
By hanaripinku

31 14 0

Jacquelyn works hard at a job she hates but finally saves up enough money to take a trip to Japan for a month... More

Chapter 1 Jacquelyn
Chapter 2 Jacquelyn
Chapter 3 Isamu
Chapter 4 Jacquelyn
Chapter 5 Jacquelyn
Chapter 6 Jacquelyn
Chapter 7 Isamu
Chapter 8 Jacquelyn
Chapter 9 Isamu
Chapter 10 Jacquelyn
Chapter 12 Jacquelyn
Chapter 13 Jacquelyn
Chapter 14 Isamu

Chapter 11 Isamu

3 1 0
By hanaripinku

"Isamu, quit looking at the paper. What's done is done", Jackie said from the bathroom.

The front page of the news people which quickly made it's way all the way out here was a picture of us kissing. It said long loss son gone for so long smooches on foreigner.

"What a joke", I said in a grumpy tone.


"I can be angry."

"I never said you couldn't but doing this isn't helping you", Jackie said as she came from out the bathroom.

She has a bath towel draped around her, still a bit wet.

"For now just focus on the positive", she said.

"Like what?"

"Like what? Why you", she said angrily.

She started to point her finger at me but quickly regretted it when she realized that was the hand holding her towel.  She managed to grab it but it was a bit too late.

I could tell she was extremely embarrassed. She quickly ran to the bathroom.  

"Don't", I said.

"No", she shouted.

I let out a sigh.

My brain quickly scanned every curve of her body, pasting it in my memory permanently. The more I think about her the more I want her.

I stop myself, this is all too fast but, I know I won't have this chance with her again.

"Hey", I said as I was now standing by the bathroom door.

"What", she said.

"Come out."



"You know why."

"You didn't want me to see you naked, big deal."

"You're not a girl so you don't get it."

"What do I have to get?

"You look perfect so, you don't get it."

I let out another sigh. She's being ridiculous.

"Stop acting like a baby", I said.

That got her mad, I knew it would. She quickly opened the door.

"Isamu, you--"

I cut her off once again with my lips pressed firmly on hers.


I pulled away slowly.

"Sorry", I said.

I turned to walk back to where I was. Suddenly I felt her arms around my waist, she was pressed against my back, still too shy for me to see her.

"I just never--"

"I know but why be afraid to show me?"

"I'm not afraid just...I don't know. I'm really shy..."

I moved my hands over hers and then followed around where her arms wrapped around me. My hands traveled down her sides and lower moving over her curves, appreciating what she was allowing me to feel.

"Come see me in Texas when you have the chance, okay?"

 I paused for a moment. I'm usually an honest man, who will make a small white lie here and there, nothing harmful but this, I can't upset her because it's my fault I got us to this point. I couldn't help myself with her so of course feelings got into the mix of things. 

"And then what", I said. 

"I'd make you food and show you how us Texans get down."

I let out a chuckle. 

"I don't know if I'll fit in that way, I'm Japanese remember."

"Isamu, you're the most un-Japanese, Japanese person I've ever met. You'll fit right into the family cookout."


My hands came back to hers, pulling them apart so I could turn around so I could look at her.

"And then you have to meet my bestie, Stacy, she's the one who pushed me into this."

"So she's the culprit?"

"She's a mega culprit."

"No, she just gave you the encouragement to deal with someone like me."

"I'm not easy to deal with either."

"You're definitely not."

She quickly moved her hand up to hit my shoulder but I was faster, catching her hand and then pulling her up to her toes. She giggled until I kissed her quiet again. 

We were late that morning getting our chores done but the villagers didn't mind. They knew what was going on between us. You can't hide that from your elders, they've lived life and seen it all. I heard the women saying how happy they were for me to see me truly happy. I haven't noticed my mood lately. I can't recall ever being truly happy. I feel like I shouldn't enjoy this happiness because at the same time hell, my family, is on its way for me. This is a temporary joy. I don't want her to get caught up in my problems. 

I'll give it a few days before calling the bus down to come get her. She'll at least live with the thought that I'll be coming over to see her someday. 

Just not in this lifetime. 


It's been a few days since the picture of us got out. I didn't want that mess coming over to the village so I've decided to head out and handle it myself. Jackie wanted to come with me but I told her I didn't want her to get involved. 

I was staying at a hotel, I had plans to meet up at a restaurant in a few minutes for dinner but I knew I wouldn't have the appetite to eat anything. After a shower I was now getting dressed. I haven't worn suits like these in a long time, I don't miss them. The only time I would wear them again is for Jackie, I know she would find me very attractive in them. Just the look on her face gawking at me makes me want to turn back around. 

I'm only having this meeting to ensure they don't bother her. Whatever problems they have are with me and only me. 

"I'm here for the reservation. The name is Isamu Ishida."

"Mr. Ishida! Oh, I'm sorry sir, of course. It's nice to see you again sir and congratulations on your new relationship sir", the waiter said. 


"Right this way", he said as he took the lead, I followed him to my seat. 

Looks like I am the last to arrive or everyone was very early. There sat my mother and father alongside my brother. This is going to be a private family meeting I see. 

"Isamu, it's so good to see you again", my mother said. 

I nodded slightly and then took a seat. 

"What would you like to start with for a drink sir?"

"Doesn't matter."

My brother scoffed. 

"I knew he was going to have an attitude", Kenji said. 

I gave him a look. 

"Enough you two. We are here to have a nice dinner, not to fight. We haven't had family time like this in too long", my father said. 

"Looks who's fault it is for that to have happened", Kenji said. 

"Are you serious", I said. 

"Isamu", my mother started to say. 

"Why are we really here, I have things to do", I said. 

"It really has been years since we've seen you Isamu, we've been worried", my mother said. 

"Worried? You've been worried? So you can see some guy to take a picture of us but you couldn't find me on your own to talk to me?"

"We didn't set you up", my father barked. 

"Yeah, sure you didn't. All my life I wasn't good enough for you even though I've always surpassed Kenji. It was always about him and never about me and now that I finally have a life, you come along to once again to ruin it."

"You never surpassed me! Forget about shitty grades, I own the companies now", he said. 

"Congratulations, want a cookie?"

"You", he quickly stood up.

My father took his arm firmly, stopping him from causing a scene. 

"Look, we're not the enemy here as you think we are. I especially wanted to see you to tell you something in person. Our business has grown exponentially over the years and we prefer not to have those in power, not blood family. It would be an honor for us to have you become CEO of some of our chains", my father said. 

"I decline."

"What", Kenji said. 

"Isamu, please think this over. You will have a great opportunity taking this role let alone the money. With your new girlfriend in the picture, I'm sure she will be happy seeing you successful", my mother said. 

"Yeah, what do you do these days anyway", Kenji asked. 

"I work on the farm, cleaning, picking food, and taking care of animals."

He laughed. 

"Are you serious? Wow, what a way to downgrade. In fact, I should change my last name. Has this time off made you mental? Is your girlfriend mental too?"

"Mental? Yeah, I would say I'm mental but that's something you know nothing about. As for her, she's the only one who's kept me from losing my shit."

He looked at me, not understanding what I was talking about. 

"Isamu don't", my father warned. 

"You stay out of it, besides, I was an embarrassment to you that day wasn't I?"

"What the hell are you talking about", Kenji said. 

"Isamu, we're sorry we didn't support you the way we should have that night but we are trying", my mother said. 

"Trying? No, you guys never tried with me. You still can't see how you are. How I worked my ass off to make you proud but that was never enough. I spent my whole life trying to please you, even your thoughts stayed in my mind when I was gone for so long. Every day always felt like a curse. You ruined me. I always thought about that night, about how I didn't die. Why I didn't die because I was good and ready to."

"Die", Kenji said. 

"Isamu, enough", my father snapped in a whisper. 

"No, Kenji will know about this. Let me put this in simple words. Mom and Dad drove me to the point of suicide. Not once but multiple times and when I was close to succeeding, instead of really being there for me, a coverup story was created for me because what I did was such a disgrace to the family. Saving the family's image was more important than my life. So I disappeared, for a long time I wish something would end my life, not just me but it never happened. I ended up in that small village and for the first time, I felt wanted. They had no idea who I was. They just knew a kind person from nowhere came over to help them. Recently a girl from the States appeared out of nowhere and fell for me and so did I for her. She also had no idea who I was until I told her and not once did she ask me to go back to that lifestyle. She didn't care about my money, she didn't care about the "perfect" life I had. She was happy with the man she met. The guy who dug up potatoes early in the morning, who fixed up houses, who just had a simple life. I will protect her no matter what and tonight I am here letting you know that if anything happens to her I will raise hell. Tell that guy to take her picture out the paper, tell all the news channels to take our story from circulation. If they want to talk about me, fine, I don't care, I'll make my own fake story but you leave her out of this."

"You already know how the media is Isamu. There is nothing much we can do when it comes to her, I don't see why you're blaming us for this", my father said. 

"You're to blame for all of my problems! What's the point of me explaining things anymore, clearly you don't listen. You don't want to listen."

"I'm sorry Isamu but we are business people, we don't have time to deal with sensitive issues. This is a world where you have to have thick skin. Over the years I've seen that you aren't up to it but I thought maybe having time off would have helped you. I can see now that it hasn't done you well. If you come back to us we can get the best doctors for you to help you and then move you on your way to becoming CEO. If not--"

"Forget it", I said cutting my father off, and then stood up. 

"Sit down Isamu", my mother said. 

"I'm done here. Don't reach out to contact me", I said and then turned to leave. 

My mother kept calling for me but I didn't look back. What's the point? What was the point of even coming here tonight? I felt like I was just here to talk but not a soul was here to listen to me. Again I'm reminded how no one cares about me. I'm not looking to seek attention but everyone wants to feel wanted and loved, don't they? 

"Ishida, could you please look this way", someone said, and then I saw a flash as my picture was taken, at this point, I didn't care. 

"Ishida, who is the girl you're with? Is she now your fiance, are you two planning to continue with the Ishida industry?"

I let out a breath and put on my best act as I turned around. 

"I prefer the woman who was seen with me to be kept out of this ordeal. I will handle business matters on my own when it comes to the Ishida industry. My family and I just finished a meeting about the company and starting today I will be the CEO of some of the chains. My time away has bettered me to becoming a better business leader. I will ensure the company will remain number one in Japan and become global, hopefully becoming number one all over the world. I apologize for my long hiatus."

"Wow Mr. Ishida, we are happy to have you back. The Ishida family is and will always be well known, it wasn't the same not having you in the spotlight. Being the son and succeeding to one of the top businessmen in the world is such an honor as I believe you would agree. Even from a young age, you've always been top of your class, representing Japan to the utmost high."

"Don't worry, I will make sure to represent my country proudly."

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