By makexaxwish

126K 3K 467

scott mccall and phoebe vaughn had always hated each other, but scott never truly hated her, phoebe thought h... More

°•✧Season One✧•°
°•✧001; BeeBee✧•°
°•✧002; Anchor✧•°
°•✧003; Dreamer✧•°
°•✧004; Bullet✧•°
°•✧005; Hale✧•°
°•✧006; Calm Down✧•°
°•✧007; Bad Boyfriend✧•°
°•✧008; Show Me✧•°
°•✧009; Break Up✧•°
°•✧010; Real Family✧•°
°•✧011; Heart Broken Night✧•°
°•✧012; Bitten✧•°
°•✧Season Two✧•°
°•✧001; Transition✧•°
°•✧002; Monster✧•°
°•✧003; Protective✧•°
°•✧004; Dejected✧•°
°•✧005; Saving✧•°
°•✧006; Hostage✧•°
°•✧007; Caring Always✧•°
°•✧008; Jealousy, Jealousy✧•°
°•✧009; Promise To Love You Forever✧•°
°•✧010; Hello Daughter✧•°
°•✧011; Head Shot✧•°
°•✧012; Tortured✧•°
°•✧Season Three A✧•°
°•✧001; Crows✧•°
°•✧002; Hold Me Down✧•°
°•✧003; Body Finding✧•°
°•✧004; Surprise, Surprise✧•°
°•✧005; A Little Taste Makes You Want More✧•°
°•✧006; No Longer Hidden✧•°
°•✧007; A Pure Soul's Death✧•°
°•✧009; Dark Druid✧•°
°•✧010; Stormy Night✧•°
°•✧011; To Save A Life✧•°
°•✧012; He Doesn't Stand A Chance✧•°
°•✧Season Three B✧•°
°•✧001; The New Girl In Beacon Hills✧•°
°•✧002; Be The One In Control ✧•°
°•✧003; No Goodbyes ✧•°
°•✧004; Dead & Gone✧•°
°•✧005; Catch Me If You Can✧•°
°•✧006; Illusionary✧•°
°•✧007; Pretense✧•°
°•✧008; Lucky✧•°
°•✧009; Coupe de Foudre✧•°
°•✧010; Under The Influence✧•°
°•✧011; Darkness Breeds Darkness✧•°
°•✧012; Back Up Plan✧•°
°•✧Season Four✧•°
°•✧001; Memories✧•°
°•✧002; Good Vampire✧•°
°•✧003; Growling In Class✧•°
°•✧004; Anger Issues✧•°
°•✧005; We're The Same, You & I✧•°
°•✧006; A Wolf's Mantra✧•°
°•✧007; Strange Little Behavior✧•°
°•✧008; Left In The Dark✧•°
°•✧009; Updated Deadpool✧•°
°•✧010; Don't Recall✧•°
°•✧011; La Iglesias✧•°
°•✧012; The Monster✧•°
°•✧Season Five A✧•°

°•✧008; Pretty When You Cry✧•°

1.3K 47 2
By makexaxwish


At the Vaughn's residence, inside Phoebe Vaughn's bedroom, the T.V was seen playing in her room, it automatically switching to the news.

The blonde Vampire was seen fixing her bed whilst listening to the T.V.

"In other news...an unfortunate mishap occured a couple nights ago, a couple–––Zach Winston and Diana Fell was last seen driving through the darkened and quiet roads of Beacon Hills, when they were attacked."

"...seems like an animal attack, throat all ripped out, signs of tearing of the flesh on the female's body, deep teeth marks around her neck."

Phoebe's body froze up by this information, her getting flashes of that terrible night, her terrible actions, actions she can't quite explain.

Phoebe then slowly looks at the T.V, her noticing the pictures of the couple on the screen, her feeling like her breath had been kicked out of her lungs, her heart racing heavily, her chest heaving up and down.

Phoebe then quickly but shakily took up the remote, pointing it at the T.V, taking off the channel, her then throwing the remote aside.

Phoebe then combed her fingers through her hair, a worrisome look on her face, her then placing her hands over her mouth, shaking her head slightly.


Downstairs, where Fallon Vaughn was, someone had come to see her daughter, her knowing her daughter would like to be alone, but, thinks it's better of she talks it out, even if it's not to her, but to someone.

"Phoebe!" Fallon shouts from down the stairs.

Phoebe's light blue eyes flickered at the door, hearing her mother's voice.

"There's someone here to see you!" Fallon says, glancing at the teenager.

Phoebe, thinking it was Isaac, sighs out, rolling her eyes, she knew it could be Isaac, since he wouldn't stop bothering her, i mean, what more could he possibly want?

A mental breakdown?

"Tell him go away!" Phoebe calls back irritably.

Fallon chuckles at the girl. "It's not Isaac, honey, it's Scott."

Phoebe's eyes widened at his name, her stammering out nervously.

"Uh, well, i don't want to see him." Phoebe quickly says.

Scott, who was downstairs, awkwardly looks at Fallon.

Fallon scoffs, knowing Phoebe didn't exactly mean it, she knows how much her daughter cares about the Beta.

She knows she loves him as well, unaware of the type of love she feels for him.

Fallon softly nods at Scott, gesturing for him to go upstairs. "Trust me, she wants to see you."

The door to Phoebe's door was seen being opened, the blonde then looking at him.

"You do know there's something called 'knocking', right?" Phoebe sassed.

"...you already knew i was here." Scott says after an awkward pause.

"Wh-what if–––what if i was naked?" Phoebe exasperatedly asks.

"...well, i'm disappointed." Scott playfully says.

Phoebe playfully rolls her eyes at him.

"Are you okay?" Scott then concerningly asks.

Phoebe looks at his every move, seeing him sitting on the bed with her.

Phoebe shrugs, frowning at him. "Yeah...why wouldn't i be?"

"I don't know, maybe, 'cause you almost ate Isaac." Scott says.

Phoebe's eyes widened at him. "Wh-what? When did i? I didn't! Why would i?"

Scott stares at her amused. "Bad liar."


Out on the Vaughn's front porch, at night, couple nights ago, Isaac was seen with his back pressed against a wall, his eyes glancing into Phoebe's own.

Phoebe had her body pressed against his, her fingers caressing his lips, a seductive smirk playing upon her lips.

Her fingers caressing his face, then trailing across his shoulders.

"Phoebe, stop, please, stop." Isaac whispers.

Phoebe tilts her head to the side, a dark and dangerous smirk playing on her lips.

"Your lips are saying one thing, but, your body's reacting a different way." Phoebe smirks, lightly chuckling.

"Don't worry, this will be slow and painful, you don't even know what pain is..." Phoebe coldly smirks at him, her eyes lacking emotions.

Phoebe then placed her head on one of his broad shoulders, her fangs extending, lightly grazing across his skin, leaving goosebumps onto his skin, her smirking, enjoying the effect she still has on him.

Just in time, Phoebe had seen Allison's car stopping on the other side of the road, her getting out of the car.

Allison's eyes then saw Phoebe seducing Isaac, him just standing there and taking it, not moving a muscle, the Argent growing angry,  her then getting into her car, then furiously driving off.

Phoebe then pulled away, smirking at Isaac. "Aw, your girlfriend saw us..."

Phoebe then trailed her fingers down her eyes, doing a fake tear flowing action, feigning sympathy. "So sad."

Isaac growls lowly at the girl, who could care less about him. "You bitch."

Phoebe feigned innocence, her staring at him as if she didn't know what she was doing, which angered the Lahey, her enjoying how angry she made him.

The blood was changing her, into a different person, a person she didn't know existed.

Isaac then stormed away, Phoebe smirking at him, Isaac then turned around, him seeing her smirking at him, whilst mockingly wiggling her fingers at him.


Phoebe, avoiding his eye contact, remembering the events what had happened that night, her then getting up from the bed, standing by the window.

"I didn't eat him, i wasn't going to." Phoebe denies.

"But, you wanted to." Scott says, getting up from the bed.

Phoebe then sighs out, then turning around, to only find Scott in front of her, her jolting back in surprise.

"I don't know what's going on with me, that wasn't me, i didn't mean to do that, just like how i didn't mean to kill those people, but, Finn says they were Hunters and we shouldn't feel bad for killing the ones that wants to hunt us, but i–––i didn't know who they were, i was just–––just so hungry! It makes me sad!" Phoebe rambles, her eyes glancing everywhere but at him.

"...you killed someone?"

Phoebe was then seen walking pass him, her going back by her bed.

"I killed two people, those people on the news, that was me, it was all me, b-but they were the only ones, i swear, i don't–––i don't hurt people, i'm a good person, i'm a good Vampire." Phoebe tearfully says, dropping herself on the bed.

Scott stares at her for a while, him then moving to go towards the girl, him feeling empathy for the girl.

Scott then sighs out, sitting next to her.

"Phoebe, look at me." Scott softly says.

Phoebe shook her head at him, refusing to look at him, her clearly not in the mood to be judged by anyone, right now.

Scott then took a hold of her jaw, forcing her to look at him.

Scott then sharply demands. "I said, look at me."


At the Argent's apartment, Isaac Lahey was seen inside with Allison Argent.

"I don't even know why she'd do that." Isaac says confused.

"Do you still love her?" Allison asks, feeling a little self-conscious.

Isaac scoffs. "You think i am? If i was, then, would would i be here with you?"

"...because, you're jealous of Scott." Allison blurted out.

Isaac rolls his eyes. "Why would i be?"

"Because, Phoebe choose him over you." Allison says in a smartass tone.

"And i choose you, what else do you want?" Isaac groans.

"I just want you, i don't want Phoebe taking you away, she's a Vampire, being a seductive temptress is what they do, i don't want-." Allison was saying.

"Shh, please, just shh." Isaac whispers, placing his fingers onto her lips.

Isaac caressed her lips with his fingers, her looking down at his fingers, then at him.

Allison then took a hold of his hand, her then crashing her lips onto his, pulling him by his jersey closer to her, pulling him down with her, as they laid on the bed.

Isaac's hands roamed her body as they entangled their tongues with each other in a rough and heated kiss, her fingers crawling into his hair.


"I killed two people."

"Am i bad person? Oh, i'm definitely a terrible person, aren't i?" Phoebe rambles nervously.

"Oh my god, you enjoy talking a lot, don't you?" Scott sighs out softly.

"And, you, enjoying talking less, don't you?" Phoebe lightly smiles.

Phoebe then pulls away from Scott, sliding herself away from him, looking away from him.

Scott noticed a tear dropping from the girl's eye, her shakily breathing out.

"Pheebs, you don't have to shy away from me when you're sad." Scott softly says.

Phoebe scoffs, looking at him. "Why not?"

Phoebe slightly jumps back as she felt Scott's finger wiping away the tear that fell on her face.

"Because, you look pretty even when you cry, to me." Scott softly says.

Phoebe shyly smiles at him, her then softly giggles.

Phoebe then felt Scott pulling her into him, her hesitantly hugging him back, her head on his shoulder.

Phoebe felt her fangs extending, her eyes widening in horror, the girl then quickly moved away from him, breathing out in horror.

"Hey, Pheebs, what's-?" Scott was asking in concern.

"No, no, get away from me, you stay away, stay away from me!" Phoebe scattered away from the bed.

Phoebe turned away from him, her lying on her side, trying to turn back to human, but nothing wasn't working, which made her frustrated and panicky.

"Look at me, show me your face." Scott crouched down in front of her.

Phoebe just ignored him, her breathing heavily.

Scott then held onto her arm, pulling her close to him. "Show me, your face."

"No, no, no, no, no." Phoebe nervously says over and over, looking away from him.


Phoebe softly whimpers, looking at him, her showing him her Vampire face.

"I can't change back, nothing's working, i'm a-." Phoebe whimpers.

"No, no, you're not, don't finish that sentence." Scott scolds.

Scott then caressed her face, touching the veins under her eyes, which made them slowly disappear, her eyes turning back to their normal blue, her fangs disappearing.

"Because, i still think you're beautiful." Scott whispers adoringly.

"Pheebs? Why did you think i was Isaac?" Scott then curiously asks.

"Because...he's always bothering me, always trying to talk to me, and i don't want to have anything to do with him, so, when my mother said someone wanted to see me, i thought it was him..." Phoebe trails off with a sigh.

Scott nervously stares at her. "...you're not planning on getting back with him, are you?"

Phoebe scrunched her face up in disgust. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, i just–––just don't want to get back with him, because, i..." Scott tries to say, but cut his self off.

"He hurt you once, he'll do it again, but, i'll never do that."

One of Scott's hand caresses her face, him softly touching her face, a gently and loving look in his soft brown eyes.

Phoebe lightly smiles at him, her looking down with a shy smile. "Yeah, i know..."

Phoebe then looked at him, to see him still staring at her, him using the back of his hand to caress her face.

Scott's face inched closer to hers, his lips brushing against hers gently, his lips then caressed her cheek, then going to her ear, whispering in a low and seductive tone.

"Let me prove to you, of how better i am compared to them."


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