Prodigy Idol Sunfish

By minimiru

200K 7.2K 1.9K

[Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do ★] [Synonym for a shitty game of luck ★] [Is there... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65

Episode 34

2.9K 119 14
By minimiru

TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 34

The response on social media was fervent.

The concept was unlike anything seen in existing male idol groups. The official website of DASE changed with the release of the teaser. The homepage's nostalgic childhood design prompted fans to discuss ID's perversity.

'It's a dress-up game!'

It seemed like an incredibly well-thought-out concept from the renowned idol entertainment. Given that the concept was dolls, perhaps they intended to provide content for fans to enjoy.

'Sparrow' couldn't help but admire their capitalist marketing skills, which she was experiencing for the first time.

As someone whose profession involved coding, she noticed that certain content was hidden, to be unlocked after a certain amount of time. She couldn't quite uncover the hidden address due to her limitation of knowledge, but if the intro was of such high quality, then the hidden pages were likely to be amazing.

There seemed to be a possibility that a dress-up game for fans to style the members could be provided, as some fans had hoped.

And the next morning.

The album specifications and pre-order announcements appeared simultaneously. The cover, identical to the doll box shown in the music video teaser, piqued fans' desire to purchase, and they soon made their order reservations.

- WANT ME Album specifications: 1 cover, 6 postcards, 6 paper doll cards, 12 photo cards, 7 first-release limited edition posters (includes a group poster)

- ID is doing a great job~ Payment completed (card swiping gif)

- Why is the album so big, 17x25cm? ㅋㅋㅋ

- It's just my opinion, but seeing as the front of the cover is transparent, wouldn't it be possible to put a postcard there? Then it would be exactly the same as the doll box shown in the teaser.

└ That would be insane

- No... the photo cards are already making me crazy

- Paper doll cards? Paper dolls? To think the kids are paper puppets... They've gone crazy with the specs.

However, that was not the end of ID's preparations. As soon as the next day came at midnight, DASE's official website underwent another transformation.

Six empty picture frames hung on the side of the closet. Each one had a picture of a member.

When clicking on one of the frames, a frontal photo of Chung with pink hair and a white t-shirt popped up. If it weren't for the stickers on his face, it could have passed for an identification photo.

When the active arrow was clicked, more pictures were revealed, showing him in different outfits and angles.

After unveiling one member per day like this, Monday came around again. Amidst the fans' anticipations, episode 5 of DASE's reality show was aired.

* * *

[EP.5 | Our Hidden Camera Has Begun! Lock Baekya in the Recording Studio | DASE HAPPY DAYS]

The thumbnail showed a surprised Baekya and the members excitedly holding a cake.

[In the peaceful DASE's practice room]

[May 2nd, 1 hour before Baekya's birthday]

The members faced the mirror, led by the choreographer's chant.

[Choreographer: One, two- Want me. Ta, ta, ta.]

The sound of six pairs of feet echoed through the space with slight delays. There were occasional sounds of sneakers dragging on the floor. The members eyes were serious as they looked into the mirror.

[Yuyeon: Hyung, I have a question.]

[Choreographer: What is it?]

Yuyeon, who was following the choreography, raised his hand. The members leaned in to listen to his question.

The choreographer checked Yuyeon's posture who asked if he had understood the choreography right as he was confused by the movement he just learned. The other members also reviewed the moves in question, exhibiting a high level of concentration.

The scenes were continuously interrupted. It seemed like the parts where the music was playing were cut out, probably because it was a rehearsal for an unreleased song.

[Chung: Can't we move to the right a bit more? I think they're going bump into each other.]

[Baekya: I think I'm too close to Yulmu.]

[Yulmu: Didn't you keep moving this way on purpose? Since you want to be close to me.]

Yulmu made eye contact with Baekya and did the heart bite with an 'Aang.' Baekya, who had become tired of Yulmu teasing him whenever he got the chance, quietly clenched his fist, a warning that one more word might be his last.

However, Yulmu was in a better mood than usual today, and he couldn't resist adding a few more words.

[Yulmu: Our baby has become so violent these days- Ack!]

[Minsung: Why do you keep provoking the kid who's just being still?]

Yulmu, who was struck by a single blow, fell to the floor, clutching his forearm. He has long since used up all the leverage he gained by submitting Baekya's photo card pictures on Baekya's behalf.

Baekya was seen pushing Yulmu, who was lying on the floor and exaggerating his pain, as if he was rolling a ball.

And the scene briefly cut off.

[Now playing: No Games]

This time, the members were practicing choreography to their debut song. The sound of synchronized footwork was like that of a single person dancing, boasting their flawless teamwork.

- The footsteps in the choreography video are always exciting! The lighting, the temperature, the humidity... and the excitement.

- It's amazing how perfectly in sync their movements and sounds are.

- Dance practice video for No Games! This is our victory for persevering ㅠㅠ

- Yulmu and Baekya are total besties ㅋㅋ

[After a while, only DASE remains in the practice room]

Namkyung called for Baekya.

[Manager: Baekya-ya. The producer wants to see you for a moment.]

[Baekya: Just me? Why?]

[Manager: He wants to record a few more ad-libs. Is this a good time?]

Baekya nodded, looking at the members and waving as he said he'd be right back. DASE members waved at him and cheered him on.

Upon arriving at the studio, Baekya went straight into the recording booth.

[Manager: Then, I'll leave you to it. I'll be right back to pick you up.]

[Composer: You can take your time. I plan to add a few more good things this time.]

An unintelligible conversation takes place between two people. Inside the booth, Baekya, wearing a headset, blankly stares off into the distance through the glass. He was in the mode of bewilderment as he couldn't hear any of the conversation outside.

As Namkyung left and the producer pressed a button, a green light came on, and outside sounds were transmitted through the headphones.

[Composer: Baekya-ya, I'll have you record a few ad-libs.]

[Baekya: Yes.]

[Composer: The Want Me 2nd verse's chorus part, can you make it a notch higher?]

The part in question originally hit a three-octave high C note. After clearing his throat and practising the part requested by the composer a few times, Baekya nodded.

[Baekya: Yes, I will give it a try.]

And then he effortlessly did it.

A three-octave high D.

The composer also nodded with a satisfied face, as if he knew that Baekya could do it.

Once again, the button was pressed.

[Composer: Great job. Want to try one more notch? You don't have to push yourself too hard.]

[Baekya: No, it's fine. I'll give it a try.]

A three-octave high E, which even established artists might struggle with.

This was just a way to stall for time as requested by the manager, but Baekya accomplished it again with ease. The composer was slightly surprised by the smoothly rising high notes.

He was looking at Baekya with a face that said, 'Huh? This actually works?'

The man realized that Baekya had even greater potential than he had thought. The man played the part he had just recorded one more time. He was covering his mouth without realizing it.

[Baekya: Um... PD-nim?]

The man seemed quite stunned and took a while to snap out of it by the voice calling for him.

He then asked if Baekya could go even higher by one more key, just in case.

[Baekya: One more?]

This time, Baekya looked confused.

He wondered if the man was testing how high his voice could go. For a moment, various thoughts flashed through his mind.

And then he hit a three-octave high F.

[Composer: Unbelievable. That's a perfect high F...]

The man was now openly stunned. The live comment section, which was previously active, fell silent as if they were lost for words.

- That's crazy...

- Wow...

- He's a guy but how does it keep getting higher...?

[Composer: You're really good at this, aren't you?]

[Producer, speechless with excitement]

To think he had that vocal range with that tone of voice. It seemed like a scam.

Until recently, Baekya's limit was believed to be three octaves high C during the recording. In his confusion, the man realized that he had never asked Baekya to go beyond that.

Baekya, who didn't understand what was going on, just watched and waited. Unsure if the recording was over, he could only leave when he was asked to come out.

[Baekya: ...Should I do it again?]

[Composer: Huh? No, you did great. Let's do a few more things this time.]

[Baekya: Yes.]

[Composer: Make the 'yeah' part sound sad, really, really sad. Make it so sad that it feels like your nose tingles as soon as you hear it.]

[Baekya: ...Yes?]

Baekya's composure was finally shaken by this cryptic request.

The composer, who thought it would end soon if things continued this way, changed his methods.

At the same time, the remaining members in the practice room were busy with other preparations.

[Yuyeon: Quickly, hide, hide!]

[Chung: It's past midnight! It's his birthday!]

[Jihan: Can I turn off the lights?]

[Yulmu: Wait a minute! My hat, my cone hat is gone!]

[Minsung: It's behind you. Come here quickly.]

The VJs, along with the DASE members, were scattered and hiding in the corners of the practice room. The last person, Jihan, who turned off the lights, made his way to his spot and the practice room was enveloped in darkness.

Meanwhile, the manager arrived to pick up Baekya as the man wraps up the recording.

[Composer: Great job, Baekya. You can come out now.]

The sad 'Yeah' and the animal noises recorded one after the other at the end had completely disoriented Baekya. Thanks to this, he didn't notice any suspicious signs during his return to the practice room.

[Baekya: It seems like composing songs requires a really good mind.]

- This is so funnyㅋㅋㅋ Isn't he too unprejudiced?

- The No.1 most sincere idol without any prejudice ㅋㅋ

- He's so cute. I thought he would've caught on from the bird sounds.

- It's not an animal kingdom OST or anything, why are you recording the sound of a lion roaring?

- Please release the lion and the bird audioㅠㅠ I want to make the baby lion going 'Roar!' as my morning alarm. Sob sob...

- It's not that the composer has a really good mind, it's just that you fell for it ㅋㅋㅋ

- Our Peach is so pure... At this rate, I bet you could lure him with candy.

- It's even funnier because he really did his best ㅋㅋ

Baekya was chattering about what happened in the recording studio.

The conversation was interrupted by Namkyung's phone ringing. He asked Baekya to go back to the practice room first and disappeared to answer the call.

The Peach headed to the practice room alone. However, the room looked dark beyond the small glass window.

[Baekya: Huh? Where did everyone go?]

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