The Art of Letting Go - ENGLOT

By ashley_swift

71K 3.1K 616

"My heart broke the day I saw you look at her, the way I look at you." Celestine Addison thought she had it... More

Character Introduction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 8

1.5K 77 2
By ashley_swift

(A/N:) The classes are every weekend btw. Sat-Sun.

This chapter is a little time-jump, Celestine has attended more than 3 classes at this point so they kinda interacted a lot now. Okay? Good.

Celestine's POV:

"Hi Micah, it's Day 79 and I wanted to update you on my art classes. I've been going to Ensley Walsh's studio for a few weeks now, and I have to say, it's been a life-changing experience. Ensley is not just a great artist, but also an amazing teacher. She has a way of bringing out the best in her students, and I feel like I've grown so much as an artist in just a short time."

"I'm also meeting some wonderful people in the class. They're all so passionate about art, and it's inspiring to be around them. I hope to show you some of my paintings soon, and maybe even surprise you with a few pieces for your room."

"I miss you so much, Micah. But every day, I feel like we're getting closer to being together again. I can't wait to see you and tell you all about my art journey in person."

"Until then, stay strong, my love. You're always in my thoughts....I Love you."

I ended the record and set aside my camera. I took a moment to just sit and breathe whilst I gather myself and my thoughts. With a deep exhale, I stood up and prepared my things for Ensley's Class.


Ensley and I are friends now, of sorts. We talked and joked around, but we never really got too deep or talked about our personal lives.

Despite how comfortable we were around each other, I still hadn't mentioned Micah to Ensley. It wasn't a conscious decision; I just hadn't found the right moment yet.

As I settled into my seat, I noticed that Ensley was already sitting at her desk, looking lost in thought. It wasn't like her to be so quiet and subdued, and I wondered if something was bothering her.

"Hey," I said, trying to cut through the silence. "How are you doing?"

Ensley looked up and smiled at me, but her eyes still looked a little sad. "Oh, just thinking about some stuff. But I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm doing pretty well," I replied. "Work has been hectic all week so this is a nice break, you know."

Ensley nodded, still looking thoughtful. We fell into a comfortable silence, listening to the soft music that was playing in the background.

As we begin class, Ensley greets us all with a warm smile. "Hey there everyone! have you all tried working with oil paints yet?"

Some head nodded yes, while me and a few others said no.

Ensley grins. "Well, let's change that today. I'll show you the ropes and you'll see just how easy it can be."

For the next hour, Ensley teaches the ins and outs of oil painting. She demonstrates how to mix colors, how to get different textures, and how to use different brushes.

I listened attentively, but as the class went on, I could tell that something was still bothering Ensley. She seemed a little distracted, and her normally sunny personality was more subdued than usual.

I wanted to ask her about it and see if I could help in any way, but I didn't want to pry or make her feel uncomfortable.

Instead, when she comes to check on me, I try to lighten the mood by cracking a few jokes and making her laugh. To my relief, it seemed to work – Ensley's mood lifted a little, and she began to talk and joke around with me like normal.

By the end of the class, I'm covered in paint, but I'm far from happy with the results of my painting.

"Well," I sighed, putting my paintbrush down, "this sucks." I muttered, pouting slightly as I watch the other leave and say goodbye to each other.

Ensley must have noticed my frustration and approached me. "Hey, Celestine, what's up? Everyone left already."

"Oh right, sorry." I said, standing up and removing my apron. "Let me just clean up a bit."

As I looked down at my painting in frustration, I could feel Ensley's eyes on me. I tried to hide my disappointment, but she could see right through me.

"Hey, do you want to stay back and work on it some more?" she asked, gesturing to my painting. "Sometimes, it just takes a little extra time and effort to get it just right."

I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to keep Ensley back if she had things to do. So I tried to brush it off. "I'm fine Ens, I can just redo it next time, really."

But Ensley wasn't convinced. "You can stay Celestine, it's fine and I can even help you out if you want."

I smiled at her, touched that she would take the time to help me with my painting. "That sounds great, Ensley. Thank you."

"Of course Cece."


As we began to work on my painting together, I couldn't help but feel more relaxed. Being in Ensley's presence made me feel better, and I was glad that she was willing to let me stay and even help me.

Ensley and I huddled over my painting, analyzing the colors and the brushstrokes and trying to figure out what wasn't working.

Ensley was patient and kind as she offered suggestions and advice. We worked in near silence, both of us lost in our own thoughts as we tried to improve my painting. Ensley sat beside me and started a painting of her own as well, keeping me company for however long I need it.

The both of us savored the silence, speaking in hushed tones only if we need to but otherwise welcoming the quiet altogether.

As I worked on my painting, I finally mustered up the courage to ask what was on my mind. "Hey, Ensley, is everything okay? You seemed a little down earlier."

Ensley hesitated for a moment before answering. "It's nothing really, just some personal stuff. I don't want to burden you with it."

I shook my head. "You're not burdening me. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here."

Ensley looked at me for a moment and exhaled, "you sure?"

I nodded and continued blending my painting.

"Okay, well it's just that there's this girl."

My hand stilled and I glanced at Ensley, "yeah?" I muttered, clearing my throat and resuming my painting. "What about her?"

Ensley twirled her paintbrush between her fingers nervously. "Well, I have a crush on her," she admitted, her voice low.

I looked up at her in surprise. "Oh," I said, not quite sure what to say. "Have you told her?"

Ensley sighed. "No. But I really like her, I just I don't know if she feels the same way. She's sweet and funny and beautiful, but I can't tell if she's interested in me or not."

I nodded, urging her to continue. "Have you tried flirting with her or making your feelings known?"

Ensley shook her head. "I've tried dropping hints and being a little more obvious, but she just doesn't seem to get it."

I bit my lip and listened in sympathy, "That's tough," I said. "Maybe she's just confused about her own feelings. Or maybe she's just not ready to acknowledge them yet."

Ensley nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah, maybe. But it's been going on for a while now, and I'm starting to think that she's just not into girls. And I don't want to make things awkward or ruin our friendship."

I nodded in understanding. "I get it. It's hard to put your heart out there and risk losing a friendship. But you never know, maybe she is just taking things slow. And even if she's not interested in you romantically, that doesn't mean your friendship has to suffer. You two can still be great friends."

Ensley smiled at me gratefully. "Thanks for listening and for being so supportive. It means a lot to me."

"Of course," I said. "You're my friend too, and I want you to be happy."

"We're friends?"

I chuckled. "Of course we are, Ensley. Why wouldn't we be?"

Ensley grinned, relieved. "I don't know. I guess I just didn't want to assume."

"Well, assume away," I said with a laugh. "We're friends, and I'm always here to listen and support you."

Ensley nodded, and we went back to our painting, chatting about our favorite movies and books as we worked.

Finally, after what felt like hours, we stepped back to admire our handiwork. I was pleasantly surprised at how much better my painting had become, all thanks to Ensley's guidance.

I turned to her, a big smile on my face. "Thank you, Ensley. It definitely looks wayyy better now."

Ensley laughed. "It was my pleasure, Celestine. You did the hard work, I just offered a little guidance."

I hugged her, caught in the spur of the moment. "Thank you, seriously. And if you ever need to talk about that girl, or anything at all, I'm here."

"Thanks, Celestine," Ensley said, returning the hug. "I appreciate it. I'm a good listener too so if you need me, I'm here."

"I'll keep that in mind." I replied, grinning at her. "I'll see you tomorrow." I said.

"Of course." Ensley replied softly, looking at me with indescribable eyes.

We parted ways, both of us feeling a little lighter and happier than before. And as I drive home, I realize that I haven't thought of Micah once during the class. It feels good, but I also can't help but feel a twinge of guilt. Is it wrong that I haven't told Ensley about Micah yet? I tell myself that it's just not the right time, but deep down, I know that I'm probably just scared of what she'll say.

As I leave the studio, I catch Ensley waving goodbye from my side mirror, and I promise myself that I'll be honest with her about Micah one day. But for now, I'll just cherish our friendship and the company she has given me.


Ensley's POV:

As I placed the last paintbrush in the jar, I couldn't help but chuckle at the events earlier. The irony of the situation wasn't lost on me. There I was, pouring my heart out about my crush to the very person that I had a crush on. Life sure had a sense of humor, didn't it?

As Nox and I  packed up the painting supplies and clean around the studio. She raised an eyebrow at me, a knowing smirk on her face. "So, discussing your crush, huh?"

I rolled my eyes and swatted at her playfully. "Oh, shut up."

Nox laughed. "Don't worry, I won't spill the beans. But seriously, Ensley, when are you going to ask her out?"

I groaned. "I don't know if I ever will. She's my friend, and I don't want to risk losing that."

Nox nudged me playfully. "Come on, Ens. You've been crushing on her for weeks now. It's time to make a move."

I sighed, feeling a little defeated. She was right, of course. I had been too chicken to ask Celestine out, despite being more comfortable with her now and someone who gave me the comfort I needed. And now there she was, giving me advice on how to deal with my crush.

Nox chuckled as we packed up the easels. "Ensley, you're one of the most laidback, free-spirited people I know. Why can't you just ask Celestine out?"

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide the blush creeping up my cheeks. "It's not that easy, Nox."

She grinned at me, clearly enjoying this. "Oh, come on. You're always up for an adventure. This should be a piece of cake for you."

I shot her a look, playfully swatting her with a paintbrush. "Ha ha, very funny."

Nox just laughed, clearly enjoying teasing me. "Seriously, though. What's holding you back?"

I hesitated, not sure how to explain it. "It's just...I don't want to mess things up between us. We've become a lot closer and I feel like she's opening up to me, she's also Tina's patient, you know?"

Nox gave me a deadpan look. "So what if she's tina's patient?"

I sighed and chuckled embarrassedly, it's true, it's nonsense, just an excuse to hide the fact that I'm simply to shy and afraid to ask out Celestine.

"Whatever, I'll just see what happens. Go with the flow and shit right?" I said, shrugging.

Nox looked at me skeptically. "Go with the flow? That's not like you, Ensley. You're usually much more adventurous than that."

"Yeah well, I find myself acting different when it concerns Celestine so.."

Nox raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And what makes her so special that you're willing to throw all your adventurousness out the window?"

I groaned, feeling a little annoyed at her teasing. "You're impossible, you know that?"

Nox just grinned. "Oh, come on. I'm just trying to help you out."

I crossed my arms, feeling a little defensive. "Well, maybe this is something I need to figure out on my own."

Nox put her hands up and stepped back playfully. "Woah easy there tiger!" She said chuckling. "Fine I'll let you handle whatever this is."

I chuckled, feeling a little relieved. "Thanks, Nox. I appreciate the support."

She nodded, looking a little more serious. "Just remember, whatever happens, Celestine is lucky to have you as a friend. Don't forget that."

I smiled. "I won't. And who knows, maybe something more will come out of it."

Nox grinned. "That's the spirit."

We finished arranging everything and headed out of the studio, the moon shining above us. As we walked down the street, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness building inside of me. It's time to sit back and just go with the flow, wherever it takes me.


(A/N:) Celestine is a baby guys, she's dumb and oblivious. Don't worry she'll grow up soon...I hope 😂

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