My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

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When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



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By Sarah__Leann

Kai's POV

I regretted storming off like I did but looking at Daisy, seeing the dark blue bruises that littered her body and knowing that she endured brutal violence made me snap.

I had to make Felix suffer the way Daisy did, so I left her.. again. And now, I'm the one that has to sit and watch, day after day as she slowly recovers from her ordeal.

It's been eighteen days since Haldon sedated her and each day, the bruises fade and she almost looks like nothing ever happened now.

When I heard her respond when we were on the ship, I knew she was suffering.

We stormed the gladarian ship immediately and when I found her, I thought she was gone.

My heart stopped, a gut wrenching void in the pit of my stomach but when I heard her faint breathing, I knew she would be ok. She's a fighter, an incredible one too.

I was afraid to touch her and when I pulled her out of the machine and lay her limp body on the ground, I was morified by the extent of her injuries.

Her ribcage had multiple broken bones, her cheek had a nasty, deep wound and her eye was swollen to the point that she couldn't open it.

Her arms were full of bruises and she was pale white and cold to the touch.

How she was still breathing was mind blowing but as soon as we had a clear path of mutilated gladarian bodies, I rushed her to my ship and got her home.

When Haldon gave me the long list of Daisy's injuries, I told Kiara to stay with her and I got to work on Felix.

My goal was to break seven ribs, break his eye socket, break his nose, fracture his arm, multiple lacerations to his face, a collapsed lung and internal bleeding.

If Daisy had to deal with that, then so could Felix.

Some may call me evil but I would disagree. I was an angry, vengeful man and my soulmate was on the verge of death because one man.. monster.. wouldn't accept defeat.

Daisy didn't deserve any of this so it was my mission to inflict pain on Felix for each day that she spent healing.

I was sitting by the pod, watching her sleep when Haldon came in to check on her.

"How's she doing?"

"She's doing well. A few more days and we should be able to wake her up. We could wake her up now but there's still a slight fracture to one of her ribs which will cause her some discomfort for a few weeks."

I raised a brow, mulling it over but I didn't want her to feel an ounce of pain when she woke up so I decided against it.

"No. Let her heal."

Haldon nodded and went to leave the room but as he reached the door, he paused and turned around to face me.

"Forgive me for intruding, Commander but as a medic, I must reccomend that you find some time to rest. You look incredibly tired and she'll need you fighting fit once we wake her."

He sounded like my mother and I chuckled for the first time since Daisy was abducted again.

"Thanks, Medic, I'll rest tomorrow." I gave him a simple nod and he exited the room.

I checked the time and realised it was time to pay Felix a visit.

Glancing down at Daisy, I reached into the pod and gently stroked her hair before closing the dome over the top of her.

Nobody, other than Kordin, knew that Felix was still alive. Everyone thought that I had killed him a few days after he was brought back to Zandara.

Kiara would arrive at twenty hours each day thinking that I was going home to rest but instead, I spent a few hours with Felix.

"You look like shit." She laughed as I walked out of Daisy's room.

"Thanks." I muttered back.

"Kai?" She raised a brow suspiciously.

"Yes, Kiara?" I rubbed my hands over my face with a yawn.

"I know you've not been going home to rest these past few weeks. What's going on?"

I sighed, knowing that she'd see straight through my lies.

"I've been dishing out a little karma in the world." I said lazily.

"Meaning?" She narrowed her eyes at me the way my mother would when I misbehaved as a child.

"Kiara, can we talk about this later?"


"Fine! Felix hurt Daisy so I've been hurting him."

"Wait, what? Are you out of your mind?"

"No, I'm of perfectly sound mind thank you." I rolled my eyes at her.

"If anyone found out that there was a gladarian on Zandara.."

"They won't!" I cut her off.

"And who benefits from this? You? Daisy? The zaviour race?"

"Like I said, I'm dishing out karma."

Before Kiara could respond, I walked away, making my way out of the medical centre and into my shuttle.

Felix was locked in a cage with electical bars in the middle of the woods that wasn't too far from the ship hangars.

When I got there, I saw Kordin's shuttle.

He was waiting for me by the enterance to the camouflaged building that housed the cages.

"What are you doing here?"

His arms were folded across his chest and he didn't seem happy.

"I have to put a stop to this, Kai. Our parents are due to take the reigns of Zandara in a few days and I can't keep lying to them about it. I will be first in line soon so I can't turn a blind eye while you pursue this vendetta against Felix."

"What do you want to do with him then? Let him get away with everything he did?"

"Get away with it? Kai, you've beat him senseless for over two weeks. Don't you think he's had enough?"

"He will have had enough when he stops breathing." I gritted my teeth, clenching my fists.

"He did stop breathing Kai. The only reason he's still alive is because you shocked him on the bars!"

"He heals quickly, I'm sure he can handle it. Daisy had to endure it when he took her from me with intentions of killing her. Do you know what would have happened if I didn't get to her when I did? She would have died, Kordin! And I would have died with her. I wouldn't have been able to survive it."

Kordin sucked in a deep breath.

"After today, I will have Medic Haldon administer euthanasia. He won't get to live after everything that happened but this has to stop. It doesn't solve anything, least of all your anger issues."

I kicked the door open on the building and walked inside, flicking on the lightswitch.

Felix looked at me with a grin and I instantly felt enraged by his stance.

His cockiness each day was what encouraged me to inflict pain. How he stood there, proud of what he did was incredibly aggravating and he seemed to enjoy his beatings.

"How is the little bitch?" He glared at me and it took everything I had to not rip his head off.

"Would you like to die today, Felix?"

His grin faded as mine appeared.

"Today? Don't you enjoy beating me anymore? Is almost killing your little lover only worth a haful of beatings?"

"You don't want to die do you?" I heard Kordin behind me. "You'd rather take a daily beating than be exterminated from the world wouldn't you?"

"That's not true." Felix spat, turning his head to look at Kordin.

"Really?" He stood tall, crossing his arms over his chest. "Kill him, brother."

Felix stepped back as I approached the cage and for the first time, I saw fear in his eyes.

It was the same look that Daisy had when she was taken and it only made me want him dead even more.

Unlocking the cage, he gulped, stepping back until he was almost touching the bars.

"This is for Daisy." I took a step towards him.

"This is for the lives that you needlessly took." I stepped closer.

"This is for Dazna." I was one step away.

"And this is for me."

My hand shot forwards and wrapped around his neck. Lifting his body until he was stood on the tips of his toes. I threw him to the side of the cage, watching as he crashed into the bars.

He gritted his teeth as the electricity stunned him.

"Wait, wait!" He mumbled as he scrambled to his knees.

"Why should I?" I asked as I walked over to him, lifting him to his feet.

"If you kill me, you kill the human too." He muttered breathlessly.

"What human?" Kordin interrupted.

"The human who's body I'm trapped in."

I turned to Kordin, raising a brow suspiciously. Why had he only just spoke of this human now? I wasn't sure I believed him and he wasn't exactly a trustworthy being either.

I left Felix in the cage and went outside with Kordin.

"He's lying." I spat.

My jaw was tight, nostrils flared as my anger grew.

"Perhaps he is, but if he's telling the truth, we can't kill him. An innocent human could be killed and it would be a crime to harm an innocent being."

"No one knows. How do we even prove that theres someone else in there with him?"

"Kai." Kordin wasn't going to drop this, so I reluctantly walked away, frustrated that the man that almost killed my Daisy, would get away with it.

I went home in the shuttle to have a shower and freshen up. When I got there, I sat on Daisy's side of the bed, laying my head back on her pillow, breathing in her faint scent.

It slightly calmed me and I closed my eyes, becoming aware of how tired I really was.

I'd barely slept in eighteen days, catching the odd ten minute doze hear and twenty minutes there and the softness of the pillows were more inviting than ever.

I peeled an eye open and set an alarm on my wristband. One hour would be enough to recharge myself, so I let my mind relax and allowed myself to drift off to sleep.

Opening my eyes, the room was dark. The summer months were at an end and I welcomed the dark evenings that came with the cooler autumn months.

I checked the time and was surprised that I'd only been asleep for half an hour.

It was odd that I felt so rested after such little sleep.

I stretched out my limbs and sat up before climbing out of bed, leisurely making my way into the bathroom.

After showering and freshening up, I changed into a a pair of black joggers, a white t-shirt and a black hoodie.

My wristband bleeped and I saw a call from Kiara.

"Hey." I answered quickly.

"Where are you? Ive been here for over thirty-six hours and I need food and sleep." She sounded groggy and my brows furrowed at her words.

"Kiara, I've only been gone a few hours, what are you talking about?"

"Oh, so you class a whole day as a few hours?"

"What? No."

"Just get here will you. Daisy has improved dramatically over night so Haldon wants to wake her up. He won't do it until you get here though."

I abruptly ended the call, slipping on my shoes and socks before sprinting down the stairs and out of the door.

Once I was in the shuttle, I set it to maximum speed. Rubbing my hands through my hair, I sat down and realised that my alarm never went off.

Checking the time, I saw the date. Fuck me! I had managed to sleep right through the alarm and through a whole day too.

At least I was in a better shape to take care of Daisy now. I couldn't wait for her to wake up. The whole time she's been sedated, I've felt like I was alone in the world. She's my missing piece and without her I'd be nothing. A broken man with no purpose.

I was also feeling anxious, worried about her reaction when she finds out about Felix.

It isn't something I can keep from her, although I would if I could, but because she's my soulmate, I can't lie to her, I won't.

When the medical center came into view, a surge of overwhelming butterflies emerged in my stomach.


Shall we talk Felix?

Do you think he's got a human living inside him? Or do you think he's lying so that he can stay alive?

What are your predictions for the next chapter? Let me know, I'd love to hear them! 😁

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