Random Poems

By MichaelJacksonpytfan

15 2 0

I try to write poems that associates with my life, I don't even know how to write a poem but I'll try. Please... More

Father dearest.


1 0 0
By MichaelJacksonpytfan

You married her that means you left me.
Did you even consider what my thoughts will be?
Why didn't you fight for me?
I'm Are you too good? or just too worried?

Worried of how alone you'll be
But lets face it, if you were alone
I'd be there and come along.

Its not about the company it's about the truth.

The truth for yourself that you can't loose.
Marrying her means you gave up,
She's an option yet you chose her;

Now I'll have to say goodbye forever.


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