maybe?

Viper: we are the Vigilante duo

Menace: We will not say our names because that will give us away right away and I prefer walking

king chef: oh. OH.

tonystark but cooler: TMI TMI TMI

ratgod: Would you like to work at UA?

sleepzone: hm...

Precious Cockatoo: ...

Sleeptight: ...
Sleeptight has added Loud Cloud
Sleeptight has changed Loud Clouds Name to
Cloudnine: ? Nem what is this?

Sleeptight: back read

(After back reading)

Cloudnine: ...

Viper: ...

Menace: ...

precious cockatoo: so. Sixth question, what are your IQ's?

sleeptight: zashi, what kind of question is that?

alien angel: correct punctuation...

vampire diaries2.0.: the world is ending

sticksnobones : ...

blockbusters 2.0: they are angry and I don't like it

shoot yer shot: they are putting together pieces I didn't even know existed

terepi: ominous

king chef: the lunch room will on lockdown until further notice

tonystark but cooler: same for the support rooms

ratgod: I am indeed interested

sleepzone: their numbers are blocked I can't view them can anyone other than Nem, zashi, oboro, and Nezu see them? Because I have a hunch on who they are...

Terepi: I got it its XXX-XXX-

Viper: Okay so our IQ's are 226

Menace: and 289

alien angel: wait how did you cut him off like that?

Viper: D e t e r m i n a t i o n

vampire diaries2.0.: how the hell is your IQ that high?

sticksnobones : not even mine is that high...

blockbusters 2.0: we know

UA's Salvation: we know

shoot yer shot: we know

terepi:that is quite high

king chef: almost as high as nezu

tonystark but cooler: seventh question why are you guys hell bent on keeping your identities secret?

Menace: <(0.0<)

Viper: (>0.0)>

Menace: ... (:

Viper : fine

Viper: we plead the fifth

Sticksnobones : ...

Tonystarkbutcooler: ...

Ratgod : Using American amendments? We're in Japan though.

Menace: Nezu, my fellow chimera would you like everyone to see what you do before meetings ?

Ratgod: ...
Ratgod has gone offline
AlienAngel: F E A R

Vampire diaries 2.0 : Nezu come tf back here and get your hellion.
Ratgod has come online
Ratgod: May I remind you, I am your boss and you all have classes to teach.

Everyone has gone offline - Menace, Viper and Ratgod.

Ratgod: I suggest you see Chiyo unless neither fear for your life

Menace :understood thank you for keeping our information private (>^~^)>

Viper: thank you Nezu! (>^~^)>

Ratgod: Only keeping a promise <(^-^<)

Everyone has gone offline

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