Life Partner (Love Interest 2...

By chaexjune

1.4K 123 47

Book 2 of Short Story: Love Interest ...and when his Life Partner is thousands of miles away from him, will t... More



216 11 10
By chaexjune


My plan is working. Even though the surprise last night ended a little bad, my backup plan has been showing a success until now. The only thing that has not been done is the talk between us. I should thank Jungkook's mom for visiting his place today.

"Chaeyoung?", his voice makes me look at him.


"Are you okay? We're here. You're not stepping out, my love.", he says as his finger points to me to look around.

"Oh.", that is what I could say as I step out of the elevator.

"Are you okay, Chaeyoung? You were smiling for a minute in there, you know?", Jungkook asks as we walk to his apartment unit.

My eyes widen as I look at him, "You're joking."

He smiles, "No, I'm serious. You were like thinking of something while you smile like a creep in there."

I pout at him, knowing that he is teasing me, "I didn't smile like a creep."

He chuckles as we reach the front door of his apartment unit.

"Did I look like a creep?", I do not know why I feel insecure about it.

He shakes his head as he opens the door, "I'm joking. You're cute but really, you were smiling quite long. What were you thinking?"

I look at our linked hands as he leads me inside the apartment. His question reminds me of my intention to see him face to face like this.

"Chaeyoung?", we stop at the hallway as he calls my name.

I look up to his face, "I'm sorry I made your mom come here."

His eyes seem a little shocked but he hides it with a smile, "It's okay. I haven't seen her for a while too."

"Yeah but I know it's not nice to do that when we're on bad terms.", I try to talk seriously with him.

"We're not.."

"We are. We haven't talked about what happened when you went to New York to see me.", I say to him. "I really want to clear this up with you, Jungkook. It feels awkward between us now.", I add as he looks at me quietly. "At least, if we talk about it, we can clearly see where we will go from there either keep on being together or just turn back to what we used to be.", why does it feels painful at the end of these words?

"Park Chaeyoung my love...what do you mean turn back-", he pauses as he shakes his head. "We will always be together no matter how far we are from each other.", he continues as he brings up my hand and kisses the back of it softly.

His eyes seem teary.

"Can we still talk about it? Because I don't like to feel I did wrong to you but I don't know what it is, Jungkook.", I ask him before he nods to me.

"It's a misunderstanding, I guess.", he says.

"Then, let's talk and make it clear between us, please.", I take the lead to pull his hand to go to the living room.

After we sit down next to each other, I ask him to tell me what happened. At first, he sighs as if it is hard for him to tell me about it. When he begins telling me the exact date of his flight and the time he went to the company, I smile like an idiot thinking how far he would go just to see me in the United States.

"And then...", he stops.

I look at him eagerly, "And then what? You met my colleague in the elevator and then..?"

His eyes look at me with sadness as he holds my hand, "And then I saw you."

"You saw me?"

He nods, "I saw you with someone. You were standing in a room, your back was facing me and then, it happened."

I am a little confused with his story. He holds up my hand and brings it close to his face.

"That man...he was kneeling in front of you and..I'm not sure if I saw it right..."

I do not listen to him anymore as I try to recall the date, the time and the exact location in my head.

If I recall it right, that day at that time, I was going to have lunch with Kyle as usual but that day, he held me up in that room until he could do it right. What was he trying to do right? I burst into laughter when I remember what it was.

"Chaeyoung, why are you laughing?", Jungkook asks me as I realize that he is already on the floor imitating Kyle's action that day.

I see the combination of confused and sad expressions on his face, I clear my throat before I say sorry for laughing at him. Then, I tell him to get up and sit back on the sofa to which he obeys me. His hand is still holding my hand as he looks at it quietly.

"Boo, look at me.", I ask him.

He looks up and our eyes meet.

"That man you saw with was Kyle.", I tell him.


I nod.

"Your colleague?"

I nod again.

"So, Kyle, your colleague was trying to propose to you?", he asks with a pout.

I hold my laughter, "That's what you think happened?"

He frowns, "Isn't that..what happened? I saw it with my own eyes."

I shake my head while smiling at him.

"It was wrong?", he asks, blinking confusingly.

"As you said earlier, it's a misunderstanding, Jungkook.", I tell him as I touch his cheeks with both of my hands. "Kyle...he is gay.", I chuckle as his pout disappears.

"Kyle is gay?", he says.

I nod with a smile, "I thought I've told you before."

Jungkook shakes his head, "No.."

"I mentioned him once, I think.", I try to recall if I have told him about Kyle.

"No, you don't..", he pouts again.

"I did. Oh, wait! When I told you about my first day at the company...oh, I think I know why you don't remember it."


I smile first before I continue, "Don't be angry that time, I said Kylian instead of Kyle."


"Yes. Kyle is his short name.", I tell him.

He crosses his arms in response.

"I'm sorry...", I say as I put up both my hands in apology.

"But I'm sure he was in that position-"

"Yes, he was practising actually.", I cut him off and try to take his hands to coax him.

"Practising?", Jungkook asks.

I pull his hand and squeeze it with mine.

"He was going to propose to his boyfriend and he practised it on me, that's what he was doing, Jungkook.", I tell him as I put my arms on his shoulders.

"Why you?"

I smile at him acting this way. Is he jealous of Kyle?

"I'm his friend, boo."

Jungkook shakes his head, "Doesn't he have any other friends in the company?"

I nod, "He has but-"

"Why didn't he look for someone else? You're just his friend for what? For almost six months?", he cuts me off, clearly disgruntled with Kyle.

"Don't be like this, boo.", I tell him as I pat his shoulder.

He looks at my eyes with his teary eyes, "I love you, Chaeyoung. I'm scared of losing you, you know?"

I nod at him before I open my arms to hug him, "I love you too, Jungkook. You will not going to lose me."

"I wish the year can go by faster..", his words make me sad.

"I wish the same but...", I pull away to see his face. "It's only half of the year left and then, my contract ends and I'll be back here again. It will pass by sooner than you realize, my boo.", I wipe his tears with my sleeve before I ask him to smile a little for me.

"What if they extend your contract with them?", he suddenly asks.

I sigh at the question.

"I'd have to wait for you longer...", he says, almost in a whisper.

I know this is not just about Kyle. This is him worrying about our long-distance relationship that also changed our status from friends to lovers. I am worried too actually since we started dating on the day I left six months ago. I always have negative thoughts about him here alone without me even though I know he has changed.

"If only you didn't make me promise you that day...", he pauses.

That promise...

"I wouldn't-"

"I take it back.", I cut him off before he could finish talking.

He looks at me with eyes widen.

I smile at him, "You already broke it anyway."

He smiles back, "Does that mean...I can come visit you anytime I want?"

I nod at the question.

"Can I come with you when you're going back tomorrow?", he asks excitedly.

I shake my head with a smile before I pinch his pouty cheek.

"It's not that I don't want you to come with me but I don't want you to make a rash decision, Jungkook. You have work tomorrow, remember?", I tell him the reason I do not want him to come with me tomorrow night.

"But you're going back tomorrow night. I'll go to work in the morning and I can apply for leave-"

"No. Don't do that. Please don't, baby..", I try to tell him. "I don't want to be the reason everyone else envy you in the office.", I say as I hold his hands on my lap.

"Let them be. I do my job right, the boss likes me. They envy me because of my work ethic, not because I have a girlfriend.", he replies.

I nod to him, "Yes, but if the boss approves your leave, doesn't it make you seem to be his favourite? And then, the others might think it's unfair to them."

He sighs in defeat, "So tomorrow I really can't go with you?"

I smile before I lean forward and peck his lips, "You can come with me to the airport."

He looks at me sadly, "Just to say goodbye to you again?"

I pull him closer and purposely make our lips bumping again.

Our lips brush as I speak, "It's not a forever goodbye, Jungkook."

He seems to move back but my arms are wrapped around his neck, preventing him from distancing himself from me.

"You have me tonight, baby boo.", I kiss him slowly before I feel him reciprocating willingly to me.

"Wait.", our eyes open as he moves away a little. "Are you sure about this, Chaeyoung?", he asks as he looks at how my legs are already straddling him on the sofa.

I laugh at him as I cup his face to look at me again, "Do you think I came all the way from New York just to clear up Kyle's thing with you?"

Jungkook shakes his head as I try to pull his shirt off.

"I know this is no longer about that but...are you..really sure of this, my love? I'm sorry for asking but I...I don't want to hurt you a day before you leave.", he says to me.

I smile, knowing him being concerned about this.

"I appreciate your concern, baby but...I know you won't hurt me.", I tell him as I take off his shirt successfully. "In fact, I might be the one to hurt you.", his face looks at me in horror while I smirk at him. "You don't know how hard I try to act normal everytime you send me your thirst trap, boo.", I tell him before I continue kissing him from his lips to his neck.

After leaving a bite on it and hears his little whimper, I apologize as I rub his bitten skin.

He laughs in return before asking me if I would want to continue in his bedroom instead.


The End.......of their bickering.

Haha, I'm kidding. Book 3 coming up. Is more conflict coming up? We'll see. Hehe.

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