By Ardra182

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Two pure souls who has nothing but love in their heart, found each other to lead their own journey: whether... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 7
chapter 6
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

chapter 2

613 31 10
By Ardra182

(The same Sunday morning)
Blond hair dancing at the rhythm of the wind. Slender body with perfect curves swaying at the sound of a light music . His bambi eyes filled with stars is concentrated on the view outside. His baby pink lips hold a beautiful smile with bunny teeth peeking out. Fresh flowers which got withered away by the cool wind  caressed his creamy white skin . His smooth slender finger holding a paint brush drenched in colors and other hand holding the color palette. 
Near him stood a white canvas ready to be a means of another masterpiece.

There he stood Jeon Jungkook.

24 year old beautiful boy with a burning Passion for painting. His lovely family have

Mr.Jeon hyun woo . Jungkook's father. A well known business man. Even though he was a busy man he always give importance to his family . He was a common man married to  his collage love . He wanted to be a business man so he worked really hard to achieve everything he have now. Because of it he admire Kim Taehyung  alot. He had his parents with him during tough time but v, he didn't had anyone. For him it's rare to see patience in  young children . He appreciate v for that. But after seeing him directly in a business party his respect and admiration towards him had changed to a maximum level. His polite and down to earth nature impressed him and his heart  desired him as his son's husband.

Mrs. Jeon Yuna . A loving mother. A retired school teacher. Loves her family so much. She always heard about Taehyung from her  husband and wanted to meet him. 
     Apart from that jungkook have a big brother

Kim seokjin 29 year old.  chef by passion. He is married to Kim Namjoon  who is a scientist in the Korean Aerospace Research Institute.

30 year old. Jin owns a restaurant in many parts of Korea. They have been married for 5 years and happy with their bundle of joy. Kim Areum. 3 year old Fluff ball. Very talkative  and loves her kookie pa soo much..

Jeon household also have two senior citizens they are

Grandpa Jeon 79 year old. Was a farmer . Now lives in the busan countryside with his wife

Grandma Jeon. 75 year old . Was a  House wife living with her husband at busan. The both are mr jeon's parents. This is the Jeon family. Kookie's world. 

               Now Jungguk was in his own world drawing the scenery in front of him. Suddenly his mind drifted to the thought of his would be & their meet up . His father always talks about Kim Taehyung . He would  always get curious about this person who impressed his father. His father is not someone who get easily impressed by anyone. But he shrugged it off, but now this marriage proposal . He wanted to check his photo but thought to see him directly . 

                All his life he thought he would die single because of how overprotective his father was for him. Neither he wanted to get committed. He believes everyone so easily. So he couldn't trust himself with that.  He spent his entire life  with happiness without heartbreak  or annoying phone calls. He always see his friends crying and getting cheated on , getting controlled etc.  So he thought he was too soft hearted for that . So he gave the responsibility of finding a partner for him to his family. Now here he is. 

        He took a breath and packed his stuff and headed back home . The drive was quite long. It took 1 & 1/2  hour to reach home . Entering home he could see his mother in the kitchen doing something . He went to her. 

  "Eomma what are you cooking".

  " oh you are here I'm cooking lunch. How is your painting going . Did you complete the project."

  "Yeah couple of things left . It will be complete in a week."

 " When are you conducting  your art gallery " 

  "after few months."

"Did you thought about tomorrow"

  " ummmm y yeah"



  "Don't be , just be yourself . Nobody is forcing you to accept him. Just see him"

" hmmm"

  "I heard that he is polite boy. Your father never stop talking about him."

" I know that . I trust my father . He will choose the best for me."

         Mrs jeon smiled at him and caressed his hair. Jungkook closed his eyes feeling the touch of his mother

   " now go it will be over soon. "

   " ok eomma"

    Jungguk gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed to room . Just as he stepped into the living room the calling bell rang. He frowned and went to the door to open it. 

  " Jin hyung ?"

  " YAH! Why is your face like that, aren't you happy to see me?"

  " of course I am . You just went home yesterday ".

   " I missed you guys, now move, let me in."

Jin barged in pushing kookie who stood there dumbfounded. He came back to the world due to the tug on his  cloth. He looked down and found Areum there with dimple smile. He bend down and picked  her up. 

 " appa  forgot me again". 
areum complained again about how her appa always forget her in the  car. Jk rolled his eyes

  " ignore him. Come let's go there"

Both went to the dining table were they were seated he washed areum's hand and settled themselve in the seat. They started eating but after sometime Jin started talking.

  " kookie are you prepared for tomorrow ?"

  " I'm not going for an exam hyung"

"Aish why am I telling you this. You need to look presentable . Did you go for shopping?"

  " no need Hyung I have enough"

   " YAH aren't you  nervous ."

  " I am hyung. I don't know what I'm going to do tomorrow. I don't have any dating experience."
"It's ok kookie . He doesn't have any experience either."
" really , how did you know?. 
" Google uncle who else"
" you searched about him"
"Everybody knows him except you. He is a charmer".
" oh I will get to know him slowly.  I want to know about him from himself first."
  Jk finished his lunch and stood up and waddled to his room. But all the time Jin had a secret smile. Mrs. Jeon saw it.   
  " why are you grinning son"
" Eomma kookie and v are gonna be a power couple I'm sure."
" How can u say that?"
   " I heard from namjoon that  v denied the informations about kookie saying he wants to know about kookie from himself ."
  " Really that's so nice of him"
" I'm sure they are gonna be the cheesiest couple of all time"
"  I am waiting for that day son"
Kookie went to his room with his fast beating heart, he decided  to get freshen up  . After a long bath he get dressed and went to bed and started watching series to distract his mind from tomorrow. It became evening when he ended the Ironman movie marathon. He stretched his muscle and took some files to check then he took a book to read but nothing seem to distract his mind . He sighed and rubbed his forehead.  He looked at the time to find it became 8 pm already . He headed outside to the dining hall and found his mother setting the table . He decided to help her

"Eomma where is dad"

" In the room freshening up"

"Jin hyung"?

" in the room went to pick areum . AH! Here they are. "

" Appa .."

" kookie how are you son . Did you eat"

" no dad come let's eat. Come hyung."

They went to the table and started to eat. 

" hyung where is namjoon hyung"

"He will be late. Today there is a meeting in the centre"

After that there was a silence . After a five minute Mr.jeon cleared his throat. 

" kookie tomorrow at our Jin hyung's restaurant your meeting with Kim Taehyung has arranged on morning 10 am . "

" ok dad"

Kookie started fidgeting with his fingers and his dad saw it.

"Kookie no need to  be nervous. Just get to know him .  you have a whole day tomorrow. You both don't know anything about each other . So just be civil ok"

" I understand dad"

" everyother business man wants him for their children . I want him to be  my son in law.  I would be over the moon if it happen , but you don't take any pressure ok. I will do the wedding only with your consent."

Jungkook smile ,heart filled with respect for his father. He stood up and hugged his father who returned the hug with teary eyes. 

"I understand dad . I know all you do is for my own happiness. I love you dad".

" I love you more"

Both Jin and Mrs jeon smiled in adoration at the Duo. After that they parted away to their respectful rooms.

Jk sighed and flopped on the bed . He turn around and hugged the pillow while looking at the other part of the bed. He smiled shyly. But he flinched due to the phone ringing. He looked at the call and attended the phone. 

" YAH you moron "

" AAH hobi hyung , why are you shouting?"

Jung hoseok jk's cousin brother from father's side. He is in America for 7 years sometime come to hometown
He is a big dance mentor and choreographer. He is Famous all around the world . He own Dance academy several part of the world.

   "Are you asking me why am I shouting. You didn't told me you have a date tomorrow. "

"How can I tell you , you didn't call us for 2 weeks."

" ha ha I  I w was b busy with a  project"

" Hmm"

"Sooo who is it?"

"A businessman . Dad liked him very much. He wants me to see him"

"Do you have a photo?"

"No but his name is Kim Taehyung, his nickname is v"


"AAH what happened now?"

" v as in Kim taehyung?"

"Yeah? Do you know him?

" I know him damn well. I worked with him. Kookie , he is a gem. Hold him tight."


"Yes you won't get a perfect partner like him ever in your life. So treat him well."

"O ok"

" don't worry, he has a comfortable aure . You will be whipped I'm sure".

" Very funny"

" ha ha all the best for the date kookie bye, I'll call you tomorrow night"

" hmmm "

Jk put the phone on the night stand and looked at the ceiling . 

" Who are you v"

He sighed and closed his eyes hugging the pillow tight. He drifted to sleep to regain the energy to face the new adventure of his life..


Hi guys 

I don't own any pictures in this story. So yeah next is their meet up. I'm excited . 
See you when I see you

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