Parenthood - A Journey [COMPL...

By TereBin_

111K 4.5K 714

Sometimes a love story starts from parenthood. Cocer by : @chupkaroswaraaa More

1. We collide again
2: Pregnant
3 : Worth
4 : Trust?
5 : Leave
6: Conversation
7: Your dreams are mine now
8 : Fight
9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai
10 : Shohar
11 : Engaged
12 : Insecurities
13 : Wild Life Photographer
14: Be mine
15 : Unsaid Confession
16 : Love Vs Fear
17 : Meerab Murtasim Khan
19 : Selfish?
20 : Confession
21: Hospital and Pregnancy
22: First kick
23: A perfect Mismatch
24 : God Bharai
25 : Delivery
26 : Meri Meesam
Epilogue ❤️
BONUS ( First Step)

18 : Meerab's POV

2K 138 8
By TereBin_

This chapter is Meerab's point of view starting from the last chapter.

Meerab walked towards their room after talking with Ma Begum and Anwar. She decided to give Anwar a chance and hence she sat with them as per their request and felt blessed when they showed their concern for her and told her to tell them if Murtasim misbehaved which he didn't. Instead, he is more caring and possessive for her. He doesn't let her do any work, he doesn't let her lift anything even if it is light saying she can't. He takes care of her meals and forces her to have fruits every now and then. Now an hour without him looked like a year to her. She walked back towards their room with Anwar and found no one in thier room. She searched for him in the whole house and panicked finding him nowhere.

"Ma Begum, where is Murtasim? I checked the whole house, he is nowhere", Meerab asked and looked at Ma Begum with hope

"I don't know. Most of the time he goes to the village, either on the lake or sometimes in the jungle for hunting which he left a long ago. I can't guarantee you will find him there", Ma Begum told every place she knew Murtasim could go and placed her hand on Meerab's shoulder. She can sense worry in Meerab's voice and the unconditional love for her son. She is glad that at least they are happy now and giving their relationship a chance

"Wait for him he will come soon", Ma Begum added knowing if she didn't add this line, Meerab would run to find her husband just like last time when she drove to the village just because she got to know Murtasim was with Haya. Meerab nodded and walked back towards their room lost in thoughts of Murtasim whose love has changed her she can't live without him.

She layed on the bed checking her mobile phone holding it in both of her hands for precaution as once her mobile fell on her face when she was using her mobile phone using one hand. She opened the call log but didn't call him thinking he might be busy otherwise he always tell her about his whereabouts. She then opened her gallery and started scrolling through their wedding pictures.

Those were never her favourites but now she felt so happy remembering the day and giggled thinking about the contract which she made between them. Now time has changed and she can't even think of a day without him pulling her close to his embrace and his kisses are medicine to her. She was heartbroken and he healed her heart but still, she was afraid of losing him as finally, she got what she could claim hers but what about destiny?

"You are mine but still I am very scared Murtasim. What if I woke up from this dream and met a nightmare", she thought and kissed their wedding photograph. Before she used to curse him for this marriage and now she is kissing the same wedding photograph with love. She is now in love with her wedding outfit and feels that marriage to Murtasim was the best decision as only he can handle her and bear her tantrums. She smiled looking at her solo picture which was taken by a cameraman. He asked for her to pose with a smile, this smile was forced but now everything looks beautiful and dreamy to her

She scrolled more and found their couple pictures which she also didn't have any idea why she never deleted. Maybe to remind herself that she was forced into this marriage or maybe because she liked him. She blushed when she opened one picture and looked at herself. That time she just acted according to the cameramen but nowadays whenever he looks at her, she turns her gaze shyly just like this image. She feels her heartbeat rising and her cheeks heating every time he touches her and looks at her. She automatically starts dreaming of him.

On scrolling a little more she found the best picture after she made Murtasim sign contact. She giggled looking at his face which lost color after hearing she was not ready to make any physical contact with him. Here she is not smiling but smirking for breaking the bubble of joy of Murtasim's desire. Her body is her right and she has the right to decide when he can touch without permission and when he can't. She blushed remembering his behavior now and the fact that she couldn't bear the distance between them now. She couldn't change the picture and kept looking at their couple photograph which is looking very adorable to her. She put this image as her wallpaper and checked time which showed she wasted half an hour while scrolling pictures and adoring her husband. 

She called him but his phone was switched off which irritated her as she was missing him and he was not there

Meerab's POV

I twirled on the bed placing my phone aside getting bored plus irritated with his disappearance. I know this is normal and I should not overreact but everything around me is turning boring without even. Even his presence would be enough for me but how to tell him? Suddenly my phone started ringing and assuming the caller to be Murtasim, I picked the call up and was shocked to hear the voice as the voice was not soothing to my ears. I asked "Who are you?", and heard a scary voice which made my whole body shiver as that person first messed with our family, then me, then Mariyam and now he is again disturbing Murtasim. When it will end? I don't have any idea but I want Murtasim to get rid of this person.

"Don't you love your husband's life Meerab Bhabhi ", Zubair asked sarcastically which angered me. How dare he call me and call me his bhabhi. I hate him and everybody whom Murtasim hates is my enemy, especially him

"Ana... Zubair how dare you call me. I'm not your bhabhi. I'm Meerab for you", I replied angrily and sat on the bed in tension as his call was scaring me. What does he want to do with me and what are his intentions?

"Calm down Meerab or can I say Murtasim's dear wife", Zubair's reply came and I rolled my eyes

"Whatever. Don't call me ever again otherwise, I will kill you and your people. Go to hell. Hugh, you are scared of Murtasim that's why you always include women? Are you a coward?", I asked with a smirk as I knew I touched his sensitive spot as egoistic people like him hate the word "Coward ". As expected he roared my name angrily and shouted

"Your dear husband is with me. Give me your property or else I will kill him" These words were the last words he spoke before ending the call and blocking my number. I shivered and froze in my place on hearing his warning. I ran and started driving to the place Ma Begum suggested and called to ask about Murtasim from the village as well who told me Murtasim was not there and I prayed for Murtasim to be near the lake.

When I reached there, I recognized Murtasim from his back and got confirmation from Bhaktu who was talking to him. Without caring about his presence, I ran toward Murtasim and hugged him from back. I think Murtasim recognized my touch and caressed my hands and then called my name which relaxed me and I laid my head on his back to get solace when he called my name and pulled me in front of him.

I was so scared to realize what I was speaking and saying. I panicked thinking of Zubair and I didn't even notice when Bhaktu left until I felt Murtasim's lips on my lips and I realized how I was behaving and how my panic took over my senses. I came to my senses when he kissed me and asked me to keep quiet

"Chup ekdum chup ho jao aab", he said cupping my face and then joining our foreheads. I looked down shyly as I knew I needed this and honestly I was craving for his touch. His kiss gave me a new life and I relaxed on his touch. He took me to the village and he arranged a bed for me and I got scared thinking of Zubair and ran towards him to hug him.

"Have it", Murtasim said and gave me a glass of milk. I sighed as I knew my no will never work on him in this case. I love his care and attention which I'm getting because of this pregnancy. This pregnancy made me realize love is not about adding conditions. If I put conditions between us then we will lose our love. The contract was just for my protection which doesn't even matter now because I love him a lot and want him near me the whole time. All for myself, if anybody thinks me selfish then yes, I am. I can't share what is mine

"Zubair is not here ", he replied softly bending in front of me and kissing my palms. He caressed my cheeks and passed a smile towards me. A killing smile that took my heart away. He doesn't even know what effect he has on me and how crazy I'm for him now. With each passing day, I'm falling for him more and realizing that I need him with me

"I'm going to bring vegetables as Mai will take time to come", Murtasim said and left the room after caressing my hair like Baba used to do. These little gestures look very heartwarming to me. His egg fills my heart with positivity and I am slowly accepting this family as mine.

His Anwar chachu also. He talks with me and tries to gain my forgiveness but my heart is not yet ready to forgive him. The situation with Murtasim was always different as he never sold me but my father sold me twice, first to Wakas Baba and then to Murtasim. What if both were not nice to me? What if Wakas Baba treated me as step father just like we see in dramas? What if Murtasim was not good and took my dignity on the same day I got married to him? Who would be held responsible? Will his sorry be enough to forgive his decisions?

Soon Murtasim came back holding a glass containing milk. When he bent down in front of me, I realized it was not milk but almond shake. I looked at him happily as I loved the taste and took the glass for him and started having ice cream first. He knows me very well and I feel lucky to be his wife. I brought a spoonful of ice cream and a little almond shake towards him for him to have it. Murtasim stared at my lips and I instantly licked my leftover ice cream from my lips and was about to pull the spoon back when he held my hand and took the spoon from my hands. After having a little he gestured for me to eat and I looked down hiding my blush. When he brought the spoon towards my lips, I cleaned the spoon and took the spoon from his hand, and continued looking down as I knew I would behave crazily because of his intense gaze.

Later he left to cook and cooked biryani for me. I laughed knowing that this was his favourite dish and Ma Begum told me that he knew how to cook biryani only. He helped me to have it and I loved the taste. He is a very nice cook I couldn't hold myself from praising him

"You are a nice cook ", I praised him and asked him to have it but he shook my head saying "I'm not hungry ",

"But you have to ", I said and forced him to have it. I smirked as I felt I won the world when I forced him to have his cooked biryani. He smiled and pulled me into a light hug which melted my heart and I forgot that I was scared of Zubair. Later he went somewhere again without telling me but this time I got to know from one servant that he went to meet Malik Zubair. I got scared thinking of Zubair and ran towards Zubair's house to protect him. Even if I die, I would not care if he will live a long life. I reached his house and heard Zubair's voice

"Your Meerab is very daring", Zubair said and then I heard Murtasim's roar

"If you took her name from your filthy mouth again then I will kill you. I will not care about prison even", Murtasim shouted at the top of his voice I noticed Murtasim taking out the gun from his pocket and he pointed the gun towards Zubair's forehead after reloading it which scared me and I ran towards Murtasim to stop him

"No, calm down. For me please ", I whispered near Murtasim's ear pulling the gun down. Murtasim looked at me shocked and dropped the gun and I felt his face lose color on seeing me. I was about to bend to pick up a gun when I realized my pregnancy and stood straight holding his hand to calm his anger.

"Is your wife pregnant? Or turning fat?", Zubair asked which broke our eye lock Murtasim looked away picked a gun from the ground, and put it inside his pocket.  He looked towards Zubair and replied

"Like I will tell you ", Murtasim replied angrily and closed his eyes controlling his anger when I pressed his arm softly which calmed him

"Meerab he enjoyed nights with you and he will leave you once he gets bored so consider me the 2nd option ", Zubair said, and before Murtasim could reply I shouted at Zubair angrily feeling disgusted with his thoughts.

"Zerks like you deserve to be under my shoe and if you will be the last option I will never come towards you", I shouted angrily walking towards Zubair and slapping him tight as he deserved it. He should have thought before messing with me and him. I felt disgusted with his thoughts and felt anger boiling and a volcano of irritation erupted in me. Zubair walked towards me and was about to slap me back when Murtasim came in front of him and pushed Zubair away angrily. He stumbled but held himself from falling and glared at me angrily. I stepped forward but one sharp glare from Murtasim pushed me away.

"Don't. Stay away if you love your life", Murtasim warned Zubair angrily and dragged me out of this place I wondered what conversation was going on here that angered him so much. Was it because Zubair scaring me or something else?

"Murtasim ", I called him and heard no reply from him. Either he ignored me or didn't hear me. He opened the door of the car for me and then walked towards his seat without waiting for me which made my heartbeat rise. My face dropped thinking of his ignorance and anger and realizing my mistake. I know I should not have gone to Zubair's house but I acted impulsive thinking of Murtasim's life. My love for him took my senses and I just thought about his life.

I looked at him as he didn't start driving and followed his gaze to realize he was waiting for me to put seat belt. On fastening my seatbelt, I saw him driving and felt my heart sink with the thought of his ignorance. I can't bear his ignorance and I am habitual of his constant talks. I called him again and again but no response

"Murtasim -",

"Am I audible to you? Are you listening?", I asked angrily but still, there was no response. The rest of the drive was silent as I looked away because I felt my eyes moisten with his ignorance and took a deep breath to control my anger and used air to wipe my tears which fell from my eyes even though I tried hard to control myself. I can't bear his ignorance and want him like before at any cost.

Soon we reached home and after dropping me to our room, he went to the kitchen and came after cutting fruits for me and placed the plate on the bed near me but I pushed it away. I will not have it till he talks with me

"First talk to me and listen to my explanation ", I said when he was about to leave. I thought he would leave the room but he surprised me when he came back and sat on the bed silently. I looked down as I knew my explanation was not that strong and would not be enough to gain his forgiveness but I knew I had to convey what I thought and why I came.

"You didn't ask me not to come...", I said when he interrupted me

"Ohh then it is my mistake because you are a child who doesn't know where to come ", he finally broke his silence glaring at me angrily. I noticed he clenched his hand into a fist and looked away controlling his anger. I realized his anger and placed my hand on his which he jerked angrily and walked towards the other side of the bed and laid down breaking my heart

"Murtasim...", I touched his shoulder and he turned toward me angrily

"You know what. Mistake is mine because I know you will never listen to me but still, this heart believes that you will listen. But you always do what you wish. There is no explanation for your act Meerab. For God's sake remember that you are pregnant. And Zubair is my problem, not yours. But you have pledged not to listen to me", Murtasim said angrily covering his face and turning his face aside. I felt my eyes glittering with tears and my hands shiver thinking of his anger. I lay near him and placed my hand on his shoulder again which irritated him and he left the room. It was evening and I knew he would not get sleep but the fact of bearing his anger scared me

"He still didn't hear my explanation", I thought and decided to check him in the house to talk with him and manofy him. Also, I want to know the reason what is cooking in Zubair's brain now.

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