Nexus: SpeedBound Redemption...

By GraysonCreates

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Y/n Thawne, son of the infamous Reverse Flash has been trying to live a normal life but he has a secret of hi... More

Chapter 0
Chapter 1: Speed
Chapter 2: Unlike
Chapter 3: Thawne
Chapter 4: Teal
Chapter 5: Time
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:Suited
Chapter 8: Well
Chapter 9: Fierce Duel
Chapter 10:Speedster's Dilemma
Chapter 11:Playing with Fire
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13: New Faces
Chapter 14: Fold
Chapter 15: Gala
Chapter 16: Chaos
Chapter 17: Brunch
Chapter 18: Dawned
Chapter 19: Legacy
Chapter 20: Like Father, Like Daughter
Chapter 21: Sparks
Chapter 22: Calm Before the Storm
Chapter 24: Attitude
Chapter 25: Instinct
Chapter 26: Into the Chaos
Chapter 27: SteamCity Speedsters

Chapter 23: Running

1.5K 55 23
By GraysonCreates

"Why am I here?" Y/n asked, his voice reverberating from under his mouthpiece as they walked up to the cell holding Mark Mardon with the Flash next to him.

"Because you're good at reading people," Barry whispered back before he began questioning the convict while Y/n stood on one side and watched for most of the conversation.

After some time went by Y/n decided to join the chat. "I didn't know that Joss was breaking me out," Mark shrugged as he looked at the two Speedsters. "I didn't know she would do half the things she does," He admitted, looking down as he spoke. "I haven't spoken to her in years,"

"And you expect me to believe that she woke up this morning and was like 'You know what, I want to break my dad out of Iron Heights!', huh?" Barry shook his head as he looked at the man who just chuckled.

"I get it, but it is the truth," Mark looked at the Scarlet Speedster, eyes shifting every now and then to the black-suited Speedster behind him. "Joss was born when me and her mom were still in high school, I never could work out how to be with that woman..." He trailed off in memory. "And then when Joss came, I thought the best thing to do was to focus on my career,"

"Your criminal career?" Barry shook his head as he questioned the man.

"That's why I left her with her mom until she ran away because of some falling out," Mark shrugged.

"What happened with Joslyn and her mom?"

"The last time I spoke to her, she told me that she and Joss are broken," Mark explained and Y/n watched Barry's shoulders tense up. "You know how it is, sometimes mothers and daughters break and there ain't no fixing them,"

Silence fell momentarily between the two of them while Y/n analysed the situation. He had a feeling that he knew what was happening and didn't like it.

Teal and Orange lightning dashed into the room. "Did you get anything from Mardon?" Iris asked as the two Speedsters slowed down in the Cortex to look at the five people already in there.

"No," Barry shrugged as Y/n unclipped his mouthpiece and yanked his mask off. "Nothing that would help us find his daughter, what about you guys? What did you dig up?" He asked as he looked at the other two.

"Meet Joss Jackam," Caitlin spoke as she pulled up her details on the monitor. "She's a delinquent teen turn amateur storm chaser," She added as Y/n's eyes quickly scanned through the girl's info. "A self-taught expert in meteorology,"

"How do we know she is a storm chaser?" Cisco spoke up, catching their attention. "Because Hellen Hunt over here has a blog," He explained as he pulled said blog up.

"She lost her ground at the science centre for doing too many dangerous experiments in the weather," Caitlin explained as they went through her pictures.

"Well, it looks like she is well beyond the experimental phase," Iris spoke up as they looked at the screen.

"Oh, Weather Witch?" Caitlin questioned Cisco as they stopped on a picture of Joss with her van that had Weather Witch on the side.

Cisco stared at the doctor for a moment before sighing. "I'll allow it," He rolled his eyes as Y/n just chuckled.

"Mom doesn't that Weather Vane look familiar," Taylor nudged the young West-Allen as she studied the picture.

"Yeah, like the staff she had," Nora muttered as Barry glanced at the two of them.

"The staff she was carrying, yeah," Barry furrowed his brows as he moved closer. "Cisco, could you pull up the security footage from the attack at Iron Heights?" Barry asked the scientist.

"Sure can," Cisco muttered as he typed away at the computer before a still image of Joss in Iron Heights appeared on camera, he typed a bit more before the image zoomed in on the staff in her hand.

"It's infected with a satellite shard," Caitlin muttered as they looked at the shard sticking out of the Weather Vane, red veins spreading from it. "She's got Meta-Tech,"

"Like Spencer," Y/n chuckled at the memory before hearing a soft cough from the Scarlet Speedster next to him, Barry just shook his head when Y/n glanced over and the Thawne just rolled his eyes.

"She has instant lightning on command, there is no way you're going to get that stuff from her," Cisco pointed out as he looked at the Speedsters in the room. "She's going to have to give it up willingly," Cisco paused for a moment. "And unfortunately, Y/n can't go flirt with her like he did with the last one," He added with a chuckle while Y/n just stared at him while listening to Barry hold back his laughter next to him.

"Listen, we have twenty minutes before she destroys the entire city," Iris looked at the group of men, clearly irritated by the joking around.

"I'm with Iris on this one, we need a plan," Y/n shook his head as he looked at the team.

"We only have one choice," Barry said as he turned to face everyone. "We give her what she wants," Barry and Y/n looked at each other for a moment before a knowing grin formed on both of their faces.

Y/n was starting to get really tired of this whole, 'we only need the two of them' bullshit. Even though this time it did make sense to leave him on the bench, he couldn't sit in the lab with the rest of the team because that wasn't his type of work. "They wanted me to wear the mask and now that I am, I should stay in the office all the time..." Y/n groaned to himself as he adjusted the final part of his bracelet.

Slipping it on and sending a quick pulse to it, he smiled as it lit up and in an instant, he vanished in teal and orange lightning, following a familiar pull as he ran into a cave he only ever visited once. "Welcome back, Y/n Thawne," The voice of Luminara echoed through the massive room.


"Yes, you did visit me in 2049 before running back in time," Luminara informed the Thawne as he looked around the room.

"If the nexus chamber is connected to all of time, why didn't you tell me about the Chaos Force?" Y/n questioned as he looked at the wall where Luminara's head formed. "You are aware that I am not connected to the Speed Force, right?

"Yes, I am aware that you are connected to the Chaos Force, a gift given to Mirabelle L/n," Luminara confirmed as her empty eyes seemed to track Y/n's every movement. "I couldn't tell you that information since it was not time for you to learn that," She added as Y/n finally stopped looking around and instead stood in front of her. "I cannot do or say anything that would otherwise interfere with the time more than it is meant to be,"

"Meant to be?"

"Yes, I was allowed to play you your father's video in 2049 so that you would become enraged and run back in time," Luminara explained as she continued to look at Y/n. "Someone has already altered the timeline and the only way to fix the chaos that they have caused was with the help of someone who draws power from that very chaos,"

"I came here to upload a piece of you onto this tech not find out I'm the chosen one," Y/n stood there for a moment as he stared at the head. "But I'll bite, what do I need to do in order to fix this chaos?"

"By running,"

Y/n had never wanted to punch something more than he had wanted to punch Luminara right now but instead, he decided it was best to take a deep breath before placing the bracelet on one of the glowing podiums. "Can you?" He motioned to the device and stopped to answer his phone. "Talk to me!"

"Y/n, kinda need you at Sheldon County Airport!" Cisco called out over the phone.

"Be there now," He muttered before ending the call sliding his phone into his pocket and grabbing the glowing device, with a final glance at Luminara he disappeared out of the Nexus Chambers in teal and orange lightning as he made his way across town.

Y/n didn't waste a second as he saw the lightning dancing across the field as he joined Barry in moving people into a hanger. "Any eyes on Joss?" Iris' voice rang over the comms.

"No, she's damaged the terminals so badly that the hangers are the only safe place," Barry explained as he and Y/n walked towards the entrance. "We're exacuating everyone on the tarmac," The two of them gave each other a nod before dashing off in separate directions.

Y/n had run into the hangar with another person just as he watched Nora run in as well. "Hey," Barry greeted his daughter and Y/n could tell that whatever happened during his absence had made things worse and no one was willing to inform him for good reason.


"Mardon's wand?" Barry questioned the device in Nora's hands and the Speedster just nodded.

"Cisco said you can use it to counteract Joss' weather," Nora explained as she held up the rod. "Where is she?" Nora asked and as if it was scripted, a flash of lightning lit up the hangar as thunder roared.

"Last chance..." Joss stood in the entrance as she stared at the three Speedsters. "Where is my dad?" She asked.

"Joss, you know we can't give him up," Barry explained as he walked in front of Nora.

"Then you know what happens next," Joss warned them as she tightened her grip on her staff before slamming it against the ground while lightning danced around it.

"Joss, I deceived you okay," Barry spoke up as he walked closer to the girl, Nora wanting to stick closer to her father. "Not them, if you want to make someone pay then it's me," He offered himself up for tribute.

"This is how you make heroes pay!" Joss yelled as she began spinning her staff in circles, a lightning ring forming around her. The bolts getting closer and moving faster.

"By the beard of Zeus," Cisco's voice came through the comms. "She's making a tornado out of lightning," He explained as Y/n watched this unfold.

"Cisco, how do I use this?" Barry asked as he took the wand from Nora.

"You can attract all the lightning to the wand but..." Y/n felt his pulse quicken at Cisco's words. "All that energy will go through your body, you will be a human lightning rod," He explained as Y/n watched the two Speedsters look at each other.

Y/n felt his breath become shallow as everything around him seemed to slow down. He could see the sadness in Nora's eyes as she looked around the room and even the sadness in Barry's eyes, he remembered the talk earlier that day about Barry's willingness to give his life for this job. Y/n took a deep breath as everything seemed to become slower and slower around him, his mind going from Nora to Taylor, he had just learned that she was his daughter from the future and yet she already played a massive role in his life.

In fact, Taylor was so important to the young Thawne that he realised that Barry couldn't die or else Y/n would lose her,  he would lose Nora... Y/n realised that at the end of the day, he wasn't a hero and he couldn't act like one, he was a Thawne and he needed to act like one...

At this point, everything around Y/n had come to a complete standstill, even the two Speedsters seemed to move slower than normal as Y/n looked at the teal lightning dancing across his suit, there wasn't a single trace of orange or red, just teal as he felt himself move forward, each step seemed more powerful as he propelled himself forward with a power he had never felt before, even using the darker Chaos Force didn't give him the speed he had right now.

By the time Barry's head had turned to face Y/n, orange and yellow lightning forming around the Scarlet Speedster was already too late as Y/n grabbed the rod out of his hand and continued running.

"Y/N!" Nora yelled as she moved forward but Barry grabbed her, it was clear that no matter what they did, neither Allen would be fast enough to catch Y/n so all they could do was watch.

Teal lightning spun around the lightning tornado as Y/n ran at full speed, his suit seeming to heat up from the friction which was something new for the teal Speedster but he knew he could stop, everything around him had begun to move at less than six frames a second as he ran.

Y/n had to admit that Iris was right, he is as full of pride as his father because he was telling himself that he was faster than the Flash and therefore he was stronger but the thing is, he had to tell himself that because believing that he would come out of this to see Caitlin, Nora and Taylor was the only thing keeping him running at such speeds, the hope that if he ran fast enough he would get to see them again.

But then hope stopped flowing through him and instead, three hundred million volts of electricity began running through him instead. A massive teal ring formed around Joss as her lightning began disappearing. The pain was excruciating, enough to make Y/n scream if it wasn't for his jaw locking shut but slowly the lightning around the Weather Witch began decreasing until it was completely gone.

Y/n watched as Joss shot of a red lightning bolt at him, or at least where he should have been because everything was still moving so slow for the Speedster but he gladly met the strike by firing off his own teal lightning that met hers halfway.

"Dad..." For the first time, Taylor's voice muttered over the comms as she looked at the monitor that showed their vitals.

"Do you guys see Y/n?" Iris was the next one to talk up, her voice filling with dread.

Barry and Nora stared at the massive ball of smoke that had formed and waited to see any form of movement. "Dad... Where is he..." Nora muttered as her father held her, her voice was low and shaky as they waited.

Eventually, Barry released a shaky breath as they saw Y/n and Weather Witch walk out from the smoke, his suit had surprisingly taken some damage so he had to keep vibrating to deal with the maskless problem.

"I see him," Nora practically yelled as she ran forward, her words mostly meant for Taylor on the other end. Nora didn't waste a moment as she wrapped her arms around the Speedster while Barry walked over to them.

"I'm okay... Not sure for how long though," Y/n chuckled as he hugged Nora back, letting out a sigh of relief as teal lightning danced across him.

"Because she didn't clean her favourite skillet," Y/n walked in just as Iris finished her story.

"Do I even want to know or am I better off in the dark?" Y/n asked as he hung his jacket on the rack.

"Dad!" There was a sudden flash of teal and purple lightning as Y/n had just enough time to react, wrapping his arms around Taylor as she jumped into his hug. "Don't do something like that again," She muttered as she tightened her grip on the older Thawne.

"I'm a Thawne, doing stupid things is kinda our thing," Y/n laughed as he let go of Taylor. "So what did I miss?" Y/n looked around the room at everyone as he and Taylor joined them.

"If you plan on eating then I think you don't wanna know," Taylor joked as she sat down next to Nora while Y/n grabbed a drink.

"I take it that was when you stopped eating your grandma Easter's yams?" Cisco asked as Y/n watched Sherloque switch their glasses, giving the scientist an empty glass while he took the full one.

"I didn't say that," Iris muttered as everyone made a mixture of 'eww' and chuckles.

"Allow me to propose a toast," Sherloque raised his glass as Y/n joined them, standing next to where Taylor and Nora were sitting. "First to clean dishware," Y/n furrowed his brows but was met with Taylor just shaking her head. "And uh, also to family and friends, old and new," He smiled as he motioned to everyone in the room, everyone raising their glasses before taking a sip. "And to the colonisers who conquered this land..."

Y/n found himself choking up on his drink as everyone was caught off guard. "Three hundred million volts and I die because of a Defective Detective," Y/n laughed in between coughs as Cisco led Sheloque out to try to explain things to him.

"I think it's time to carve the turkey," Nora spoke up as everyone stood and began moving to the next room as well.

"Not us though," Iris stopped the teal Speedster as he looked at the group leaving. "I was wondering if we could have a talk," She motioned for him to have a seat.

"Listen, Iris, if this is about what happened earlier today..."

"Don't do that," She cut him off. "Stop with this whole 'I'm the son of Eobard so everything's okay' nonsense," She muttered as she looked at Y/n. "I crossed a line this morning and you had every right to be angry while I had no right to do what I did, don't act like it's justified,"

"It was a family thing..."

"Which affects your daughter," She cut him off again. "So it did concern you and I crossed a line by bringing up your father," She added as she began fidgeting with her glass. "And even after that you still go on to prove that you are only here to do good and... What I am trying to say is that I am sorry for treating you so poorly, especially after meeting Taylor which I must say, she is such a lovely person," Iris paused as she let out a sigh. "But I only know she is so lovely because I've spent time to get to know her more while I've been judging you as a Thawne from the start, so I am sorry and I want to ask for another chance at getting to know Y/n Alexander Thawne,"

Y/n chuckled as he took another sip of his drink. "Iris, I am here to prove that I am nothing like my father so if it means trying a hundred times then I will try a hundred times and if you need a million chances then you'll get a million chances," Y/n smiled as he watched the wave of relief wash over Iris' face.

"Thanks," She smiled as they stood up and got ready to move to the other room but instead she stood still for a moment before turning around and hugging the larger man. "Thank you for what you did tonight... And thank you for always being there for Nora,"

"Always," Y/n smiled as he returned the quick hug before they joined the others.

The two of them walked into the room with the others, Iris joining Barry while Y/n found that Nora and Taylor had kept a seat between them. Y/n smiled as he walked over to them, placing a kiss on Taylor's head which earned him a massive smile from the younger Thawne while he leaned over and gave Nora a quick kiss which she happily returned.


Another episode finished!!! And Iris had her redemption arc!!!

I just realized that I could have just posted this chapter and the previous one together to make one massive chapter since they are coming out on the same day... Let's just move on...

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