Echoes|| König x Reader x Gho...

By Brassburmese

450K 13.2K 5.6K

"If you have nothing nice to say don't say anything." "Why?" "Do you wanna die?" "mildly." Orginal story plot... More

01: Something Nice to Say
02: Spider
03: Old Face
04: Haunting
05: Double Trouble
06: A Joke
07: Mimic
08: Perspective
09: Generational Gap
10: Down
11: Diego
12: Fairytale
13: Two is Better than One
14: Autism
15: More Energy!
17: Unmasking
18: Petty
19: Under His Skin
20: Pub Talk
21: Targeted
22: Heart Attack
Halloween Special
23: Spiraling Rumination
24: Questions
25: Urgancy
26: Self-reflection
27: Mind Break
28: Through Heaven to the Void
29: From the Void to the Stars
30: Unsafe Place
31: Darken Sleep
32: Time Crunch
33: Heart Line
34: Garrick
35: Bombs
36: BOOM!
37: Fatherless Behavior
38: Countdown Hell
39: Rambling Madness is Kinda Cute
40: Puzzle Pieces
41: Empthy Does not Equivilate to Compassion
42: Asking Forbidden Questions
43: Delirious and Mad
44: Bound in Blood
45: Water of the Womb
46: Drama, Drama, Crime!
47: Dominance
48: Dirty Thoughts
49: Sweet Talk
50: Anarchy
51: Invisible
52: Service Dog
53: Old Memories
54: Twink
55: Water Of The Heart
56: Mimic Bed
57: Midnight Snack
58: Family Love
59: Burning Bridges
🎄Christmas Special🎄
60: Guardian
61: Truth Be Told
62: Rain Man
63: Sick
64: Late Night and Bonding
65: Stim
66: Special Interest Prt. 1
67: Solidarity
68: Holding Breath
69: Freaky First Week
70: Trifling Second Week
71: Depressing Third Week
72: Final Stretch Fourth Week
73: They Like You
74: Do You or Do You Not?
75: Hold Your Heart
♡1 Scortch Earth
♡2 Recovery
♡3 Decision
♡4 Awkward beginning
♡5 Sun: Day: Moon: Night MDI
♧1 MIA
♧2 Recorded Figments
♧3 Ink Torment
♧4 Seeing Red
♧5 Time Skip
♧6 England
♧ 7 Moon and Night
♧8 A New Day
♢1 Bright as the Sun
♢2 Sanatorium
♢3 Austria
♢4 A New Normal
♢5 Sound of Music
✿ 1 Together
✿ Forever

16: Compliance

5.7K 198 56
By Brassburmese

No one told Ghost what happened. But Both Gaz and Soap couldn't look at him without giggling. He asked around, but no one told him the truth. It pissed him off that everyone seems to know something.

"Gisele," I look up to see Ghost walking over to me. Hehe, I'm in danger! I give him a curt nod.

"What's going on? Why is everyone laughing at me?"

"Well... I may or may not have mimicked your voice for Gaz, Soap, Roach, Charlie, and... Captain Price's amusement."

"Why?" He folds his arms.

"Because I was asked to do it."

"Do you do everything you're asked to do?"

"Well... to some extent yes." It's something I'm not very proud to say, something I'm told to keep quiet for my own safety. I'm very gullible, if you say something with enough confidence I might take it for word— I'm not the most critical person when it comes to facts.

I was once a people pleaser, and still am. For whom I thought were my friends I do anything for— turns out they were just using me. Charlie though likes to use my gullibility against me he has never once abused my people-pleaser side. I had to burn that innocent trusting child to the ground to keep me safe.

Neurotypical people can be very cruel, they have no sense of justice if they weren't being watched many would commit a crime. Why am I weird for having a sense of justice? A sense of righteousness?

"What are you? Brainless?" He asked with a slight sneer. I glare at him, Neurotypical idiot.

Punch him— DON'T!

I look at him up and down I feel my chest constricted as an unsettling rage seeps in. I'm not dumb! I'm not!

I'm stupid, not dumb.

I'm just wired differently... I am not brainless! I let out a deep sign trying to let go of this building dam, this building rage. I breathe in sharply and let out a long breath.

"Are you calling me dumb?" I asked trying to keep my voice calm— I know it comes off as condescending when I try to be calm but why should I give him anything less than condescending?

"You're being a brat."

"Everything is bratty to you." I cross my arms.

"Lay off," I look over to see Soap walking in. "It was just a joke," he said walking in between us.

"She's being a brat."

"You just called her dumb, mate lay off, I asked her to do it." Soap admits. I eyed the two they had a slight stand-off. I get up and walk off, I'm not going to let this edge lord degrade me.

"Hey— Why are you so mad?" I look over to see Charlie playing Mario Cart with Gaz and Roach.

"Mr. I am edge lord over there just called me dumb." Charlie pauses the game and turns to me.

"Really?" Charlie asked his brows raised in disbelief.


"Is he picking a fight?" Charlie stands up ready to beat the living shit out of Ghost.

"I believe so."

"Huh," Charlie started walking fast. It only took me looking at Gaz for the other two to bolt up and run after Charlie.

"Don't do something stupid man," Gaz grabs onto Charlie's right arm pulling him back, and Roach grabs his other arm. "He'll crush you."

"Motherfucker can try!" I follow after him, Charlie might not look like it, but he has a sleeper build. He doesn't wear clothes that help accentuate his muscles, he likes baggy streetwear.

"I heard you talk mad shit about my bestie," Charlie kicked the door open. Soap and Ghost were face-to-face heated. "Who the fuck do you think you are? pendejo!" Ghost turns to him with a wicked glare.

"Charlie sit down," Charlie froze and looked back at me.

"He called you dumb; you want to let him go?"

"Back off recruit, I've killed men scarier than you." Ghost threatens.

"Homeboy, I came into the Marines with a body count. So did she, you ain't scaring me." Charlie sneers. His kind, soft boy esc facade faded into his true self. He's cold, and a little heartless, and his charisma is only skin deep. Charlie Cocked his head the muscles in his jaw clenched.

"Diego Emmanuel Gomaz-Balam," Charlie froze and stiffly turned to me.

"Yeah," he said in a small voice.

"Come here," Charlie shuffles over a little scared. I remember the day I heard his full name; I knew I could bring the fear of God to him.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Your nothing but a bitch"


I few across the table.

Did I regret it?


I do it again.

My first collide into Ghost's mask. I grabbed him by the arm and threw him over my shoulder, before wrapping my thighs around his neck. I know I'm not the strongest, but I spent years wrestling with my younger brother, there is nothing this man can do to pry my legs away from crushing his neck.

"Get off of me!" Ghost growls. Charlie stared for a second before pulling out his phone and taking a few pictures. Soap and Gaz rush forward and Charlie grabs onto Soap and Gaz holding them back.

"Nuh-uh boys he needs to learn you don't fuck with us."

"What is going on here?" Price walks into the room. We look over to see him pretty upset.

"Their fighting sir," Gaz snitch.

"Ghost called her dumb," Charlie states.

"Let him go."

"Why?" Price glares at me and I let go and get off. I look down at Ghost we share a glare.

"Who started this?"

"Ghost did." Soap said.

"But Gisele did punch Ghost." Gaz also speaks up.

I look over to Charlie, 'We're surrounded by snitches.' I sign, he nods.

'Ain't gonna tell them where the one piece is.' He jokes back.

"You're going to run a mile in full gear." Charlie chuckled and looked at Price with a full-on disrespectful glare. "And you can join her." I turn to Charlie trying hard to suppress this devious smile of mine.

"A mile? Anything else?"

"Do I need to repeat myself, soldier?" I shake my head to nudge Charlie.

We walked off and as soon as we got far away, we broke down giggling. "So, what's the plan?" Charlie asked.

"He never said were have to run in a circle.... You want to fuck around?"

"Ooh, Smartass our way through this?"

"Why not."

We got into gear, and I turned to him, might as well do as he said, run a mile. I couldn't help but giggle a little, this would be a nightmare for the captain and a fun sight for everyone else. I climb onto a rooftop, they are clustered together, and we'll run are mile up there.

3 hours pass.

Soap walked outside, what was taking them so long? Were they going to prolong this all night long? He looked around he couldn't find them. The shadows grew longer, and he was getting worried. He dragged both Roach and Gaz to help look for them.

"Hey guys," They hear Charlie's voice. They looked around trying to find him. "Look up." They turned around, and with the sun behind his head there stood Charlie.

"What are you doing up there?" Soap calls out.

"Running the mile."

"For three hours?" Gaz flabbergasted ask.

"Well, we're taking turns, it's kinda... small up here."

"You're supposed to be running down here! And it should have only taken 30 minutes at most!" Soap snaps up at us.

"Look man Captain Price didn't say where just we had to run a mile, he also didn't say we had to do it together or when we did it, so we also got lunch."


"What are you two doing?" Price roars at us.

"Running the mile," I call down.

"Get down and give me 100 push-ups!" Price roars. I look over to Charlie, he gives me a slight nod we get down. Price folds his arms waiting for them to... do the push-ups. I walk to the wall and begin to do push-ups against it while doing kneeling push-ups.

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Price roars in annoyance.

"We're doing pushups." I sarcastically state. The look on his face was so funny.

Oh, how I love watching their egos burn up.

I will do the same to anyone who fucks with me.

Watch your back Ghost, watch your back...

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Here's part two! If you haven't read Safer With A Ghost Part One, please go do so! :) Enjoy!