Interstellar Tattered Queen IV

By AzcerLee

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By AzcerLee

  Chapter 2381 Ready

  One, two, three...

   Soul power bullets are like cheap stones, stacked on the circular square of the red clan. From a distance, no one can see that these are extremely precious and important soul power bullets.


   is the soul power bullet.

  The Black Clan, Bai Clan, Gray Clan, Brown Clan... the entire Tribes of the Heavenly Stone Plane are now piled up, and everyone can't help but believe the spirit power bullet mountain that everyone gathered together.


   What are these soul power bullets used for?

   Except for Sheng Qingyan, no one knew.

  Sheng Qingyan stared in the direction of the soul pool, her black eyes were deep, making it impossible to spy a little bit of information from his eyes.

   He never said a word, and his face was calm.

  Hong Da Shi just replaced him, blocking the possible voices of doubts such as the Hei clan. However, Hong Da Shi couldn't help but mutter in his heart at this time.

  Your Excellency Sheng Qingyan's real purpose, shouldn't it really be these soul power bombs?

   He asked himself to take 1 million, but he couldn't take it out, so he used such a roundabout way to get so many soul power bombs on his own initiative?


   "Brother Oishi~"

"!!!" Hong Da Shi heard Sheng Qingyan's voice, like a thief, thinking that he was secretly muttering to be discovered, his heart trembled in an instant, and then he hurriedly turned to Sheng Qingyan, blinking his eyes , asked: "Your Excellency Sheng?"

  Sheng Qingyan said with a serious face, "How far is your soul pool destruction plan?"

   Hong Da Shi heard the words, and his heart froze.

   It doesn't know the purpose of Sheng Qingyan asking this, but...

  The silence was only a moment, and it answered truthfully: "It has reached 99%, ready to launch at any time."


   It did not give up its plan to destroy the soul pool.

   always not.

   Even if it was awakened by Sheng Qingyan and successfully pulled the other tribes into the water, it still did not give up on destroying the soul pool, and gave the evacuated red troops more chances to escape.

   Not only Hong Da Shi, when it gathered the leaders of all the surviving tribes on the Tianshi plane, Hong Da Shi also revealed his plans and details. It has already evacuated 90% of the red people. After the other tribes learned about it, they considered each other, and each sent a part of the tribe to join the evacuation army.

   Not only the red clan, the black clan, the gray clan, the white clan... Every clan wants to continue its own clan.


   Sheng Qingyan just nodded and said casually, "I see."

  Hong Da Shi pursed his lips and asked, "Your Excellency Sheng, aren't you trying to stop me?"

   Sheng Qingyan was stunned: "Why stop you?"

  "..." Hong Da Shi thought for a while and said, "Don't you think my plan will fail?"

Sheng Qingyan said: "You will indeed fail." The speed at which the energy of the soul pool is disappearing is increasing little by little. So far, at least 30% has been lost, and Hong Da Shi obviously wants to destroy the soul pool again. Delay the matter a little bit to buy more time and opportunities for the retreating army of the Red Race...

   It doesn't dare, nor does it want to detonate the soul pool immediately.

   Therefore, the speed at which the energy of the soul pool is lost will only increase, and it is irreversible. At that time, if the soul pool is detonated again, the effect can only be a discount, and then a discount, and finally a broken bone.

  It is strange that it does not fail.

   Sheng Qingyan's words made Hong Da Shi's heart sink slightly.

   Next second.

  Sheng Qingyan raised her hand, pointed to the pile of soul power bombs on the circular square, and said, "But with these things added, your plan will definitely succeed."

  Red·Big·Stone: "???"

   It was startled, looked carefully, but didn't understand.

  Sheng Qingyan didn't explain, but said, "Follow my instructions well."

   His 'oh' is gone, but the calmness on Junmei's face and the casualness of his words have injected a confidence into Hong Da Shi, who was in desperation and panic!

   So, is it really possible to succeed?

   Will it succeed?



  Hong Da Shi earnestly carried out Sheng Qingyan's orders, and people from other tribes also followed suit.

At this time, the territory of the Red Race that was swallowed up by the extraterritorial space was also increasing little by little in the violent shocks. One moment ago, the territory in front of him suddenly disappeared into darkness in the next second. I was terrified, and I was terrified.

   However, this scene, starting from the territory of the red clan, is not limited to the red clan.

   One after another, the leaders of other tribes received the same report and the same information, which also means that the catastrophe of the entire Tianshi plane has really begun.


According to Sheng Qingyan's instructions, Hong Da Shi arranged manpower and built a military fortress at the highest point of the Hong clan at the fastest speed. The spirit power bombs stacked on the circular square were also transported one by one. to this fortress.

   At this point, the people of each tribe suddenly had a sense of enlightenment.

   These spirit bullets should be used to attack something.

  Is it——

  Your Excellency Sheng Qingyan, do you plan to use all the soul power bullets to attack the lifeline?

  This idea is not only thought by the leaders of the black, white, brown, purple... , but even the red, big, stone of the red clan, after careful consideration, also thinks that this is the most likely.

Once the two planes begin to merge, then the lifeline will definitely not be completely indifferent, and will definitely take the initiative to do something. At that time, those who want to take advantage of the fluctuations caused by the explosion of the soul pool will avoid the detection of the lifeline. The evacuated armies of the various tribes will also be hunted by the lifeline.

   Even, there are definitely more than 99% of people who die in the pursuit of lifeline.

   Few, very few, very few people survived.

   Sheng Qingyan instructed people to build the fortress and the spirit power bombs that were collected, since they were not aimed at their own people, they must be aimed at the enemy.


  The various tribes of the Tianshi plane have temporarily formed an alliance, and their common enemy is only the lifeline.

   At the thought of dealing with the lifeline, everyone's heart jumped fiercely, but at the same time, everyone's heart rose a little with inexplicable excitement and anticipation.

   Can they really defeat the lifeline?

   That legendary opponent who can never be defeated?


When all the spirit bullets were moved to the fortress, Sheng Qingyan set off and took the initiative to stand on the top of the fortress. At this time, he had already put on his combat uniform and strict equipment, and then, Sitting on the launch pad chair.

   Behind Sheng Qingyan, there are also dozens of soldiers, sitting next to the launch pad.

The power of the    Soul Power Bullet is very strong, but the requirements for the operator are not high, but this time, these dozens of warriors are sharpshooters carefully selected by all the tribes, and everyone's sniper skills are very high.

everything's ready.

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

 Chapter 2382 Precarious

   In the main control center created by the spiritual energy of the black ship, Ji You shrank in the silk cage, hiding her own breath, a little bit, approaching the towering tree.

   She is waiting for the moment.

  The road paved by the small horcrux of silk thread can already make her reach the towering tree as soon as she thinks about it.

   Countless energies are still rushing towards the towering tree.

The speed of the    energy flow is also getting faster and bigger, as if someone opened the floodgates of the sea, and countless waves crashed over.

   Under the blessing of energy, this towering tree continues to rise and grow...

  The situation seems to be more and more favorable to the cultivation bases of high planes. Ji You still didn't move. She also did not explore the earth-shaking changes that this towering tree will bring when it grows to a certain point...

   She doesn't think about it.

   She is waiting.


   That opportunity...

  Always a little bit, a little bit...

  Her patience, like a grandmother's foot-binding cloth, is very long, very long...

   She didn't think about anything and didn't think about it.

   She knew that opportunity, it would definitely come, it would definitely come.


at the same time--

Liu Fufeng, who was staring at the 'spherical cocoon', which is the original altar of the Red Clan, suddenly took a step forward while swaying. At this time, the supercomputer of the Red Clan, the Big Banyan Tree, was also tenacious. Countless silk threads stretched out and slapped towards Liu Fufeng.

  Yue Qiguang went down with his fist and broke countless roots.

  Shen Changqing and the soldiers of the red clan were stubbornly guarding the rear, not a single thread could approach, and Liu Fufeng, under everyone's attention, stepped into the altar with one foot.

  The next second——


   A huge roar erupted in everyone's ears. Everyone looked up and saw that Liu Fufeng directly cut the spherical cocoon in half!

   When Liu Fufeng started, at that very moment, Sheng Qingyan, who was standing on the top of the temporarily built fortress, ordered more than a dozen snipers to fire!




In an instant, more than a dozen soul power bullets were shot towards the soul pool of the red clan. Of course, this was only seen by outsiders. In fact, Sheng Qingyan knew everyone's goals and aimed at the energy field that gradually formed around the soul pool. a few key points!

   When more than a dozen soul power bullets shot out with precision, Sheng Qingyan also moved!

  In red, big, stone, the leader of the black tribe, the leader of the white tribe...

   Under the attention of all the clan leaders, Sheng Qingyan put up the sniper rifle in his hand and aimed at the center of the soul pool!

  Red·Big·Stone's pupils shrank: "!!!"

This is--

   Just when everyone thought Sheng Qingyan was about to launch, he didn't move, not only did he not move, he stood in front of everyone, looking into the distance, like a sculpture, his breathing seemed to stop suddenly.

   His whole aura was restrained to the extreme, and there was no leak at all.

   If everyone is not sure that the person standing in front of them is a living person, everyone will mistakenly think that what is in front of them is a sculpture.

  Black, Bai, Purple...

   looked at each other.


   "What are you waiting for?"

   "The dozen or so soul power bullets before have already entered the soul pool, why don't you chase after the victory?"

   "Yes, why not keep attacking?"

   "Doesn't it feel like turning off the engine halfway through?"


   Everyone was puzzled and looked at Hong Da Shi. In fact, Hong Da Shi himself did not know, because Your Excellency Sheng Qingyan never told it a detailed plan, and it did not know your true plan at all.

   But what is certain is that Your Excellency Sheng Qingyan must go all out to rescue his companions!


   Your Excellency Long Aotian, Your Excellency Chu... All the Origin Stars who entered the soul pool and extraterritorial space must still be alive.

  Since this is the case, it means that the situation is not extremely dangerous. Then, the red clan seems to be saved?

  Hong Da Shi Chao shook his head and said, "I don't know, but Your Excellency Sheng Qingyan must have a chance."

   "That time has not yet come." The person who said this was not Hong Da Shi, but a relatively silent leader of the gray tribe.

   Everyone was slightly taken aback and looked at it.

   The gray pupils of the leader of the gray clan gleamed and said, "We may have to witness the birth of a wonderful history."


   Hearing this, everyone frowned and raised their hearts.


  The leader of the gray clan just said this sentence, and did not mean to explain, only said: "I hope everyone can live well, and after living to the twilight years, you can still chat and laugh here."

   Hei clan leader heard the words, and immediately said unpleasantly: "Old Hui, if you know something, then hurry up and say it, don't say these messy things to disturb everyone's mood."

  The leader of the gray clan said: "Actually, I don't know what will happen, but I know that this incident must have a great impact. If you succeed, there will be a future. If you fail..."

   It looked at the circle of people around, red, white, black, purple... colorful, there is no repeating color...

these people......

   How similar is fate?

   Since birth, they have survived in various competitions. The entire Tianshi plane, each tribe has never had true peace, either for themselves or for their own tribes...

   "Failed..." The gray leader opened his eyes, looked at the crowd, a little heavy, and said, "Then, the Heavenly Stone Plane may usher in a period of peace, true peace."

Isn't    peace?

  The people are gone.

   All creatures are dead, how can there be no peace?

   And, this peace is obviously only short-lived. At that time, a new batch of life will be born, multiply, and evolve... There will be new wars, constant wars, and endless wars, until the world comes to an end.

   So momentarily——

   After the leader of the gray clan finished speaking, he completely shut his mouth. No matter what anyone asks, it doesn't speak again.

  The surrounding hustle and bustle did not reach Sheng Qingyan's ears at all. He kept staring at his target, like a seasoned hunter, waiting for a fatal flaw in his prey.

The dozen or so soul power bullets penetrated into the surroundings of the soul pool, and the gradually formed energy field was not affected by this little change, but after a short pause, it resumed in less than half a second. .

The thickness of the    energy field also increases rapidly.

  Everything seems to be laughing at Sheng Qingyan's decision and his incompetence.

   However, more and more territories have been eroded by extraterritorial space on the entire Heavenly Stone Plane. There are constant battle reports coming in, and places are declared to disappear.

   The entire Tianshi plane is in jeopardy.

   Yue Qiyuan, who entered under the huge tree alone, was so overwhelmed by the overwhelming pressure that he was bleeding all over and couldn't breathe.

   Then, his hand reached a branch of the tree.

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

   Chapter 2383 Failed?

   The information processing center of the red clan, which was maintained for a short period of time, was broken when Liu Fufeng cut the spherical cocoon into two.

   Countless energies flow out.

   In an instant, the entire soul pool was turned upside down, and Shen Changqing, the leader of the red clan, and the soldiers of the red clan were all overturned.

  Yue Qiguang, relying on his strong physical fitness, did not withstand the turbulent tilt of this energy, and was suddenly pushed to the supercomputer of the red clan, which is the 'big banyan tree', and was tightly entangled by it.

   As for Liu Fufeng?

When the wind and rain were misty, Liu Fufeng turned all his mental power into a sharp blade and twisted the silk thread wrapped around the red altar. He didn't even know if it was completely twisted, but only had time to take a look inside the spherical cocoon. The thing was rolled up by the energy flow and rolled towards the soul pool of the red clan...

  Everything is terrible.

  Everything is irreversible.

  Shen Changqing, the leader of the red clan, the soldiers of the red clan... All of them tried their best, but they couldn't control their bodies or their mental power, as if something suddenly began to drain their energy from the inside out.

   Whether it is strength or spiritual power...

   All pulled out.

   No one could resist. Shen Changqing's eyes were bloodshot, staring at Yue Qiguang, who was hanging up, and Liu Fufeng, who was gradually wrapped in the turbulent energy flow and went to the depths of the soul pool...

   is over.

   It turns out that all efforts will really fail?

  Shen Changqing closed his eyes slightly.


   Red clan.

   Above the spire of the fortress.

Hei clan, red clan, white clan, gray clan... all the clan leaders of the entire Tianshi plane saw with their own eyes that the direction of the red clan's soul pool set off a monstrous energy flow, which could not be stopped at all, nor could it be blocked... And, Countless extraterritorial spaces are also suddenly and completely integrated with the Heavenly Stone Plane at this moment, and the creatures on the original territory are also destroyed in an instant.

   The red troops that had fled were divided into hundreds, a large part of them, and everything in the space they were in was completely destroyed at this moment.

   Purgatory on Earth.


   This is just the beginning.

   A bigger disaster, the fusion of bigger plates, is still to come...

   Above the spires of the red clan, the leaders of various clans closed their eyes slightly when they saw this scene, feeling confused and desperate.

   We have reached this point, is there any solution?

there is none left.

  Hong Da Shi looked at Sheng Qingyan. Sheng Qingyan was still holding a sniper rifle and didn't move. She closed her eyes slightly and wanted to say something, but felt that it was unnecessary.


  Hong Da Shi suddenly said: "All gunners, prepare to listen to the order—"

   Next second.

  The gunners who are distributed in all directions of the Red Clan have all moved!

   Everyone knows that the plan to detonate the Red Race Soul Pool has begun!


   Sheng Qingyan still didn't give any orders, and the dozen or so elite snipers of all ethnic groups always obeyed Sheng Qingyan's orders and remained motionless.

  Red Da Shi closed his eyes slightly, then opened it, his eyes already had a resolute look, and then he said: "Start--"

   Its sound is not loud, and it is even a little weak when it falls.


   In the next second, the soul pool that the Hong clan had gathered for countless years and gathered a lot of soul power should have exploded directly from the inside, but it was very quiet, and there was not a single splash of water.

what happened? ! !

   Hong Da Shi glared: "Is this impossible?"

   "This is absolutely impossible!"

   "How could it not be bombed?"

   "The system and equipment for destroying the soul pool are all prepared, it is impossible not to blow up."

   "I checked and there is absolutely no problem."

Hei, Bai, Brown... The leaders of each clan looked at each other and all looked horrified. Before coming to the Red Clan, each of their tribes had already made a decision internally. Once the Red Clan's soul pool If it is really destroyed, then the people who go to the red clan will inevitably die along with them...

   Within each clan, trade-offs and allocations have been made.

  Who will explore new escape paths, and who will stay and hold on to the game...

   It is very unifying that the leaders of each clan, after serious consideration, decided to stay, while dealing with the red clan, while cooperating with the red clan, and seeking other ways to continue the existence of the clan...

   They all doubted whether the red clan really wanted to destroy the soul pool, but after arriving in person, they all verified them one by one.

  The red clan is real.

   They really want to destroy the soul pool, they are not joking or deliberately scare other clans.

  The leaders of every tribe, after learning about all this, have actually prepared for the worst in their hearts. Once the situation collapses to a certain extent, the red tribe will definitely start the soul pool destruction program!

   They were all ready to die.


   Now what is this?

   Soul Pond Destruction started, but Soul Pond didn't move at all...

what's the problem?

   The leader of the Hei clan roared: "Hong Da Shi, you deliberately deceived us? You deliberately deceived us and died?"

   The leader of the black clan couldn't help but get angry. At this moment, the outside world collapsed faster, and the self-destruction of the red clan's soul pool was useless. What does this mean?

   shows that they have lost all resistance!

   The soul pool of the red clan has long been out of the hands of the red clan.

  Red·Da·shi's face was blue and black. It couldn't explain it at all, and it couldn't explain it at all, because it couldn't figure out why it was.

  Why can't the soul pool be detonated?

   This is impossible.

From ancient times to the present, the red clan has been building a system to detonate the soul pool. It can be said that it has spent countless time and manpower, and they are convinced that when an irreversible crisis occurs, the last countermeasure of the red clan is to detonate the soul. pool.

  But now, it is invalid.

   The confusion and confusion in Hong Da Shi's heart at this time are definitely worse than that of the leaders of other tribes. He wants to faint and faint.


  It is dead.

In just a short moment, on the top of the tower, everyone didn't know what to do, and the energy storm gathered in the soul pool was getting higher and higher. At the same time, Sheng Qingyan, who had been silent all the time, finally said, "Open the cannon—"

   Next second.

   Countless soul power bullets were shot, and the place they hit was not the center of the soul pool of the red clan, but the center of the energy storm that had gathered around the soul pool!

   In an instant, thousands of soul power bullets slammed into it!


   Sheng Qingyan suddenly said: "Dashi, restart the soul pool destruction plan."

  Red·Big·Stone: "???"

   It doesn't understand.

   Can I still reboot?

   Didn't you fail just now?

How could    be able to start again?

  Sheng Qingyan looked at the energy field that was successfully stirred by the explosion of the soul power bomb, and said in a relaxed tone, "It just failed, but the energy is not enough."

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

  Chapter 2384 is doing his best

   "A little more energy, isn't it enough?" Sheng Qingyan squinted and stared ahead.

   "Can...not enough energy?" Hong Da Shi's pupils shrank, how could it be possible? How could the energy of the soul pool be insufficient?

   That was accumulated for countless years and cost countless people's efforts.

   All the people who died in the tribe, the last place to return, are also soul pools.

The energy accumulated in the    Soul Pool is definitely a terrifying number.

How could    not be enough?


  Red, big, stone heart jumped, and foreign forces intervened and took away the energy of the soul pool? It hurriedly looked in the direction of the soul pool, and saw the powerful energy storm gathered above, rushing towards the dark depths at an incredible speed.

   This scene is very intuitive, anyone with eyes can see it clearly!

"what is that?"

   "Why is all the energy going to that place?"

   "How is that possible? The energy of the soul pool seems to be being drawn away."

   "What the **** is going on here?"

  The people from all the tribes present watched in amazement. This scene was more thrilling and exciting than anything they had ever seen.

   Among all the people, the slightly silent leader of the gray clan suddenly said, "It is indeed an external force, and it was made by the lifeline."

   "Not only the energy of the red clan's soul pool, but the energy of our other clans must also be slowly draining at this moment."

   "The soul pool of the red clan has the most energy, so it is the first to be selected and the first to be taken away."

  When the leader of the gray clan was talking, he was staring at the energy storm in front of him, but his eyes turned to Sheng Qingyan from time to time, expecting Sheng Qingyan to give you more explanations.


  Sheng Qingyan did not explain or say anything. He took the lead and continued to attack the energy field around the soul pool.


   In an instant, three shots in a row!

   Six rounds!

   Nine rounds!


   In the blink of an eye, thousands of soul power bullets were launched into the energy field around the soul pool.

  Red, Bai, Black, Brown... Everyone doesn't understand why Sheng Qingyan's attack target is the periphery of the soul pool, not the center of the eye of the storm where the energy gathers!

  Obviously, the big head of energy loss is in the center of the eye of the storm. If the formation of the eye of the storm is blocked, wouldn't it be possible to block the energy loss of the red soul pool?

  People want to ask.


Everyone saw that Sheng Qingyan was concentrating on the shooting in front of him, and for fear of disturbing his plan, the Heizu wanted to ask aloud, but was stopped by Hong Da Shi, Hong Da Shi chose to believe in Sheng Qingyan, In other words, it chose to believe in the group of Yuanxing people headed by His Excellency Long Aotian.

  The situation has been bad to the extreme, so don't take a gamble.

  Hong Da Shi said solemnly: "I believe in Your Excellency Sheng Qingyan, please believe him with me. Don't try to create unnecessary trouble at such a critical time. Unless—"

   It looked at the leader of the black clan, and said indifferently: "You want to be the first representative of the dead clan."

   The leader of the black tribe sank when he heard the words.

   The soul pool of the red clan is obviously out of control, but can the red clan ignite and detonate the soul pool of the black clan at this time?

   This is hard to prove.

  The leader of the black tribe did not dare to gamble.

   The power of the Hei clan is still too small, too small...

   After thinking about it, the leader of the black clan has completely quieted down. It will not take the lead, and the other clans do not dare, or are unwilling to make trouble at this critical time.


   Everyone stopped and looked at Sheng Qingyan quietly, and the snipers who fired soul power bullets towards the target point under his command.

   In the blink of an eye, the consumption of soul power bullets has reached a terrifying number.

at this time-


   Although everyone didn't see anything, they heard a clear cracking sound at this moment, as if the thin glass cover had been pierced from the middle by something.

"What's this?"

"what sound?"

   "From near the soul pool!"

   "Yes... it's the energy field formed around the soul pool, the sound of shattering!" Hong Da Shi's eyes widened and he watched.

   No wonder the destruction of the soul pool suddenly failed.

   It turns out that an energy field has already formed around the Soul Pond, which isolates the Soul Pond Destruction System from the outside world. Even if people outside issue commands, they cannot achieve the purpose of destroying it!

  Red·Da·Shi suddenly realized.


   At the same time, the energy field formed around the soul pool was suddenly smashed from the outside. This small change was suddenly noticed by Ji You in the black ship in the extraterritorial space.



   Ji You's pupils lit up.

   And, under the huge towering tree in the center of the soul pool, Yue Qiyuan, who had gone through a lot of pressure and experienced countless thrills, also bravely bumped into the towering tree with his own body at this time.


   Ji You frowned slightly, the timing wasn't the best, but she didn't know why, her heart suddenly throbbed, this little unease prompted Ji You to make a decision.


   No more hesitation, no more hesitation, and no more worries, Ji You started the energy-returning program that has been arranged and prepared for a long time!

   In an instant, the countless energy pouring into the big tree in the sky in the real control center of the black ship, when it was halfway through, suddenly turned to the silk cage where Ji You was shrinking.




   A huge amount of energy poured out, making a whistling sound.

   The entire control center begins to shake!

   Qing·da·shi and green·guang·shi who were curled up in the silk thread cage trembled with fright. They hugged each other and didn't know what was going on in the outside world. They only knew that it was really terrible, terrible.


   Chu Jiaojiao, who cooperated with the eldest, the second and several other spiritual threads, has completely entered the strange place in the black ship.

   The speed at which she approached the tree was very slow. Every time she tried her best, she only gained a tiny distance.

   And suddenly, without knowing what was going on, the surrounding pressure suddenly dropped, and the Weiya, who was preventing her from approaching, seemed to have dropped a lot.

Chu Jiaojiao felt strange in her heart, but she was also the person who knew how to seize the moment. Whether she wanted to or not, she slipped under the tree and felt that the tree was less dangerous to her. Without hesitation, I grabbed one of the branches and leaves, stabbed it, and climbed to the top of the towering tree!


   In the information processing center of Soul Pond, Liu Fufeng, who was pulled towards the depths of Soul Pond by the energy flow, suddenly fell to the ground.

   And, Shen Changqing, the leader of the red clan, and more than a hundred soldiers also stabilized their bodies and got up from the ground at this time.

  Yue Qiguang smashed several threads of the 'big banyan tree' with a fist.


   The speed of the huge energy flow towards the depths of the soul pool is like a flood, and the loss is even more fierce and fierce!

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

  Chapter 2385 Fusion

  Yue Qiguang didn't understand it, and he didn't try to understand it either. Since he could escape the shackles of the 'big banyan tree' at this time, why would he hesitate?

  So, Yue Qiguang broke free of the 'big banyan tree' at the cost of losing an arm, and, when breaking free, also destroyed a main branch of the 'big banyan tree'.


  Yue Qiguang fell down.

   lost a leg.


   is still alive.

  Shen Changqing appeared in time and pulled him into the newly formed protective circle.

   On the other side, Liu Fufeng stepped on heavy steps, swaying all the way, and walked back to the circular altar of the red clan.

   At this point, the altar has been completely cut.

   Ignoring the surrounding 'strong wind and rain', Liu Fufeng cut off the silk threads that wrapped around the altar, and then, what caught everyone's eyes was a completely dry body.

   The leader of the Red Clan and the other Red Clan warriors were shocked when they saw this scene.

   Someone exclaimed: "This is the second elder!"

   "That's right!"

   "It's the second elder!"

   "Second Elder it..."

  The atmosphere suddenly became silent, and everyone suddenly became quiet, because everyone knew that there were only two answers:

  Or, it's dead.

  Or, the second elder really took off his body and was promoted to a higher plane.


   Is there really a second answer?

   Looking at the body that was entangled with silk threads, beyond recognition, and withered and shattered when touched, it is really unimaginable how people can live in such a situation?

  If the second elder has really become the lifeline, how could it have not appeared?

   All the people of the Red Race stared at this scene and fell silent collectively.

  The surrounding atmosphere was deadly.

  Liu Fufeng looked at this body, and his expression was not abnormal. The surrounding energy surged, and because the altar was cut open, the true colors were revealed, and the silk threads wrapped around it were all cut off.

   However, the energy is only slightly attenuated, but the speed of the output has not only not decreased, but has increased.

   The whole world seems to be spinning.

  Shen Changqing frowned and kept the formation intact: "Student Liu Fufeng, we have to find a way to leave."

   will continue to stay here, and will only fall completely with the soul pool of the red clan.

   After the Soul Pond completely collapsed, they would never be able to leave.

  Liu Fufeng was silent for a while, and said, "Alright."

  The truth of the lifeline, he has seen clearly. The truth is—

   But that's it.


   Liu Fufeng casually glanced at the dry body and turned around.

   The leader of the red clan couldn't help but ask: "Your Excellency...I want to ask, can I take this body away?"

   Liu Fufeng was stunned.

   The leader of the red clan was a little embarrassed. It knew that it was a bit unreasonable to make this request. A dead body was useless at all.

   Bringing such a corpse out will not have a big effect on the red clan.

   And, this is the corpse of the second elder.

   A sinner of the red clan!

   If it wasn't for the infighting between the two elders and Hong, Hong, and Shi, the Hong clan would not have fallen into such a crisis.

  Even if the Heavenly Stone Plane collapses soon, and even if there will be a bigger crisis, the red clan will definitely not accept the passiveness they are now.

   Two elders...

   is the sinner of the red clan!

   The true sinner.

   Should be judged!

   The leader of the red clan was ordered by the general and followed His Excellency Shen Changqing and others into the information processing center. The first task was to find the second elder and bring it back to the clan for trial.

   However, the second elder died.

   Only a dry body remains.


   It also has to bring back the body of the opponent and conduct a public trial of the whole clan.

After the leader of the red clan proposed, he looked at Liu Fufeng nervously. He didn't know the true strength of the opponent, but after Liu Fufeng walked out of the treatment cabin, it can be said that he destroyed the entire cocoon group by himself, and then he could Know that the opponent is strong.

  Liu Fufeng didn't answer, but looked at Shen Changqing and said, "I don't care about these things, you ask him."

   The leader of the red clan hurriedly turned to Shen Changqing.

  Shen Changqing's forehead was white and covered in fine sweat, and the entire space was violently reversed. To maintain the stability of the formation, a huge amount of effort was required.

  Shen Changqing heard the words, nodded, and said, "Yes."

   The leader of the red clan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Your Excellency Shen, and thank you Your Excellency Liu."

   After saying that, it wanted to take a step forward and put away the body of the second elder, and then, it encountered an embarrassing situation.

   It cannot move.

   As part of the formation, if it suddenly moves, the whole formation will collapse.

  Liu Fufeng saw this, he suddenly bent down, and lifted the half of the altar, which was twice his size, together with the body of the second elder, and directly lifted it.

  Yue Qiguang: "!!"

  Yue Qiguang, who lacked arms and legs, was still being carried at this time. Seeing this scene, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable: "Isn't this guy going to collapse when the wind blows? How can he be stronger than his father?"


   All the weakness before, is it pretend?

   Next second.

  Liu Fufeng, who had just turned into a strong man and carried half of the altar, suddenly crooked and was about to fall down. He grabbed everyone's heart at once.


   Liu Fufeng regained his footing.

at the same time-

   Under the leadership of Sheng Qingyan, nearly a million soul power bullets, together with the destruction system of the soul pool, all attacked the soul pool in one go.




The white light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and it was impossible to see what was ahead at all. When Sheng Qingyan and a dozen snipers launched an attack, the others also arranged it long ago to accommodate the space under their feet. maintenance.

   A solid protective cover was erected throughout the space.

Together with the leaders of the various tribes, Hong Da Shi fully supported the operation of the protective shield. They did not know how long they would have to support it, and they did not know how long they could endure it. Everyone knew that once the protective shield could not be maintained , then, the space where they are located will be the same as other spaces trapped in extraterritorial space. After being completely shattered, they will be merged together.

   The entire Tianshi plane is undergoing drastic changes.

   The first thing that is completely integrated with the extraterritorial space are those places where resources are exhausted and all energy is lost. These places simply cannot withstand a little fluctuation, and without the slightest bit of resistance, they are completely integrated with the extraterritorial space.

   And those areas where there is still energy can resist it for a little longer.

The key information of    was also quickly transmitted to the various tribal leaders in the red clan, so the defense of the red clan also changed accordingly. Everyone, regardless of clan, regardless of skin color, worked together to erect a thick energy shield in the space they were in.

   The effect of this protective cover is also very obvious, at least inside the protective cover, temporarily unaffected by external fluctuations.

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

 Chapter 2386 To live

  The people of all the tribes gathered together and worked hard to maintain the operation of the energy hood, and the world outside the energy hood was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

  With the help of remote monitoring equipment, people of all tribes have seen countless places with poor resources, wrapped in a large piece of darkness, crushed, smashed, and then completely disappeared, never to be seen again.

   All the creatures above have no resistance at all, and disappear into the universe forever.

   However, this is only a part of the image transmitted by the remote monitoring equipment. There are more areas, and all the equipment arranged by the tribe lost their response, because the equipment disappeared along with it.

   It is impossible to count how much space of the Heavenly Stone Plane was fused and swallowed.

   It is impossible to estimate how many people died.

  Hong Da Shi is very regretful at this time, and regrets it, it should not have sent more than 90% of the entire clan to evacuate.

  If you have known the place with poor energy, it is the abyss, it is hell...

   It definitely doesn't do that.


The effect of    destroying the soul pool did not meet its expectations, and it could not realize its plan to cover the evacuation of the large troops.


   was a complete failure.

   There are only less than 100,000 red people left, are they still red people?

   Hong Da Shi's heart was very confused.

   As confused as it is, there are also the black clan, the white clan, the brown clan... All the tribal leaders present fell into great pain and great remorse.


   The drastic changes in the outside world did not give them time to adjust their emotions at all. The great fusion of the two planes is still going on and expanding rapidly...

  Sheng Qingyan, who was standing on the top of the tower, was still destroying the energy field around the soul pool. Countless soul power bullets, combined with the soul pool destruction program, finally broke a hole in the energy field.

  The entire energy shield was shaken and trembled.

"Maintain the energy shield." Sheng Qingyan stared at the distance, his eyes were calm, and his tone was soft: "Those who leave do not necessarily die, as long as the two planes are not completely integrated, there will be some people who will survive. If you want to see them, the first premise is that you yourself have to live."

  Hong Da Shi was shocked, and the leaders of the other tribes also froze. Everyone was silent for a while, and then they calmed down and quickly arranged for people to do the same.


The opening of the    energy field is getting bigger and bigger.

The sound of    clicking is endless.

  The red clan and all the clans, clinging to the energy cover. Continue to add energy, nuclei, ores to the energy shield...

   They don't know why they are continuing, probably because of the words of His Excellency Sheng Qingyan.

   Those who leave do not necessarily all die.


  You can only see them if you are alive.

   Only by living can we know the real answer.


   In an instant, the originally slumped aura suddenly flourished again.

  Sheng Qingyan always stared at the breach and kept increasing her attack power.

   Those words were also what he said to himself.

   In any case, before he actually saw the bodies of his teammates, before he saw them die, he had to work hard to find hope for himself.


   In addition to the black ship, the sudden fusion of the entire Tianshi plane and the extraterritorial space also stirred the space around the black ship to fluctuate violently.

   The fifth elder, Hong Yao Shi and others faced death several times. Every time they thought they were about to die, the crisis passed over their heads.

The fifth elder is very tired, very tired. It really wants to walk around, run around... to vent its fear, but it does not dare to walk around. It firmly remembers the instructions of His Excellency Long Aotian, and always stands by itself. In the position, the formation is maintained unchanged.

   The fifth elder also strictly asked everyone not to move.

Now, everyone has come to understand that the formation that Long Aotian has personally arranged, combined and arranged for them is a very wonderful and very powerful formation. It is also a small formation.

  Stable, no matter how big the storm and crisis, as long as the formation is not destroyed, their safety is temporarily worry-free.


   Seeing that the crisis is getting worse and worse, the fifth elder has a bad premonition that is getting stronger and stronger. For some reason, it always feels that something big is going to be bad.

   They are a group of one hundred and dozens of people, just above the black ship, the formation formed, any movement of the black ship, can bring them a huge sense of threat and crisis, the whole world shakes, and they are not unheard of.

   Even, it can be said that they are experiencing the vibration of the world all the time, every minute and every second.


   The shock this time was so strong, and the sense of crisis it caused to the hearts of the five elders was also so violent.

   It always feels that this time, the whole world is going to be bad.

   That crisis is not just from the black ships below, it is a mutation from two planes...

   What is it that is causing the two distant planes to merge with each other?


   Was it made by the lifeline?


   The fifth elder couldn't understand, and he couldn't think about it anymore. They were above the black ships, which was equivalent to being in the center of the eye of the storm. To keep the formation intact, he had to do his best.

   "Five elders... Our food is about to run out." Hong Yao Shi frowned. He didn't want to say it, but he still said it.

   "No?" Fifth Elder frowned: "Why so fast?"

  Hong Yao Shi lowered his eyes and said, "Our food reserves could have been used for about three years, but..."

   It was silent for a while, then, opened the space button for food storage, and said, "Elder, look..."

   The pupils of the five elders shrank slightly.

  I saw that the space button in Hong Yao Shi's hand had cracked a few cracks. These cracks were obviously caused by the space being shaken and unable to sustain the collapse.

   In other words, it means that the space button is scrapped, and all the stored things in it have no functional protection of the space button, which is equivalent to the harsh environment of the outside world after the food has no fresh-keeping function, and also accelerated the speed of food spoilage.

   This also led to the immediate loss of the food reserves of the soldiers of the Red Race.

   The fifth elder asked: "How many people have opened the space button and shattered?"

"A total of 78 people were found. But the space buttons in the hands of the remaining people were also damaged to varying degrees." After Hong Yao Shi replied, his face was extremely serious, and he said, "In addition to fresh food, our shelf-stable ones food is also spoiling at a very rapid rate."

   The fifth elder closed his eyes slightly when he heard the words.


   The fifth elder opened his eyes again, sighed, and said, "I see, I instruct everyone to eat as much as they can before the food in their hands spoils."

  Red·Yao·Shi: "Yes."

  Others, of course, heard it. Everyone began to take out food and stuff it into their mouths as quickly as possible.

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

Chapter 2387 Leave

   Above the black ship, the five elders led the other red warriors to silently stuff the food into their mouths as quickly as possible.

   Anyway, eat as much as you can.

  Boil as long as you can.

  Before they died, they tried their best to protect the space under their feet.


   Inside the red energy hood.

   The remote monitoring equipment that the Red Clan has deployed outside is sending back more and more pictures, but there are fewer and fewer remote monitoring equipment that can send back pictures.

   The atmosphere inside the protective cover was very dull and depressing.


  Chu Jiaojiao had already climbed up the towering tree inside the black ship. She was lying on the tree, like a small bug, inconspicuous.

  Chu Jiaojiao's heart was beating.

   She didn't know why, but she always felt terrified. Even though there was no danger around her, she felt very uneasy.

  However, despite her fear, she continued to climb towards the tree.

  Chu Jiaojiao didn't know how high she was going to climb, and where she was going... Her intuition told her that she had to continue to climb, not stop...


  Liu Fufeng joined Shen Changqing and the others, and on his shoulders he carried half the altar of the Hong clan and the body of the second elder who was bound on the altar.

   The entire soul pool is changing drastically.

   The humming sound is endless.

   "Not good." Liu Fufeng said: "Run, and leave the Soul Pond as soon as possible."

He was on the verge of death several times just now. After going through twists and turns, Liu Fufeng didn't say a single 'bad', but now that everyone was out of danger, he suddenly said this sentence, Shen Changqing and Yue Qiguang couldn't help but feel guilty. muttered.

   Obviously, the situation is very bad now.

   They actually don't know much about Liu Fufeng's true strength, but when this guy faces a crisis, he runs fast, otherwise, the thief will hug his thighs, and whoever is stronger, he will run with whoever...

   Anyway, Liu Fufeng is a bit evil all over his body.

   Since he uttered the word, it means—

   "Then run quickly!" Yue Qiguang urged, "Don't make any ink marks."



   The leader of the red clan stood up and wanted to volunteer, but was stopped by Shen Changqing, Shen Changqing said: "I will carry him."

   It's not that he doesn't believe in the red people, but—

  The safety of the lives of comrades in arms is still up to you.

  Shen Changqing carried Yue Qiguang on his back and was about to leave, then suddenly stopped, where should he go? At this time, the entire information processing center has changed a lot, and there is no way to go back.


   Shen Changqing looked at Liu Fufeng.

  Liu Fufeng raised his hand, pointed in one direction, and said, "Here, the closed circle was broken from the outside just now, and I felt the breath of Sheng Qingyan."

   Shen Changqing and Yue Qiguang felt relieved when they heard it. This at least means that Sheng Qingyan is fine, and the people who stay outside are fine.

  Liu Fufeng said: "However, the situation is very bad, we have to run faster, otherwise, it may really be buried."

   When he spoke, he kept gasping for breath. Obviously, carrying such a thing on his back was a great burden on his thin body.

   The leader of the red clan looked at it and couldn't help but said, "Your Excellency... why don't you change it to me?"

  Liu Fufeng shook his head and said, "No."

The leader of the red clan was not at all annoyed by the questioning of his strength. He wanted to explain a few words, saying that he could definitely handle it, and he heard Liu Fufeng say: "When we retreat, we must maintain the formation, you keep the current formation, don't Move around, every step, follow everyone's steps."

   Hearing the words, everyone was shocked, especially the warriors of the red clan, who couldn't help but gasp for breath.

  Fortunately, when they wanted to move, they were stopped by His Excellency Shen Changqing. Now that they heard from His Excellency Liu Fufeng, they dared not move half a step casually.

  Shen Changqing was silent for a while, and asked Liu Fufeng: "Can you still carry it?"

   He wanted to say, if he couldn't carry it, then let him carry the altar, and Yue Qiguang would hand it over to Liu Fufeng.

  Liu Fufeng shook his head and said, "I can handle it, you all follow me."


   He took the lead and ran.

   The leader of the red clan opened his mouth, wanting to say that if it really doesn't work, he will see the body of the second elder thrown away, but before he could say anything, Liu Fufeng had already strode away.

   It put away the words to the mouth.

   Bringing the Second Elder back to the clan and accepting the trial was the request of the Red Tribes who were present. At such a difficult time, this request was really unreasonable.


   Your Excellency Liu Fufeng and others, but still respect them and do their best to fulfill their requirements.

   At that moment, the team leader of the red clan had already made up his mind that in the event of an emergency crisis, even if he lost his life, he would try his best to protect several of your Excellencies!

   It swears by life.


Liu Fufeng looked weak, but he escaped very fast, even carrying something twice his size. His escape speed was not weaker than Shen Changqing and others. In the blink of an eye, he had already run for a long time. some distance.

  Here, Shen Changqing carried Yue Qiguang and the other red warriors, trying to keep up with his pace. Everyone worked together to maintain the stability of the formation.

Step by step...

   Go in the direction of the exit.


   A bright light suddenly appeared in front of you, and you can already see the familiar buildings of the red people. Suddenly, everyone's hearts were lifted!

   will be out soon.

   I finally see hope.

Liu Fufeng ran faster, Shen Changqing also quickened his pace, and the other red warriors also hurried to keep up. When everyone ran, they had to follow Shen Changqing's instructions, and one step could not be wrong, otherwise it might be destroyed. the entire formation.

   was about to go out, and many people couldn't help but feel excited. Everyone tried their best to control their emotions and didn't dare to make any mistakes.

  Shen Changqing felt a little keenly, and promptly said: "Follow me, don't walk around, don't move around, and breathe calmly."

The entire information processing center has been torn apart by the energy storm at this time. If you only rely on the strength of one person, there is no way to maintain the stability of your body. Involved in the energy storm, so no one dared to run around...

   is out of the big team, and there is only one dead end.


  Liu Fufeng reached the breach, but Liu Fufeng did not run into the breach suddenly, he suddenly stopped, Shen Changqing and others also stopped quickly.

  Yue Qiguang frowned and asked, "Why didn't you run out?"

  I have already seen the building outside, although the corner is missing and part of it collapsed, but it is also the building of the red clan, so there is no problem.

  Why didn't you leave all of a sudden?

   Second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow.



   (end of this chapter)

  Chapter 2388 came out

   Liu Fufeng stopped.

   His eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, because the exit was blocked, or in other words, the exit was not completely broken, and he needed to work harder to open it.

   Yue Qiguang, who asked the question, also quickly realized this: "Damn! What the **** is this thing?"

   Obviously, they have already seen the building outside the exit. They are only a step away, and they can go out by stepping a little.


   At this step, it is close to the eyes, but it is completely isolated.


The chaos in the    Soul Pond was obviously about to reach the information processing center, and it was about to reach the space under their feet.

   The atmosphere is heavy.


   Sheng Qingyan suddenly put away the sniper gun with a serious expression.

Hong Da Shi and others have been paying attention to this place all the time. When the crisp clicking sound resounded in everyone's ears, everyone actually understood Sheng Qingyan's purpose. He wanted to directly use all the soul power bombs he had. , to create conditions for people who are trapped in the soul pool and wait for them to leave.


   Can it work?

  Red Daishi had seen hope, but now, it began to raise doubts again.

   I guess it won't work.

   As soon as his idea came up, he suddenly heard Sheng Qingyan asking: "Look for someone to ask, how many soul power bullets are in stock now?"

  Hong Da Shi pursed his lips, finally made up his mind, and said truthfully: "We Red Clan can still take out 30,000."

  Sheng Qingyan tapped the sniper gun with her fingertips and said, "That's called a soul force bullet, all ready."

  Red · Big · Stone: "Yes."

After    responded, Hong Da Shi thought for a while and couldn't help but ask, "Would you like people from other tribes to join in?"

   It believes that people from other tribes must have soul power bullets in their hands, and it is estimated that they can at least make up hundreds of thousands of them.

  Sheng Qingyan looked at the dark place with deep black eyes. He did not answer immediately, but after a moment of silence, he said, "No need, let everyone prepare for the worst."

  The weapons kept in the hands of the various tribes, the reason why they are not willing to take them out until now, must be to hold a little bargaining chip in their hands to deal with any crisis that may arise.

  Forcibly collecting weapons from the other party will easily cause unnecessary trouble.


  Sheng Qingyan doesn't need so many soul power bombs anymore.

   He looked at the pitch-dark place, in the thick darkness, constantly surging, faintly, it seemed that some kind of monster was about to emerge from it...

   Is the fusion of the two planes really just a natural phenomenon?


   Is there someone behind it?

   Sheng Qingyan didn't want to pursue this issue, and when he felt a little bit of Liu Fufeng's breath, he quickly told the other party about his current situation and situation.

  Shen Changqing and others are already standing at the breach, and they are only one step away from coming out.


   There is no Yue Qiyuan.

   Shen Changqing, Liu Fufeng, Yue Qiguang, including the surviving Red Clan warriors who went in with them, are all there.

   But there is no Yue Qiyuan.

   Sheng Qingyan's heart is full of anger, he doesn't know where this anger comes from, and how to eliminate it...


   Come to think of it, this anger should be incompetent rage.

  Everything is his own powerlessness.

   If it wasn't for Yue Qiyuan to put him together and walk into the soul pool alone, it should be him. And he—

   couldn't save Yue Qiyuan.


   Sheng Qingyan's black eyes were deep, he was not worried about Liu Fufeng, because he believed that he had reached this point, and the other party must have a way to escape from the soul pool.

   He only stared at the entrance where Yue Qiyuan left, his eyes dark.

After Hong Da Shi heard Sheng Qingyan's words, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. His Excellency Sheng Qingyan did not rashly forcibly collect the soul power of all tribes. It was indeed a wise decision. Otherwise, people like the Hei tribe must have Their own small thoughts, play their own small attention.

  Red·Big·Stone will arrange it right away.


   The soul power bullets in the inventory of the red clan were delivered to Sheng Qingyan's side again. Sheng Qingyan didn't use it right away, he just looked at the breach.

   Sure enough, as expected by Sheng Qingyan, after a pause for a few seconds, Liu Fufeng took the lead, gathered everyone's strength, and broke the blockade of the energy field.


   A figure appeared in the sight of Sheng Qingyan and the red, black, white, purple...people.

   Liu Fufeng was the first to come out of the breach.


   is Shen Changqing carrying Yue Qiguang, and after that, there are dozens of soldiers of the Red Clan.

   Hong Da Shi saw his dozens of elites, and his pupils shrank: "!! They are still alive?!"

  It is overjoyed!

   is still alive!

  In such harsh conditions, there are still so many people alive! This is enough to surprise Red Big Stone.

   This time, there were a total of 100 soldiers who followed Shen Changqing and others into the Red Clan Information Processing Center, and now there are still—


   Lost 32 people.

  Hong Da Shi was very sad and sad in his heart, but he cheered up soon, and it was unexpected that he could see so many confidants.


  Hong Da Shi quickly arranged people to open the protective shield authority, and quickly responded to Shen Changqing and his party who came out of the information processing center.

After seeing the changes in the outside world, Shen Changqing, Yue Qiyuan, and the leader of the Red Clan realized that when they were trapped in the information processing center, the whole world had completely changed.

   Countless spaces were crushed, swallowed, and disappeared.

There is only enough energy left. However, compared with the collision of the two planes, this little energy is just a drop in the bucket, and sooner or later it will be exhausted. Therefore, everyone understands what is in front of us. situation-

   The fusion of the two planes is inevitable and unstoppable.

   And everyone wants to survive, there is only one way, that is, when the two planes completely collide and merge, escape from the Tianshi plane.


   Obviously the answer is so simple, but it is not so easy to do.

   All the connections between the celestial stone plane and the space crack have completely disappeared at this time, the red, black, white...

   All tribes have lost the channel information of the space crack.

   In other words, whether these passages were completely destroyed, dissolved, or moved, no one knows.

   In such a turbulent moment, the fusion of planes may occur at any time, and life is in danger at any time. No one can guarantee that they have the ability to find a passageway for a space crack.

   There is no escape at all.

  Under the hood of the red clan's energy, the 68 warriors including the leader of the red clan who had just joined the general and had no time to rejoice, were stunned when they learned of the current situation, and then they were endlessly at a loss.

turn out to be-

  The whole world is really going to collapse.

What the   Qing people said is not alarmist.

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

 Chapter 2389 Fierce

  Qing clan...

   Speaking of the Qing clan, everyone's heart sank immediately.

  Because, before the crisis began, the Qing clan was gone.

Hong Da Shi listened to Sheng Qingyan's suggestion, and as soon as he blew up the soul pool, he also blew up the soul pools of other tribes as a threat, deceiving Bai, Hei, Zi... all the tribes on the Tianshi plane. Come here, but the only thing missing is the Qingzu.

   The entire Qing clan seemed to have completely disappeared, not a single person was seen.

   Out of prudence, Hong Da Shi sent people to the Qing clan to investigate, but found that the Qing clan's territory had also disappeared directly.

   In the entire Tianshi plane, it seems that there has never been a tribe called Qingzu.

   As for the territory of the Qing clan, they were all plunged into darkness. That darkness is not an extraterritorial space, what is it?

  The scouts did not dare to go deep, so they reported the news to Hong Da Shi in time.

  Hong Da Shi thought for a moment, then did not let the investigator take a risk, and withdrew the investigator.

   All of this seems very obvious. The entire territory of the Qing clan, one step ahead of the red clan, was merged by another space and became an extraterritorial space.


Is it really?

  Qing clan...

   Really unlucky enough that no one escaped, all fell into the fusion of the two planes, and then all died?

   That's too bad.


   Even if it forcibly pressed the head of Hong Da Shi, it absolutely does not believe that things are so simple and so coincidental...

   There is a saying that there are still three thousand nails in the broken ship. As a clan whose strength is no less than that of the red clan, in the entire Tianshi plane, they belong to the top one...

   Such a tribe can not only mass-produce soul power bullets, but also produce things like spiritual line tool people...

  How could their strength be so fragile? So vulnerable?

The soul pool of the Qing clan, the energy accumulated in the soul pond, and the accumulation of the Qing clan over the years, must also be able to create something like a super energy shield. It is absolutely impossible to be like those resource-poor spaces without resistance. force, it was completely integrated into the extraterritorial space.


  Hong·Da·shi thinks there is something weird here. After other tribes know about it, they also know that there is something weird here...

   In the end, the red, white, black and other tribes discussed this matter with each other, and everyone agreed that the Qing tribe must have used some method to evacuate to another plane to temporarily avoid danger.

  Imagine that the world is about to be destroyed. As the first clan to know the news in advance and have been prepared for a long time, the Qing clan must have already had a way to deal with it.

   However, for this level of disaster, leaving the Heavenly Stone Plane is the best way.

   That is to say—

The Qing clan sent their elders to persuade the red clan to form an alliance together to resist the crisis. They also took out heavy gifts and some key information. For example, from the extraterritorial space, the coordinates and path of another plane can be found... Qing The clan exchanged these things to win the trust of the red clan...

   All of this is just a blindfold.

The purpose of    is to cover the great retreat of the Qing clan.

   That is to say—

   Long before all the tribes noticed, the Qing tribe had already led the tribe and evacuated from the Heavenly Stone Plane in advance.

   So, where is their destination?

   At this moment, the Red Big Stone of the Red Clan, as well as the Black Clan, Grey Clan and other tribes all want to know the answer to this question.

   In the hearts of many people, an idea even popped up: maybe finding the whereabouts of the Qing clan can relieve the crisis of the tribe's genocide?


  Shen Changqing, Yue Qiguang, Liu Fufeng... After being connected to the energy shields maintained by the various tribes, Yue Qiguang looked around a little when he saw Sheng Qingyan.

   Yue Qiyuan was not found.

  Yue Qiguang's heart sank suddenly.

   Shen Changqing and Liu Fufeng realized something at the same time, Sheng Qingyan was silent.

  Yue Qiguang bit a hole in the corner of his mouth, Sheng Qingyan waited for him to ask himself, but after waiting for a while, he still did not wait for him to speak.

   for a long time.

  Yue Qiguang roared in a low voice, "Idiot!"

  Sheng Qingyan tightened her fingertips.

   He knew that this sentence was not said to himself, nor was he scolding himself. But in his heart, it was even more uncomfortable than scolding him.

  Yue Qiguang clenched his palms tightly, "I've been an idiot since I was a child."

   He had to speak again, but Shen Changqing forcibly pushed him into the treatment cabin. The cabin door was closed and Yue Qiguang's voice was completely blocked.

  Through the transparent hatch, Shen Changqing and Sheng Qingyan could clearly see the two lines of tears hanging from the corners of Yue Qiguang's eyes, who lacked arms and legs.

   Shen Changqing and Sheng Qingyan did not say anything.

  The atmosphere is silent.

  Liu Fufeng suddenly walked towards Sheng Qingyan and nodded at him: "Student Sheng Qingyan, thank you for doing your best to break the energy field."

  Sheng Qingyan didn't say a word, there were sparkling tears in those beautiful pupils, but it was only for a moment, he immediately raised his face, and then the tears rolled back into his eyes.

   When he lowered his face slightly, Sheng Qingyan's beautiful pupils had no tears, they were deep and boundless like the sea.

  Sheng Qingyan's dark pupils looked at Liu Fufeng with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "No need to say thank you, we are comrades who should help each other in the first place."

  Liu Fufeng clenched his hands tightly, he could clearly feel his icy heart beating deeply at this moment.

  Sheng Qingyan raised her hand, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and said, "A Yuan and the dead poor ghost will be fine. People believe in them, just like people believe you will come out."

   "Yes." Liu Fufeng nodded.


  Liu Fufeng raised his hand, pointed to the center of the soul pool energy storm, and said, "I felt Ji You's breath in there."

   Sheng Qingyan, Shen Changqing, and even Yue Qiguang, who was locked in the treatment cabin, all opened their eyes at the same time!

  Shen Changqing paled slightly and said, "What did you say?"

   He was afraid that he had heard it wrong, and asked again: "Liu Fufeng, what did you just say, whose breath did you feel?"

  Liu Fufeng said in a positive tone, "Student Jiyou's. It's very lively, very vigorous."


   Shen Changqing and Sheng Qingyan were silent.



...This metaphor is like an enthusiastic fish stall owner in a vegetable market introducing his fish. Liu Fufeng is afraid that he is completely unaware that he is using such an adjective in this situation. Is it abrupt or strange? weird...

Liu Fufeng obviously didn't know, and he didn't have the awareness in this regard. He looked at the energy storm gathered above the soul pool and continued: "After a period of cultivation, my mental power seems to have become a little different, I can feel it. To the more distant and subtle spiritual aura, as long as it is within the range of my feeling, no matter how subtle the other person hides, I can capture it."

   The second update, good night everyone, see you tomorrow\(^o^)/~



   (end of this chapter)

 Chapter 2390 Unable to communicate

   Liu Fufeng talked about some of his current changes.

   "So, is this the reason why you can find that guy No. 4444 is particularly fierce?" Lying in the treatment cabin, he asked with wide pupils.

   "It should be." Liu Fufeng nodded.

  Yue Qiguang looked at him, opened his mouth, and wanted to ask something.

At last.

  Yue Qiguang didn't ask.

  Liu Fufeng was silent for a while, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't feel the breath of Yue Qiyuan."

  Yue Qiguang closed his eyes slightly and said, "I see."

   Sheng Qingyan and Shen Changqing felt very sad when they saw him like this, but they didn't know what to say.

   At this time, the energy shield erected above the entire red clan is not absolutely safe, and is being eroded by the violent changes in the outside world every moment, every minute and every second.

The scope of the    energy shield has also been reduced a little bit.

   Visible to the naked eye.

   The red, black, white... people of all tribes are very anxious, but they can't think of a way to deal with it for the time being.

  The remote detectors of the red people laying outside, the corresponding lights are also turned off one by one.

  The range that can be detected also decreases as the light goes out.

   Once the lights representing the detectors are all turned off, it means that the range that the red clan can detect has been merged.

  The situation is very serious.

  Everyone knows that the safety in the energy shield is only short-lived. It is like a fragile glass bottle. Once the energy is lacking, it will all shatter with a light touch.

   Or, once the external pressure is too great and exceeds its capacity, it will shatter in an instant.


  The shadow of death shrouded the heads of everyone.

  Shen Changqing suddenly said: "There is a way to strengthen our energy shield."

   Hong Da Shi was stunned, and the leaders of other tribes also craned their necks to look over.

  Shen Changqing said: "Arrange and combine our existing personnel, combine the characteristics of the energy shield, and arrange a formation, which can not only save energy consumption, but also strengthen the shield, so that we can persist for a longer time."

   Shen Changqing's proposal was not immediately approved by everyone.

   Several of the Hei and Bai nationalities expressed that they wanted to discuss it.

  Shen Changqing said: "Everyone can discuss slowly."

It is very easy to understand the careful thinking of the Hei people and the Bai people. Once everyone is integrated, they must obey the orders and orders of the large army, and can no longer act without permission. When people encounter an emergency, there is no way to evacuate the red clan decisively.

   That is, subject to certain restrictions.

   Hei, Bai and other tribes, gathered together and discussed it.

   As for the red clan?

The red clan did not participate. The half altar that Liu Fufeng brought back from the information processing center, as well as the body of the second elder, caused a great shock to the red clan. Hong Da Shi had brought the current high-level members of the red clan to a meeting. went.


  Sheng Qingyan already knew that in the information processing center, Shen Changqing relied on the formation to organize everyone's strength and jointly resisted the strong pressure when the energy storm hit.

   This also shows that the method of organizing existing personnel has a certain effect.

   Sheng Qingyan didn't ask too much about this, he looked at Shen Changqing, everything was fine with Shen Changqing, and there was no problem.


  Sheng Qingyan looked at Liu Fufeng, at this time, Liu Fufeng was still weak Liu Fufeng, looking extremely thin, he would collapse when the wind blew.

   However, Sheng Qingyan knew that he had become different.

how to say?

  Liu Fufeng has a little more vitality and vitality.

  Sheng Qingyan also didn't want to investigate the changes in Liu Fufeng's body. He looked at Liu Fufeng and asked, "You really feel the breath of a dead poor ghost?"

  Liu Fufeng: "Well."

Sheng Qingyan heard the words, his black eyes shone with light, he glanced at Liu Fufeng, and then at the energy storm that was constantly gathering above the soul pool of the red clan, it kept expanding, but soon began to shrink again, shrinking for a while Then, it expanded again.

  Suddenly big and small, it looks very weird.

   This is totally unreasonable.

   If the accumulated energy of the soul pool is continuously released and gathered by the energy storm, then the storm should become bigger and more terrifying, and it should not shrink any longer.

  Why is it still shrinking?

  Sheng Qingyan stared at it closely. He tried to extend his spiritual power, but after reaching out a little, he was suppressed by the terrifying energy storm and did not dare to approach.

   As for feeling the breath of Jiyou?

   Take a step closer, there is no way, how can you feel it?

  Sheng Qingyan didn't believe in evil and tried again several times. Water droplets of sweat began to appear on his forehead, and his body kept shaking. Before Liu Fufeng could make a sound, he took the initiative to withdraw his mental power.

As soon as    withdrew, his body staggered for a while, and was blocked by the back of a knife that Liu Fufeng swung out.

  Sheng Qingyan: "..."

  Liu Fufeng put away the knife, he felt a hint of depression in Sheng Qingyan, his beautiful pupils blinked, and explained: "I don't know why, but I think it is stronger and more convenient to use the back of the knife to catch you."

   is definitely not because I learned it from classmate Ji You.

  ——No wonder Ji You always uses a machete to catch herself every time she pretends to faint. It turns out that it is really convenient. It is definitely not that Ji You is unwilling to help herself, and it is definitely not that Ji You does not like herself.

  Sheng Qingyan's mouth twitched, thinking that your eyes have exposed your thoughts, but he didn't want to pursue this issue, and said, "I can't feel it."

   His mental power is still a lot worse than Ji You and Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng said: "She hides very secretly. It's normal for you not to feel it. If I hadn't been very familiar with her spiritual power, I would never have discovered her." As for how he was familiar with the other party's spiritual power, it was because he Specialized in studying Ji You's mental power.

  Sheng Qingyan stared at the huge and invisible energy storm that gathered in front of her, and said, "Her spiritual aura is hidden inside, what is she trying to do?"

  Liu Fufeng shook his head and said, "I don't know."

   Sheng Qingyan asked: "Can't you communicate with her?"

Liu Fufeng shook his head, and said in a slightly regretful tone, "Ashamed, my mental power is not strong enough to enter that energy storm, and there is no way to communicate with her unless she can take the initiative to discover us and pass on the news to us. ."

   As soon as these words came out, Sheng Qingyan and Shen Changqing suddenly lit up.

However, in the next second, Liu Fufeng shook his head and said, "But I guess it's difficult, I don't know the exact reason, because she's not actually on the same plane as us now, that is to say, she wants to pass the news. Give us, we must break through the blockade of the plane barrier."

   Sheng Qingyan and Shen Changqing frowned.

   The first update.



   (end of this chapter)

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