To Be Like You (Demon Slayer)

By Dekinaiii

29 1 0

(COVER NOT MINE) Tanjiro worked hard in order to support his family. When people who travelled into their vil... More


To Be Like You

16 1 0
By Dekinaiii

Tanjiro walked up a path. It was up a mountain. It was very familiar, yet he couldn't place where he remembered this from. He didn't know what he was doing here. Wasn't he on the Mugen Train? He walked and walked until he saw it. His childhood home. He was stunned. 'What? I don't even know how I got here and now this?' He wondered as he walked closer. He heard giggling and whispering coming from inside. He held onto the handle of his katana and ripped the door open. Inside was Hanako and Shigeru. A million thoughts ran through his head. He felt his vision blurring and he passed out.

Tanjiro couldn't remember much from before he fell asleep on the train. Yet he still remembered the dream he had while in that train. While it was clear Zenitsu probably dreamed about Nezuko, he wasn't entirely sure what Inosuke had dreamed about. It was confusing on what went through the man's head. But it had been three days since the mission. Rengoku-San had died. That's most of what he remembers, he knows he disassociated and can't remember much. Everyone was worried. He knows why. He always disassociates when he's too overwhelmed with emotions. He knows it not normal and is usually a sign of past trauma. But he can't help it. After his disassociation episode, Inosuke and Zenitsu haven't fought as much. While Tanjiro is fine with that, it's just, he doesn't want them to change because of him.

After the Sword smith Village mission, Tanjiro couldn't take it anymore. Tanjiro was sitting at the butterfly mansion where no one could find him. In the cherry blossom tree in the backyard where he would usually train. Tanjiro sat on the highest branch he could get to and cried in silence as he thought about everything. He wrapped himself tighter in his checkered haori. He didn't know what do. At this point he just accepted that he was never going to be what he wanted to be. He sat there crying as the uncomfortable feeling and reality of a burning sensation deep in his gut. Every stab of pain and uncomfortable gush of the liquid made Tanjiro sicker and made him cry even harder. He could smell it coming from a week before it started. He was prepared but it still didn't do anything to help him. He kept crying until he smelled a familiar scent. Ocean breeze and depression. It was Tomioka-San! Tanjiro got excited. The man never visited much and when he did it was normally to visit him! But then Tanjiro had that sinking feeling. He had to go down the tree. Meaning he had to stand up. Meaning earths pull would pull the liquid with it. Meaning an even greater uncomfortable feeling. He cried harder when he heard the tree rustle. He panicked. Had someone found him? We're they toying with him and shaking the tree? Was Inosuke head-butting the tree? He hoped it was the last one. While that would mean Inosuke would know he was there. The tree kept shaking and Tanjiro just cried even harder and closed his eyes shut as tight as possible. When he was suddenly hugged tightly. Tanjiro opened his eyes and finally- to his lung's relief- breathed in and was hit with the smell of the ocean and depression. Tomioka had climbed up the tree. "Tomioka-san?" Tanjiro managed to squeak out. "What's wrong Tanjiro?" Tomioka asked. Tanjiro just started to ugly sob and cliched onto Tomioka's haori. Tanjiro cried while Tomioka hugged him.

After Tanjiro finally stopped crying, Tomioka asked what was wrong once again. Tanjiro didn't know the answer to that question. There were many reasons and things that were wrong. His body wasn't right. The burning sensation was so intense it was getting hard to ignore. The uncomfortable feeling of the liquid. The blood. He was feeling unworthy of the Hinokami Kagura. It was sacred. And he was basically filth. A liar. He wasn't worth anyone's time. He couldn't fulfill the one job his Father had given him all those years ago. He wasn't worthy of his earrings or his demon slayer mark. He wasn't worth anything. "I-I don't k-know." Tanjiro stuttered out. But then a very shard stab of pain in his gut had him crying out and he clutched his stomach even more. Tomioka widened his eyes and looked for any sign that something was wrong. "Tanjiro! What's wrong? Do you need to see Kocho?" Tomioka asked. "N-no. I'm fine Tomioka-san." Tanjiro said with a slight stutter.

Tomioka just stayed and hugged Tanjiro. Before he asked something that shocked Tanjiro. "Tanjiro, were you...born a female?" Tomioka asked uncertainly. "I-I." Tanjiro stuttered he couldn't find the right words. "Let's head to my estate alright?" Tomioka said. Tanjiro nodded, agreeing, and with that Tomioka picked him up knowing Tanjiro likely didn't want to stand. Tanjiro didn't know how Tomioka knew, but he was thankful. He clutched the red half of Tomioka's haori. He took in the scent. There was another scent. It was faded by many years. But it had the faint scent of a women. It smelled like water lilies. Tanjiro focused on the faded scent while Tomioka carried him to his estate.

The Water Estate was nothing to really brag about. But it was small and homey, and Tanjiro loved that about it. Tomioka set him down on the couch and Tanjiro curled up in a ball. Tomioka rustled his hair and went into the kitchen. He came out with plum rice balls. The moment the scent hit his nose; Tanjiro picked his head up in interest. After eating the rice balls Tomioka once again disappeared, but this time he went into his room and came out with a bag. Tanjiro smelled it but it only smelled like plastic. Tomioka set it down. "Tanjiro, I know you need to clean yourself. Everything you need is in here. Go into the washroom that is right in front of mine. Don't be afraid of any mess that you make. I know it's not on purpose. Then change into this." Tomioka said and pulled out some night clothes. Tanjiro nodded and Tomioka hugged him once more before Tanjiro got up and the liquid dropped. It was so uncomfortable, and Tanjiro just wanted to die right then and there.

After he stepped into the bathroom, Tanjiro slid the door closed and set the bag and clothes on the small counter and opened the bag. Inside was a disposable rag, soap for sensitive skin, it said so in the label, and a...he wasn't even going to think about what it was. He was too embarrassed and grateful that Tomioka had gotten these items for him. But how had he known what to get him?

Tanjiro took off his shirt. The bandages wrapped tightly on his chest visible for him to see. He was distraught just by looking at his chest. He unwrapped the bandages and stared at the two lumps of skin. The one thing he swore to never let anyone see clothed or unclothed ever since that one very day where he had to choose between his gender and his family. The day of course, when he had chosen his family. He took off his uniform pants and his fundoshi. That was thankfully mostly clean. He still, however, threw it away. The sight of the red on the white disgusted him to his very core.

After cleaning himself and changing he stepped out of the was room and was hit with two smells of worry. The smell of pine woods and thunder. It was Zenitsu and Inosuke. He stepped into the living room when Tomioka grabbed his uniform. "Is it fully clean?" He asked. Tanjiro shook his head. There was a small amount that leaked. Tomioka took his uniform and put it in the laundry basket and requested that he sit down so that his friends could finally calm down. Zenitsu was the first to hug him. And then started to cry and said how worried he was. He smelled a demon, then calmed down at the sight of the wooden box in Zenitsu's back. Inosuke sat there and started to babble saying that as his 'minion' Tanjiro should have told him and 'Ponitsu' that he had left the mansion, instead of just disappearing. "I'm sorry for not telling you where I was going. I'm sorry you had to worry. I'm sorr- "Tanjiro was cut off but Zenitsu covering his mouth with his hand. "Stop apologizing, crying, and ranting and just hug us back!!" He demanded. Tanjiro nodded. "I'm sorry." Tanjiro said. "Why do I even try." Zenitsu said with an annoyed expression.

After getting comfortable the two asked why he had left all of a sudden. Tanjiro couldn't explain. The two were unimpressed by his terrible lying skills and asked for the truth. "We aren't mad Tanjiro, and you know we wouldn't leave for something you can't control. But we won't accept that you tell us a stupid lie and give and ugly face doing so." Zenitsu said. Inosuke nodded and agreed. "Exactly! We need you to tell us something Panjiro." Inosuke stated.

After contemplating on whether or not to tell them, Tanjiro started to explain. "I'm not not a real boy." He stated. This earned a gasp from Zenitsu and confusion from Inosuke. "What do you mean 'not a real boy', you are one" Inosuke said. "You baka! He means that he was born a girl! Dummy! You don't know anything!" Zenitsu said while hitting Inosuke. Tanjiro felt a little bit of comfort when Zenitsu had used the pronoun 'he' when referring to Tanjiro. However, as usual Tanjiro turned the thought into a negative reaction. 'It was just impulse and Zenitsu is just used to saying that. He'll call me she soon enough.' Tanjiro said. "Alright, now that that's over with, want to tell us more Tanjiro?" Zenitsu asked. Tanjiro was a little surprised. He had expected anger or yelling. But instead Zenitsu smelled calm and neutral, of course he was also surprised. Tomioka sat down next to him. "The reason I left was because I wanted to come here. I feel at home here, it's I'm, it's uh uh my time of the month...." Tanjiro stuttered cringing at the number of times he had said 'uh' and 'um'. Zenitsu looked at him in understanding. "That's alright. And thank you for telling us. We don't hate you either so don't get any stupid negative thoughts alright?" Zenitsu said. Tanjiro nodded and Inosuke agreed with Zenitsu.

After the whole fiasco Tanjiro decided to sleep over at Tomioka's place for the night. After Zenitsu and Inosuke headed back for the Butterfly Mansion, Tanjiro decided to ask Tomioka the question he had been wanting to ask. "Tomioka-san? How did you know and have what I needed to wash up?" Tanjiro asked. Unsure whether or not his question was appropriate or not. Tomioka just sighed. "That Tanjiro, is because I too, was born a female." Tomioka said. Tanjiro was a little shocked. But just nodded. "Thank you for telling me. I was just curious. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Tanjiro said. Tomioka just shook his head and hugged Tanjiro. "It alright." He spoke.

Tanjiro still hadn't gotten over his doubts on himself. But to be like Tomioka-san. Who never broke down in front of people. It showed that Tomioka had the strength to keep all those emotions in. "To be like you, Tomioka-san." Tanjiro thought as he drifted asleep.

After Tanjiro woke up, he could feel the sheets sticking to him. He could see that it was somewhat early. But he also knew Tomioka would likely be up. Since Nezuko was here then that meant that she could get Tomioka. "Nezuko?" Tanjiro called out. He heard shuffling then the door to the box opened. Nezuko crawled out and her face was scrunched up with concern. "Can you get Tomioka-san please?" Tanjiro asked as calmly as he could. She looked at him then at the sheets and nodded and left. Most likely before Tanjiro could freak out.

Nezuko walked down the small hallway and slid the door open. Tomioka was awake and sitting up reading. He looked to Nezuko who had a worried facial expression. "Nezuko? Is something wrong?" He asked. Nezuko tried to speak as best as she could with the small amount of training she had had. "O-oni-chan I wed!" She tried. "Tomioka tried to decipher what Nezuko had said before understanding. "Alright. I'll be right there." He said before standing up.

Tomioka had stood up and walked towards his closet. Nezuko had walked out presumably to Tanjiro. Tomioka opened a small cabinet that was hidden in the back of his closet, in case someone went snooping, they couldn't find it nor open it without the key that was also hidden where no one would think to look.

After grabbing what he knew Tanjiro would need headed down the hallway with new sheets as well. He opened the door and heard crying. Tanjiro was crying and he was shaking so much that Nezuko was also shaking because she was on the futon with him. Tomioka set the things down and sat down and pulled Tanjiro onto his lap and started to run his fingers through his hair and hummed a song that his sister, Tsutako, sang to him when he would get like this. Tanjiro stopped crying but was still shaking slightly. "You're alright, I'm not mad. How about you go freshen up while I deal with this? Can you do that for me?" Tomioka asked and Tanjiro nodded and Tomioka helped him stand up.

After Tanjiro went into the bathroom with his stuff, Tomioka carefully took the sheets off of the futon and put them in the laundry basket and then brushed through Nezuko's hair and made a small braid in the front. Nezuko smiled and hummed in approval. Then he started to put new sheet on the futon and then walked out of the room and headed into the kitchen to make breakfast for the two.

After finishing making breakfast, Tanjiro stepped out of room with the soaked night clothes. Tomioka carefully put them in the laundry basket. "Go eat alright? I'll go put this in the wash. Then we can go out in the garden and relax, okay?" Tomioka said. Tanjiro nodded and sat down. He started to eat and Tomioka left.

Tanjiro was so so upset at himself. He always managed to ruin or mess up something. This time, he ruined sheets and the futon. As well as the clothes Tomioka had given him. Tanjiro started to cry again. But the Tomioka walked in. He blinked his tears away and looked at Tomioka. "Tanjiro. Don't blame yourself, you can't control it. Alright?" Tomioka said. Tanjiro nodded and Tomioka sat down to eat with him.

After they ate breakfast, the two headed outside and they sat on the bench Tomioka had in the yard. Tanjiro felt better with the warm breeze whistling by. The smell of spring and oncoming summer was one of Tanjiro's favorite scents.

After settling his nerves Tanjiro was finally at peace. He was fine. Tomioka, Nezuko, Zenitsu, and Inosuke were all on his side. "Tomioka how do you handle all of these...emotions?" Tanjiro asked. Tomioka was a little stunned by the sudden question, but he finally found the words. "It took me awhile to learn that not everyone will hate you. I mostly just keep to a small circle of people I can trust." Tomioka said. "Like whom?" Tanjiro asked. Tomioka poked him in the side causing Tanjiro to start giggling at the ticklish feeling. "You, Nezuko, and myself." Tomioka said. "Really? You don't ever get lonely?" Tanjiro asked. "Sometimes, but only when my favorite two people aren't here." Tomioka said. Tanjiro giggled. He looked happy. Tanjiro and Tomioka talked for a little while. Tomioka gave Tanjiro advice on how to handle his heavy point of times. Little did they know, someone was there watching them. About to spill some news to the whole corps.

The next day Tomioka headed with Tanjiro to the Butterfly Mansion to make sure he got there safely. He gave Tanjiro some extra supplies. But when he got closer, he could smell hostility coming from the mansion. When they entered the mansion, Zenitsu dragged the two of them into his room. "You guys came at a bad time." Zenitsu said. "Why? Did something happen?" Tanjiro asked. "Yes. Someone was spying on you last night after me and Inosuke left and spread your genders to everyone." Zenitsu said. He smelled of anxiety and anger. When Zenitsu said that Tanjiro's stomach dropped. What? That can't be true. Tanjiro started to spiral.

Tomioka was panicking slightly. Who knows what the corps could do to Tanjiro? They wouldn't try anything with Tomioka, no, he was a Hashira, they were the most respected out of the whole corps, to the lower ranking slayers, they owed their lives to most of the Hashira. He looked at Tanjiro who was clearly spiraling. Zenitsu was desperately trying to get Tanjiro to calm down. But it was too late. Tanjiro didn't listen to anything. He didn't give any sign. Tanjiro was disassociating right now. His irises were paler, and his pupil was nonexistent. They laid him on one of the medical beds and left. "Who spreads the news?" Tomioka asked. "Some fucker called Ferita Hashu." Zenitsu practically growled out.

After they found Ferita, Zenitsu grabbed him and pulled him aside. "So, you want the story?" Ferita asked Zenitsu. Ferita paled when he saw Tomioka. Tomioka was beyond furious. It took every ounce of his energy to not rip the slayer apart. "T-Tomioka-s-sama?! Uh? H-how are y-you?" The bastard stuttered out.

After dealing with Ferita they entered Zenitsu's room. Tanjiro had gained consciousness and was hugging Nezuko. When he saw Tomioka, he brightened immediately. "Tomioka-san!" He cheered. Nezuko also looked happy and smiled.

Their day was very eventful. Lots of people asked if the rumors were true. They told them the truth. Most of the corps were on their side. However, the uniform trailer was a completely different story. Tanjiro needed a new uniform after he tore it up badly in a demon fight. The tailor had brought the new uniform, shoved Tanjiro into the changing room, and took the clothes he was currently wearing. "This should be perfect for someone like you!" The tailor was giggling the whole time. Tomioka was suspicious. The tailor had a...history, when it came to sexualizing the uniform. Kanroji's uniform said a lot as well. Tanjiro squeaked in the changing uniform and came out mortified. Tomioka watched in horror as Tanjiro walked out with the new uniform. The sides of the uniform were ripped so you could see his waist, the shoulders were gone leaving bare skin. The side of the shirt were also ripped open, and you could see the bandages that were flattening his chest, the front of his uniform also was ripped exposing his chest even more. Tomioka started to strangle the tailor before he was stopped by Kocho, who had Tanjiro change into his proper uniform, then promptly burned the horrific uniform in front of the perverted tailor, who cried about Tanjiro not wearing it. Tanjiro was a complete blushing and stuttering mess when he left the changing room wearing the proper uniform.

After the incident Tanjiro decided to go on his mission, thankful that Shinobu had burned the uniform the tailor made him wear. Nezuko helped and they finally got back to the mansion. He was thankful for Tomioka, who trusted him and believed in his sister. He was thankful for Zenitsu and Inosuke, who never judged him for who he was. He was thankful to everyone who got him this far. He was Kamado Tanjiro, the eldest son of the Kamado family.

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