The Black Sky: OC x Hermione

By AJ_tonightat5

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"I think if I would get on my knees in front of you, for you. I would put you on the spot." Edmund said with... More

Chapter 1
Philosopher's Stone
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chamber of Secrets
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
The Prisoner of Azkaban
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Goblet of Fire
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 31.2

Chapter 22

368 17 3
By AJ_tonightat5

"Father will arrive later." Edmund said as he patted the tickets in his pocket. "We've got it under control, Arthur." They had woken up early to use the Floo Powder Network and head over to the Weasley's.

Arriving, Ron perked up from their sleepy state and Edmund had to clench his jaw to keep the jealousy at bay on how Hermione had been staying at the Weasley's, hanging out with Ron and Ginny.

During the time Harry moved in for the remainder of the summer vacation, they had bought some new clothes for the boy. Harry looked a lot older in fitted clothes rather than the usual oversized clothes. They looked like they came out of a muggle comic book.

They were supposed to look muggle but Edmund always did, having a preference for muggle clothes rather than musty robes that drag around mud from outside. His brown sweater was pulled over his white shirt which was tucked into his pleated grey pants. Harry had on slightly more, modern clothes.

"This is what they call a denim jacket." Edmund said to Arthur as he had reached over to grab Harry by his jacket, showing off the fabric to the older man. "They use pants fabric for jackets."

"Well that is just absurd." Arthur replied as he took a closer look at Harry's jacket, while Harry had already given up on defending his clothing choices. Edmund saw the misery Harry had been in and dropped the fabric between his fingers. "The girls will be down in a second, dear, I suppose." Arthur said to his wife as he walked away from Edmund to help her out.

Edmund suspiciously looked over to Fred and George as the two were snickering to themselves while staring at him. "What are you two planning this time?" He asked, quietly, not wanting to get them in trouble by their mother.

"Oh nothing." George hummed innocently while Fred just grinned cruelly. Edmund raised his eyebrows in concern and took a step back. He heard footsteps coming from the passageway and Edmund's eyes snapped up to the stairs. There was Hermione and Ginny, a smile came on his face as he recognized her familiar pale and drowsy look.

In France they would wake up early to take a walk around the town, with the whole Granger household up and early, it was clear who was an early bird and who wasn't. Hermione wasn't. "Why do we have to be up so early?" Ginny asked as she sat down at the table.

"We've got a bit of a walk." Edmund hummed. "Good morning." He said to Ginny. "Good morning, Hermione." He gave the girl with the curly hair a smile.

His attention was snapped away from Hermione when Molly sharply exclaimed George's name out. "What is that in your pocket?" She asked.

Edmund shared a look with Harry and the two of them smiled at one another, the chaos of the Wealsey household was something that the two of them had missed, even though Edmund wasn't friends with Ron, it was something he had missed. Especially since he doesn't live in the same neighbourhood anymore.

Edmund dodged the brightly coloured objects that zoomed out of George's pocket and blinked. He had heard about them, the Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Their mother shouted out even more accio's and Edmund decided that it was far safer to sit at the table rather than standing up, he still had to duck a few times.

After it was finally time, the group stood up and Edmund held his hand out towards Hermione. "What?" She asked, looking a bit confused.

"Give me your bag." Edmund said, "I'm not letting you carry it all the way, Harry can take Ginny's, right Harry?" He asked, a bit louder so that Harry can stop joking around with Ron and help out the girls.

"Fine." Hermione grumbled and Edmund gave her a victorious smile. The girl handed over her bag and passed him.

Edmund gently grasped her arm, causing her to look up at him. "You look good, Hermione. I've missed you."

Hermione smiled back at him, "Thank you, Edmund." She said and walked ahead to Harry and Ron. It was a funny sight to see Harry struggle a bit with the bags, Edmund would give him some dignity and wait until later to grab Ginny's bag as well.

Edmund walked towards the exit and stopped by the matriarch. "Thank you for the breakfast, once again, Mrs. Wealsey."

"Oh child, it is Molly for you!" She reached over and dusted something off of his arm. "Grown into a tall gentleman, I hope that my kids take an example of you." She said and then hurried him out of the door.

Edmund blushed bashfully and walked after the group, walking in the back. "I've been trying to tell her." Edmund raised his eyebrows at Ginny. He had seen the Weasley girl slow down to lag behind with him.

"Tell who what?"

"Tell Hermione that Ron doesn't like her like that. Even though she would be a great sister-in-law." Ginny gushed. "I still can't believe that she is choosing Ron over you." Edmund cringed.

"It's fine." Edmund said.

"It wouldn't have been fine if you didn't know that Ron and Lavender liked each other." Ginny said and Edmund looked over at the Weasley. Edmund never realised how much attention Ginny paid to everything.

Edmund gave the girl a smile. "You're right." He said.

"I know I am." There was the typical Weasley snark. "You know, I used to like you." She said as she looked over at Edmund's cousin and brother. The boy wasn't struggling as much anymore, but was struggling enough for them to notice.

"I know you used to." Edmund said quietly, "Tom Riddle said so, in the Chambers of Secret." The girl winced, and Edmund knew it was because of the burden of guilt she carried on her shoulders. It had never left her ever since it had happened. "We wouldn't be a good fit, Ginny."

"I know."

"We both see too much." Edmund said as he noticed Hermione look at Ron with that look in her eyes, that look that made Edmund wish that he was on the receiving end of it. Harry had sped up to talk with Arthur and left behind Hermione and Ron.

"She'll realise soon enough." Ginny said, quieter than usual.

"I like to hope so." From that point on the two of them walked in silence. It was nice, never before had Edmund had such a comfortable silence, it was impossible to do so with Hermione, Susan always had something to talk about and he'd listen. Padma would make it awkward on purpose so that she'd see him shift uncomfortably as some source of entertainment.

Edmund grabbed Ginny's bag from Harry before they started their climb on Stoatshead Hill. Edmund had climbed on the hill as a kid tons of times, he'd roll off of them or read a book at the top. He used the hidden rabbit holes as a way to push himself up.

"Now we need to search for it." Arthur ordered them all to go around and Edmund searched until he saw a tall figure, smirking over at him.

"Over here, Arthur! Over here, son, we've got it!" A voice called out. They all walked over towards the two tall figures and Edmund grabbed Cedric's hand and pulled the Hufflepuff in for a short hug.

"Good to see you again, Ced." Edmund grinned.

"You too." Cedric said.

Edmund turned to Cedric's father, Amos and smiled, holding his hand out. "Nice to see you again, Amos. How have you been?" The Diggory patriarch smiled and shook Edmund's hand feverishly.

"Good good, you should have visited this summer, Edmund! We have missed you around the house."

Edmund smiled and chuckled, "I know, with everything going on there was little time to be spent here."

"He moved to London, to live with his father instead of Professor Lupin." Cedric explained to his father. The man nodded and Arthur started to shake hands with Amos. Leaving Cedric and Edmund to the rest of the younger crowd. Fred and George just nodded in acknowledgement rather than voice it. Still a bit bitter about the Hufflepuff win.

"You're taller than he is." Harry said as he looked between the Hufflepuff students. Harry knew about the subtle competition that was one-sided from Edmund's side about who the taller student is. Edmund smiled in silent victory.

Edmund laughed when Amos started talking about how he'd tell his grandchildren that their father had beaten Harry at quidditch. Edmund patted Harry's shoulder as he saw the boy remain silent.

"It's nearly time." Edmund said to Arthur and Amos, reminding them of the deadline they can't miss. They discussed the surrounding neighbours but quickly dismissed them, knowing that some had already been there for a week and some couldn't obtain any tickets.

They then stood in a tight circle, pressed up against one another as they all held onto the manky old boot. Hermione was looking at Edmund with amusement in her eyes as they both seemed to remember their vacation to France, where he had mistaken Robert's boot as a portkey.

He blushed and looked away, embarrassed. Then it happened, the familiar sensation of a portkey tugged at him and as everyone was suddenly pushed out of the portkey, Edmund stood next to Arthur, Amos and Cedric, whilst holding up Hermione. "You should watch out, you could fall like they did."

"Choosing favourites." Harry muttered, "Not your own cousin, or brother." Edmund laughed and let go of Hermione as she blushed.

"Now, don't be a sore loser, I can't hold onto you as well, unless you'd like to hold all of the bags." Edmund teased as he pulled Harry off of the ground. "Come on, Harry. We've got tents facing the Weasley's, so you don't have to be far from your little girlfriend." He said, quietly.

Harry just lightly punched Edmund's shoulder. They set out along with the Weasley's, saying goodbye to the Diggorys. Cedric called out for Edmund to find him after the match to discuss quidditch strategies that they have used. "Morning." Edmund smiled at the muggle. "Would you be Mr. Roberts?" He asked.

"Aye, I would." The man answered, "Who are you lot?"

"Black. One tent." Edmund said and motioned over to the Weasley's, "They are the Weasley's, two tents and it was booked, when?"

"A couple days ago." Arthur answered.

"Aye, you have space by the wood there, just one night?"

"You'll pay now?" Edmund nodded and handed over the exact amount of money in an envelope. Edmund was prepared to hand it over like that because it reminded him of his favourite gangster movie.

The man nodded and looked over at Arthur, who had asked for Hermione's help to pay for it, not knowing how muggle money worked. Then they talked some more and a wizard apparated just to obliviate the muggle who was just working his post. Edmund and Arthur were both handed a map and they were happily on their way to their spot.

"Here, Harry, where do you reckon we should start?" Arthur looked at Harry expectantly and Edmund just snorted. He told Harry some instructions before helping the Weasley's with pitching their tents. "Where did you learn that, Edmund?"

Edmund gave the Weasley patriarch a smile, "I used to read books in a tent, out on the hill, maybe sleep in it." He hummed. "It was a tradition Mary had started when we were eleven, I think. Talk and hang out in the tent." Fred and George cooed at him and Edmund rolled his eyes at them, before glancing over at Hermione. "Besides, she's doing an exchange year in America, where she has a boyfriend. She sends me the occasional letter and update."

"Oh, that's nice." Arthur said, "Is that the one, you two always-" He looked between Fred and George.

The twins nodded in sync, "Sure is!" Fred said, "She was the one who got away!" George wailed jokingly, "Into the arms of charming Edmund!" Fred continued. Edmund rolled at their act and walked over to his tent bag, not pitched up yet.

He grabbed the poles and put them together, occasionally chatting with a few government officials who passed and had recognized him from the trial. Edmund had gotten familiar with most of the usual clerks there, it was nice to have a nice conversation with a few of them. "Edmund." Harry hissed at Edmund. "There isn't enough space for them all, it's a two person tent."

Edmund raised an eyebrow at his cousin, sometimes he forgets that Harry was raised as a muggle. "Harry, what are we?" Edmund asked.


"What do wizards revolve around?"

"Magic." Harry answered and then started to nod, "They're magical tents." Edmund nodded and put up the last pole. The tent was bigger compared to what the Weasley's had, it looked a lot newer as well.

"Come on in." Edmund said and held open the tent flap, letting Harry duck under it. Edmund followed closely behind carrying their stuff. Their tent was the size of some sort of apartment. There was a big kitchen with a fireplace for a kettle, bedrooms separated by curtains that are attached to some weights on the ground, a living room with a small television. It looked like the only thing with solid walls was the bathroom. "I call the first bed." Edmund said and threw his stuff on the bed.

Harry threw himself onto the second bed that was next to Edmund's and smiled happily. "It's nice sleeping on a comfortable mattress." Edmund clenched his jaw in silent anger towards the Dursleys and how they had taken 'care' of Harry.

Instead of voicing his anger to someone who can't do anything about it, he just gave Harry a little smile. "Woah Harry, you've got a far nicer tent than us." A voice said and Edmund refrained from rolling his eyes at the ginger.

"I think we're going to hang out here for the most of it." Ginny said as she was quickly followed by Hermione entering the tent. Edmund looked at her with something that Susan would describe as 'Hopeless romantic knowing it is hopeless' eyes.

"Mr. Weasley asked if we could pump some water, are you two coming with?" Hermione asked as she held two buckets in her hand. Edmund nodded and followed the four of them outside.

They began walking and Edmund nudged Hermione, holding out his hand. "No Edmund, stop doing that." Hermione said.

"Doing what?" Edmund frowned, "I just wanted to hold the buckets for you."

"You're doing things that a boyfriend does, when you're not even my boyfriend." She said, clearly irritated.

Edmund blinked a few times, "You know that I would have done this before I even liked you." He said to her, quietly. "And you're bothered by it because I'm just not him." He said and looked over to the oblivious Ron, Edmund ignored the curious eyes of Ginny. He shoved his hands in his pockets and just looked away. "It's fine, Hermione." He said and looked away from her apologetic eyes.

He had forgiven her the moment she had said those words to him. The girl tried once again but held onto her buckets and continued to walk ahead by Ron and Harry's side. Then like earlier today, Ginny lagged back with Edmund.

"Doesn't it bother you?" She asked him.

"Sometimes." Edmund answered, "But it all falls onto her, the choice. I can't force someone to like me like I like them." He said and glanced over to the ginger, he preferred her far more than Ron.

She looked hesitant to ask a question and Edmund just raised an eyebrow at her. "Why don't you and Ron talk anymore?" She asked, eventually. The three came across Seamus and Dean.

"Well, Lavender happened and Ron had liked her since that summer." Edmund answered, "He began being a bit of a bloke towards me, then when uh, he and Hermione were alone, talking. He insulted me."

"Did she defend you?" Ginny asked.

"No." Edmund answered.

"You shouldn't let that happen though, Edmund." Ginny said and Edmund wondered where she came up with her advice. "You like her but she doesn't defend you when someone talks badly about you? How much do you like her because to let that go, it must be some sort of love."

Edmund snorted and looked at the ground, he didn't see himself loving Hermione yet. He knows that he likes her but the only sort of love that he wants is love that comes from both sides. "How about this, one more major thing and I'll stop."

"Stop liking her?" Ginny questioned and snorted. "I'll take you up on that." Edmund nodded at her and smiled. The two of them started to listen to the mother of Seamus.

"-supporting Ireland, of course?"

Edmund nodded, "Of course, Miss Finnigan." He smiled. They continued their walk and Edmund cringed at all the posters of Krum. He had a dislike towards the stoic seeker, he was a strong advocate for showing off your passion, but all Krum does is sit stoically on his broom and hold up a fist.

They all wandered around some more after collecting the water. At some point they were approached by Cho and Cedric. Edmund raised his eyebrow at his friend as he gave Cho a brief, but friendly hug. "Near one another's tents?" He asked.

Cedric nodded, "She's right in front of my tent." Cho and Hermione were giggling with one another now. "Maybe I can actually try something."

Edmund snorted, "It'll be about time." He said. The four of them talked some more before rejoining the rest. Edmund had a bucket in his hand and Ron had one. Before going over to the Weasley's tent Edmund placed his bucket in front of his tent.

He rolled up his sleeves and wiped the sweat from his eyebrow. He saw Hermione, crouched down to help Arthur with the fire, she was kind and patient with showing the man how to use matches, a muggle invention. Edmund watched with soft eyes, but sad ones it must have been because the moment Hermione met his grey eyes, she looked away in a slight shame.

He never had intended for her to be ashamed. He took in a breath and talked with some Ministry members alongside Arthur, he whispered to both Harry and Hermione what their functions included, as they didn't know.

"Mrs. Bones!" Edmund called out and smiled at the woman. The aunt that Susan always speaks so highly of. "How have you been, I haven't seen you since the trial." She had been an advocate for the innocence of his father, and he had seen her at a birthday party that Susan threw at her house.

"Ah, Edmund. I have been doing fine." The Ministry official nodded. "Thank you for asking. How is your father settling in?" She looked around a bit, "Is he around?"

"Father is at home, getting a few things in order before coming to join us for the Quidditch Match." Edmund answered, "Thank you for your support, once again."

"I am glad that it has worked out, besides, my niece speaks highly of you and your kindness." Her eyes glanced over to Harry and Hermione who were whispering to one another. "And of your conquest for one's affections." She said more quietly and Edmund blushed. "I must now go, good luck." She said and glanced over at Hermione once more before continuing her walk through the campsite.

Edmund closed his eyes in embarrassment and plopped down on a chair. He knows that he had never once been subtle about his feelings, but Susan had never been able to keep her mouth shut about his affections for Hermione. A small smile painted his face though, it was typical Susan.

Then another official walked over to the Weasley campsite and Edmund shot up from the enthusiasm in Arthur's voice. He curiously looked over at the man and recognized him as Ludo Bagman. Arthur introduced everyone and Bagman's eyes did double takes when his and Harry's names were called. "Edmund Lupin-, I believe that it is Edmund Black now."

"Edmund Lupin-Black." He corrected the older man. He wanted to honour his uncle for taking care of him, he wished he could have taken Snape's name as well but the man didn't allow for it. His uncle Moony was the one who had educated, raised and taught him manners. Edmund sees him as a bit more than just his uncle figure but it happens as a young child who had lost everything.

"And Harry Potter." Arthur finished and Edmund commended him for not being out of breath by introducing every Weasley in the tent. "-a Galleon on Ireland to win?" Bagman looked slightly disappointed and looked around for any more takers. "They're a bit too young, aren't they?"

Edmund grinned and chuckled when Fred and George raised the stakes. "I'll add thirty-seven Galleons as well, to their bet?" He looked over at the twins for permission, and handed over the coins when they nodded in confirmation. "Cheers." Edmund said as he saw George tuck away the slip of parchment.

The two older men continued to talk, with the rare involvement of Percy. Edmund had just sunk into a seat and stood right back up to make some tea for himself as well, "Would you like some tea as well, Mr. Crouch?" He asked.

"Of course." Percy gave him the stink eye but Edmund handed over the cup of tea. "Say boy, you have a really nice voice, think you want to do a part of commentating? I get a bit hoarse at the end of it."

Edmund raised his eyebrows in surprise, "I'd be honoured, sir." The man said whatever more he had to say and apparated away. His father had joined the group right before they left, he bought all of the younger students omnioculars. Harry was beaming and Edmund was just excited to be at the World Cup. He was donned in green, showing his support for the Irish.

They walked through the crows and climbed the staircases. They all sat down by the front seats but Edmund and Harry staggered at the sight of a house-elf. The three talked for some moments before they sat back down in the seats. When the top box had more people streaming in, Edmund found himself standing right besides Arthur and his father rather than sitting with his friends. Shaking hands left and right, being introduced here and there to those that he didn't know.

Percy had an envious look on his face when the Minister of Magic remembered Edmund's name rather than Percy's. Harry was a victim of his jealous looks as well. Edmund spoke some Bulgarian with the Bulgarian wizard.

The language became part of his language learning program at the beginning of the summer and Edmund thought that it was a slower and more relaxed version of Russian. Along with French, for some reason. But he was silenced by an ancient French spell book that Dumbledore gifted him. They laughed about it when the foreign wizard realised that it was Harry Potter. "And here's Lucius-" Edmund's laughing faltered slightly as he took on a more serious posture and face. He stood up and gave the patriarch of the Malfoy family a tight lipped smile.

"Ah, Edmund Black." Lucius glanced over at his wife who had a smile on her face. A rare one at that, it didn't look forced at all, "Nice to see family." Her smile faltered when his father stood by his side and shook Lucius' hand as well.

"Malfoy." His father greeted him with a handshake and looked over at his cousin. "Cousin Narcissa, what a nice family you have here."

"Thank you, Sirius." She said, tensely. "This is my son, and Edmund's friend. Draco." Sirius shook Draco's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Draco." Sirius said with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. The Minister started to introduce everyone and Edmund had to translate it to the Bulgarian Minister of Magic. After more tense moments, the Malfoy's continued down the line of stairs.

"Come on boy!" Bagman motioned over to Edmund and handed him a few pieces of paper. The man had just arrived and was already ordering Edmund to do things. "You say these things when I signal you, yes?"

Edmund nodded and grabbed his wand. He listened to Bagman introduce the world cup and then motioned over to Edmund. "Sonorus." Edmund casted and smiled as he spoke. "And now, without further ado, allow me to introduce... the Bulgarian National Team Mascots!" There was a roar of applause from the stands donned in scarlet red. "Veela's!" Edmund said and curiously looked over at the entrance of the Veela's.

Edmund looked around as the veela's started dancing, he wondered why the men were reaching over to jump out of the box. Including Ludo Bagman, it must have been a reason to not be embarrassed by his peers if he did fall under the trances of the Veela. He glanced over at Ron and Harry, and then finally Hermione who just looked pissed off. They made eye contact and Edmund cleared his throat, turning to look onto the field once again. "And now!" Edmund roared along with the crowd, working them up. "Kindly put your wands in the air... for the Irish National Team Mascots!"

The Hufflepuff watched as the Leprechauns made their shows. Meanwhile Ludo motioned for Edmund to sit down, handing him a few Galleons. He had the charm to be a presenter but he definitely didn't have the stamina for it.

"You're not affected?" Hermione whispered to Edmund when the Bulgerans scored their first goal, making the veela's dance.

Edmund swallowed and looked back at the field through his omnioculars. "I'm not attracted to the veela's." He answered, hoping that she'd finish the sentence that he didn't complete. They continued to watch the rest of the match, in slight amusement when they saw that the referee was under veela hypnosis. Edmund shot up at the catch of the snitch and cheered with Fred and George as they had won their bet.

The three of them stood in front of Ludo Bagman, the twins with their hands stretched out. "Please do not tell your mother that I have allowed you to gamble." Arthur said as they made their way back down to the tents.

The Weasley's did their own thing while Sirius, Edmund and Harry left to go sleep in their own tent. His father walked back over to the Weasley's, Edmund assumes that it is to talk with Arthur. He could also see that Harry was sleeping, with a smile on his face, muttering his own name as if he was a commentator.

Edmund changed into his pyjamas and pulled a blanket over his bare chest.


"No time!" Sirius said and dragged Harry and Edmund out of the tent. A warm light shone upon them and Edmund knew that it wasn't because of the sunset but the light of the tents that were set a flame.

People were screaming, flashes of light went off and loud bangs, like gunfire. Edmund couldn't fathom the loud jeering and roars of laughter, at a time of panic like this it is just inhuman. His breath was caught in his throat when he caught sight of them, with their masked faces and hooded heads.

With panic and disgust in his eyes he saw how the wizards terrorised Mr. Robert's family. Frantically, realisation of all the books he had read kicked in and his eyes widened. He looked over for Hermione and Harry. They'd be safer by his side, "Hermione!" He called out, shouted out.

Mr. Weasley barked out orders and Edmund nodded, he caught the jumper that was thrown in his direction and nodded thankfully at William. He threw it on and ran after the Weasley's. They stopped when Ron yelled out in pain, with lights casted to look at the wounded. Edmund his ears perked at the sound of his friend.

"They're after muggles." Draco looked relaxed and it was putting Edmund on the edge. "Take her and get out, now."

Edmund gave Draco a thankful look and picked Ron up from the ground. "You should watch your step, Weasley!" Draco laughed and the rest continued to run. Edmund nodded at Draco with a clenched jaw.

They eventually passed a group of witches who were panicking. They spoke to Ron in French, asking where Madame Maxime was. "Je ne sais pas, elle ressemble à quoi?" He had asked them what she looked like, they described her to him and Edmund nodded.

"À gauche, je pense." Edmund said, "Mais, c'est dangereux. Il est préférable de rester dans la forêt, ensemble." He told them that their headmistress might have been to the left of them, but said that it was a smarter idea to stay in the forest, together.

"Oh no." Hermione said after they continued, she had stopped in her step and he stood near her, looking protectively around the treeline for anything suspicious. "I've lost my wand!" Edmund glanced over to the frazzled girl and clenched his jaw as he gripped his wand tighter. Hermione would never lose her wand willingly.

"Winky?" Edmund questioned loudly as he saw the elf move as if she was being held back. She was a house-elf that made Edmund think of Dobby, he wondered where the house-elf was now.

"Bad wizards about!" She squeaked, "People high!" She let out a breath, "high in the air! Winky is getting out of the way!" She then ran out of sight, the three began to talk about it, Ron was curious and Harry was a bit angry but Hermione, she was enraged. She was quite pretty when she was enraged.

They continued running ahead, passing a group spouting out nonsense. "Did I tell you I've invented a broomstick that'll reach Jupiter?" Ron shouted and Edmund laughed while he gripped Ron's arm and marched away. When they were out of the proximity of the veela, Ron pulled away his arm from his grip.

Then Ludo Bagman appeared to a clearance where they were taking a break. He didn't look energetic or even with what was happening. "Mr. Bagman, there is a riot happening." Edmund said slowly, looking mildly concerned. "They've got a hold on a family of Muggles." He continued and he could feel his nails dig into his palm. He wishes he could do something about it all.

The man swore loudly and disapparated with a small pop. "I want to go back and help." Edmund said after a moment of silence.

"They'll be fine without your help, matter of a fact, you'd be a hindrance." Ron grumbled and Harry had to hold Edmund back from firing a hex at him. Ron had been at the end of Edmund's patience for a long time, Ron just had the luck of not seeing Edmund for a long time or else Ron would have been cursed many times because of his comments.

"Shut it, Ron." Hermione said quietly as she glanced up at Edmund. "I believe that Edmund knows quite a lot more than you do."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." Ron muttered sarcastically and Edmund huffed but quickly straightened his back as he heard footsteps, staggering footsteps.

When the steps came to a stop, Harry called out to reveal itself. Then in the silence, a spell was casted, "Morsmordre!" A vast green erupted from the darkness and it flew over the treetops and into the sky.

Edmund gasped as his eyes widened at what the spell had projected up into the sky. Then came the screams, Edmund shot off a few stunning spells in hope that it would touch the one who had casted the spell up into the air. "Move. Harry, we have to move." Edmund urged and grabbed him by the collar of the jacket

"It's the Dark Mark, Harry!" Hermione moaned and grabbed onto his arm as well.

"Tom Riddle's mark." Edmund hissed and when they turned he pushed them all onto the ground. To not be hit by the twenty wands that were pointed at them. A worried voice was soon yelled out right after.

"Stop! Stop! That is my son!" Arthur shouted out and the wizards lowered their wands. The elder Weasley looked terrified for them. The man started fuzzing over them but Edmund pointed his wand at the wood.

"It came from there." Edmund pointed from the treeline. "Hermione has lost her wand, Harry was too confused by the Dark Mark and Ron was distracted with his little toy." He explained to a disgruntled Crouch. At an instant the wands were pointing at the treeline, "I've already shot off a few stupefies and I think I heard a thud."

Amos clapped Edmund's back as the man stepped up to look in between the trees. Edmund put a comforting hand on Hermione's back when she seemed to be distraught. "Where is my father?" Edmund asked Arthur.

"I believe that he is still rounding up the Death Eaters that he had caught." Arthur let out an impressive breath. "A real hate is what he has for Death Eaters, with how he fought I would have thought he was an auror."

"-someone here! Unconscious! It's-" The man sounded speechless as he came out from the treeline. A limp figure in his arms and Edmund recognized the tea towel, Winky.

Edmund watched Crouch react to the stunned elf. Then Amos held up a wand and Edmund recognized it immediately. Amos motioned over to Edmund to wake the house-elf up. "Rennervate." Edmund casted and Winky stirred awake. Amos began to interrogate the house-elf and Edmund felt pity for her.

"Is this a confession-"

"Mr. Diggory." Edmund frowned, "This is Harry, I've been by his side for the whole time. He did not conjure the Mark."

"Sorry, I got carried away." Amos said and continued to question Winky.

"It couldn't have been Winky, sir." Hermione said, nervous. "The voice who casted it was much deeper. It didn't sound anything like Winky."

Edmund nodded, agreeing with Hermione. Then they looked at the history of the wand and the older men started to bicker. Then by surprise by all the students, Barty Crouch Snr. freed his house-elf.

Edmund held back Hermione who was defending the house-elf. "We'll find her a place." Edmund whispered to Hermione, "I can find her a place." The girl relaxed and Edmund's hand rested on her forearms. "I can take her in, treat her better, Kreacher is getting old."

Hermione stayed calm but she bursted out in anger when Ron said that Winky isn't human. Hermione began defending the elf's feelings and Edmund smiled. They all went into the Weasley's tent.

The moment Edmund stepped in he felt arms over his. "Oh my boy, you are okay." Sirius said as he put his hands up to Edmund's cheek, as if trying to see if he was harmed in any way.

"I'm okay, father." Edmund said and nodded at the man. His father let go of him and started to fuss over Harry. It reminded Edmund of Molly. In the meanwhile Arthur was explaining what happened to his children.

"She didn't do anything-" Edmund put a hand on Hermione's shoulder and leant down to her ear.

"They don't know anything, Hermione. Save your breath, we're going to help Winky." He soothed her. When Percy continued to rave about Winky, Edmund looked up, "Replace Winky now, won't you? Since you're so desperate to have a respectable position in the Ministry, Weatherby?" The twins snickered.

The Weasley's didn't learn anything about the history under Voldemort's reign and it was just antagonising to listen to, especially Ron. About near the beginning of the explanation Edmund stood up and excused himself to sleep. Once in his own tent he immediately pulled out a paper and quill and wrote to Dumbledore, talking about what had happened and what he had seen.

He also mentioned something about Winky and hoped to hire her at Hogwarts. He rolled up the paper and put it in his bag, to send as soon as they head home. 

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