To the Star (Honkai Star Rail...


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Y/N may not be a great fighter, but he's smart at least More

Chapter 1: The Trailblazer
Chapter 2: Doomsday Lizard
Chapter 3: A farewell
Chapter 4: Jarilo VI
Chapter 5: Criminal Scum!
Chapter 6: Child problem
Chapter 7: Contest
Special Chapter: Memories
Chapter 9: Farewell Jarilo VI
Chapter 10: Struck
Chapter 11: Champion
Special Chapter: Christmas
Chapter 12: Luofu problem
Chapter 13: I'd win
Chapter 14: Finality
Chapter 15: Revelation
Chapter 16: Brothers
Chapter 17: Money

Chapter 8: Undefeatable

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A/N: Maid Seele, she actually don't know her work(don't tell her or else she'll kick your ass)

Narrator POV

There they were, chasing after Cocolia, who had Bronya with her

The team composed of Y/N, Stelle, Dan Heng, March and Seele rushed at full speed toward the Fragmentum place, where the enemy await them

And perhaps.... even dea- who the fuck wrote that? That ain't in the script!

Seele: Is this.... the Fragmentum Gepard was talking about?

Dan Heng: Compared to this, the corrosion we saw in Backwater Pass pales into insignificance

Stelle: I don't care, because with Y/N on our side, we are undefeatable

March: But is he hanging on to the other side?

Y/N: No, but I won't give up till the end of me

Stelle: And also, he's what you get when the stars collide

Seele: Can you 3 focus already?!

As they keep walking, they found more and more hint on where is Cocolia and Bronya

But the closer they got, the more monsters they encountered

Dan Heng: We might have to fight Cocolia soon, we need to be careful and have a plan

March: Yeah, even if we have the number, I doubt we have a chance if we just rush forward

Y/N: Meh, we manage something at the moment

Stelle: I agree

Seele: How can you be so sure? Do you even forget you can lose against her?

Y/N: Hmm.... I took this fact when I made my plan yeah, but to be real with you guys......

He showed a confident smirk

Y/N: Nah, I'd win

Stelle covered her mouth, blushing madly, as Seele and March deadpanned, while Dan Heng smiled a bit

Seele: "You win" huh?

March: Typical Y/N move I guess.....

Y/N: Uhhh, guys, why is there a woman standing alone, in the middle of the street?

They looked forward, and see indeed, a woman, standing alone, in the middle of the street

Y/N: Maybe she need some money

Stelle: Yeah perhaps she's homeless

Seele: We're in the middle of a zone infested with monsters how could a woman stay here you idiots?!

March: That's Cocolia!

Y/N: That's Cocolia? Zamn

Stelle: Even though I already saw her, Zamn

Dan Heng: She will definitely see us as enemies, except Y/N

Y/N: How so?

March: She never met you, remember?

Y/N: Oh yeah, good point

Seele: We're counting on you, so don't mess this up

Stelle: We come help you if there is anything wrong

He shrugged, before walking to Cocolia

She turned to him, as Y/N waved

Y/N: Hello, I am Y/N L/N, the..... spirit of Qlipoth

Cocolia didn't said anything, only staring blankly at him

Y/N: Allow me to pass, I have business to attend near the Stellaron

She shook her head, as Y/N sigh

Y/N: I guess it didn't worked huh..... Do we have to fight?

She shrugged, as Y/N shrugged back

Y/N: Guess we can't stop it now huh? ASTRAL EXPRESS!

Instantly, the team made of Seele, March, Dan Heng and Stelle stood at his side, weapons ready

Y/N: Assemble

Seele: That was a bit dumb of a name, but guess it works

Y/N: Silence fool, you are not the leader

Dan Heng: Enough you two, focus on the fight

Y/N: Who cares about focus? We win anyway, me and Stelle are of the path of Destruction

Stelle: Too OP for our own good

They high fived, but soon, an ice spear grazed them both, as Cocolia glared at them

They slowly turned to her, their eyes twitching

Stelle: You dare interrupt a moment with my darling?

Y/N: You shall die, painfully

March: Wait you two, she's powerful, you can't-!

The next instant, Y/N was attacking Cocolia, who barely protected herself

Stelle: Lemme get her, Lemme get her, Lemme get her!

She went to it too, starting to attack Cocolia from the other side

Y/N: Fight back you Bitch! Fight back!

They were beating the shit out of her, as March, Seele and Dan Heng looked at the scene, with a deadpan

Seele: I don't even want to ask.......

March: Yeah......

They were now done, as Cocolia, who was actually a clone of ice, disappeard

Y/N: That will teach her

Stelle: Yeah, no one can beat me and my darling

They high fived, as the group keep moving forward

Dan Heng: Everyone, starting from now on, we will be at the core of the Fragmentum, and certainly, we will have to fight Cocolia, so, we need to be careful, and make a plan. Any Ideas?

Y/N: We beat the shit out of her

Stelle: That's a plan I can agree on

Seele: Me too

March: Me three

Dan Heng: Then it's settled

Y/N: Operation "Beat the mother of your friend" started!

Seele: Woah there, name it better, it sounds so wrong

March: Yeah, seriously Y/N, you sound like a Hollywood actor

Stelle: I don't mind if he's the one be-

Dan Heng: For your own good, don't finish this sentence

Y/N: Hmm..... How about the plan "Wildfire?"

Seele: I like it

Dan Heng: Me too

March: Me three

Stelle: Me fourth

Y/N: Then it's settled! Operation Wildfire, starting!

Everyone: Yes!


Bronya and Cocolia were in front of the "Common will" as Bronya was holding her head in pain

Bronya: N-No......

Cocolia: Do not resist Bronya, accept the common will!

Bronya: N-No.... I don't want this...

Cocolia: Look upon their promised future, Bronya! A world without poverty, without cold, withour suffering... A world where-!

???: Hey you!

Cocolia: Who dare-?!

She turn around, and was instantly met with a punch to the face, who sent her crash onto a wall, creating a cloud of dust

Bronya: H-Huh?

She looked at the person, and see Y/N, with a smirk on his face

Y/N: She said no, if you force this uppon her, it's harassement

Bronya: Y-Y/N?

???: And he's not alone!

She turn around, and see Seele, Stelle, March and Dan Heng, walking forward, standing at her side

March: We're here for support!

Stelle: You don't need to frail anymore, we are hre to help

Someone walked out of the wall, as Cocolia was seen, unharmed by Y/N's punch

Y/N: Tough bitch

Cocolia: So you came. And here I thought the blizzards had entombed you

Y/N: Think twice, this won't even graze me

Cocolia: And you...... You must be Y/N, the one Bronya told me about

Y/N: Oh really? And what did she say?

Cocolia: She said you are quite the figure, and you will make an excellent spo-

Bronya: I-It's nothing important!

Seele and Stelle glared at Bronya for a few seconds, as she was blushing a bit

Cocolia: But even if you are what she said, this won't be enough!

She snapped her finger, as the ground shook, and soon, a giant robot stood behind her, and Cocolia started to fly

Cocolia: I will be the one who will win! I have the blessing of Qlipoth, after all!

The Robot went to slam his hand on the ground, as Y/N didn't had time to dodge

He managed to block, trying his hardest to actually hold back the hand

Cocolia: Begone!

With one push, the hand of the giant slammed down, creating a cloud of dust

Bronya: Y/N NO!

Everyone was in shock, but they couldn't let the shock get to them, as they focused to attack

Y/N POV - Somewhere

Y/N: ........

???: ........

Y/N: I didn't dodged on purpose

???: And I am Santa Claus

Y/N: Anyway, why is the Aeon of destruction, Nanook himself, having an audience with me?

Nanook: You are of the path of Destruction, like your friend, Stelle. She is quite interesting, but she isn't as interesting as you. And such, I have a proposition for you

Y/N: Shoot

Nanook: Accept my blessing, and act, as my champion. I will give you strengh whenever you need it. And also, I want to teach this fridge on legs called Qlipoth a lesson

Y/N: What do I gain in being your champion even?

Nanook: You will be blessed, as your connection with the path of destruction will be stronger than anyone. You will be, the strongest

Y/N: Say less. I also want to teach that big ass rock Aeon a lesson for being too cocky

Nanook: Then go forth, my champion, and destroy anything in your path

I slowly opened my eyes, coming back to my sense, as they glowed gold

Y/N: Alright.......

With one push, I freed myself from being under the giant's hand

I popped my neck, stretching a bit

Stelle instantly hugged me from behind, smiling

Stelle: I knew you wouldn't die like this!

Seele: That's a relief, but we still have the problem of the giant!

Bronya: How can we even take down a giant like that?

Y/N: Dan Heng, so we're clear, it have the authority of an Aeon, right?

Dan Heng: Yes, and it is troublesome

Y/N: Then let me handle the giant

March: How can you take down that thing by yourself?!

Y/N: Heh..... They have the blessing of an Aeon, but so do I!

Narrator POV

Walking forward, Y/N crossed his arms, with a smirk

Y/N: So this is how we're gonna do it huh? Both of us are blessed by an Aeon, and this giant have the authority of Qlipoth

His eyes widened, and so do his smirk, as his voice was mixed with another one

Y/N/Nanook: How about we see each authority is stronger?!

The giant focus instantly turned to Y/N, as a sudden burst of wind happened, almost sending everyone flying

Seele: W-Woah!

Bronya: What is happening?!

March: Dan Heng, do you feel it too?!

Dan Heng: Yes! Y/N have been blessed by an Aeon too!

Stelle: It's Nanook... I can feel it......!

Dan Heng: Let's take this chance, and take down Cocolia!

All: Yes!

The giant went to punch Y/N, as the latter smirked, his arms still crossed

Y/N/Nanook: You're too slow to even touch me

He jumped, avoiding the punch, before landing on it's right arm, and run to it's head

The giant tried to grab Y/N in mid course, but he dodged once again, and used the hand as a support to jump high

Y/N raised his right leg, and smirked widely

Y/N/Nanook: You only need one arm after all!

In a blink, Y/N fell, and axe-kicked the left arm of the giant, making it unable to use for a few instant

While in the air, Y/N looked at the group, and nod to them, as they got the message

Stelle started to run on the arm of the giant, avoiding the attacks of the monsters controlled by the Stellaron

Some were about to hit her, but they were shot down by March and Bronya

She kept on with her run, but the giant activated again, and started to raised it's arm, making Stelle lose balance

Seele took action, rushing up to Stelle

Seele: Grab hold of me!

Stelle took hold of Seele's hand, as the latter launched her in the air, making her go back on the arm

The Trailblazer kept on, as the giant was about to slam her with it's hand, but Y/N jumped, and punched the giant head, stunning it

 Y/N/Nanook: Your oppenent is me!

Stelle jumped, almost reaching the shoulder, where Cocolia was, but she didn't reach it

But Dan Heng came in clutch, and instantly stabbed his spear on the giant arm, letting Stelle grab it, and use it to boost herself up again

She finally reached Cocolia, who was waiting for her

Cocolia soon got a new form, corrupted by the power of the Stellaron

Cocolia: The Stellaron promise is the only hope for this world, you are only a pest trying to get rid of our dream!

Stelle: Don't think we let you do as you please!

She started to fight Cocolia, as Y/N stood in front of the giant, smirking

Y/N: I guess we should get to the real business, huh?

The giant's eyes glowed, as they both got ready

Y/N made a sign with his hands, while the giant eyes glowed amber

Y/N/Nanook: Authority Expansion!

The blizzard came to a stop, as the dimension between Y/N and the giant started to change

Dan Heng: Everyone, get away from Y/N!

They got away, as Y/N moved his arm, and attacked the giant with a powerful burst of wind

The giant protect himself, and soon attacked Y/N too, who blocked it

They were about to get back to it, but it was stopped when they saw Stelle falling from the giant, stabbed by a spear

Y/N's eyes widened, as he was about to go fetch her, but a voice stopped him

Nanook: Don't. She have won over Qlipoth respect

Stelle catched herself, as the giant hold his hand for her

She got up, and smiled at Y/N, a spear in hand

They nodded at each other, before they stood at each other side, facing Cocolia

Cocolia: No..... It can't be.... The will of preservation has made it's choice...

Y/N: Yeah, and don't think you can even change that!

Stelle: We won't let this world be destroyed, stating it's the choice of a Stellaron or an Aeon!

Y/N & Stelle: We will fight for our future, and even go beyond the stars for that!

Cocolia: I will prevail! And save this world with the help of the Stellaron

Cocolia launched a spear of ice toward them, as Y/N was about to destroy it, but Stelle got between and blocked it

She smiled at Y/N, who smiled back at her

They went forward, and attacked Cocolia

Going for a stab, Stelle was blocked by a wall of ice, but her spear of fire melted it

A hole was made, as Y/N jumped in it, and punched Cocolia straight on the face

She recoiled back, holding her face, as some blood were frozen from her mouth

Cocolia: You....... DAMN BRAT!

She prepared her ice attacks, as arrows hit her shoulders, stopping her

March: Don't forget about us!

Cocolia: Tch!

Butterflies appeard around Cocolia, who looked around frantically

Seele: Starry Phantom!

Cocolia was slashed all around her body, as she coughed blood

In a fit of rage, Cocolia created spikes of ice coming from the ground, blocking their path

March: Dan Heng!

Dan Heng: Etheral Dream!

Dan Heng slided behind Cocolia, as her stomach had a slash made on it, as the spikes were destroyed

Cocolia: I won't...... GIVE UP!

She created a sort of black hole in her hands, as it grew bigger and bigger as the time passed

Cocolia: Last Choir of Genesis!

A sort of meteor was launched from the sky, directly to them

Y/N: That's a job for me!

He jumped, and kicked the meteor, blocking it

With one yell, his connection with Nanook coming back, he launched it back in the sky, as it exploded, making an enormous explosion

When Y/N landed, Cocolia created spears of ice, and launched them at him

But the guy smirked, and said a few words

Y/N: Wrong focus

Something zoomed past Y/N, leaving a trail of fire behind

Stelle: Flaming Lance!

Cocolia almost reacted in time, but she was shot on the chest by Bronya's rifle, stunning her for a bit

When she regained focus, it was too late, as Stelle was in front of her

Stelle: Pierce through!

A pillar of fire hit Cocolia, as she screamed

Cocolia lost her form, as Y/N, Stelle, Dan Heng and March high fived

Y/N: We made it!

They were interrupted by th Stellaron reacting, as Cocolia  was trying to hold it

Bronya: Mother, no!

Seele held back Bronya, preventing her from getting killed

Soon, Y/N held Bronya back, as him and Cocolia's eyes met

He nodded at her, as she smiled, shedding a small tear

Soon, she disappeard, leaving no trace behind her

Bronya fell to her knees, in disbelief

Y/N looked at Seele, who nodded, and went to comfort her

Dan Heng: I contacted Himeko and Mr.Welt already, they will handle the Stellaron

Stelle stood at Y/N side, and took hold of his hand

Stelle: We did it

Y/N: Yeah


Y/N received a message from Seele, as he checked his phone, and saw a group was made

New message


Bronya will do a speech, she want you all to be there


We will be there!




{CURSE OF RA} 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀷 𓀸 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁌 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑 𓁒 𓁓 𓁔 𓁕 𓁖 𓁗 𓁘

Dan Heng:

Not Again


What was that for!

March: It just means he appreciate you!



Conversation end

Y/N: Welp, guess we go for this speech


At a table in the street, Y/N, Stelle, March and Dan Heng were doing their things, while listening to the speech of Bronya

March: Her speech is so cool

Y/N: Not as cool as me

Stelle: Real

Dan Heng: Checkmate

Y/N: Wha-?! I looked away for 2 seconds!

Dan Heng: You might have the strengh, but I have the speed

Y/N: I call cheating!

They kept on going like that, without a care in the world of the rest

They put a stop to the crisis of Jarilo VI, they can have some time for themselves right?

Chapter 8: Finished

A/N: Flex time


Anyway, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and yes I'm too much into JJK recently

In the next chapter! It's just a farewell! Until we meet again Jarilo VI!

'Chapter 9: Farewell Jarilo VI'

Citizens: Thank you for everything!

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