Her White Wolf

Oleh Mich2992

11.6K 487 94

As the universe began to recover from The Blip, it was an entirely new kind of journey for James Barnes. He w... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One

Chapter Thirty-Six

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Oleh Mich2992

"Well, the room is certainly big enough. I'll have to thank Sam for that," Cleo said as she watched Grant play on the floor of the suite they had in New York. Steve was meeting with the powers that be later today, and she could feel the anxiety in the room.

"Steve, honey... Do you need anything?"

Steve sat on the couch as he stared down at Grant, watching him play. "I'm not sure there's much to give me, babydoll."

She frowned softly and glanced at James, who stood on the other side of the room. Her heart ached for what betrayal Steve must feel from his country. They made him and now they just wanted him to go away?

"I'm glad you're going to the meeting with him," she told the dark-haired man.

James smiled and he walked over and put one hand on Steve's shoulder. "Of course. I wouldn't be anywhere else."

Steve reached up and patted Bucky's hand with his own before releasing a sigh and pushing himself up to stand. "Thank you, Buck. We should probably get going," he said reluctantly. He moved to the floor then to find Grant and place a kiss on his forehead. "I love you, buddy."

"We'll be back soon as we can," James assured them both. "You be good to your momma, son."

"We love you both. Good luck," Cleo replied, kissing Steve before he stood from saying goodbye to Grant. "We'll be right here waiting for you."

Steve smiled sadly and nodded, kissing her once more before pulling himself away. He cleared his throat and nodded for the door. "I'm sure we'll be under surveillance as soon as we walk out that door."

James reached to run one hand through Steve's hair. Then he leaned over and kissed him soundly. "I'll be right there."

Steve returned the kiss before he took a few focused breaths and nodded. "I love you," he said surely before he turned to open the door and step outside.

Kissing Cleo quickly, James turned and followed Steve out into the hall. Sam was waiting for them.

"You guys ready for this?" Sam asked, hands in his pockets. He began to walk as the two men reached him.

"As we can be," Steve replied begrudgingly, falling into step with Sam.

"Car's downstairs. Short ride to HQ. I see Barnes already has his angry face on," Sam remarked with a small smirk, glancing back at Bucky.

James rolled his eyes. "I don't like this just as much as Steve," he replied. "He's just... better and holding it in."

Steve sighed. "We'll see how I feel when we get in there," he replied. Once they reached the lobby, the three walked outside and climbed into the car.

"What's this guy's demeanor like, Sam?" He asked as the car began to drive. "What should I be expecting?"

"Stand-up guy normally, but he's also... pushy, arrogant, and thinks of himself as Cap already," Sam answered.

"We'll see how he is in the face of the real Cap," Steve replied, turning to look out the window as the car drove through the bustling city.

As promised, the ride was a short one and the car pulled up in front of a fancy government building. "I don't miss this place," Steve remarked as he got out of the car.

James got out of the car and looked up at the overly large building. "I've never been here."

"Big and fancy for no reason," Steve said, shaking his head as they approached. He allowed Sam to lead the way as they made it to the building and stepped inside. They were immediately met by security.

"Morning, fellas. They're expecting us upstairs," Sam greeted.

A man in a black suit and tie raised his hand to his ear. "Sam Wilson, Steve Rogers, and James Barnes are here," he said seemingly to himself. There was a moment of pause before he stepped aside.

James swallowed thickly. Earpieces. High security.

Sam waved for the two men to follow him and exhaled heavily. "They aren't playing around," he murmured, glancing back.

"Wonder what they're expecting me to do exactly..." Steve questioned.

"Or me..." James grumbled.

As they reached the elevator, Steve stepped in with Sam and Bucky and they rode it up the conference room floor. Sam led the way as they stepped out, and once they arrived at the room, Steve exhaled a heavy breath.

"Ready?" Sam asked, stopping just next to the door.

Steve looked between Sam and Bucky, taking a moment before he nodded. "Ready."

Sam knocked on the door and when they were beckoned to enter, he opened the door to reveal the Secretary of Defense, Thaddeus Rosa, along with a few other officials and the man now recognized as John Walker.

"Rogers, how good of you to come see us. It's been a while," Ross said as he stood from his chair.

"Well, you haven't called so..." Steve said as he pulled out a chair before turning to face the other blonde-haired man in the room. He held out his hand in usual polite fashion. "I assume you're John?"

John shook Steve's hand firmly. "I am. It's an honor, Mr. Rogers."

"Captain Rogers," Sam corrected, getting a look from Ross but he didn't mind. He'd always be Cap.

Steve nearly smirked at Sam's correction and cleared his throat as he took his hand back. "I'm not retired just yet..." he said to John, holding his eyes for a long few moments before he sat. "But that's what this is, right? Forced retirement?" he asked Ross as he turned to glance in his direction.

"You've been out of action for some time, Captain Rogers," Ross states gruffly.

"You haven't called, Secretary Ross," Steve replied smartly, his eyes narrowed on the man.

"We don't have The Avengers any longer," Ross pointed out gruffly. "You were supposed to check in."

"You knew where I was," Steve argued. "So, what, because I didn't call enough, I'm fired?"

Sam held his hands up, trying to mediate. "Easy..."

"If that's not what it is, then what is it?" James asked, speaking for the first time.

"Mr. Barnes, you are here as nothing but a courtesy to Captain Rogers," Ross replied sternly.

"And he is allowed to speak, especially when he's asking completely valid questions," Steve interjected, stopping for a moment to take a slow breath. He didn't want this to get ugly... not unless it needed to. "Answer the question please. If I'm not being fired, then what is this?"

"You're lucky we allowed Barnes to even be here," Ross countered. "We need someone for the people to see. To know they are safe."

"And suddenly I'm invisible because I'm spending my time in Wakanda?" Steve asked. "Ross, do you forget everything I've done? Does none of that matter all of the sudden?"

"We are well aware of what you have done for our country, Captain Rogers," Ross stated.

Steve actually scoffed and turned to look between Sam and Bucky. "Our country..." he murmured, hands moving to his hips. "What about the universe? Was that not enough for you?"

Ross went to respond when a harsh knock followed by yelling could be heard on the other side of the door. Sam turned with a furrowed brow. "He wouldn't."

"Who wouldn't?" James asked.

The lock on the door could be heard overriding before the door burst open and Tony Stark stormed into the room. "Um, excuse me, but what the hell is going on here?" He asked, glancing around the room before his eyes landed on Ross.

"You know these conference rooms are supposed to be checked out, and I didn't see your name anywhere on the list..."

Tony narrowed his eyes at Ross from his place in his wheelchair. "Last I checked anything regarding superheroes is my business."

Steve's eyes widened. "Tony?"

"This meeting isn't regarding the Avengers or superheroes," Ross replied.

"Then why is Rogers here? Oh, and look, Falcon and the Winter Soldier too! Sure, looks like it's about superheroes to me."

Ross rolled his eyes. "Aren't you supposed to be recovering Mr. Stark?"

Steve swallowed thickly. He didn't think Tony was even alive. "Wh-when?"

"You're right, I am," Tony replied to Ross. "But when I hear people are in my building without clearing it with me first, I get a little ruffled." He turned to cast his glance at Steve then, his usual cockiness draining from his eyes.

"Hey Cap," he greeted more sincerely. "It's been a few months since I woke up."

Steve wanted to hug him. Tony was his best friend. "It's good to see you."

"You too... let's catch up after we're done here," he replied with a nod. "What's going on, anyway? You want to fill me in, Steve?"

Nodding towards John Walker, he watched the man shrink in his seat. "I'm being replaced."

Tony scoffed incredulously. "The hell you are," he said, turning his chair to more directly take in the so-called replacement. "You want to play Captain America, Ken Doll?"

"Tony," Sam shushed, though he knew it wouldn't work.

"America needs a hero to look to here on American soil," Ross insisted, slamming his hand down on the table.

"No, you want to play Puppet Master again. This kid will do anything you tell him, won't he?" Tony rebutted.

James stepped back, not enjoying the growing hostility. Meanwhile Steve crossed his arms. "I deserve to be stationed where I wish to be."

"You are not Captain Wakanda, Rogers," Ross pointed out sternly. "You are Captain America. And if you don't want to be here, we need someone who does. John Walker is the right man for that job."

Steve looked to Tony, then Sam. He didn't know how to win this.

"That's bullshit," James said, voicing his mind.

Sam looked between Steve and Tony before he raised a point. "Does he have to be called Captain America?" he asked. "I mean, okay, you want someone here, but can't he be called something else?"

"And he sure as hell isn't becoming an Avenger," Tony added.

Ross only scoffed. "What would we call him? Especially if the Captain himself isn't doing his job."

"Rogers deserves to retire and relax. I can't believe this, it's pretty low even for you, Ross," Tony replied.

"I don't know what his name should be, but he's not Captain America. That's Steve," Sam replied, crossing his arms.

John cleared his throat. "Can I say something?"

James turned to the wannabe in Stars and Stripes. "No."

Steve raised his hand to quiet everyone around them, exhaling a deep breath. "What do you want to say, John?" he allowed, glancing back at the man.

"Look. I wasn't told you were still around," John told them. "But I can see Ross's point. If you're not going to be here, if you're not going to fight..."

"Fight what?" Steve asked, now directly challenging Walker. "Petty squabbles in the middle east? Rounding up arms dealers? I've done all of that, son, but after everything else I've fought I'm tired of fighting battles for people who don't give me full truths and hurt my friends. If the world needs saving? Call me. I'll answer. But consider me retired from my work with the government."

James smiled, feeling absolute pride swell in his chest for Steve. So much that he wished he could kiss him.

Tony cleared his throat. "You're cleared, Cap." He stated gently before turning back to Ross. "As for you, the name Captain America belongs to Steven Grant Rogers and is the only person who can hold the title. You want someone else wearing red, white and blue? Fine. But call him something else."

"Oh," Steve added, "and you're not getting the shield either so don't even think about asking."

"You think you can just walk in here and-" Ross began before he was cut off.

"We're done here," Tony declared, gesturing for Steve and the others to follow him out.

Steve, James, and Sam followed Tony as he turned for the door. Sam held it open for everyone as they left the conference room feeling a bit lighter.

As they got to the elevator, Tony punched in code for his personal quarters. He sat back in his wheelchair then and looked up at the other men. "What? Haven't seen a guy in a wheelchair before?" he asked with his annoying smirk.

"I thought you were dead, Tony," Steve countered. "Are you living here?"

"Temporarily," he answered as they reached the floor. "I was in the hospital ward here and I'm just about cleared to go home." He rolled out of the elevator before turning to face Steve a little more directly.

"I'm sorry you didn't know I made it... I figured someone would have said something, but I guess not."

Steve shrugged and let out a long breath. "I've been in Wakanda," he answered. "And... I have a lot to tell you."

"Yeah, I heard... you look good, Steve. Wakanda seems to suit you," Tony replied, though he did miss his friend being close now that he knew he was so far away. Technology could keep them close. "Come on, let's all have a drink and talk."

"That sounds rather nice," Steve agreed. "I'd love to catch up."

"You said you had a lot to fill me in on," Tony said as they made their way further into his quarters. He stopped at the bar area. "Is there a good place to start?"

Steve blushed and looked over at James. "Uhh... it's kind of a bombshell really."

"Oh, well, then let me get the liquor," Tony replied, intrigued. He poured each man a glass and set it on the bar for them to collect. He was in a wheelchair, after all. "Does Wilson already know, or do we need to put him in a cone of silence?"

"He knows," Steve chuckled as he accepted the glass and took a sip, watching Bucky do the same.

Tony took a sip from his glass before he came back around the bar. "Okay then, so... what is this big news?"

Steve chuckled, his cheeks turning pink. "I'm bi."

"You're bi..." Tony repeated, though it took a moment to fully understand. "Oh, you're bi, okay... very progressive for an old timer, I must say, and I like it."

"You... you do?" Steve asked with a furrowed brow just as James rested one hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah. To be honest, I thought you were too uptight to ever admit anything like that," Tony replied lovingly.

Steve chuckled before he turned slightly and boldly put his arm around James' waist. "Well... then you should know that there's a bit of a... delicate situation at home."

Tony watched as Steve embraced his best friend and narrowed his eyes. "Wait... you two?" He asked, his eyes widening. "I knew it! I knew there was more than just friendship there!"

James couldn't help but laugh. "Seriously?"

"Um, he literally fought for you more times than I can count," Tony pointed out. "He fought me for you. I knew there was something there."

"Well... if that's not much of a shock," Steve commented, "Then you should know we have a girl... and a son."

"What?!" Tony exclaimed, a smirk appearing on Sam's face. "Wait, wait... you have a girl too? And a... holy shit..."

James chuckled. "We're all in a relationship together," he explained. "Grant is almost seven months old."

"A thrupple? Wow, Rogers... you've got me floored," Tony admitted. "A seven-month-old? Wow... no wonder you look so happy right now."

Steve blushed brighter and rubbed the back of his neck. His relationships weren't something he normally shared, but Tony was his best friend. Knowing he was alive made him want to share all he'd missed.

"Where'd you meet her? A weirdly specific dating site?" Tony asked, intrigued by this woman.

"Wakanda," Steve answered.

"Cleo and I were already together when Steve came to visit," James clarified.

"Cleo... exotic sounding name. I like it," Tony said approvingly. "So, Steve came to visit and it all just sort of... happened? Wow, that's... that's incredible you guys. To find that..."

Steve sipped from his glass and nodded. "You should actually text her," he commented to James, who pulled out his phone.

"She's here?!" Tony asked. "Can I meet her?"

"Do you want to?" Steve asked. "We didn't want Ross knowing, well, anything."

"Of course, I want to! And no way in hell I'm telling Ross anything about this," Tony answered.

"I could go get her?" Sam suggested. "One of you can come with me?"

"Yeah, let's do that," Steve agreed, glancing to James. "You want to go?"

James nodded and smiled. "Sure."

"Let's go," Sam said, gesturing for Bucky to follow him. "Text her and let her know we're on our way."

"Ahead of you there," James replied as he turned and followed Sam out of Tony's apartment.

Meanwhile Steve moved to sit on the couch by Tony. "How are you?" He asked. "Don't bullshit me."

"Woah, language," Tony scolded teasingly before he sighed and cleared his throat. "I'm gettin' there," he answered vaguely. "I was in that coma for... a long time, I can't remember how long exactly. Time is still kind of tough for me after... everything."

"Have you seen Morgan? Pepper?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, yeah," he affirmed with a nod. "They visit on weekends. But I should be able to go home here soon, finish up my rehab there."

Steve reached out to gently grasp Tony's knee, then dinked as Tony wrapped his hand around his. "Will you be able to walk again?"

"I hope so," he answered. "I can make myself one of the machines I made Rhody to walk, though, so one way or another I'll be up and moving. The kid has already started working on his own prototype." Peter Parker had been one of his first calls when he woke up. He knew that kid needed to know he was alive.

Tears welled in Steve's eyes. "Why didn't anyone tell me?" He whispered.

Tony took a beat before he sighed. "I shoulda' called... or had Pepper call. But... with us, before, things got... kinda ugly for a while. I guess I was afraid I... I didn't know where we stood."

"Tony, you're my best friend. A part of my family," Steve told him.

Tony dropped his gaze a little. "Look, it... it took me a long time to come to terms with Barnes. I couldn't see the situation the way you saw it, not for a while. Then before we could really repair that, we had Thanos to contend with." He looked back across at his friend. "I just wasn't sure I was still family."

Steve nodded, letting out a long breath. "I know. I get it too, I do. That man... he's had my heart for a very long time."

"I know," Tony acknowledged, squeezing Steve's hand. "And I get that now. I get that he's not what Hydra made him. He was a captive, made to do terrible things. But... I hear his brain is free now."

"It is," Steve nodded. "You can thank Wakanda for that. You're also welcome anytime, all of you."

"You know, I've never been. I'd love to see Shuri's tech firsthand," Tony said almost like a kid in a candy store. "Hell, maybe she could fix me better than I can."

"I bet you two would really hit it off," Steve replied.

"I'd have a million questions for her, that's for sure," Tony replied with a knowing chuckle. "I'll have to come out and see you guys. You just come here for this meeting? I'm not so sure Ross is going to fully listen, but I can do my best to make sure he does."

Steve nodded. "I couldn't stand that they wanted to take my name from me. It's all I've ever known."

"Captain America is you. It's bullshit," Tony replied with a scoff. "Who know, if I'd died you might have been getting a new Iron Man."

"No one could replace you, Tony," Steve countered.

"Eh, maybe not Tony Stark. There's no one like him," he replied with a knowing smirk. "But Iron Man... he's just a guy in a suit. Just don't let 'em replace me with some guy who looks just like me. That John Walker is a smaller you, that's for sure."

Steve rolled his eyes. "He's nothing like me," he countered just as a knock sounded at the door, making his head turn.

Tony looked up too. "Come in," he said, unlocking the door with his watch.

Sam walked in, a smile on his face. "We picked up some hitchhikers."

From behind Sam, a beautiful dark-haired woman stepped inside with a gorgeous baby boy on her hip, James following close behind them.

"Hello," Cleo greeted with a small wave before she turned to Grant. "Can you wave to Mr. Stark?" she asked him sweetly before the small boy waved his hand.

Bolting around James, a brown-haired little girl darted for her father, making him smile.

"Looks like the whole gang is here," Steve laughed.

Tony immediately softened at the sight of his daughter and leaned forward to take her into a hug and pull her onto his lap. "Hey sweet pea," he greeted, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Mommy's back there, I assume?" he asked her, looking up. "And hello, I promise, I'll get right back to you," he said apologetically to Cleo.

"Oh, take your time," she assured him as she stepped aside for the red-haired woman behind them.

James wrapped his arm around Cleo's waist as Pepper walked in with a duffel bag over her shoulder. "We brought you some clothes and supplies," she said. "We didn't know you would have company."

"I didn't either," Tony replied, shrugging. "Steve and company came for a meeting and when I heard they were here I made a scene for Ross."

Pepper furrowed her brow as she sat the duffle on the couch. "What kind of meeting? I didn't hear about it."

"Exactly," Tony remarked. "They're trying to replace Cap. Some bullshit about needing a hero for people to look to here in the states." Realizing Morgan was there, he made a face at his curse. He wasn't always very good about that.

Pepper sighed but ignored Tony's outburst. "We'll get it taken care of." She walked over to him and leaned down to kiss him softly.

He returned the kiss with a sweet smile. "With you on the case, they don't stand a shot," he replied. "Pep, Morgan, did you guys meet Cleo and Grant yet?" he asked, turning his attention back to the small group before them.

"No, not yet, hi," Cleo said, smiling politely at Pepper.

Pepper grinned. "Hi. You said this is Grant?" She asked. "As in..."

Cleo smiled more brightly and nodded. "As in," she said with a small laugh.

"Babe, so it turns out Steve is in a relationship with both Cleo and Bucky," Tony tried to explain as quickly as he could. "They're all together. And they have a son, that's Grant."

"Grant Buchanan Rogers Barnes," Cleo clarified proudly.

"What a mouth full," Tony remarked with a smile. "Great name."

"This is so... exciting, Steve," Pepper said with a glowing smile.

Grant tugged at Cleo's hair and winced. "Okay, okay, I'll put you down," she told him, extracting his hand from her dark locks before setting him on the ground.

"So... who's the father?" Pepper asked, honestly curious.

Cleo glanced over at the two men as she smiled. "James," she answered. "Whenever we're ready for another, it'll be Steve's turn."

"Wow, that's quite the complex dynamic," Pepper replied.

"Not anyone could do it," Steve agreed. "But it works for us."

"It does," Cleo agreed, offering Steve a sweet smile. She looked down to see Grant crawling to Tony. "Looks like he wants to be your friend," she said with a small laugh.

Tony knelt down and picked the little boy up. "He's already ahead of the game, huh?"

"Careful, he's strong too," Cleo warned.

"Super soldier DNA," Steve said with a shrug as he smiled.

"Nothing wrong with that," Tony grinned as he played with Grant. "He looks like his momma and his daddy too."

"He's a good mix," Cleo smiled.

"Oh yeah, there she is, in the smile," Pepper remarked, taking the little boy's hand.

As they fawned over her son, Cleo turned to find Steve's eyes. "How did the meeting go?" she asked, trying not to sound nervous.

Steve frowned slightly. "Not to plan... but I'm glad Tony stepped in."

She frowned softly. "We'll talk later?" she asked, waiting for his affirmative before she turned her attention back to Tony and Grant.

"Would all of you like to stay for dinner?" Pepper asked, rubbing Tony's back as he held the baby. "Get to know those we don't and catch up with those we do?"

Steve grinned. "As long as we aren't imposing, we don't mind. We were going to stay in the hotel before going back home tomorrow."

Tony scoffed. "Imposing, no way," he assured, bouncing Grant up and down as he reached for his glasses. "Careful kid, you could do some damage with those," he laughed, pulling them back off of his face with his free hand.

"Dinner would be great," Cleo agreed, turning her glance to James to quietly check in on him, offering him a smile.

"I could eat," James assured as he wrapped his arm around Cleo and kissed her temple gently.


The group spent the next several hours together telling stories and eating Chinese takeout. The friendship between Tony and Steve was obvious, and Cleo found herself grateful for it. Steve needed people. James did too, and she hoped his budding friendship with Sam would be fruitful.

Grant was falling asleep in her arms as she gathered him up to leave. "Thank you all so much," she said graciously.

"Oh my gosh, it was our pleasure, really. You're very interesting," Pepper replied, giving the younger woman a half-hug as she held her son.

Cleo grinned happily. "It was lovely to meet you. All of you. I'm sure we'll be seeing you again soon."

"We should get this guy back to the hotel," Steve observed, nodding at their son, now asleep.

"If we want a full night of sleep, we'll do it as quick as we can," Cleo laughed.

"Good night, everyone," Steve said, waving to the group as they moved toward the exit. Remembering where they were in a sobering moment, he cleared his throat. "I'll walk ahead," he said as they reached the door. Outside Tony's residence there were unfriendly eyes.

"We'll talk soon," Tony called. "I'll call you."

James turned and waved. "We'll see you again soon." He turned back to the door and opened it, allowing Cleo to step out first, then him and Steve.

As they walked back down the corridor, Cleo held Grant close to her chest as the two men walked side by side behind her. As they approached the door, the man she now recognized as John Walker approached them.

John had been waiting for Steve. He just wanted to talk to the man. They'd been interrupted before. He didn't recognize the woman with Rogers and Barnes, though from the briefing he'd gotten prior to their arrival he knew Barnes was traveling with his fiancé so he assumed that must be her.

"Captain Rogers," he said, holding out his hands. "If I could just have a few moments of your time..."

Steve looked at James and received a nod. "A quick word," he agreed.

"Thank you," John replied, giving Barnes a nod before turning to glance at Cleo. "John Walker," he introduced, bowing slightly since her hands were full.

"Hello," she replied, adjusting Grant as she held him.

John cleared his throat before returning his attention to Steve. "I'm sorry things got away from us in there," he apologized. "I feel like you and I didn't really get a chance to talk. And I promise, if you get to know me, you'll see I can do this job, sir."

Steve took a deep breath and stood tall, pushing into his military role. "I'm not questioning that you can't. But I'm not allowing anyone to use my name, but myself."

"I can respect that," John replied. "But Captain America means a lot to this country. He's a symbol, a familiar one. I know you haven't been here much, but things aren't all going smoothly after the blip."

"I will still be involved, John. Just not on the front lines."

"Steve has earned a break," James commented. "Time to live a life without fighting."

John sighed and nodded. "You have," he acknowledged. "Could we get your support in whatever name they come up with for me, then? So, I'd have Captain America's stamp of approval?"

Steve chuckled and nodded. "That, I can do."

John nodded with a smile. "Thank you. I appreciate that," he replied. He turned to the others then. "Sergeant Barnes," he said with a nod. "Ma'am," he added, bowing just a bit again to Cleo before he once again faced Steve. "You all travel safely, now."

"Thank you," Steve nodded before turning and following his family out of the conference building and into a waiting car.

Once they climbed into the car, Cleo waited until the door closed before she heaved a sigh. "I don't like his eyes..." she observed aloud. "There's something about them..."

"He seems off, I agree," James nodded. "A good soldier maybe, but I'm not sure about him as a whole."

"But what kind of a good soldier," Steve posed with a sigh. "The kind who will do anything their commander says? Because I've seen that go bad before too."

James nodded in agreement as memories flashed behind his eyes. "I have too."

Steve turned to Bucky with sad eyes and reached out, taking his hand. "I know... should I not have agreed to back him?" He questioned aloud.

"I guess we'll find that out," James told him as he gripped Steve's hand.

Steve's eyes closed as he leaned back against the seat. "I guess we'll find out..." he repeated, feeling Cleo's hand rest on his thigh. He reached out to take hers with his free hand as they sat quietly together. 

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