The Red Eyed Raven

By Dragon_Fire23

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"The girl in the woods is your destiny, she will unleash a power so great that it will shape the world as we... More

The Black Rose
Chapter 1: A old lover and Renfri
Chapter 2: The Butcher of Blaviken
Chapter 4: The Demon of Redania
Chapter 5: Devil?
Chapter 6: Home and Family
Chapter 7: Temeria
Chapter 8: How fun
Chapter 9: Fucker
Chapter 10: 50/50

Chapter 3: The Hedgehog Man

163 5 0
By Dragon_Fire23

^(silver sword)

a young girl crouched against a small fire, with a royal blue cloak covering her shivering frame.

"FInD uS"

Black knights, raiding elves all the while slicing their pointy ears.

"The girl in the woods is your destiny"


"she will unleash a power so great that it will shape the world as we know it."

Tall pillars began to come out of the ground, causing a crack to take place, and a hand coming from it.

"UnLeAsH yOuR CHAOS!!!!"

Fire burns everything to the ground, leaving nothing but ash and screams.



Shooting out of my bed, I gasp for air as I get out of bed trying to take slow deep breathes to calm my racing heart. My legs fail me as I place my feet on the cold wooden floor, in a cavern that I found near Cintra, causing me to fall to the floor. I curse as I felt the numbness making its way down to my legs, not remembering what happened last night. With a small gasp, I quickly look down at myself to see I'm in my night gown and look over at my bed to thankfully see it empty. OK, so far we're OK. Looking around my room I see everything still in order, but when I look back down at my night gown I see the bottom of my gown covered in dirt. Since when did I sleepwalk? Confused I finally feel my legs, and grasped the bed frame to help myself up.

I groan as I pull myself up onto the bed, taking a deep breath or two to calm my nerves and the racing in my heart. Closing my eyes and placing my palms up, I begin to meditate. Focusing on calming my nerves and relaxing my muscles, all the while to regain my strength. I sat there at the edge of the bed for a while before coming out of it and deciding to get dressed.

(Same outfit as last chapter)

After getting dressed, I make sure that I have all of my weapons and my hidden weapons on me. Grabbing my potion pouch, I look inside and see that I am short of swallow and black blood, looks like I have to go scavenger hunting or finding an alchemist. Sighing I tie it onto my hip, before grabbing my black cloak and leaving the now empty room.

Walking down the steps, I walk up to the bar and pay the nice bartender. He gives me a charming smile, telling me to come again very soon. I look up to lock my Red eyes with his brown ones, his smile leaves his face as fear was replaced. I wink at him, liking how I was able to knock down his confidence. Putting my coin away, I make my way out of the tavern and into the city of Attre.

The city was waking up with everyone heading to the market to sell their goods for coin. Lifting my hood up to hide my red eyes, I make my way towards a herbalist. He looks my way and smiles, I smile back at him and bow my head.

"What could I get you my lady? As you can see I have almost everything you would find in Cintra." He promotes waving his hand over the many herbs. I smile at him, looking at the many herbs and seeing the ones that I need. I picked up 5 Celandine, 2 Sewant Mushrooms, and 1 Honey Suckle.

"I would like these please." I said politely, as I looked over the plants making sure they are in good condition and bruising.

"ahh ok miss, thats going to be 98 coins." I stop my motion and look up at the man.

"How is it 98, I'm just getting these items that equals 61 coins?" I ask suspiciously, knowing that that is too high for regular herbs. The man groans and looks at me wit a annoyed look.

"Look I don't expect a woman like yourself to understand business. The price is 98 coins, pay up or move along." He snarls holding out his hand for my gold. I look up at him in disbelief, I look around to see if anyone was watching.

"That would be 61 coins." I whisper, before casting Axii under my cape. The man does a sway before looking down at me with a friendly smile.

"That would be 61 coins." The man said in a happy tone. I smile at him, before reaching in my coin pouch and giving him 61 coins. I walk away from the stands and make my way towards the Stables that was next to the tavern I slept in.

Walking up to Scout, she neighs nudging my head in saying she missed me. As I walk to her saddle, I place the herbs into one of the bags that lay next to it. All the while she grabs my hood and pulls it down, revealing my raven hair. I yelped in surprise before looking back at her with an annoyed look.

"Don't look at me like that, he tried to cheat me. Don't judge me." I said to her petting her head, in which she neighs and pushes my hand away. I sigh of her sass before pulling my hood back up, walking to her side, grabbing the reigns and pulling myself unto her saddle. I adjust myself before clicking my tongue, telling her to go towards out of town towards Erlenwald Forest.


"He watches the morning light,

Catch on her raven hair,

Curves of her lips,

Promising a life that they will share,

Two lovers intertwined,

In the light of a winter's dawn,

As the rumble of war sweeps down through the valley"

I sang as we walked along the path of Erlenwald forest, enjoying the peace and quiet that it gave. As I sang, my thoughts went to Geralt and where he might be now. It's been almost 2 whole years since I saw him, I wonder how he's been coping since Renfri. Even though I wasn't there, I saw the compassion and heart break in his eyes when Renfri laid in my lap. He felt something for her, which made my stomach squeeze. Why am I feeling this way, sure I forgive him for leaving me, but...

I was pulling out of my thoughts, when I heard a scream coming from off the path on my left. Confused, I hop off Scout and make my way towards the scream. Pulling out my steel sword from my right hip, I hold it close as I walked carefully towards the noise. Pulling my hood down, so that I could properly see the woods. I take my last vile of Black Blood, tearing the cork out and drinking whole. The burning liquid runs down my throat, as I feel my senses become sharper and my eyes turning black. I exhale as a drop of blood runs down my nose onto the ground, making a hiss sound as soon as my blood hit the mud. Keeping my eyes close, I listen to my surroundings.

Crows cawing

Nails scratching


I open my black eyes, and run towards the screaming. Trees fly by me as I run, jumping over logs and ducking over branches to get to that voice. As I get closer, I see a man laying down in a ravine his legs bent in a way it wasn't supposed to. As he desperately tries to climb out of the water. Suddenly I hear the many steps coming towards him, looking to my right I see drowners slowly making their way towards him. Their white eyes lock on him, growling in hunger as they crept.

"HELP!!!" the man says, his eyes are covered in fear as he sees the Drowners. Putting my steel sword back in place, I grab my silver sword from my left waist out and ran in front of the man. I cast Igni at them, engulfing them in flames, as I slash my sword across one's head. Its head fell to the ground, as I slashed another burning Drowner in the stomach. So deep its organs began to pool out of their bodies.

As I went for the third, It recovered quickly before it lunged towards me. Pushing me down on my back, making me lose grip on my sword and dropping it. Its ugly face roars and growls at me as it tries to eat my face, but I keep both of my hands on its chest trying to push it away. Looking down to my right I see my sword laying just a few feet away from me, I try to grab it but as soon as I pull on my arms away, the Drowner tries to chomp my nose off. I push its chest back trying my best to push it away and not be eaten. I was about to cast Igni, when suddenly the Drowner stopped moving, I looked up in confusion, only to see its face frozen. Then its head dropped onto my chest and its body went limp.

I push the dead body off to my left, groaning as I do as my muscles begins to relax from pushing. Then I grab the head and throw it onto its body, before looking up to see a young man, or should I say a young hedgehog? He had the head of a Hedgehog but the body of a man, he looked out of breath as if this was his first time with a sword. He looks down at me, before stepping forward and reaching out his hand. I look at his hand in suspicion before deciding to accept his help, since he saved my life. I nod my head to him, which he does in return before holding my sword out to me. I thank him, grabbing my sword from his hand and sheathing it back to my waist. He then walks towards the man and pulls him out of the ravine, with my help of course.

"Oh thank you, thank you for saving my life good sir and my lady." his voice goes quiet when his eyes meet my pitch black ones, and sees my Medallion. Immediately knowing who and what I am. He gulps in fear before holding out his hand, I look down at it in confusion before placing my hand in his.

"Thank you Witcher, you saved my life. I am eternally grateful and in your debt." He says, I shake my head and pull my hand away from his.

"You do not owe me anything, If it wasn't for this one" I started nodding my head towards the Hedgehog, who looked down at the ground shyly and embarrassed. "We would've been Drowner food." I smile at the man before standing up and walking back towards Scout.

"Wait! There must be something I could give you as payment! I am King Roegner of Cintra, whatever you want I shall give." I stop in my tracks as I hear him say his name, did I seriously just save the King of Cintra, the elf killers husband!? fuck me. I turn around and look down at his majesty, all the while feeling the potion leave my body. Blood coming back up to my face and my ruby red eyes coming into show. I smile down at him.

"Having the chance to save a king is payment enough. Good luck!" I yelled as I walk back towards Scout.

After a while of walking, I see Scout waiting by the road, she looks towards me and walks over to me. I sigh and smiled at her petting her main and giving her head a nice scratch. She lowers her head a bit more, letting me kiss her forehead before giving her one more scratch. I walk over to her saddle, grabbing the reins and hoisting me up. Adjusting my seat, I pulled out my map and looked over the nearby towns, deciding to go to Verden and see if I can find a contract there. I clicked my tongue and we began our way to Verden, back onto the path.

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