Lone Knight (Oc X DMC Charact...


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Arthur,Twin Brother Of Nero Who Just Moved From Fortuna To Japan To See Spirit That Has Been Rumor Around Th... More

Chapter 1: Arrival At Japan
Chapter 2:School Day
Chapter 3: First Talk With Spirit
Chapter 4:Date That Goes Wrong
Chapter 5: Unexpected Thing
Chapter 6:Problem
Chapter 7:Hot Springs Vacation
Chapter 8:New Students
Chapter 9:First Attack
Chapter 10:Dates That Full With Surprised
Chapter 11:Kurumi Strike
Chapter 12:Fight And Explanation
Chapter 13: Kotori Date
Season 2:Chapter 14:New Allied
Chapter 15:Terror Of Twin
Chapter 16: Beach Day With Uninvited Guest
Chapter 17:Unexpected Confession
Chapter 18:Ten Oh Festival
Chapter 19:Unexpected Turn Of A Event
Chapter 20:Miku's Attack
Chapter 21:New Foe
Chapter 22:Little Help
Chapter 23:Inversion And Unexpected News
Special Chapter:Chapter 24: DMC X Date A Live
Chapter 25:Spending Some Quality Time
Chapter 26:Date Day
Chapter 27:Mysterious Man Name V
Chapter 28: First Fight With Demon King
Chapter 29:Back To Redgrave City
Chapter 30:Jin Vs Brutus And Dante Awake
Chapter 31:Heading Back To The Top
Chapter 32:Vergil
Chapter 33: Answer
Chapter 34:End Of The Rivalry
Chapter 35: Aftermath And Flashbacks
Chapter 36:Jin First Date
Chapter 37:End Of The Date
Season 3:Chapter 38:Reunion That Gone Wrong
Chapter 39:Arthur Against Rinne
Chapter 40:Reality Rewrite
Chapter 41: Something Not Right
Chapter 42:Get Back And Shocking Surprise
Chapter 43:New Day,New Foe
Chapter 44:Weird Day
Chapter 45:Surpise
Chapter 47:Problem
Chapter 48:Natsumi Makeover And Bad Feeling
Chapter 49:Time To Save Japan
Chapter 50:Origami Vs Others
Chapter 51:Spirit Origami
Chapter 52:Inverse Origami And Back To The Past
Chapter 53:Fix The Past
Chapter 54:Another New Timeline
Chapter 55:Date With Origami
Chapter 56:Origami Is Back
Chapter 57:Date A Shido
Season 4:Chapter 58:Mission Saving Another Spirit
Chapter 59:Nia
Chapter 60:A Date With Nia
Chapter 61:Nia Inversion

Chapter 46:Unexpected

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Due To Their Faith On Him,Shido Then Again Go On A Date With Everyone Once Again To Determine Who Is Natsumi Is Disguise But...........

Inside The Place Where Arthur And Jin Are Trap..........

Arthur:"Hmm.What to do now?".

Jin:"Yeah,I'm bored playing football only".

Arthur:"Me too.I hope something interesting happens".

Suddenly Some Appear And It Was Tohka And Yoshino.......

Tohka:"Ouch!Where am I?".

Yoshino:"Where are we?".

Arthur And Jin:"Tohka?Yoshino?".

Tohka And Yoshino:"Big bro!".

Then They Hug Them.......

Tohka:"Good to know both of you are alright".

Yoshino:"Yeah,we thought something happened to you".

Arthur:"Nah,we're good".

Jin:"Yeah and don't know how to get out from here".

Tohka:"So,any idea where are we actually?".

Arthur:"I also don't know.I already try to get out but I can't,so the only thing we can do is waiting".

Then They All Sit Together And Waiting Patiently.......


Shido:"What?!Tohka and yoshino is disappear?!".

Natsumi:"Like I say before shido, wrong guess,you will get the surprised and the surprised is your friend will slowly disappear if you continue guess wrongly.So,two chances left.Good luck".

She Then Disappear........

Shido:"Come on!Why it so hard to guess".

Kotori:"Hmm,I think we need to observe those pictures that she send, probably we will get a clue".

Yuzuru:"Good idea".

Then They All Collect All The Pictures And Put It On The Table Where The Missing Person Picture Is Already Whiten........

Rinne:"Nothing unusual with this picture to be honest,but we must check it".

Barghest:"Yeah,maybe we can find a clue or something relatable".

Yuzuru:"We must inspect every detail".

Kaguya:"Or odd that we can find".

Half A Day Later...........

Shido:"I can't give up but I'm tired".

Yuzuru:"We all too".

Kotori:"It's almost half a day and we can't find any odd or something weird on these pictures".

Rio:"Mama rio tired.Can we rest for a while please".

Rinne:"Sure my dear.Excuse us".

Kotori:"You can use my room".

Rinne:"Thanks kotori".

Mayuri:"Have a good rest rio".

Rio:"Alright big sis mayuri".

Then They Leave The Living Room And Head To Kotori Room........

Mayuri:"Are we gonna lose them?Are jin and others will disappear?".

Mayuri Then Slowly Start To Crying........

Mayuri:"I don't want to lose anyone! All of you are important to me and thanks to you guys I'm still here.But if something happens to any of you,I......I.....I.......".

Then Barghest Hug To Calm Her Down...........

Barghest:"Don't be like mayuri.We understand your feeling.But now,we must stay positive.I'm sure they are alright".


Arthur:"So,any idea what should we do here?We already play football before.What now?".

Tohka:"No idea too".

Yoshino:"Me either".

Jin:"Me too".

Arthur:"Well this will be a long day of waiting ".

One Hour Later...........

Arthur:"So let me guess,you guys here probably due to if shido guess wrong, one of you slowly get send into here isn't it?".

All Of Them:"Yeah,it's true".

Right Now,After One Hour Of Waiting, Suddenly Their Number Increasing. Can Be Seen,Yuzuru,Barghest,Mayuri, Rinne Along With Rio Is There........

Jin:"So,it's only left shido,kotori and kaguya".

Yuzuru:"Response:Yeah,they are only our hope".

Back To Shido........

Shido:"Come on shido!You got two chances left!If not kotori and kaguya will disappear too.Come on!This is my last chance!".

Natsumi:"You looks so desperate now shido".

Shido:"I can't give up now.The others are depends on me.It's must be miku isn't it?".


Kaguya Then Disappear From The Place And Get Send Into The Space Place.........

Arthur:"Ohh kaguya.Looks like you here".

Kaguya:"Yeah.He really try to guess but it's kinda hard to guess the correct one".

Arthur:"Fair point".

Later,Suddenly Miku And Origami Who They Haven't Saw For While Also Appears..........

Kaguya:"Miku?Don't you have an appointment?".

Miku:"Yes but suddenly I get sent into here".

While For Origami,Can Be Seen Her Clothes Are Wet And She Looks Tired.........

Arthur:"Long time no see.How have you been?".

Origami:"Not your business".

Arthur:"Well alright then.Sorry disturbing you".

Jin:"Big bro,something is happening".

Arthur:"Hope nothing bad".

Then,Can Be Seen Each Of Them Is Start To Glow And Suddenly Get Pulled Out And Get Sent Back To The Real World.........

Arthur:"Oh,we back".

Shido:"You guys!".

Jin:"Let's slide the reunion first,now where the heck the natsumi girl?".

Shido:"Hold yourself jin".

Can Be Seen Jin Face Really Piss Off And Right Now Being Held By Shido For Not Doing Something Bad.........

Natsumi:"Ugh!My head".

All Of Them:"Ehhh?!".

Then They All Shocked Seeing Natsumi,Where She Literally Looks Different From The Data They See Where She At The Moment Literally Looks Like A Little Kid...........

Natsumi:"Not again!You see it again! Not once but already twice,you will get the consequences.It's your fault, shido!Haniel!".

She Then Summoned Her Angel Where It Looks Like A Witch Broom Where Suddenly She Aim Her Angel Towards Them And A Bright Light Appear That Make Their Vision Blury And She Suddenly Disappear From The Place..........

Shido:"She's gone.So,what to do now?".

Tohka:"Shido.Why you suddenly so tall?".

Arthur:"Jin.Why you also suddenly become tall?".

Shido And Jin:"Ehh?!".

Then Can Be Seen Half Of Them Except Shido,Jin,Mayuri,Rinne And Rio Didn't Turn Into A Kid........

Rinne:"Did she just turn all of them into kid?".

Shido:"Oh,this will be a little headache for us".

Jin:"Really?Is it that hard to take care a kid?".

Little Time Skip..........

Jin:"Now I'm regretting what I say earlier".







Jin:"Oh my god!Stop them from crying!".

Shido:"I'm trying my best!".

Right Now,Almost All Of Them Who Get Turn Into Kid Is Crying At The Moment Except Arthur And Barghest Who Is Sitting Silently..........

Mayuri:"Why you guys didn't cry at all?".

Rinne:"Yeah,kinda weird you know".

Arthur:"I don't know myself".

Barghest:"Me too.But isn't it good thing?".

Jin:"It is.Better both of you stay like that.Shido!Pass me the milk".


Rio:"Hahaha,papa and big sis is smaller than rio.Papa looks cute".



Arthur:"Hehehe,thanks for the compliment rio".

Arthur Mind:"Actually,I'm probably one of those kids that mature early, probably that's why I didn't cry. Probably same goes to barghest but the main question is why natsumi doing this.Why she so insecure with her true form.Is she has past trauma?".

End Of Chapter Forty Six

Next Chapter:Problem

Thanks For Reading,Bye............

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