Her Children

By xprincessstatusx

1.4K 125 77

Part 4 they said..... Well guess what? They're back and they're better than ever ! See what your favorite dr... More

Where Were You?
โ€ข1โ€ข Heart's Choice

Two of Us

516 37 37
By xprincessstatusx

Here you go Bad4Lov you irritating little immigrant, enjoy 🫵🏾🌚

* Happily Married
* Karen's been chasing her dream of being a singer while on the road and excelling with her sisters
* Dave's been holding the fort down while the sisters have been out on the road
* There are things going on back home that Dave won't be able to handle on his own

* Dorinda and Smoke are still happily married and going strong
* Promise is in college living her best life
* Aurora lives with Smoke's mother because of some legal issues
* Dorinda is singing on the road with Karen and her other sisters
* Smoke is in over his head trying to deal with all the problems of his children and will need Dorinda

* Jacky and Jay are happily married
* Jacky and Jay have a son now
* Jacky is on the road singing with the sisters and doesn't know about the troubles that await her back at home
* Jay thinks everything is fine until he discovers that his son is in some deep trouble

* Kierra is pregnant with Rico's baby but it turned out to be a one night stand
* Rico is a deadbeat and doesn't really want anything to do with Kierra because of fabricated allegations about her
* Kierra is stressed out but is still trying her best to give Rico the benefit of the doubt because she loves him, but she's tired of fighting
* Rico and Kierra have a complicated relationship
* Introducing The Kids•

* Kendasha is married to her sweetheart Anthony and is a mother of her own now
* She still wears her hat as big sister and protector of her mother
* She tries her best to hold down her siblings with the help of her father but struggles due to her going through some of her own problems

* Kiyomi and Khari are still as feisty as ever
* They have their own separate love lives but somehow it manages to always get synchronized together
* They help out with their siblings when need be but they are also tied up with their careers

* Karli, Kambri, and Kitana are all teenagers now
* They're rebels and go against the grain of their father and their siblings
* They thrive off trouble and love shaking things up
* They end up getting into some mess that mama and papa will have to get them out of

* King is now 4 and he's the cutest toddler ever
* He has trouble managing without Karen because of him being a mama's boy and doesn't understand why she has to be gone which results in him crying all the time and being sad
* Dave does his best but can't comfort him the way Mama K can

* J Drew helps out with his siblings but is also on the road with his mother and aunties
* He's a successful music producer and has won over six grammies because of his love for music and his producing capabilities
* He coparents his daughter with Mia after they divorced but has also started dating again
* He's still just as protective as ever over his family

* Tailynn is the name and being mischievous is her game
* Smoke & Dorinda's daughter
* She may be a teenager but she knows more than most average adults put together
* She's a leader not a follower
* She likes to live as close to the edge as possible
* With those eyes of seduction that she inherited from her mother she gets anything and everything that her heart desires

* Donovan is the son of Jacky and Jay
* He's nonchalant and reckless
* He gets into things without thinking first
* He doesn't care for school but he does care to use his charm to seduce girls
* He's young and does whatever he wants with no regrets


We back in this thang! There will be different POV's. To say this book finna be wild would be an understatement. Are ya'll ready cause yeah it's finna go all the way


I see the crystal raindrops fall
And the beauty of it all
Is when the sun comes shining through
To make those rainbows in my mind
When I think of you sometime
And I wanna spend some time with you
Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
Building castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

Staring at a picture of Karen, and I, I listened to music as I sighed realizing just how much I was actually missing my baby. My wife had been on the road touring for some weeks now and a nigga was going crazy. I knew she was chasing her dreams, but I needed her home. Things wasn't the same without her.

"You depressed ain't it nigga?" Smoke asked, coming through my bedroom door.

"Bruh, don't start with me." I said, smacking my lips and turning the music up.

We look for love, no time for tears
Wasted water's all that is
And it don't make no flowers grow
Good things might come to those who wait
Not for those who wait too late
We gotta go for all we know
Just the two of us
We can make it if we try
Just the two of us
(Just the two of us)
Just the two of us
Building them castles in the sky
Just the two of us
You and I

"Someone call an ambulance, this nigga hurting." Jay snickered, watching me sing the lyrics to the song while staring at Karen picture.

I smacked my lips as I sat the picture frame down and turned the music down.

"So, ya'll gon' act like ya'll don't miss ya'll wives? I know you niggas capping hard."

"Of course, I miss my wife. But babymama living her best life. She allowed me to do my thing when I was chasing my dream while she held the fort down. Now I'm doing the same for her." Jay said.

Smoke scrunched his face up as he looked at me.

"And why can't you be on the road with her again?"

"Cause nigga.... I gotta watch King. He only four years old. All he know is that he miss mama right now. He don't understand all that other stuff. Yo daughter's grown and so is yo son so ya'll wouldn't understand." I said, fanning them off.

"And you acting like you can't just pack up King and go to one of their shows while they on the road? Jay and I already done been to a few shows nigga." Smoke said.

"Bruh, how Ima do that when again my son is only four years old. He don't need to be around all that."

"Excuses, excuses nigga, excuses! Why you won't go see her? What's the real reason? I know you miss her and I know she misses you. Tell us the truth mane." Smoke said.

Jay looked at me also waiting for me to tell them what was really going on. Sitting down on the bed, I sighed before rubbing my face.

"Bruh, I'm testing myself." I said.

"On?" Jay asked.

"To see how long I can go without her."

"Bro! Nigga, if you don't take yo miserable lovesick puppy wanna be capping hard crying on her pillow blockhead to yo wife I will smack you. You need some sense knocked into you anyway. Stop being stupid and go see yo wife." Smoke said.

"Bruh, aite! Fine, I'll go." I said.

"Yeah, you better go. Where King at though?"

"He with Kendasha. I need to call her and tell her to bring him home so I can board the first flight to go see wifey. If I'm being real.... a nigga feenin." I admitted.

"I thought you ain't miss her though? Nigga a professional capper. How long it's been?" Smoke asked.

"Long enough, as a matter of fact get out. Let me start packing right now."

Jay and Smoke chuckled at me.

'Aite, bruh. When you see her don't break her back too hard. She still gotta go on stage and sing." Jay said.

"I ain't making no promises." I chuckled.

Watching them leave, I grabbed a suitcase and threw a few pieces of clothes in it. As I finished packing I also packed some clothes for King. I knew the next city that bae would be in with the tour would be Dallas Texas and Houston so the sooner I could get to her the better.

I couldn't believe I'd waited so late to finally make an attempt to see her. She probably felt some type of way and felt as though I didn't care about seeing her, but the truth was that a nigga ain't wanna torture myself. Having to go see her then not being able to see her for awhile  longer was only gon' mess with my head, but enough was enough.

I had to see her and get my hands on her.


"Hey, Ken-Dada how my babygirl been doing? How motherhood treating you and the life of a wife?" I asked, hugging her.

"I've been good daddy. Enjoying the married life and being a mommy. Your son was surprisingly good this time." Kendasha said, handing King to me.

"Prolly cause you look like ya moms and he miss her." Kendasha laughed knowing that I was right.

"Speaking of mommy have you went to see her yet? I FaceTime her almost every night after she finishes a show and she misses you."

"I'm actually getting ready to see her. King and I flying out and we gon' see her at the Dallas show. So, do you mind watching after Karli, Kambri, and Kitana while I'm away?" I asked.

"Daddy, they're fifteen years old now. They stay underneath Kierra at all times. I'll check in, but you know she got them. Even though she's pregnant with her own those are her babies." Kendasha said.

Rubbing my chin, I knew that she was right. I decided to give Kierra a call as I said my goodbyes to Kendasha and headed back home.

"Hello?" Kierra said, picking up on the second ring.

"Yoooo, what it do Ki? How you doing?" I asked.

"Dave, please. You're too old to be using slang."

I chuckled at her statement.

"You know don't nun get old but clothes. Now, I called cause King and I finna take a lil trip to see ya moms and I wanted to make sure you would be straight with the girls while I'm gone."

"I'm always good. You know the triplets practically live with me since mommy has been away. We'll be straight." Kierra said.

"I hear you, but ya pregnant now and Ion want you doing nothing strenuous. Yo moms would kill me if you went into labor early." I said.

"Thank you for being concerned Dave, but really I'm okay. I'm just ready to have this baby."

I went quiet for a moment before hitting on a topic that I knew she probably was hurting with.

"Have Rico been doing what he supposed to do?" I asked.

"You know that he hasn't. I really don't understand what I did wrong and where I went wrong with him. I thought he and I had a connection and- you know what.... forget it. I'm fine." Kierra said.

'No, you not."

"Dave, please?" Kierra asked, going quiet. I could tell that she was getting ready to shed some tears so I said one more thing before ending the call.

"Ki, I know you love him and somehow things between ya'll got twisted and jacked up, but Ima let you know that things will get better. Ima make sure that even if ya'll don't end up together that he take care of his responsibilities. You a strong beautiful black Queen in a messed up situation, but I want you to keep ya head up. Don't ever let a nigga see you sweat. You got this and you gon' come out of it with a story. You understand?" I asked.

Kierra sniffled letting me know that she was crying before speaking.

"T-Thank you Dave. I needed to hear that from a man."

"Of course, you know we got you and we all in ya corner. You gon' be a dope mama. I love you Ki." I said.

"I love you too."

Kierra and I said our goodbyes before I ended the call. I knew that she was having a hard time going through this pregnancy because of the situation she was dealing with,  and that she felt alone, but the truth of the matter was that she had family, she had friends, she had community, and most importantly she had God. She had us.

We was gon' make sure she was straight, no matter what.


"Did you hear that?" Kambri asked, peeking her head back into the door from the room that we were in.

"Yeah, apparently daddy is getting ready to go out of town to see mama. You know what that means right?" Kitana smirked.

"Hold on, why was you spying on Ki?" I asked.

Kambri laughed as she looked at me.

"Is it my fault she answered the phone on speaker? No. So, anyway... continue Kit."

"What does it mean? Let me know." I asked.

Kitana smirked as she looked at me.

"It means that we're about to have a good time. Remember those boys we met at the party with Tailynn?" Kitana asked.

"Yes?" I asked, arching my eyebrow in curiosity.

"Call them over. You still have their number right, Kambri?"

"And do. Which one do you want? I got all three. Oooo, I know how about we tell him to bring his friends because this party is just getting started. The party doesn't end until someone taps out, got it?" Kambri smirked.

Well, I've never been one to be against any fun. Sex is fun, and I know it is because mama and daddy do it all the time. Well, they used to when she was home, but now that she's out on the road it's our time to turn up and catch up on lost time." I said, folding my arms across my chest.

Kambri and Kitana laughed as they walked closer to me.

"My point exactly. So, are you in or are you in?" Kambri asked.

I went quiet as I looked at the both of them. I smirked making them laugh again.

"Oh, why not? I'm in."

"Good, that's my girl." Kitana said, grinning from ear to ear.

I laughed loudly as they left out the room and went to plan the rest of our night. I knew that once Kierra got in this headspace that it took her to a sad and dark place. She'd be out in no time, once she knocked out the rest of the night would be pretty much nonexistent to her so me and my sisters would be able to do any and everything that we wanted to do. It wasn't that we were just bad kids who didn't know how to behave. That wasn't the case at all. We loved our family, but we were sick of sick of being labeled as the good girls so we bucked against the system and did what we wanted to do.

The outcome would always be different, but one thing that remained was that we always had a good time.


Sitting in my bedroom, I looked at Khari who was laid across my bed scrolling on her phone.

"Khari, do you ever wonder where the human race started from? Like I know we read the bible and that it's explained in there, but what if instead of humans God actually meant to turn us all into rats or ants? You think I would make a cute rat?" I asked, looking at my nose in my camera phone.

Khari sat her phone down as she looked at me.

"Umm, are you high?"

"Just a little, I'm not gone lie." I said.

"I can tell, but to answer your question God doesn't make mistakes. He knew what he was doing when he made us human. So, debunk that crazy imagination of yours." Khari said, continuing to scroll on her phone.

Shrugging my shoulders, I kept staring at myself in my camera as I had another thought.

"What do you think Khari, Kitana, and Kambri are doing? I bet those little hoes are up to no good." Khari laughed as she looked at me.

"Bro, what is wrong with you? Why are you calling our little sisters hoes they're fifteen?"

"My sister tuition is tingling, I bet they're up to no good. Do you know what we were doing at her age? Getting it in. Well.... I was for sure you I don't know about you. You were too busy eating pu-"

"Oh my God, can you shut up!" Khari asked, throwing a pillow at my head making me laugh.

"What? I'm just being honest." I snickered.

"Well, you should know that that is my past. I'm not into girls anymore. I've been doing good dating guys and I even found me one that I like." I furrowed my eyebrow as I sat my phone down.

"Is that right? I don't believe you. What's his name? I have a man too and his name is  Ja-"

"Jackson...." Khari trailed.

Sitting her phone down, Khari looked at me.

"Oh, nah. Please.... don't tell me we've been dating the same guy?" Khari asked.

"There's only one way to find out. Call him up." I said.

Grabbing her phone, Khari dialed Jackson's number then waited for him to pick up.

"Hey baby. What you doing beautiful?" Jackson asked, picking up on the first ring.

I cocked my head back and furrowed my eyebrow as I folded my arms across my chest. He never picked up for me that fast.

"Hiiii, I'm just sitting here with my sister. What about you?" Khari asked.

"Oh nun bae. I been thinking bout you. You should come over to see yo man. I miss you." Jackson said.

Looking at Khari, I saw her melt at his words.

"Awww, I miss you to-"

"Shut up." I said, snatching her phone out of her hand. "Hey, Jackson. You already know who this is so don't act dumb. Why don't you tell my sister that you've been cheating on her, huh? Go ahead and tell her that you've been sticking your meat in everything else that isn't her you big chested bastard. Tell her!"

"Kiyomi!" Khari yelled, trying to get her phone back.

Jackson went quiet before he started stuttering.

"B-Baby, I can explain...."

"No, you can't what's your excuse? Huh, Jackson? What is it?" I asked.

"In my defense, I didn't know you two were sisters." Jackson said.

"Boy, go to hell to the deepest part and kick rocks. We good on you. Bye hoe." I said, ending the call.

Khari looked at me as I tossed her phone back at her.

"Block him right now or I'm going to make his life a living hell." I warned her.

"Fine." Khari sniffled as she blocked him letting me know that she was getting ready to cry.

"Khari Valencia, you better not cry over that nigga and I mean don't you shed not one tear. He ain't worth it."

"I just.... I can't believe he would do that. He said that he loved me." Khari said, dabbing tears from her eyes.

"Welcome to this side of the field. That's a nigga for you. Liars. Ugh, they make my booty itch." I said, rolling my eyes.

Seeing Khari's eyes turn red and dark I could tell that she was pissed off. Taking her phone, she threw it against the wall as she screamed in frustration. Seeing her phone broken on the floor I looked at her as she started crying tears of anger.

"Well... do you feel better now? Because you definitely have the temper of our parents."

"No! I don't feel better. I want him to hurt. He played me Yomi!" Khari said through her tears.

"Alright, alright. I see how this could come off as you feeling like your first male experience was tainted, but hear me out. I planned on breaking up with him anyways because he was pissing me off every other day and you clearly had feelings so to make you feel better what do you say we go pay Rico a visit?" I asked, tilting my head.

Khari sniffled as she looked at me.

"Can we burn his house down?"

"With him in it?" I smirked. Khari laughed as she shrugged her shoulders.

"If he just so happens to be in it okay? But he needs to pay for hurting our sister. We don't have to get J Drew involved. I want to get him myself. I just need to get this anger out."

Hearing her words, an idea formed in my head.

"You know what.... I have an idea." I said, smiling like the bride of Chucky.

"What is it?"

Pulling her in closer, I began unveiling the entire plan to her about what we were going to do. Once she came into agreement with it I knew that we had something on our hands. Niggas weren't about nothing and we were going to get Ki's deadbeat sperm donor for everything he was worth.

It was time to reap some justice.

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