A Young Wizard's Journey - Or...

Door ArcanicScrolls

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The Dark Lord returns! Voldemort is back, but no one else believes you. And why? Because he's vanished. No w... Meer

Pilot Mission
Prophetic Power
The Next Step
A Dark Omen
Nymphadora Tonks
The Scar
Prefect Duties
First Day Back
The Room of Requirement
A Hollow Victory
A Giant Debriefing
Showing Off
Snake Eyes
A Frosty Warning
Valentine's Day
Dumbledore's Apprentice
Felling the Inquisitor
Heavy Burdens
A Dramatic Entrance
Bellatrix's Brutality

Fire Versus Ice

869 59 27
Door ArcanicScrolls

The waves pounded the coast of the shingle beach she stood on. The aggression of the wind was intimidating, and her robes flew in all directions as her eyes combed the cliff face. But the weather was of no concern right now. Snow had vanished, and she needed to know why.

Maria lit her wand tip as subtly as she could and began following the cliff wall, letting her fingers trail lightly over the rough outcroppings and loose parts, feeling for anything that should be out of place.

Snow had seemed exceptionally happy over the last few days. As though he'd finally managed to pin something down, and now, he'd vanished.

He'd practically had to limp to get down to this section so he couldn't have gotten very far, but even still. She had no idea what he was searching for. And it had every potentiality to be very dangerous.

She tried her best to feel outwards, but nothing came of it. She'd never been able to sense things like he had. That had always been his gift. Her careful planning and movements and his ability to sense traps and tricks. It made them unstoppable. For a while...

D/N's face floated back into her memory. His smile, his tears, his joy when Y/N had been born.

She shook herself, she had to focus.

For almost twenty minutes she trailed this section of the cliff, feeling out every last inch that she could reach. Anything higher would be unreasonable, especially for Snow.

Just as she was wondering whether she'd missed something, her hand wrapped around a chunk of rock that seemed to give a little. She pulled lightly and heard as some form of mechanism inside whirred to life.

Next second, part of the cliff-face wall seemed to flicker before fading away, revealing an opening.

'You sly bastard,' she hissed. Peering in through the now semi-translucent wall, the path beyond seemed to lead deep into the cliff before twisting out of sight.

She traced her wand forward, sending forward that invisible line, but it didn't seem to run into anything. So, she glanced around the windswept beachfront one last time, before stepping through the wall.

All at once, the wind, sound, and frost of the outside vanished, leaving her in a silent state of light chill. It was disconcerting and immediately served to put her on edge.

She once more sent the line out ahead of her.

This was an ingenious spell designed by D/N himself. And he always said she was the brains...

It trailed off ahead of the caster, almost as though a second person was walking forward and if it happened to run into anything that might set off an alarm or trap, it would tell the caster.

It wasn't perfect. In fact, it had probably worked as many times as it hadn't. But the fact that it had worked sometimes was proof enough. And besides, it was from him. It felt like he was there with her.

Another shake. She was getting caught up in sentiment. Now wasn't the time. She needed to push on.

Her wand tip still lit and casting a glow so dim that she could still barely see the floor in front of her. She began her descent down this winding corridor.


Ravenclaw proceeded to flatten Slytherin in their follow-up match by almost 300 points. The Slytherin team seemed to be flying particularly poorly, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle especially. And so, the Ravenclaws had no difficulty in picking them apart and practically using them to pad their score and increase the lead they now held over Gryffindor.

Angelina began redoubling efforts with her team to ensure that they were ready for their final match of the season, even if it was still a while off. Gryffindor would need to win by over 200 points in order to overtake them and win the cup. This meant that the responsibility fell on the team as a whole.

Whilst Ginny would be the primary focus thanks to the 150 points the snitch earnt, the chaser's job was just as important and so was Ron's. Ron seemed to take the message behind these words to heart, though he didn't yet seem to be able to manifest it into anything.

But still, the fact that he was still out here, trying, was enough to be applauded and they'd need to work with what they had.

In fact, the business and nose to the grindstone feeling of the pitch actually helped retract from the pressure of exams somewhat. Whilst Y/N was of course worried about his OWLs, a lot of what the teachers were telling them to revise he was confident in. And much of his homework was now returning with an O written into the top corner.

But nothing served as a greater distraction than the day after Ravenclaw and Slytherins match. That Sunday morning dawned bright and sunny. Y/N and Hermione had just been making plans to go down to the grounds for a walk when a small burst of flame appeared in the centre of their room, a piece of parchment floating into view.

Y/N snatched it out of the air and read:

'Come and see me. Albus.'

'Well, looks like we may need to reschedule,' said Y/N, holding out the parchment to Hermione who took it and read as he began to affix his holster and throw on his robes.

'Wonder what he wants,' said Hermione. 'Seems urgent.'

'Suppose I'm about to find out,' said Y/N. 'Love you, I'll be back as soon as I can be, ready Eternus?'

The phoenix gave a cry in affirmation.

They took off from their perch and soared towards Y/N, who reached up, grabbed their talon, and vanished in a whirl of flame. Reappearing in Dumbledore's office.

'Morning Prof-' but Y/N faltered seeing the look on Dumbledore's face. He looked grave, almost as angry as he had the year before when they'd discovered Barty Crouch Jr. And resting on his desk was a note.

Wordlessly, Dumbledore picked it up and held it out to Y/N. Y/N read the few words scribbled across it.

'I warned you. Send Y/N, alone. Or I kill her.'

Y/N didn't need a signature to know who this was.

'Snow?' asked Y/N and Dumbledore nodded.

'I don't-'

'I'll do it,' said Y/N.

Dumbledore blinked, staring at him.

'You were going to say you don't want to take the bait or send me in alone. I'm going stir-crazy in here. I don't know what Umbridge is planning but it's driving me mad. This year has been one thing after another. I need something. And if he's got my mother, I'm going.'

Dumbledore gave a small chuckle.

'You remind me more and more of her every day. Though Minerva also does so I'm not sure which one you get it from. I will cover for you. Dolores will be none the wiser for where you have gone. I do not need to stress how much of a boon Maria will be to our forces if we can get her back and find out some more about Snow along the way.'

'And if I encounter Snow?' asked Y/N.

'Do what you can to find out what's happening. Anything further I leave up to your judgement, I'm counting on you here Y/N. And if you prove I can, I may have more out-of-school work for you, once your OWLs have passed by and we aren't being watched as closely of course.'

Y/N's heart leapt.

'You are going to a coastline in Dorset,' continued Dumbledore. 'A place known as Chesil Cove. From Maria's last correspondence with me, Snow seems to have found something along the cliff face there. Explore, and see what you can find. If it comes up with nothing I shall try and help you find the entrance, but I do not wish to step in too much. The letter stated it should be just you, after all.'

Eternus fluttered over towards Fawkes and gave a soft cry, Fawkes returned it and the tips of Eternus' wings set alight for a brief moment before they flew over, landing softly on Y/N's shoulder.

'Fawkes has just told Eternus where the beach is. They will be able to take you there.'

Eternus gave another cry in affirmation.

'I'll be as quick and safe as I can be,' said Y/N, 'tell the others for me, won't you?'

'Of course,' said Dumbledore with a small nod. 'Good luck.'

Eternus took flight, Y/N readjusted his holster and watched the phoenix begin to fly into position. His blood beginning to pump, the adrenaline rising.

He reached a hand up and clasped Eternus' talon, the now familiar plume of flame forming around him and, in an instant, the quiet peaceful air of the headmaster's office was replaced with the soft gentle hum of waves and a whipping wind.

Y/N looked around. Off to his right, it looked no different to the beach he'd visited with Hermione the year prior, a strand of it also seemed to stretch out into the ocean. However, in every other direction, large stones and rocks were sat stacked on top of each other, sunk into the sand.

Whilst the beach itself led to an awful lot of nothing, the rocky part led to the cliff face.

Already a few muggles were weaving their way down towards the beach in the distance, Y/N was lucky that he'd arrived so early, otherwise, someone may have seen him.

'Come on,' said Y/N, gently prying Eternus off his shoulder and placing them in his pocket, 'can't be having the locals see you.'

Once the phoenix was settled in, Y/N set off, stepping carefully over the loose piles of rocks and rubble, heading towards the cliff.

Even from this distance, he could tell something was off. Whilst nothing in particular was setting off his sense, the entire area just felt full of magic, almost as though it was just in the air. The only place he'd ever felt something like this was Hogwarts.

He made his way over to the cliff face, the noise beginning to rise behind him as families brought their children down and they ran screaming into the oncoming waves.

He placed his hand against the wall and began to trail along it, focusing closely with both his mind and his eyes, trying to spot anything that looked out of place.

As he wandered, the sounds of life behind him grew quieter and quieter. No doubt not many of the muggles wanted to push out this far. But all that did was spur Y/N on. Something like this couldn't be accidentally found. He wouldn't be surprised if...


A Muggle-Repelling charm. This was the place.

Trying to focus more on intricacies over widespread now, Y/N pushed on, still feeling his way along the cliff face. After another ten minutes or so, his hand brushed over an outcropping of rock and his head reacted in turn. With a slight hiss, he glanced towards it.

One of the rocks was leaning out of the cliff wall a little bit, and as he moved to the side to get a closer look, he could feel the magical machinations hidden behind it.

He grabbed the rock and pulled, it came away from the cliff, folding down almost like a lever, and the mechanism inside whirred to life. He watched as part of the cliff wall turned into almost like a doorway, becoming semi-translucent.

He pressed his hand against it, and instead, it passed through, drifting through to the other side where he could see a narrow passage that seemed to travel into the cliff and twist away out of sight.

He was lucky he had his sense; it was no wonder Snow had been trying so hard to find this place. From what Maria's letter had implied he'd been here for months, combing this cliff face. Doing all of that just to find one lone rock.

He moved up to the new doorway that had appeared and stepped through.

The sound of waves, birds and general life died as he entered. It was as though stepping through a silencing charm, and all at once, three things struck him.

The first, it was deathly quiet in here. He could hear his own breath and his robes shuffling around even as he just readjusted.

The second, the sense of magic was even stronger in here, practically crashing up the tunnel like a flood. Whatever he was sensing in the air, was coming from in here.

And third, there were no less than twelve caterwauling charms between him and the bottom of this corridor. This place was heavily trapped, and Y/N couldn't tell who by.

He got as close as he could to one of them and felt outwards, his sense wrapped around the spell, and he dove deeper.

Sure enough, the face he'd been expecting to see floated into view.

Snow looked significantly paler than he had the last time Y/N had seen him. His hair, if possible, was even whiter, and clumps seem to have fallen out, leaving small bald patches. But his hand had been steady and eyes focused as he cast this spell, before moving further down the corridor and placing another.

Y/N opened his eyes. A caterwauling charm felt excessive for something like this. But he supposed it would work to deafen and alert. The likelihood of someone hearing it was high and no doubt the reverberation in the tunnel would deafen Y/N. Either way, not a good combo.

Y/N twirled his wand around himself, watching as his hands and body began to vanish, blending in with the stonework around him, before pointing his wand at where the charm was and muttering.


The charm broke.

One by one, Y/N ticked through the other eleven, creeping slowly up the passageway, the last one rested shortly before the turning off and as Y/N dispelled it, he turned the corner.

Once more, it twisted impossibly into the distance and this time, the faint sunlight streaming in through the false door did nothing to show him the way forward. With a sigh, Y/N removed his disillusionment charm and lit the end of his wand instead. Being invisible would be pointless if his wand was lit.

Making a mental note to ask Remus how to create the fire you can just hold in your hand, he pressed on, mind wandering outwards to try and keep a watch on any illusions, tricks or traps that may get in his way.

He wandered for what felt like an age, each step agonisingly slow just to make sure he didn't trip or trigger anything he shouldn't. Then, finally, he came across a staircase.

'Well, this doesn't look foreboding at all,' he said wryly, his eyes travelling steadily up them until reaching the door that seemed to be rested at the top.

Y/N began his ascent, still feeling outwards, but nothing seemed to be leaping out at him and it wasn't long before he was able to reach out and press the solid surface of the door. It swung open.

The room he'd just revealed was large and cylindrical. The walls seemed to be carved out of a smooth black stone, as did the floor. And as he crossed the threshold and looked upwards, the ceiling stretched into the darkness and out of sight.

He was reminded vaguely of the Chamber of Secrets but hopefully, this room held fewer basilisks.

The entire room seemed to be lit a faint light blue, though he wasn't sure where it was coming from. It seemed to originate from everywhere.

Y/N's steps echoed loudly as he began to approach the centre of the room, his eyes combing every nook and cranny for any sign of Snow or Maria, but the room seemed empty and quiet. Maybe he was missing something?

As he came to a stop, there came a soft clicking sound. Y/N eyed the room cautiously, but it seemed to be coming from everywhere. What it was doing though, became apparent very quickly.

The floor underneath Y/N's feet began to tremble, then descend. Y/N staggered as it lurched and Eternus forced their way out of his pocket, taking to the sky and soaring overhead as he began to move down.

'An elevator?' said Y/N, amazed as this large disk continued its descent.

The stone walls changed and morphed, becoming intricate carvings depicting battles with magical creatures, mythical beasts, and even other wizards. A cycle repeated over and over. The carvings became grandiose statues, which in turn became full murals and all Y/N could do was catch glimpses as this elevator whizzed past them.

Then, at last, it began to slow, coming to a halt in a room much like the one above him though this one was considerably larger. Flat stone walls and floor, unlike the room above however, there was someone in this one.

'I was almost beginning to think you wouldn't show,' said Snow. He looked exactly as Y/N remembered him, which tipped him off immediately, his sense had already told him Snow looked far more ill.

But even as he thought that... this didn't feel like an illusion.

'You have my mother and asked for me alone,' said Y/N, turning to face the man. 'I'm not going to ignore an invitation like that.'

'Well, I can give her back to you, of course. She's done her job now. Whether I give her back to you alive or not, however, depends on whether or not you want to cooperate with me.'

'Cooperate how?'

'Just a small matter really. We'll get to that,' said Snow patiently, 'but first, tell me, what do you know of this place?'

'I don't,' said Y/N.

'Oh, come now, an observant wizard like you, you must have been paying attention to the murals. Tell me what you saw.'

'Death, fighting, all manner of creatures. Just constant war and aggression.'

'Horrible, isn't it?' spat Snow. 'Generations upon generations of death and blood all so that we can stand here and look at what they fought over. And with the current state of the Ministry, I don't think it was worth it, do you?'

'What's your point, Snow?'

'My point is that generations of magical creatures, beings, and entities lay dead and forgotten under our feet-' he stomped his foot, '-and all we have to show for it are those who lead us and ignore clear-cut evidence.'

'Wait... under us? Are you saying-'

'I knew you'd get there!' cried Snow. 'Yes! Young Y/N, we stand within a tomb, behind me-' with a wave of his hand, a bright light illuminated the area of the opening behind him showing many different doors and corridors '-lay the corpses of dragons, manticores, chimaeras, wizards, witches, even Helga Hufflepuff!'

'So why search for this place?' asked Y/N. 'You've been looking for months now, since July, why search so hard to find a tomb?'

'My family is cursed,' spat Snow. 'My bloodline is cursed. We are born with gifted and talented abilities, several times above our peers. But it ages us, drains us, I once had the power of ten wizards! Now my body acts like it's over two hundred years old. And the one who placed that curse on my family millennia ago is also entombed here. I hoped, perhaps foolishly, that by finding their body I could alleviate this curse from myself. I've almost run out of options.'

'Why bring me here then? If your business here is done, why did you want me?'

'These illusions I can create,' said Snow, creating several as an example, 'are capabilities far beyond that of an average wizard. This magic isn't something you can teach, either you can do it, or you can't. And I have met very few people who can. Caroline took over two years to master it, and even then, hers were a poor imitation, working only on the untrained. But you, you mastered it the moment you saw it. And used them flawlessly against both Potley and The Dark Lord, the same way I did. That was when I realised, you were the answer I needed.'

'Me?' asked Y/N.

'Before, you were all simply playing my game, moving pieces, the good guys seeking what was just and right in the world, the bad guys, seeking to place themselves in power and rule over all life. You have to understand that for a man of my once tumultuous power, it seems almost pitiful. Even He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.'

'Then why have I never heard of you?' asked Y/N. 'There's no reference of you anywhere.'

'I've changed my name more times than I can count,' Snow said, waving away Y/N's comment, 'my original surname was Graves but that no longer matters. You all danced to the tune I expected. We chased your mother and lured you out, but at the time, you were simply another thing to mess with. Especially if you took out Caroline and Dracius for me. You see, they know of my ailment, and they knew I sought a cure. In offer for service, they promised to ask their Dark Lord what he knew that might save me. See if "the greatest wizard the world has ever known" could cure me.'

Snow gave a terrible laugh, a vindictive, high, cry of anguish.

'I've spent over twenty years looking for a cure to any of this. News of blood curses, whilst infrequent, are present wherever is relevant, they are hardly rare pieces of news. But never has there been word of a cure. And I refused to believe that self-centred Tom Riddle knew of anything better, he'd only care if it started to affect him. However, I took the offer and did some loose work to pass the time. But they began to not trust me, getting jealous of my results and flawless execution of their plans. They thought I might become his favourite once he returned. And that gave me an idea, what if I was to become his favourite? Throw some discord amongst the ranks.'

'That's why you wanted me to beat them?' said Y/N. 'Just so that you could replace them and become Voldemort's favourite, even though you didn't really want to?'

'They adore him, and I don't understand it,' spat Snow 'I mean, you've seen him, he's hardly good-looking, and he wasn't much better before from what I know. But yes, that's the long and short of it. Disappointing as it may be, I simply wished to watch. After your little breakout of the Imperius curse and seeing through my illusions at the campsite I grew curious. If I could learn more about you and see those two out of the way, two birds. But then, then you began using my illusions, and that's when I got really interested.'

'Because I could do your trick without prior training.'

'The latent magical energy within your body rivals my own,' said Snow, 'and I wasn't aware of it until you did that. Your power is immense, but unlike mine, yours didn't come with a life-ending curse. You just seem to have been born with this power. So, you became my ticket out of this. A way to keep my power, and not have to deal with the rest of this. I also wished to learn more about the ability you demonstrated at the campsite. It was safe to say disillusionment charms didn't work on you, neither did Imperius curses, so perhaps potions would.'

'That's why you were polyjuiced the first time,' snarled Y/N.

'Guessing, judging, understanding, and playing with your mind a little bit along the way. You are extremely easy to shake off your form. Or at least you were back then. You seem a lot surer of yourself today though.'

'Keep talking, your explanation wasn't done.'

'Ah, now I have you hooked,' laughed Snow, 'well yes, I needed Caroline and Dracius out of the way, if they knew I was sneaking off to find a cure they'd tell The Dark Lord who would inevitably try to kill me, that wasn't something I wanted to deal with. I figured that once he returned to power, I could make an argument for him having enough high-ranking officials or simply drop down to your average Death Eater and keep him off my back whilst I searched. But you dealt with both Caroline and Dracius, quite spectacularly I might add. You both cleared a roadblock and showed me that power you held, especially against Caroline, that fight was sublime!'

'Why did you stop me from killing her?' said Y/N. 'You said that she was the only one who knew how to find my mother.'

'I was getting a judge of your character,' said Snow. 'Most of those who were good would have held off there, stowing their wand, lowering their guard, but you! No, you tried to go for the killing blow. I helped her live because I knew it would only serve to make you angrier, I told you what I did because I wanted to see whether you'd still go for the kill. And you did, proving to me that you were the right person!'

'You keep saying this!' yelled Y/N. 'Keep saying I'm the right person, you want me to cooperate, what the hell are you even after?'

Snow's face changed so suddenly Y/N took a step back. Gone was the happy reminiscent smile, gone was the light behind the eyes. Now the face looked murderous.

'Your blood,' hissed Snow. 'Hidden deep within you are the makings of one of the greatest wizards of all time. Set to have your name go down in history. But Y/N L/N is dreadfully boring don't you think? Dainton Snow has a much nicer ring to it. No, that power you hold is not fit for someone like you. You don't deserve it. So, I set a little trap, I warned you what would happen if Maria persisted. I knew she wouldn't give up the hunt. Not even if her precious Y/N asked her to. In fact, that would just make her even more determined to catch me. She gets ever so protective if she knows you're concerned.'

With another wave of his hand, another light appeared, this time showing Maria. She was bound to a large stone slab, over fifteen different strands of rope covering her body and face, even from this distance Y/N could see areas of her body where the skin had gone purple from having the circulation cut off.

'You'll pay for that,' snarled Y/N, his anger beginning to rise, and as it did, the wind whipped up around them, despite them being deep within the cliff.

'Yes! That! Exactly that!' said Snow, gesturing around at the sudden gust. 'This power is what I once had, but you suffer nothing from it. NOTHING. I will take this power from you, your blood will serve to carry me forward, and I shall be the one this world fears.'

'Answer me one last thing,' said Y/N. 'Why do you look so healthy? Maria said you looked ill, but you seem to be doing fine now.'

'Oh, that? Mostly a trick for her, admittedly I didn't look completely healthy all too long ago but it's remarkable what a bit of fresh blood does to a man. And you didn't mind contributing, did you, Maria?'

She was bound so tightly she could only move her eyes, but they flicked over to Y/N, fear etched on them, but whether for herself or Y/N he didn't know.

'So this is what it all comes to,' said Y/N, raising his wand, 'after all this time.'

'I didn't want to have to do this, Y/N,' said Snow 'Really, I didn't, that's why I came here first, hoping the body could give me some answers. You were providing me amazing entertainment in your battling of his forces. But all good things must come to an end, and if yours spells a future for me. Then so be it-'

Snow let out a grunt of pain, clutching his side. He pulled his hand away and glanced at where his robes had torn and a gash had formed along his waist, a small trail of blackish blood leaking from it. He let out a small laugh and looked up at Y/N.


'You talk too much,' said Y/N, his eyes narrowed. 'So, before I make it more permanent, draw your wand.'

'You probably should have gone for a killing blow with that one,' said Snow, drawing his wand, 'you might not get the chance again.'

'Not really my style, you should know that by now,' said Y/N. 'Now stop talking.'

All at once, the lights in the cave went out, leaving only Y/N and Snow illuminated. That same murderous stare was locked on his face now as the two of them stared each other down. Snow made the first move.

His binding charm flew at Y/N so quickly that he almost missed it, but his shield charm sprang up just in time, repelling the spell into the darkness. Y/N in turn pulled his shield charm inwards, the faint barrier being pulled towards his wand tip, forming into a silvery vaporous orb which he proceeded to throw with a yell towards Snow.

Snow retaliated in the same fashion, but Y/N had been waiting for this. As Snow's shield charm sprang up, the orb connected, smashing, and forming into a thin fog-like vapour. Y/N used the brief interlude to create five other duplicates, each raising their wand in turn.

As the smoke cleared, Snow looked around.


The hatred in his voice was paramount, and it was all Y/N could do to not react, he certainly had never had that much venom before.

Snow launched a barrage of spells towards all six clones. The real Y/N ducked under the incoming bombardment just as the other five were struck and vanished. He launched a banishment charm towards Snow who once more threw a shield charm in the way. This time, however, it didn't work as well as he'd hoped.

The charm smashed into Snow's shield and broke through, hitting him full in the chest and sending him sliding backwards. He remained on his feet and righted himself, but he was evidently winded, and even a blow like that had weakened him.

Snow retaliated by launching a barrage of icicles towards Y/N, they came speeding towards him like javelins. Remembering the work of his mother from the year prior, Y/N began muttering the incantation for the severing charm over and over as he slashed and twirled his wand, wielding it like a sword as he cut through the icicles, then, as the shards scattered, he forced them to melt, turning them into water, which gathered into a small puddle at his feet.

He stepped back and with a flick of his wand, the water began to lift, growing legs, arms, and a body. And soon a figure made out of solid flowing water stood where the puddle had been, it began to charge at Snow just as Y/N sent another barrage of banishment charms towards him.

Snow dodged the charms and flicked his wand at the water figure. Y/N watched as the ice froze over once again, but he'd been expecting this, and sure enough, the ice figure ploughed on.

Snow froze in surprise, and unfortunately for him, that was long enough, the ice figure reared back and punched him hard across the face, the ice shattered reforming into water but the damage was done, and Snow was sent staggering backwards, clutching his face.

'NO!' he bellowed, and with his yell came a shockwave, the entire ground around Y/N began to shake, pebbles coming loose from the ceiling above and cascading onto the floor, and the figure of ice shattered, being sent clinking across the floor. 'YOU DO NOT GET TO WIN HERE! YOU CAN'T!'

A jet of blackish, dead-looking energy shot towards Y/N, the same one he'd seen Maria use the year prior. Knowing already that it was definitely acidic, Y/N placed a shield charm in the way, dropping it the moment the two spells connected so that it couldn't chew through. Then with a wave of his wand and a cry.


The phoenix burst from the end of his wand, soaring towards Snow.

A wall of water appeared between the two of them, and Eternus collided with it, a loud hissing echoing through the cave and a long trail of steam rising towards the non-existent ceiling. As the steam cleared Snow was revealed, unharmed, but Eternus flames had gone out. It was just the bird soaring overhead.

With a bellowing roar, Snow detached two chunks out of the floor and sent them flying towards Y/N, who dodged one and raised his wand towards the other.

'Arresto Momentum!'

The rocks approach slowed and came to a stop a little ways in front of Y/N. He waved his wand at the boulder and then, moving his arm as though he was bowling, he sent it soaring back towards Snow.


Snow's blasting charm shattered the boulder, sending shards of it in all directions, but it had already gotten too close and several of the shards sliced along him, making more cuts and bruises.


Snow seemed to have sent pre-tense out the window, a jet of green light shot towards Y/N who rolled deftly out of the way and raised his wand, another cut forming across Snow's leg, but if he felt it, he didn't even move and instead sent another killing curse towards Y/N.

One after another Y/N dodged, the window between each getting narrower, he had to disarm Snow somehow, but Snow apparently had the same idea. And as the window got smaller to dodge, Y/N watched as a jet of red light soared towards him. More willing to take this incoming disarming charm than any of the killing curses, Y/N pretended to dodge, remaining just within reach so that the charm hit him. He felt his wand be ripped from his hand and go clattering away.

Snow began to laugh, that same, high, vindictive cry.


'Not yet,' snarled Y/N. He reared back drawing his arms into a sweeping motion and then with one flourish, pointed his hands at Snow, palms outstretched. 'Depulso!'

The cave rang with the echoing blast of his spell and it hit Snow full in the chest. This time, completely unprepared, Snow was sent backwards, landing hard on the ground, his wand soaring from his hand.

'Accio wands,' said Y/N and both went soaring towards him, he caught both and began to cross the stone floor towards Snow, who was muttering something.

'No... can't lose... won't lose... need-'

His eyes found Y/N, roaming steadily up him until they reached his face. Snow's expression was a mix of anger and fear, a horrible combination, and one that didn't look right on this previously confident, smiling man.

'It's too late Snow, it's already over,' said Y/N, looking down at him. 'You've lost.'

'No, I can't lose,' gasped Snow. 'You don't understand, if I lose here, I die-'

'And if you win here, I die,' said Y/N. 'You're mad Dainton. Have been for a long time. This curse and everything it bears has driven you to insanity. There is nothing left for you. Even if you did win and took my blood, it might not be a cure. And if it was, you'd still be the same psychotic mess.'

'You can't leave me here,' said Snow, that same wicked smile now curling across his face, 'I'll just come back, take that precious girlfriend of yours instead, or maybe dig up your father, his blood would probably work-'

'I'm not going to give you that chance,' said Y/N.

Snow looked confused for a few moments, but then his eyes widened in realisation, and he began to laugh.

'Oh, that is precious!' he gasped. 'You're going to kill me Y/N? Going to stop me from coming back and claiming what is rightfully MINE.'

'Do you have any children, Snow?' asked Y/N.

'What's that got-'

'Answer the question,' said Y/N.

Snow held his gaze for a few moments.


'Then the curse dies with you.' Y/N kicked Snow flat onto his back and raised his wand, pointing at Snow's heart.

'You wouldn't-' began Snow.


The spell found its mark. Snow's chest caved in, and he let out a pained ragged breath, his eyes widening in surprise as he looked down before his eyes flicked back up to Y/N. Then, with his last breath, and a final look of relief sweeping through his face. He gasped out.

'Thank you...'

And fell still.

Y/N stared down at Snow for a few more seconds before turning and making his way over to where Maria was bound.


Both his and Snow's wand tips ignited, Y/N glanced down at the two of them before holding his own aloft, tucking Snow's away into his pocket. He wandered through the darkness until he found where his mother was bound.


The ropes binding her fell away and she staggered, Y/N catching her as she did so. Her body and legs shook angrily as she tried to balance herself, so Y/N kept himself under her, helping to prop her up.

'Y/N? Is that really-?'

'Yeah, yeah it's me mum,' said Y/N. 'Come on, we've got to get you out of here.'

'But... what about Snow?'

'Later mum, come on. Hold onto me tightly.'

Maria did as he asked, and Y/N turned his eyes upwards. Eternus turned towards them soaring over. Y/N reached up, grabbing his talon and in a pillar of flame they vanished, appearing seconds later within Dumbledore's office.

Maria staggered dangerously, and Y/N felt himself almost collapse under her weight. He put all of his strength into keeping her upright and a few seconds later, part of that was alleviated as Dumbledore hurried over to help prop her up.

Dumbledore helped balance her into a chair, gave Y/N a quick glance over to make sure he also had no visible grievous injury, before crouching down in front of her and waving his wand, muttering under his breath.

Y/N backed off, the magical energy that Dumbledore's wand let off every time he cast wasn't worth messing with.

His mind instead lingered on Snow's face. The look of despair, anguish, desperation, and then the one of relief.

He hoped Snow had found peace in that last moment; it looked like he had. What he'd done was extreme, but it had to be done. Needed to be done. People like Snow were too dangerous to be left running amuck.

After several minutes, Dumbledore straightened up.

'Her injuries are minor,' he said, 'nothing a few days rest won't fix. She just needs time to recover, she can go to Grimmauld Place, taking her to the Hospital Wing risks too much. Sirius can easily tend to her.'

'That's good,' said Y/N, relief washing through him, and as it did, it seemed to force the adrenaline out of his system. He suddenly felt very tired.

'What happened, Y/N?' asked Dumbledore. 'Where is Snow?'

'Snow is dead,' said Y/N. He withdrew Snow's wand, placing it onto Dumbledore's desk. Dumbledore stared at it for a few seconds, a rather sombre expression crossing his face.

'I hate knowing that I have asked anyone to kill,' he said after a short pause, 'and especially someone as young as you. I shall never be able to forgive myself for this-'

'This decision was mine and mine alone Dumbledore,' said Y/N. 'He was disarmed.'

And Y/N explained everything that had happened since his arrival on the beach. Dumbledore sat patiently, listening to Y/N's entire retelling, and not long after he'd started, Maria turned her head to look at him, her eyes seemed unfocused, but he knew she was listening.

'I see,' said Dumbledore once Y/N had finished. 'So, he wished for you to defeat the Dominators so that he could rise through the ranks of Voldemort's chosen, be allowed to operate freely and without having the Death Eaters trying to pay attention to what he was doing. We believe he was also trying to get close to Lord Voldemort and find out how Voldemort had surpassed death.' He indicated himself and Maria.

'Makes sense... if his blood was cursed...' breathed Maria, 'wanted to... outlive the curse.'

'Assuming such a thing is even possible,' said Dumbledore, 'and his earlier attempts were simply trying to rile you up, see what you were capable of.'

'Seems that way,' said Y/N. 'Also testing the nature of my ability, whether I could sense potions or if it was just spells and so on. It was only after I cast his illusions that he really became interested in me.'

'This curse seems to have consumed his very mind,' said Dumbledore. 'He was most likely in the final stages of it anyway. Even if you had let him live, I don't think he'd have had more than a few months left.'

'He didn't... think so either...' gasped Maria, 'said so... his "final days"...'

Dumbledore nodded gravely.

'The actions of a desperate man to find a solution, one who thought he may have finally found one in you.'

'But he still tried to save me,' said Y/N. 'He only attacked me after he'd confirmed that the body of the person who'd placed the curse couldn't help him, I was his last resort.'

'I think some part of the old Snow was no doubt in there somewhere, vying for control,' said Dumbledore. 'I doubt anyone as strong as he claimed to be could have passed through Hogwarts causing trouble without some record, even if under a different name. I get the feeling the person Snow once was, and the one you knew, are very different people. And I have a lot of respect for you for doing what you did, Y/N.'

'You do?' asked Y/N.

'I can never say that ending someone's life is the right decision,' said Dumbledore. 'It is sometimes a necessity if the person you are battling gives you no other choice. But ending a life the way you did today is never a clean cut. There is always the thought of what else you could have done. But that does not mean your decision was wrong. Only you can truly decide whether you're happy with what you've done.'

'For... what it's worth... I'm proud of you,' murmured Maria.

'As am I,' said Dumbledore, 'you have proven once more that my faith in naming you a member of the Order of the Phoenix was not misplaced. You acted exactly as I would expect one of them to act. And you don't look much worse for wear for it either.'

'He didn't really manage to hit me,' said Y/N, looking down at his dusty but mostly still intact robes. 'I used a lot of Maria's tricks. Brands of magic that aren't usually spells, just sort of... doing.'

'Hogwarts is only ever your foundation, learning those spells that will always help in a pinch, those which can be relied upon at most times. But only through duelling can we truly learn what magic is. An ever-present force, not something to be summoned with incantations, something to draw upon as and when we have need of it.'

'I'm still learning,' said Y/N, 'but I'm getting there, I'm just surprised I managed to beat him if he took down you.' He looked at Maria.

'He didn't take me down... tripped the caterwauling charm,' she said, still in that slow weak voice. 'It was deafening in that cave... managed to stun me... whilst I tried to turn it off...'

'A trap set to work against anyone but the person he wanted,' said Dumbledore. 'His research on Y/N paid off, only Y/N would be able to see through something like that. I must admit, even I may not have caught all twelve. Though I am curious about this tomb. News of Helga Hufflepuff's resting place was never mentioned, nor any word of a tomb containing thousands of magical creatures.'

'You think he was lying again?' asked Y/N.

'Not at all,' said Dumbledore, 'his actions were of a desperate man, not a lying one. Whether his information was wrong I can't say but there's certainly something down there. Perhaps an adventure for another time?' he smiled gently at Y/N.

'Like when my OWLs are done you mean?' asked Y/N.

'I think so,' said Dumbledore simply. 'After all, you know where the entrance is.'

'Can't say I like the idea of delving into catacombs over and over,' said Y/N, 'but there may be more hidden away in there.'

'Until then, however,' said Dumbledore, 'return to your dormitory and get some rest. Dolores is not currently asking questions as to your whereabouts.'

'How long have I been gone?' asked Y/N.

'No more than a couple of hours,' said Dumbledore. 'I must admit, I was not expecting you back this soon, but I should have guessed that a magical hidden entrance to a secret location would not stop you for long. You seem to have a knack for finding those.'

'And it always seems to have something to do with the founders,' said Y/N with a wry smile. 'Let's hope it's one of the others next time and not Slytherin again, his seem significantly more deadly. Look after her, won't you?' he added, nodding towards Maria.

'Fawkes and I will take her to Grimmauld place the moment you leave,' said Dumbledore.

Y/N stepped up next to her and wrapped his arms gently around her neck.

'Stay safe, yeah? We still need to have that catch-up. Recover quickly and maybe he can have a decent conversation next time.'

She gave a small breathy laugh.

'Of course, Y/N, I'll see you soon.'

Y/N straightened up, nodded to Dumbledore, and glanced towards Eternus who took flight.

And as the flames enveloped Y/N once more, he felt a warmth cascade through his body.

Maybe he had made the wrong choice. Maybe he'd made the right one. But he knew that whilst he could live with what he'd done. He'd never forget it. And that was what made him different.

Some refused to kill, they didn't want that on their conscience.

Others killed so often and so many that the faces blended, and no doubt even names did.

But Dainton Snow was the first on a list, and Y/N knew that if it happened to get any longer. He'd remember every name, every face, and he'd live with the fact that he'd done that. He'd live with the knowledge that he'd brought those lives to an end.

And as long as the only names that filled it were those of Death Eaters or people who'd threatened his family or his friends...

He could live with that.

(A/N: Whoo boy, bet you weren't expecting me to go there, were you?

Okay, so two points:

One – Yes this is a day early, but I'm away from my PC tomorrow and uploading it on my phone will be incredibly awkward, so I decided you could have it a day early rather than a day late. Most of you probably won't read this till the weekend or later anyway so it doesn't really matter.

Two – Yes, I went there, now, without spoiling anything. Let me make a few things clear.

No, this is not the end of this branch of the story, simply a round-off for now. Whether it's the end of Snow's tale you'll have to read and find out, but this is simultaneously both intense and anti-climactic, if you aren't happy with it so far, please do bear with me. We will be back.

Yes, this is the end for now, and Y/N's first actual kill. For those of you who have asked previously about the use of the killing curse. Allow me to clarify here, Y/N will not be using it. That spell is a bit too overdone. Plus, I see Y/N more as the type of character who would want to consciously kill someone if pushed to that, not just throw out the green bolt and hope it hits. The spell is overhyped and whilst not without good reason, there are better options available in my opinion. I don't think Y/N will ever use Avada Kedavra.

However, as stated before he is prepared to kill if he has to.

And no, Snow is not Y/N's father or mother in disguise. I've seen these theories floating around and I've allowed the fan theories to fly but I'm here to put them to bed now. There is no trick, no dupe. Y/N's mother is alive and well, his father has been dead for years. I'm afraid that's all there is to it, Snow is a different character. One who may be explored more closely now that he is dead.

But again, I shall say no more.

Hope you all enjoyed it, I do enjoy keeping you all on your toes and I sure hope I've come swinging out of left field with this chapter much like last time.

Speak soon!)

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