Marcus volturi x oc

By BreAnnaScott835

26.8K 523 25

You are Bella's younger sister and you fished school wean you wear 13 and are a famous singer and have twins... More

The beginning
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

halloween short story

391 12 1
By BreAnnaScott835

POV: This is the first time celebrating Halloween in Italy. It was 2 days before Halloween and Evelyn was planning to make it count. She went to the store to get pumpkins for her 4 kids, the kings, queens, and the elite guards. When Evelyn got back from the store with everything she needed, she had to find a way to sneak it all into the Castle without anyone noticing. She knew that her older twins were spending time with her younger siblings, so they were distracted. Her king and his brothers were in trials until 4:00, and the elite guard should be there too, except for Alec and Jane. Since it was currently 2:00, she was good. The queens were either in the library, the garden, or their rooms, so she should be fine if she just avoided those areas. Evelyn POV: I grab everything and go to an abandoned room. I get a couple of thick sheets to place on the floor, a few pillows, set up two tables, placed the pumpkins on one of the tables, and put snacks for humans and vampires on the tables. Then, I set up the projector and the rest of the room. After finishing, I set up the hallway and saw it was 3:57. I knew that the kings would be done with their trials any minute. So, I got dressed in my room and then went to the garden where I knew my kids would be.

outfit :

Evelyn POV: Once I got to the garden, I saw the cutest thing ever. Alec and Jane were drawing with the twins. Hey my lovelies, after she said that, all her kids ran to her to give her a hug and she hugged back. Hey my sweets, can you all come with me to the throne room, please? Sure mom, but why are we going to the throne room? Alec asked. Well, I have a surprise for everyone. A surprise? Alec and Jane say a little shocked, and Hazel and Echo start jumping up and down and yell 'surprise' excitingly. Yes, a surprise. Now come on, we must hurry. And at that, Hazel and Echo run down the hallway laughing. I just look at Jane and Alec and start giggling. Well, we better catch up with them. Time skip to when they all just outside the throne room. When they got to the throne room, she saw some lower guards at the door. 'Your Highness,' they bow to her. 'Hello gentlemen, are the kings done with trials for today?' 'Yes, your majesty, they have just finished. Fantastic! Please open the door.' 'Yes, your majesty,' the guards say as they bow and then open the door. 'Thank you, gentlemen,' Evelyn says as she enters the throne room and sees Marcus, Aro, and Caius sitting at their thrones and talking. But stop when Evelyn and the older twins walk in and the younger twins run to Marcus. 'Dad!' the younger twins, who are now 6 years old, yell as they run to Marcus, and he grabs them as they jump up for a hug. 'Hi, my little princess and my prince! How are you this fine evening?' 'Mom has a surprise!' Echo and Hazel yell at the same time. 'She does,' Marcus says. 'Well, what is the surprise?' 'Well, it's for everyone. I don't know if you all celebrate any holidays, but I set something. But first, Demitry, can you go get Sulpicia and Athenodora?'

Yes, your majesty (time skip to when the queens are there). Evelyn, it's wonderful to see you. Demitry told us you had a surprise. I do, so if you would all follow me. (They all look at each other but follow Evelyn.) After walking through some hallways, they see this as they continue walking through hallways until they get to a door. (Picture of hallways)

Athandora, oh, this looks gorgeous, Evelyn. Thank you, Athandora. Ok, are you guys ready? Evelyn asked as she opened the doors. Yes, Mama Hazel and Echo yelled at the same time. Evelyn opened the doors and said, 'I decided that maybe we all could watch a Halloween movie together because everybody has been busy, and I thought it would be fun to all spend time together.' This is what the room looks like.

And it has snacks to for the kids and me and I brought some blood bags for you guys

So what do you think, Evelyn? asked. I think it's perfect, my love, Marcus says as he hugs Evelyn and she hugs back, thank you. How did you set this up without anyone noticing? Felix asked, surprised. Um, well it wasn't easy, but I knew that Jane and Alec were having sibling time with Echo and Hazel, so they were distracted. The kings would be in trials until 4:00, and you and Dimitri should be there too. The time that I started was at 2:00, so I knew I would have enough time. I also knew that the queens were either in the library, the garden, or their rooms, so I just avoided those areas. That's how I didn't get caught, though I'm a little surprised my plan worked, Evelyn said, surprising everyone. Aro looks surprised. How did you know our trials would be over at four? Well, each morning Marcus talks about how many trials he has to do, and I estimated how long that would take you from the four days I've been staying here. I knew that five trials would take you about 2 1/2 hours, depending on the people that have trials. But I knew today you were only seeing two new members and two other executions, so you only had four trials today. That's how I knew it would take you about two hours, Evelyn says as she looks at Aro. Aro, looking surprised, asks: how long have you been planning this? Aro says, umm, since October started. Anyway, let's get started carving and painting pumpkins and let's watch Nightmare Before Christmas. Come on, Well, it looks like a lot of fun. Let's go, Sulpicia says. They all enjoy watching the movie and the adults carved pumpkins while the children painted pumpkins.

A little extra (Marcus and Evelyn love a bit) So how do we do this? Marcus asks as he looks at Evelyn. She giggles as she grabs the knife, takes Marcus' hand, and shows him how to start carving the pumpkin. Then you have to reach your hand in and get out all the pumpkin seeds and guts, and put them in this trash bag. Later, I will separate the seeds from the guts and cook the seeds. Marcus starts to do just how Evelyn showed him, yes, just like that, and kisses Marcus on the cheek. Then looks around to see the other queens showing the king how to carve the pumpkins. Then, look over to Felix and Demetri just in time to see them just before they say to each other that they will make a better picture on a pumpkin. That just starts a whole competition between everyone.

Words: 1365

Edited Authors notes: Sorry, guys, I posted this on Halloween, but then for some reason my Wattpad was working funny. I posted both this and my chapter 16. Please comment to tell me if they aren't or are showing up.

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