Naruto: My Harem Academia

By Skythe_

12.7K 322 5

This fanfic takes place in My Hero Academia world where Naruto is Transmigrated into and he finds there are t... More



344 16 0
By Skythe_

At the hero's gaze, the shinobi snorted. "I didn't kill him, just made sure he won't get up for a while," he reluctantly explained while scanning the surroundings. There were still several people remaining, and he was running out of patience. He didn't want to reveal too much in front of so many witnesses. Slowly, he reached for his sword on his back, ready to take action. "..." He narrowed his eyes as it unfolded.

Eraserhead had fought alongside All Might before, encountering few individuals who were so fast that the human eye couldn't even track their movements. Now, he witnessed someone who could be compared to the number one hero. In a matter of seconds, more than 45 invaders lay on the ground, incapacitated by non-lethal sword cuts and blows.

"..." Naruto, amidst the fallen villains, moved his sword only to let their blood drip onto the ground. Turning around, he faced the last three villains: the mist-man, the hulking muscle-bound figure with an exposed brain, and the man with hands obscuring his face. "Is this the best you could muster? How underwhelming." He sheathed his sword, contemplating whether to rescue his classmates who had been taken to various parts of the facility.

"Wow... it's incredible," Mina, a pink-skinned teenager, exclaimed from the top of the entrance platform, her gaze filled with admiration and fear as she witnessed the swift takedown of so many foes in mere seconds.

"He's in a league of his own... far beyond any of us," Kiminari admitted aloud, his fear evident as he observed this astonishing display of speed. How could a human move with such incredible swiftness? His thoughts resonated with the others who kept their distance, prioritizing their safety.

"Does his quirk resemble Midoriya-san's? Can he enhance his body and senses simultaneously?" Momo pondered uneasily, her eyes glued to the unfolding scene. As she turned her attention back to Shigaraki, she noticed him scratching his neck in annoyance, witnessing his pawns being defeated in such a humiliating manner. He glared at the smirking blonde.

"How arrogant... Nomu," the giant creature at his side tensed instantly upon hearing the teenager's voice. The young man raised his hand to point at the shinobi, who still stood there with his arms crossed. "Kill him." With that simple command, the towering figure, a three-meter-tall man, growled and dropped to all fours, fixing his gaze on his intended target and preparing to strike.

Observing the Nomu's very muscular body and short legs, Naruto assumed it wouldn't be a problem to handle. He began to reach for his sword, but in just a few moments, a massive fist slammed into his face. The ground beneath him cracked as the Nomu charged at full speed, its right fist impacting his face with incredible force. The shinobi was sent flying several meters, crashing into a concrete wall.

Dazed and in pain, Naruto thought in shock as he felt his back almost breaking from the impact against the hard wall. He tried to regain his composure, but he didn't even see the black blur coming at him. He was smashed again against the concrete wall, burying him further under the rubble that cascaded down. Everyone watched in astonishment as the creature sent the Uzumaki crashing into a concrete wall, causing a significant section of it, around 50 square meters, to crumble dangerously.

"…" Tomura watched with satisfaction as the Nomu emerged from the wall and dropped the rubble onto the arrogant blonde, who was now buried beneath tons of concrete. A deathly silence settled over the area, with only the heavy footsteps of the enormous creature audible. Kurogiri joined his leader's side, and Tomura raised his hand, pointing at the dark-haired hero, Eraserhead, who felt helpless as he witnessed one of his students facing a possible death. The same creature that had defeated Naruto now approached him. Eraserhead raised his arms in a futile attempt to defend himself, only to be mercilessly attacked.

"Naruto!" Momo was the first to snap out of her shock. Her classmate had just been buried under tons of rubble. Her mind raced as she turned to a terrified Uraraka beside her. Thinking quickly, she grabbed her hand and pulled her along. "Listen, we have to get Naruto-san out from under the rubble! I know you're terrified, but only you could make those tons of concrete float." Without hesitation, they sprinted down the left side of the platform, ignoring the concerned screams of their teammates who remained near Number 13.

"Ehhh... yes! Let's help him!" Ochako snapped out of her shock, realizing they needed to save their classmate. Following the lead of the black-haired teenager, they had to pass by their sensei who was being brutally beaten by that monstrous villain. They felt helpless but continued running towards their goal, passing by an artificial pond. There, they encountered Izuku, Mineta, and Asui, who were headed in the opposite direction.

"Where are you going?! The exit is over there!" Mineta, with his characteristic ball-shaped hair, shouted in panic, expressing his desire to go home.

"We need to go get Naruto! He's right here!" The class president shouted, pointing in the direction where the loud crash had just occurred. Both Deku and the frog girl saw this and understood that the deafening roar they had heard moments ago was the impact that had felled their classmate.

"Uzumaki-san! Did he get defeated?" The green-haired teenager asked in astonishment, noticing that their sensei was now under the control of the Nomu, his arms broken. Angrily, Deku averted his gaze. He considered rushing to Naruto's aid, but Aizawa's stern look reminded them to escape; they couldn't let their sacrifice be in vain. "We need to fight for him and get help." The students exchanged determined nods and continued on their way to rescue their fallen comrade.

However, their path was abruptly blocked by a portal that opened before them. A hand emerged from the portal and lunged for Deku's face. The teenager watched in shock as Shigaraki emerged from the portal along with his misty companion, who had reformed. Luckily, Deku's elongated tongue coiled around his waist and pulled him out of harm's way. The group of heroes now found themselves confronted by Kurogiri and Tomura.

"Planning to go somewhere?" The dark-haired teenager asked mockingly, a sly smile on his face as he observed the students heading in a certain direction. He gestured with his hands, and in an instant, the Nomu arrived, dragging Aizawa's lifeless body. The teacher was roughly deposited at the feet of the students, who felt fear coursing through their bodies.

"..." Eraserhead wore a lost expression, a clear sign that he was no longer able to continue fighting. Given his injuries, it wouldn't be long before his condition became fatal. Assessing the dire situation, Deku stepped forward to shield the girls and his fallen sensei.

"Girls... get Sensei out of here," his legs trembling and his eyes filled with determination, the teenager assumed a defensive stance. "I'll buy you time to escape... it's the only thing I can do until All Might arrives." His entire body was enveloped in green light, and his skin took on an orange hue with red lines. He was about to unleash his maximum strength. By leaping and striking with his legs, he could inflict enough damage and create an opportunity for his friends to flee. Although he knew he would be rendered immobile and vulnerable, it was the only course of action available to him now. Naturally, his friends vehemently opposed such a self-sacrificing act, except for Mineta, who had fled to the exit long ago.

"A true hero," Shigaraki muttered in annoyance, casting a disdainful glance at the green-haired teenager. "I'll relish seeing All Might's face of fury when he arrives to find nothing but a pile of bodies that were once his students. Kill them all, Nomu!" Time seemed to stand still as the monstrous creature charged toward the group of students. Izuku was prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect his friends and join the impending battle.

However, the Nomu never reached the teenagers. It was sent flying backward by a powerful blow to its chin, crashing heavily behind its leader. Naruto landed between the villains and the young heroes, bearing visible wounds and a bloodstained, torn sweatshirt. His body displayed various injuries, with a notable gash on his head that caused blood to trickle down his forehead. With a resolute expression, the shinobi revealed that he had removed his bandages, exposing his bandana and his menacing Sharingan, with its swirling tomoes.

"I won't allow my comrades to be killed..." Naruto extended his right hand from behind his back, unsheathing his sword and pointing it menacingly at the surprised villains. They hadn't anticipated the Uzumaki's recovery after that potentially fatal blow. With his sword poised, the shinobi stared down his adversaries. "They'll have to walk over my lifeless body before they reach them."

The time for games had ended. He had played enough villains and heroes, it was time to do things his way.

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