Ninjago: Darkness within 2

By Peachycream23766

3.4K 150 29

After Anna and the Ninja defeat the devourer, they start to train Lloyd. However, they encounter problems as... More

Chapter 20: YOUR FIRED!
Chapter 21: Pirate vs Ninja
Chapter 22: Rebirth Of Captain Soto
Chapter 23: Facing Pirates
Chapter 24: Double Trouble
Chapter 25: Double Trouble 2
Chapter 26: Child's Play
Chapter 27: Doomsday Comic
Chapter 28: Goodbye childhood
Chapter 29: Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Chapter 30: Back To The Past
Chapter 31: Past vs Present
Chapter 32: The Stone army
Chapter 33: Paper Beats Rock!
Chapter 34: The Day Ninjago Stood Still.
Chapter 35: Waking Stone
Chapter 36: The Last Voyage
Chapter 37: The Storm
Chapter 38: The Island
Chapter 39: The Island Of Darkness
Chapter 40: The Temple Of Light
Chapter 41: The Last Hope
Chapter 42: Launching Missiles
Chapter 43: Return Of The Overlord
Author's Note

Chapter 19: Darkness Shall Rise

368 10 5
By Peachycream23766

In Ninjago City, the ninja are rebuilding the town

Cole: Ugh, finally. All fixed up and serpentine-free.

Kai: (Tries to use Fire but fails) Aargh. Ugh, this is frustrating.

(The street sign tips over as Anna tries to hold it but is slipping.)

Anna: Guys a little help here (Cole, Jay, and Zane helped her.)

Kai: Our weapons are gone and most of our elemental powers are gone. I mean, we can still do Spinjitzu, but...(Grunts. He tries to use his Fire again, but the only flame coming out was from Zane's blowtorch.) I just feel so, I don't know, limited. And thanks to the Devourer, our tank's out of commission, our Dragon's hurt, and now the Bounty is destroyed, we don't even have a place to sleep.

Zane: No one ever said being a hero is easy. (Takes off his welding mask.) Though our good deeds may never make us rich, they make us rich in other ways.

Kai: Yeah, well, I don't feel rich, the only one of us who can use their powers is Anna, which she can barely control.

Anna: Well I can hear you, and for the record, I can control my powers since I didn't need a golden weapon to use them. So I'm not completely useless unlike some people here. (Kai folded his arms.)

Jay: WelI for one enjoy pitching in. I've always wanted to feel part of a community. Uh, speaking of which, has anyone seen Nya? She said she was gonna help.

(The motorbike arrives with Nya and Wu on it.)

Nya: And I have. I may have found us a place to live.

Jay: Really? But there's a waiting list a mile long to live in Ninjago City. How did you do that?

Nya: I know a guy, who knows a girl, and she knows this girl who knows a guy. Well, this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent and she can help you find a place, if you catch my drift. (She hands him a pamphlet.)

Anna: And where are you off to?

Wu: We have to find a couple of components to fix the ninja tank. And my dragon ointment has finally arrived. It's a day's trip, but once we get back, he'll be flying again. Also, I love scenic drives. Haha, punch it, Nya!

Nya: Ay ay, Sensei.

Wu: Yee-haw!

Jay: (Reading the pamphlet) "Patty Keys, Real Estate Queen." Huh, this is exactly what we need. Once we get a roof over our heads, we can start properly training Lloyd.

Cole: Good, 'cause if we know Lord Garmadon, he's not going to be taking any breaks. And let's not forget, the Serpentine are still at large. 

Anna: So, we'll have to keep the city safe, Make dealing with this 'Patty', and train Lloyd.

 Kai: Sounds kinda much, if only we could break it down.

Zane: I got it! Anna trains Lloyd while we try will get a roof over our heads.

Anna: Wait, Me!,

Cole: Uh huh. 

Anna: I can't train Lloyd, I'm a kid and he's a kid, and-

Zane: You are also a skilled ninja, perphers Lloyd could learn a thing from you.

Anna: Alright I'll try I guess. (She picks up the welding mask and blowtorch.)


(Near the Destiny's Bounty, Skales is trying to gain the title of Snake King.)

Skales: Serpentine, we've been exiled for the last time. Fear not, I will lead you.

Mezmo: Lead us? To where? The City of Ouroboros has been destroyed. We have no home.

Fang-Suei: You want to lead us so badly, why should we trust you?

Skales: Because I was the one who told you in the first place not to awaken the Devourer. But no, you listened to Pythor.

Garmadon: You want a home... I'll give you a home.

Skales: Lord Garmadon!

Garmadon: Forgive me, I haven't been myself lately. But now that I have the Golden Weapons and the Medallion of Magic, it's time that I got back to my roots. If I'm going to rule Ninjago, I know I can't do it all by myself. The Skeletons served their purpose, but I've always been partial to snakes. If you want someone to follow, follow me. (The Serpentine cheers.)

Skales: You are to follow me, not him! (But everyone follows Garmadon.)

Garmadon: You want a home, I give you a home. (He rebuilds the Bounty into the Black Bounty.)

Mezmo: The power of the weapons...

Garmadon: I give you the Black Bounty! (Everyone cheers.)

Skales: Imbeciles! Do you not remember he was just helping the ninja?! Now you blindly follow him because of his wizardry?! He's not even a Serpentine. Rule with me, and we rule as brothers!

Garmadon: Rule with me...(He points the Sword of Fire at Mezmo.) or else.

Serpentine: All hail Lord Garmadon! (The Black Bounty takes off.)

Skales: Oh, darn. Ugh!

Mezmo: Your eminence, excuse my ignorance, but why is it we fly in the opposite direction of the ninja, when you have the Golden Weapons in your possession?

Garmadon: Because they have my son, and it is written that he will one day defeat me. What good would be turning Ninjago into my own image be when that victory would be fleeting?

Chokun: Then we destroy Lloyd.

(Garmadon was very angered by this he loved his son and didn't want to destroy him. He shouted back.)

Garmadon: Aargh! Lock him in the brig! No one will touch my son. But by getting rid of Sensei Wu and that pesky ninja, Lloyd will never reach his full potential. The prophecy will never be fulfilled, and Ninjago will be mine...forever!

Fang-Suei: Uh, but why are we flying in away?

Garmadon: Because we are flying to the Golden Peaks, birthplace of the Golden Weapons. Even they have secrets yet to be unlocked. And once I uncover their full potential, nothing will stand in our way.


(Back with the ninja, Patty Keys is showing them a worn-down apartment.)

Patty: This one-bedroom, one-half-bath is a cozy dream. Who needs extras when everything is within arm's reach? Now, could you wait until you see the lighting? (Turns on the light, but the bulb flickers, burns out and falls to the ground.) Uh, who needs lights when you have this view? Heh. (Opens the window blinds, but the view was a brick wall.)

Jay: Hehe what a view.

Lloyd: Uh, why do I smell old people?

Patty: (Annoyed.) Look, doll. I'm trying to work around your budget. This is all you can afford.

Anna: (Anna's face hardened as she glares at Patty.) Don't talk to him like that, he's just a kid.

Patty: I'm just-.

Cole: Uh, this looks...promising. Remember, guys, Sensei told us our main objective is to train Lloyd, not kick our feet up in some swanky suite. If this is all we can afford, this is all we can afford.

Jay: Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not rush into any decision. I mean, if it's all about Lloyd, don't we need to live in some place that'll make training easier?

Kai: Yeah, Jay's right. If we have to get Lloyd ready to save Ninjago from his father, shouldn't he at least have his own room?

Zane: Technically, that does not matter, he only— (Kai gently punches him.)

Jay: We're only thinking about the children, hehe.

Patty: I do have another property that you'll just love.

(She brings them to a fancy room atop a skyscraper.)

Everyone: Whoa!

Jay: Oh, man.

Patty: Now, this is the eight-bedroom Hero Suite. Floor-to-ceiling windows, digital wall television, state-of-the-art game console...

Cole: Uh, it seems a little out of our price range.

Patty: Oh, sure it costs a little more, but you deserve it. I forgot to mention, that dragons are allowed to be kept on the roof.

Kai: Nice.

Jay: Maybe we can get a hero discount. After all, we are the ninja who saved the city.

Patty: I thought Lord Garmadon and that girl saved the city.

Jay: hmph!

Anna: hehe, It was a team effort.

Jay: Yeah, She just kept it in place!

Cole: Now, What?

Lloyd: Go back to the other apartment.

Jay: Uh, no way. 

Cole: But how do you expect us to pay for all of this?

Kai: Maybe we could get day jobs to pay for the extra expenses.

Zane: We always said we could use a little more responsibility.

Cole: But we have to train Lloyd.

Anna: Since I'm not old enough to get a job I could train Lloyd.

Patty: Did I mention the in-house training facility? (Patty shows them a training room.)

Ninja: We'll take it!


(The ninja are working their jobs. Jay is a pizza delivery man, Cole is a bank's security guard, Zane is a chef, Kai is a party entertainer, and Anna is training Lloyd.)

Anna: C'mon Lloyd, let's start training.

Lloyd: Great!

Anna:(The course starts, The fist move, she ducked next she jumped going from the course she makes a magic sword and cuts the dummy in half.) Your turn. (Lloyd tries and fails on the first try

Lloyd: Ahh! Oof.

Anna: That is gonna leave a mark.

( As this is happening Lloyd is getting more irritated and frustrated.) 

Anna: Ugh! you know what, Fight me!

Lloyd: Fight you.

Anna: Yeah go ahead.

Lloyd: Uhh I can't fight you, I can barely fight, how will I fight you?

Anna: You at least got to have the courage, Now attack me. (Lloyd runs with his fist up. Anna moved to the side, Lloyd realizing the target has moved stopping.)

Lloyd: Ahh.(She kicks him in the chest and sent him flying to he wall, Lloyd ran back and both started combating. In the end, Anna wins and Lloyd is on the flour.

Anna: Get up.

Lloyd: I can't

Anna: We'll take a break before starting, (Opens water bottle.) You should get enough rest by then(She smiled.)

Lloyd: Fine (Anna gives him a waterwater.) But If I'm supposed to be the greatest ninja why can't I get it right?!

Anna: Well I'm not a great teacher but if you train with the guys you might learn faster by the was didn't the they say they'll train you when they get back?

Lloyd: Yea-(Both of them hear a door open.)

Cole: My feet... I can't feel my feet.

Kai: (traumatic.)  There were so many of them. And they wouldn't stop.

Zane: (Putting oil in his arm) Ugh, my gears locked up several times. I didn't even know my gears could lock up.

Jay: I don't even have enough energy to play video games. (He sighs and falls over.)

Lloyd: Oh, but I thought you were going to train me when you got home.

Cole: Sorry, champ, but we can't until we make rent your gonna have to work with Anna for now. How close are we, Jay?

Lloyd: Bu- ( Anna dragged him back to the punching bag.)

Anna: Again (Lloyd groans but starts punching.)

ColeHow close are we, Jay?

Jay: Huh, is this jar getting bigger? (He lightly rattles the jar.) We're not even close!

Zane: (He puts more oil in his arm.) And our rent is due tomorrow.

Cole: I can pull a double shift.

Zane: And I can do overtime.

Jay: Maybe, I can sling a few more pizza pies.

Kai: And maybe I can make a little extra if I do the human piñata. (They all stare at him. He puts his hands on his head.) Ugh, don't ask.

Cole: Great, then our priorities are set. Tomorrow.. we make rent.

Anna: And...

(She refers to herself and Lloyd.)

Cole: How about you help out and fetch me some more ice, huh?


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