Behind me

By 0Andromeda

195 74 2

Alice, an ordinary teenager, faced an attempted murder by a serial killer. A survivor, she embarked on a jour... More

Chapter 1-A normal life
Chapter 2- A new beginning
Chapter 3-Echoes of the Past
Chapter 4-Unwanted Reunion
Chapter 5-In Search of the Truth
Chapter 6-Whispers of the Night
Chapter 7-Bound by Fear
Chapter 8-A rival appears
Chapter 9-The first victim
Chapter 10-Moments of Revelation
Chapter 11-Hearts in Conflict
Chapter 13-The end
Chapter 14-Or not
Chapter 15-New Alliances
Chapter 16-Revealed Secrets
Chapter 17-Captive in the Shadows
Chapter 18-Reclaiming Freedom
Chapter 19-Triumph Through Challenges

Chapter 12-Finally Love

13 4 0
By 0Andromeda

The weekend had passed, and as I arrived at school on Monday, my friend Emily approached with a concerned look on her face. She had been informed by Lucas about what had happened at the fair.

With a reassuring smile, I assured her that everything was fine. I told Emily that I had talked to Kate, and things seemed to have been resolved, at least that was the impression I got from our meeting at the fair.

Throughout the day, classes proceeded as usual, but anxiety continued to accompany me. After school, I decided to follow Filipe's advice and take the initiative. I was determined to go to the club and find Mason.

As I reached the club's door, my courage faltered. The memory of how I had run away from Mason that day when he defended me at the fair weighed on my mind, filling me with shame. I thought that waiting until the next day wouldn't hurt, so I began to turn to leave.

However, just as I was about to give up, the door swung open abruptly. Mason appeared before me, his eyes displaying a mix of indignation and frustration. Without waiting for my apologies or explanations, he approached me, held my hand, and pulled me into the club.

The atmosphere inside the club was strangely tense, and I realized I was the first one to arrive. Only uncomfortable silence and Mason's critical gaze accompanied me. He came closer, and his serious expression and scrutinizing eyes made me feel like I was being interrogated.

Mason broke the silence by asking me why I hadn't shown up at the club all week.

I looked at Mason nervously, my words coming out in a rush as I tried to mask my true feelings. "I've been busy with work," I said, my voice quivering, hoping my explanation sounded convincing.

Mason, however, didn't seem convinced. He responded firmly, "You didn't have time for the club, but you spent the whole week at the occult club."

A knot formed in my stomach, and my worry escalated. He knew about the occult club and where I had been. "I'm sorry that Kate bothered you," he continued. "I didn't know she was mistreating you. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again."

He went on, sensing my hesitation, "I understand that you're afraid to be around me, but if you're thinking about changing clubs because of it, don't. You can keep coming to the club, and I'll distance myself."

Mason began to walk away, leaving, and the urgency to clear things up made me chase after him. However, my own nervousness and haste made me stumble over my own feet, and I ended up falling on him.

He immediately asked if I was okay, and I nodded, thanking him for catching me during the fall. I looked at him, feeling embarrassed, and apologized once again, distracted by the situation.

The atmosphere between us had changed. What had been a tense environment was now charged with a different energy. Mason suggested that we practice together, and I eagerly accepted. I went to gear up, and while more people started arriving at the club, at that moment, it felt like it was just the two of us there.

After the activities at the club, I recently went to a newly opened clothing store to buy some pieces that were missing from my wardrobe. To my surprise, I ran into Kate, who was working at that store. She explained that she had an unwavering passion for fashion since childhood and dreamed of studying design in the future. So, working at that clothing store was a dream come true for her.

The turnaround in our interaction was remarkable as Kate was notably friendlier and more open than before. She exhibited unquestionable good taste as she helped me select the clothing pieces that suited me best. As we tried on different clothes, we laughed and had a great time, making the shopping experience much more enjoyable.

Before leaving the store, Kate made a special request: "Please take very good care of Mason." I was surprised by that and left speechless. It seemed that Kate had finally moved on and let go of Mason. The change in her attitude and her ability to make that request showed her emotional growth and maturity.

Next, Kate surprised me with an invitation: "Would you like to accompany me to an amateur fashion designer's show?" A smile instantly formed on my face, and I could hardly wait for this opportunity. I enthusiastically accepted the invitation, eager to share this experience with Kate and further deepen our friendship.

Afterward, I met up with my friends at a café to catch up and share the news.

Luna and Emily were excited about the release of a new game, and I was surprised by how quickly Luna had overcome what had happened after the incident. It made me wonder if I would also be able to lead a normal life without fear once all this was over.

Raven and Daisy were discussing a book they were both reading about a witch falling in love with a prince. While waiting to place an order, Samantha joined me, and I took the opportunity to ask how things were going with Daisy, winking in complicity. She blushed and asked if it was that obvious. I responded with a smile and said it was visible from miles away. Samantha laughed and confessed she didn't know what to do. Daisy seemed not to notice her feelings.

I suggested Samantha confess her feelings, even though I wasn't an expert in matters of love. I believed that being honest was the best way to resolve the situation. I knew Daisy liked Samantha, but perhaps she had never considered Samantha romantically. I told her that if she confessed, Daisy might start to see her differently, and who knows, realize her feelings too.

Finally, I suggested that we go to the beach next weekend, and Samantha agreed, thinking it was an excellent idea since the beach was such a romantic place. The conversation flowed, and the atmosphere in the café was filled with good vibes and friendship. It was comforting to share these moments with my friends after everything we had been through.

After our relaxed chat in the café, we planned the trip to the beach for the following weekend. The idea of spending time at the beach excited us, and it seemed like the perfect opportunity to unwind.

While our plans for the trip were taking shape, Samantha was determined to follow the advice I had given about confessing her feelings to Daisy. However, she was a little nervous about the idea, as she didn't know how Daisy would react.

The week flew by, and soon we were on our way to the beach. The picturesque scenery and the sea breeze created a tranquil and romantic atmosphere. When we arrived at the beach, I noticed that Mason, Alex, and Lucas were there, along with two more guys from Lucas's group; they were the same boys who had played at the fair. 

I ran over to them and asked what they were doing there. Lucas explained that Emily had invited them.

Emily came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Looks like this day is going to be filled with romance," and let out a mischievous laugh. The anticipation of a weekend full of possibilities and surprises was in the air.

When we reached the beach, we began setting up tents and umbrellas. Emily asked about the names of the new friends who joined us. One of them was Oliver, a friendly and intellectual young man with a welcoming personality. His dark brown hair and glasses gave him an intellectual air. His green eyes were lively and curious, always attentive to everything around him. He exuded seriousness but was always ready for engaging conversations and interactions.

Kyle, on the other hand, was the opposite of Oliver in many ways. He was tall and exuberant, with striking green hair. His brown eyes were cheerful, and he sported a nose piercing that added a touch of rebellion to his appearance. His extroverted and lively attitude was infectious, and he was the kind of person who could quickly liven up any environment with his enthusiasm.

After setting up the tents, we changed into our swimsuits. I was excited because it had been a long time since I last wore one. Emily had helped me choose a blue bikini that perfectly matched the color of my eyes. After getting dressed, we joined the guys.

Samantha decided to join Alex in a lively beach volleyball game. Forming a dynamic duo, they enjoyed the bright sun and the cool breeze. Meanwhile, Daisy and Raven collected seashells to make amulets and bracelets.

On the other hand, Lucas and I decided to take a walk along the beach. I grabbed my camera to take some photos of the stunning scenery, with gentle waves breaking on the shore and the golden sun setting on the horizon. Lucas walked beside me, and we chatted about various topics, from our common interests to our dreams and desires.

As some of our friends decided to take a dip in the ocean, the refreshing water was inviting and provided a rejuvenating feeling under the hot sun. They laughed and played in the waves, enjoying the sheer joy of being at the beach.

While I walked along the beach with Lucas, enjoying the sea breeze and the stunning scenery, our conversations were like a gentle breeze that filled the air. Although we were sharing our deepest thoughts and getting to know each other better, I couldn't help but think about Filipe's words about the difference between friendship and love.

Next to Lucas, my heart didn't race uncontrollably, and I didn't blush just from being close to him. It was clear we had a special connection, but this connection seemed to find its place in friendship, where trust and mutual support were the foundation.

After taking some amazing photos, we returned to the beach and met up with Raven. I asked about Daisy, and she informed me that Daisy had gone for a walk with Samantha. Raven then asked me if I would like to join her to the store to buy some food. With a nod, I accepted the invitation, while Lucas took the opportunity to join Alex in a game of beach volleyball.

In the store, Raven and I picked out our snacks, and as we chatted, a curious sensation began to take hold of me. It was clear we had a special connection, but I wondered about the nature of these feelings. What was I really feeling for Raven? Was it friendship, fondness, or perhaps something deeper? While we continued our lively conversation, my mind was filled with doubts and questions about what these feelings might mean.

As we returned to the beach, I watched Raven, and she gave me a warm smile. I smiled back, feeling that something was changing inside me. However, my heart didn't race, and my cheeks didn't flush.

When we reached the beach, I noticed a couple in the sand. They hugged, exchanged loving glances, and shared intimate moments. While I watched them, I realized that what I felt for Raven wasn't love. It was a deep fondness and a special connection, but there wasn't that romantic passion I was witnessing in that couple.

I decided to go for a swim to clear my mind. As I swam in the refreshing ocean waters, the feeling was truly revitalizing. The water enveloped my skin like a gentle and invigorating embrace. Diving deeper, I could see the wondrous underwater world unfolding before my eyes.

The coral reefs were a true marvel of nature. Their vibrant colors were like brushstrokes on a blue canvas. Brain coral in shades of pink and purple formed impressive colonies, while fan coral swayed gently with the currents, creating a mesmerizing dance. Schools of colorful fish swam among the reefs, adding life and movement to this underwater landscape. It was as if I had dived into a world of fascinating colors and shapes.

It was in this stunning setting that the unexpected happened. While I admired the beauty of the corals, my heart started to beat uncontrollably. I turned and saw Mason swimming in my direction. His wet black hair glistened, and the sunlight made his green eyes shine like precious gems. He smiled at me, and together we surfaced.

With water dripping down my face, I asked if he was having fun. Mason replied positively, but then his gaze shifted shyly, and he mumbled that I looked beautiful and the bikini suited me. These affectionate words made my heart race, and a radiant smile lit up my face in that special moment.

As the day turned into night, the atmosphere at the beach changed. The sunset painted the sky with shades of pink and orange, creating a truly breathtaking backdrop. Someone suggested lighting a bonfire, and soon we were all sitting around the dancing flames.

With the warmth of the fire and the sound of waves in the background, the conversation became more intimate, and the glances between Mason and me grew more intense. It was when he finally mustered the courage to hold my hand, and I couldn't help but smile. What was happening between us was something special, something I had never experienced before.

However, Emily came to me and asked me to follow her in silence. We walked to a secluded part of the beach and found Samantha and Daisy there. I immediately realized what was about to happen, and Emily and I hid behind some rocks to witness that special moment.

In the quiet corner of the beach, Samantha finally gathered the courage to open her heart to Daisy. The setting was romantic, with the golden evening light and the gentle sound of the waves in the background. Samantha looked into Daisy's eyes with tenderness and determination while holding her hands.

With a soft voice, Samantha confessed her feelings. She spoke about how much she valued their friendship and how that friendship had evolved into something deeper. She told Daisy how much she admired her, how her smile brightened her days, and how her heart raced every time they were together. Samantha expressed her desires and hopes, revealing that she was in love with Daisy and couldn't hide her feelings any longer.

Daisy's gaze went through a range of emotions, from surprise to happiness, and finally, she smiled warmly and admitted that she also had special feelings for Samantha. It was a moment of pure joy and relief, and the two shared a heartfelt hug, sealing the beginning of something new and exciting in their lives.

That day had been magical, filled with intense emotions and special moments. After all the excitement and joy, we settled down for a peaceful night's sleep.

The next morning, as we packed up our things at the beach, it was clear that something special had happened among all of us. There was a sense of greater closeness among us: Luna and Kyle, Oliver and Emily, Daisy and Samantha, and finally, Mason and me. It was evident that the previous day had been full of romantic moments, and these experiences had created a new level of intimacy among us.

Upon returning home, I felt a lighter heart. My doubts had finally disappeared, and I knew I had made significant progress in resolving my feelings and understanding myself.

When I finally got home, I realized that something was wrong. My father was sitting at the table with a serious expression, and there was a small cardboard box in front of him. Instinctively, I asked about the contents of the box, and he sighed, revealing that he hadn't opened it as he thought it would be better if I did.

The box had the word "you lost" written in red on the outside. With trembling hands, I opened it, and, to my horror, found blonde hair inside. Alongside the hair, there was a chilling note: "Your friend was so much fun to play with. Do you think you can find her in time? We are where you ran away last time; come to us."

A scream of terror erupted from me, and my body trembled. My mind immediately connected this to Kate; I was certain the hair belonged to her, and fear gripped me.

With a pounding heart and the urgency to find Kate, I tried calling the detective, but he wasn't answering his phone. In an act of desperation, I asked my father to call the police and inform them about the location mentioned in the note. Then, I ran as fast as I could toward the abandoned house.

Anxiety and fear mixed as I approached the location. Each step felt like it weighed a ton, but my determination didn't waver. I knew Kate was in danger, and I would do anything to find her in time.

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