Bit Into Your Love {SAPPHIC}

By Faerietrue

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{A SAPPHIC VAMPIRE TALE- COMPLETE} 18+ (this story can be read as a stand-alone if you wish)❗️ This is heartb... More

🩸Chasing the Light (pt.1)🩸
🩸Forest Intimacy (pt.2)🩸
🩸Eighteen (pt.3)🩸
🩸Gone Astray (pt.4)🩸
🩸Kidnapped (pt.5)🩸
🩸Healing (pt.6)🩸
🩸Interrupted (pt.7)🩸
🩸Drunken Tears (pt.8)🩸
🩸Fucking Agents (pt.9)🩸
🩸Artificial Sunlight (pt.10)🩸
🩸Melted (pt.11)🩸
🩸Explore My Body (pt.12)🩸
🩸Silver Knife (pt.13)🩸
🩸Favorite Person (pt.14)🩸
🩸Dreaming in Sadness (pt.15)🩸
🩸The Knock On the Door (pt.16)🩸
Valuable Life (Fluffy Bonus)
🩸Handcuffed (pt.17)🩸
🩸Stinging Thoughts (pt.18)🩸
English Literature (Smutty Bonus)
🩸Space and Secrets (pt. 19)🩸
🩸Heartbreak (pt.20)🩸
🩸Betrayal (pt.21)🩸
🩸Drugged Hugs (pt.22)🩸
🩸Storytime (pt.23)🩸
🩸Duck Date (pt.24)🩸
🩸Birthday Gift (pt.25)🩸
🩸Antidepressants (pt.26)🩸
🩸Bones, Flesh, Organs (pt.27)🩸
Sixty-nine (Smutty Bonus)
🩸Journals (pt.28)🩸
🩸Bloody Bath Water (pt.29)🩸
🩸You Only Die Once (pt.30)🩸
🩸Baby Talk (pt.31)🩸
🩸Cottagecore (pt.32)🩸
🩸Mysteries and Mythics (pt.33)🩸
🩸Age (pt.34)🩸
🩸Forgotten and Replaced (pt.35)🩸
🩸Reminisce (pt.36)🩸
🩸Strawberry Frappuccino (pt.37)🩸
🩸New Life (pt.38)🩸
🩸Euphoria (pt.39)🩸
🩸Speak Up (pt.40)🩸
🩸Sticky Sunsets (pt. 42)🩸
🩸Cognitivity (pt. 43)🩸
🩸New Name (pt.44)🩸
🩸Dolls (pt.45)🩸
🩸Over and Over (pt.46)🩸
🩸Black Suit (pt.47)🩸
🩸Cold Blooded (pt.48)🩸
Author's Note :) MOOD BOARDS
🩸Blackmail (pt.49)🩸
🩸Test For Fear (pt.50)🩸
🩸Nudes and Bruises (pt.51)🩸
🩸Two Minutes (pt.52)🩸
🩸Airport (pt.53)🩸
🩸School Parking Lot (pt.54)🩸
🩸Fangs (pt.55)🩸
🩸Damn Dog (pt.56)🩸
🩸Everything's Okay (pt.57)🩸
Aquarium (Bonus)
🩸White Coats (pt.58)🩸
🩸A Very Vampy Christmas (pt.59)🩸
🩸First Kill (pt.60)🩸
🩸Unique Abilities (pt.61)🩸
🩸Young Love (pt.62)🩸
🩸March (pt.63)🩸
🩸Chasing the Dark (pt.64)🩸
🩸Punishment (pt.65)🩸
🩸Vines (pt.66)🩸
🩸Hope of a Timely Manner (pt.67)🩸
🩸Fog (pt.68)🩸
🩸Lost Time (pt.69🩸)
🩸A Dose of Garlic (pt.70)🩸
🩸Immortality (pt.71🩸)
🩸Identity (pt.72)🩸
🩸Predator (pt.73)🩸
🩸Vulnerability (pt.74)🩸
Author's Note/Acknowledgements
Grocery Store (BONUS)

🩸Promises in Rings (pt.41)🩸

350 14 26
By Faerietrue

"Hey, Cleo,"


"Isn't it funny how we can just program our child with anything?"

"What- what do you mean by that?" She looked at me, amused.

"Like, what you said. She could grow up entirely speaking Danish. It could be the only thing she knows. Religion, and types of currency...just things like that,"

"You mean culture, her culture,"

"'Programming' is more fun to say."
"I suppose."

She sat next to me, gently wrapping an arm around my waist.

Most of our time was spent in Melanie's playpen. First time parent things.

Although, not for long, because I'd just managed to get pregnant again. After having talked to Cleo about things, we'd both become extremely comfortable, excited even, at the idea of two children. I was fortunate it had taken only one try, and that was pregnancy for me.

With one month under my belt, I wasn't sure what the baby could be yet. Vampire or human. There wasn't a lot of movement going on so early. But tiredness and fatigue had already started to settle in.

In the corner, Melanie was doing strange motions, like attempting to stand and falling down on her rear, over and over again. We'd tried to help her, but every time, she'd just yell, "No!" and we stopped. So we had just decided to let her do her thing, under close supervision, of course.

Average eleven month old activities.

Little grunts were sounding from her spot as she tried to grab onto anything for support, but there was nothing in the vicinity, she was facing a bland wall.

"Melanie, baby,"

Her head whipped back to look at Cleo. "No!"

"Ah yes, well, that's the end of that, isn't it?" She looked over at me with a snort.


I was suddenly more alert, my head shot up from Cleo's shoulder. She had once again landed on the floor. I wasn't sure what had happened, exactly, why this time it had hurt her.

"Are you okay, lovely?"


Cleo leaned me against the wall and went over to her. "What's wrong, baby?"
Melanie broke out into sniffles.

"Oh, please tell Mama, sweet girl,"
Cleo sat down and pulled Melanie into her lap, sweeping her off the ground.

Melanie pointed to her leg.

"Here?" Cleo gently touched the part she had pointed to.

She nodded frantically.

"Better get the fairy dust," Cleo looked over at me.

"On it," I got up and went to the closet.

I quickly opened the door and grabbed the "fairy dust." It was just a jar of fine glitter. It was somewhat powdery, ranging from pastel pink to blue, all mixed in a small jar.

I handed the jar to Cleo and she popped the lid off.
"Here we go," it stuck to her skin as she pressed her finger into it.

She gently rubbed it onto Melanie's leg. It would wash off fine, and was able to go down the drain, since it was biodegradable.

Melanie just giggled and threw herself into Cleo's arms.



"I will take that as a yes." Cleo softly smiled, embracing her tiny body.

She looked over at me. I was completely zoned out staring at them. I probably looked like a zombie.

"Come over here," she snorted.

I quietly trotted over to them both, "I have to put her down for her nap,"

Melanie looked at me, as if she knew I was talking about her. Or maybe it was just my presence.

"Ready? For nap time?"

She stared at me blankly.

I glanced at Cleo.

"Yes again," she said, scooping her up as she stood.

"Mama," she nuzzled her head into Cleo's shoulder.
"Ah, yes, baby. Let's go have our nap now."

Cleo took her up the stairs and to the nursery as I waited on the sofa.

I sat in silence, listening to the clock tick. My stomach began to tie into knots again, when I felt like I would die without her. Except now, it might've been worse, like I missed both of them.

I began to count numbers in my head, zoning out once again at the clock. I could feel a headache coming on.

So far, this pregnancy had been worse than my last. And I had nearly nine more months to go.

"Are you okay, babydoll?" Cleo stood in front of me.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay."

She sat next to me and wrapped her arm around my back.

"Are you sure? You seem to be zoning out a lot,"

"I'm- I'm fine, it's just the baby, I think,"

I nodded, the motion made me feel nauseous.

She pulled me into her waist. I let out a sigh of relief.

It felt like forever that I stayed there, because I could've stayed there for eternity. Feeling the coolness of her skin through her clothes as her stomach rose and fell as soon as she took in each soft breath.

"I'm nervous about the baby, too."

"They will be just as beautiful as our last, I'm sure of it, Marine."

"Okay," I said softly. I was trying not to cry from her gentle words of reassurance.

When Melanie woke up, I grabbed the package I had picked up earlier and let her tear into it. Which was a lie, partly. I'd cut the tape off beforehand.


"Mommy got you something, didn't she?" Cleo prompted. "Spoiled little girl."

She giggled as I tapped my fingers on her head, something like a tickling motion.
My heart swelled when Melanie's eyes went as big as saucers. She retrieved the gift from out of the box.

It was a small octopus plushie, one that you could flip inside out that had two different moods. One side was pink, the other green.

She weakly threw it at me with her tiny toddler arm.

I let out a dramatic gasp, "Are you giving this to me?"

"What is that?" Cleo snorted.

"An octopus!"

"What does"

"You're so hard to please," I jokingly shook my head.

Then I flipped it inside out, laughing at the shock on Cleo's face as the sad pink side turned to happy green.

Melanie reached for it, grunting. "Ooh! Mommy!"

I pulled her into my lap, handing it to her with a warm smile.

"Good girl,"
"Very nice job, baby," Cleo whispered.

The smile on Melanie's face as she inspected the octopus, ignoring our words of encouragement, was somewhat amusing to me.

She ever so slowly began to push herself onto her feet.
Cleo glanced at me, trying not to make a sound.

"Bababa..." she continued to ramble on as she stumbled up.

Eventually, she got onto her feet, and was able to stand, just for a few seconds, before I caught her in my lap.

"Good girl!" I booped her on her nose.
Cleo quickly crawled over to us, pulling me into her open legs.

"You two are the cutest," she whispered in my ear.

"Don't start," I hissed, turning around to briskly kiss her lips.

She always reached out for Cleo.

I settled back into her lap, making myself comfortable. Melanie clung against Cleo's shoulder. Sometimes it was still strange that I had to share her with someone.

Maybe two, soon.

Although, I couldn't have been happier, growing my tiny little family.


Cleo rolled over in bed, so close our noses were touching.

I giggled, "I thought you were asleep,"

"Mm, not yet. I have to show you something, my love."

"What's that?"

I sat up, taking a moment to adjust the blinds so no sunlight poked through.

She grabbed her jacket from the floor and took something out. I couldn't see it, it was completely covered by her hand.

She sat up as well, then gently grabbed my chin.

"Look at me," she whispered.

My cheeks grew hot as I stared into her eyes.

"Good girl, down now."

I squinted, before slowly looking down at her hands.

Her hand whisked off the object, revealing a small ring box.


"I know you said no marriage, so, maybe this will pique your interest."

Her thumb slid across the slit of the opening, before clicking the box wide open.

The ring was gorgeous. It was silver colored and small, with shiny looking thorns twisted into a small rose at the head.

"It-it's gorgeous," I told her quietly.
"It's a promise ring."

Cleo looked up at me. She made me feel flattered by how she looked into my eyes, like there was nothing else more important in the world.

"Some people call it a pre-engagement ring, but, this is my lifelong commitment to you, no matter what we decide."

She paused.

"That is...if you'll accept it."

"God, Cleo, of course!"

I wanted to say something more, but was too shocked. I wanted to tell her how much I loved her, how constantly desperate I was for her touch.

With a smile, she slipped the ring onto my middle finger.

I sniffled and pulled her into a hug.

She grunted in surprise at the sudden embrace, but conformed and wrapped her arms around me.

"I love you as much as the moon," she whispered, her voice was soft in my ear, comforting.

"Are you going to start this game?" I asked.

"It's my turn now, isn't it?"

"I love the cute little sweaters you wear with your miniskirts, and how you let me play with your hair. I love how you taste, and how your heartbeat speeds up when I do something even remotely sexual,"

I pulled back, still holding onto her shoulders. "Th-that's cheating!"

"Like how it is right now."

I subconsciously pushed a hand against my chest.

"I love your commitment to have my children, while you're still learning how to take care of yourself. That makes me so incredibly proud, Marine."

My cheeks just kept flushing.

"I love you so much. I'm so proud of you,"

I couldn't keep eye contact with her any longer.

"So would you do the honors for me?" I could hear the smile in her voice, as she slipped another ring box into my hand, which I assumed was hers.

"I love you more,"
"I love you most."

My cheeks still not cooling down, I pushed open the box and observed the ring.

It was silver colored, as well. I had to specify.

Only a little different. Cleo's had roses twirling up to form a glistening thorn at the head of the ring.

I gently grabbed her hand, her cool skin caressed mine. I softly rubbed her knuckles.

With no words, I slid the ring onto the middle finger on her left hand, just as she had done with me.

"You're so beautiful." She whispered, gently grabbing my chin again. As she gently lifted it, I was forced to look into her eyes again.

"Y-you just make me blush when you talk to me like that."
"That's my favorite part."

As we settled down, we lay there for a bit. Until I spoke up.

"How much did those cost?"
"Don't worry about a thing, babydoll,"

"I-I'm not worried...I'm just curious." I said mindlessly, staring up at the ceiling.

"They're pure diamond, and I had them custom made. There's your answer."

"You had them made quickly." I observed.

"I've had them for a few days, it only took three weeks." She answered softly.

"Ever since you talked to me about marriage, it had been on my mind constantly, and I couldn't just let it go."

"Oh, Cleo," I whispered. "They're gorgeous. You're gorgeous."

"Hush," she hissed. "I'm going to bed."

"Won't it fall off?"

She smiled as she rolled over, "Did I mention my little magic?"

"Don't worry about it, babydoll."

And with that, she drifted off.

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