Cold Call - [Sibby-verse 1]

By the_whatnot-wrytes

46 9 5

When no one knows you're alive, its liberating and confining. It's one of the best things that can happen to... More



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By the_whatnot-wrytes

*** FYI, we're headed to the Gin Room to regain command *** Addie-Lit, mood heads-up.
*** Be careful! ***
*** Most deff'. You gotta course plotted to Independence? ***
*** Yes. I'm not sure Eds won't notice the course change on his plot. I don't have full access. ***
*** He'll notice. Not sure if that algorithm got that under control so keep current course at present. Drop containment bubbles once gate-exit and seal it 'cause I'm gonna want you to turn and burn for Independence shortly afterwards. ***
*** What? You wanna look-see the Gaian System? *** I wonder.
*** Abso', getta screenshot if poss' of ships, positions, comm' relays. *** Addie-Lit
*** And if we run into Resolute? *** I ask.
*** Take evasion action and kite outta there. The bubbles will resist fire, punctures and gunshots...allegedly, in case it get hot up there. Hold out as long as you can till I regain command. ***
*** Aye aye! ***

My feel chill off. I decide to keep Amy and Styx unaware for now as that their vital signs show them both under undue stress per Capitalist's reports. Styx needs urgent medical attention but it's not life threatening, at the moment. Amy's right wrist is fractured so she's in significant pain but appears to be dealing with it.

I don't know about all of this. I fear for my fellow teammates' safety, just as Capitalist warns I'm way over max Alignment time with health concerns of my own. Well, I can't do anything about that right now, that's for sure. Addie-Lit wants to take advantage of the two hour timelag we got to get to the Front to reassert command but, these skill-sess'ed fools have me worried.

Meanwhile, Front Command is getting insistent on who's aboard the ship. I auth' Dells to only send them the list of the original occupants – that's all they need to know. Too, I don't know who exactly is on this ship anyway. We get clips that the lower deck situation is destabilizing, and peeps will probably riot again, soon. I reemphasize the necessity of suits-on and no brawling on decks.

I decided to drop Sauce an update that'll worry her beyond measure but it can't be avoided. Our situation is precarious.

*** Hey love. No easy way to say this but know that you were right. Abso' right. I'm a fool to not appreciate your keen instinct – I love that about you, always have and will so my apologies.
The Front is burnin' us as it secedes the Charter of Worlds to declare war on the SFB. Our ship's in chaos but, I plan to live to tell the tale and get us outta here someway. But abso' no guarantees on this. In the event I fail know this – I love you. I love you with every fiber of my essence. You complete me.
Everything I've done or didn't do, I did it for you, for us and I regret the sacrifice that separated us. It wasn't worth it – cost too much.
Know that it's my personal honor and privilege to be your husband and there's no greater honor than to have you at my side, to grow old with you, to bask in that supernova smile of yours that give me life and make me forget all my past hurts and helps me be a better person.
If I fail, I kept our Frontside apartment and all you'll need is there. Never forget – you're the love of my life and I love you dearly, deeply forever. Love Jay – the best starkisser you ever met outside yourself (smile!) ***

I hope Dells, Amy and Styx and none of these wackos see these tears...

I decided to alter course a little bit to put us closer to The Gaian once we exit slide, instead of behind New Gaia. I mean, why go all the way there if our intent is to run anyway? Eds shouldn't notice that, especially since he's happily singing loudly over there in his command chair with these folks.

I've got an update from Caddy – they're making excellent progress and expect to retake Command at the second post in the Gin room, that they have that whole compartment to themselves. So Addie-Lit want us to get that snapshot of the Gaian System and turn and burn for Independence. Absolutely! Things are looking up a bit! I update Dells, Amy and Styx and we're relieved together. I need to plot to get them off the bridge for medical care. I remember belatedly to update GoSo with abbreviated clips and that we're Independence bound.

Only thing about these plans, to double back from The Gaian System to Independence is a looonnng haul of over 100 lightyears. Its probably not hard to figure that we're Trip-C bound once they see us run for it but...maybe they won't figure that part out? None of these battered Front units that I know of thought to get Trip-C up-n-up about this.

I check the plot, feeling all the ebbs of outright exhaustion, queasiness from the sedatives still lingering in my system. It's time to exit slide.

                Over all-ship, "Gate exit in five, take hold, battle-stays!" I switch the light sequence to red-red-red and wait the regulated five minutes. I watch those minutes tick by, seemingly forever. "Gate exit!"

We exit slide just a little ways inside the System, hauling it, with The Capitalist raising up the containment bubble over helm – most important designated area on the bridge with an extra bubble at the rear of the bridge.

Alert – a slight chirp from Capitalist on the navboards.
Gaian System buoy matched our hull ID – Capitalist
Obs-n-cos! – me
Prob' 'cause we were running comm's offscreen – Dells
Great, just great. Now they really know its us! – me

Dells adeptly has all the scopes and scans up and while I dump a little velocity to screenshot the System. I don't want to lose too much V so I can easily ramp up for the turn-n-burn.

Comm' from The Gaian warning us 'bout scheduled outbound traffic and hazards – Dells
How kind of 'em – me
They advise we get on the vector we're already on – Dells
Thanks – me

I'm just about done running the screenshot capture of what's insystem and on the comm's when I see why The Gaian sent that scheduled communique to us – there's three Colonyclassers with their drops deployed in formation sitting insystem.

A chill runs up and down my spine.

               "Long and short range scans clear." Dells says out loud. "'Cepting those Colony-classers."
               "Accept The Gaian's provided course." I say out loud.

*** Pretense only Dells ***
*** Abso' *** he acknowledges.

               "Get to the cords and hold position. These bubbles unnecessary!" Eds says, getting up. "Gotta comm-pack prepared I want you to send to Resolute ASAP!"

When Eds gets up, it signals these skill-sess'ed fools to resume running around the bridge. Mind you, we're still on red lights, I never changed the cycle! I'm gonna pulse the gins in a bit for a course change and slide-run outta here – you do NOT want to be unsecured during a vector-velocity change, a good and quick way to be severely injured or even die.

               "Contact!" I alert, before I can properly fuss at these fools and Dells sits ramrod straight up. "Bearing sixty light-minutes off starboard...Colony-classer..." I say, before The Capitalist reports on what I can make the outlines of, a large mass that's mostly stationary. The Capitalist confirms the ship's class. "Callsign...SES Resolute."
"Omigod!" Amy exclaims.
"No doubt." Styx adds.
"Where'd they come from?" Dells asks.
"Skulking the system I bet but, they're not in the position I'd expect them to be in, to meet us for this cold call." I observe calmly while automatically running scans on the Resolute that they'll notice, for sure. I don't dump anymore V, that's for sure and my nerves twitch up.
"They're scanning us, weapon bays opening with the gins firing up." Dells reports.
"Jay! Slow down!" Eds orders. "That's a direct order, Commander, by the way!"
"That's a negative, sir!" I say.
"You WILL comply!" Eds insists. "I already told you my plans and what I'm gonna do!"
"You did and you need to do it now. We're not going anywhere near Resolute's envelope!" and I quick pulse the gins to regain some of our lost V.

Bring up weapons array Dells – me
Yessir! – Dells
Amy can you watch scopes? – me
You got it – Amy
I can watch comm' – Styx
No more than you can stand tho – me
At this point it prob' doesn't matter – Styx

"Eds, you drop your comm-pack to 'em but we're runnin', my call!" I reemphasize since Eds looks bewildered. "I don't think they care!"

*** Full scale riot below-decks, third and fourth decks. *** Lito
*** They're gonna try for the bridge Jay. *** Raven
*** I'm about to roll maneuvers in minutes! They need to take hold!! *** me, urgency
*** We'll direct line comm 'em. *** Lito
*** They're suited, the wackos aren't though. *** Raven
*** Jay, we should have control in couple mins. *** Caddy
*** Ev'body needs to be in containment! Resolute off our starboard! *** I emphasize.
*** We are, for the most part. *** Raven

"Comm in from Resolute is to stand down, prepare to be boarded." Styx relays.
"Well do it!" Eds yells, standing right outside the bubble like a fool.

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