Wings of a Wizard (Harry Pott...

By IroniumToy47

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"I died in my sleep. I'd lived a good life, despite my less-than-stellar upbringing, and my teenage years. Ha... More

Prologue (PLZ READ 1ST)
New Life
An Unexpected Event Pt.1
An Unexpected Event Pt.2
An Unexpected Event Pt.3
An Unexpected Event Pt.4
More than High School Pt.1
More than High School Pt.2
More than High School Pt.3
More than High School Pt.4
Save the First Dance Pt.1
Save the First Dance Pt.2
Save the First Dance Pt.3
Save the First Dance Pt.4
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.1
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.2
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.3
The Black Mud Swamp Pt.4
Miss Magix Pt.1
Miss Magix Pt.2
Miss Magix Pt.3
Miss Magix Pt.4
The Swordsmith Pt.1
The Swordsmith Pt.2
The Swordsmith Pt.3
The Swordsmith Pt.4
A Job for Bloom Pt.1
A Job for Bloom Pt.2
A Job for Bloom Pt.3
A Job for Bloom Pt.4
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.1
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.2
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.3
Prisoner of the Dark Pt.4
Mind of a Child Pt.1
Mind of a Child Pt.2
Mind of a Child Pt.3
rejected sections pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.1
Darko's Plan Pt.2
Darko's Plan Pt.3
Darko's Plan Pt.4
Day of the Lily Pt.1
Day of the Lily Pt.2
Day of the Lily Pt.3

Mind of a Child Pt.4

221 16 11
By IroniumToy47

A.N.: Happy New Years Everyone!!! I hope that 2024 is the best year we've seen since forever. 

As excited as I am for the future, annoyingly, I am stuck in the present with writer's block. Its more like I'm having trouble in using parts of the plot from a Winx Club game and bringing it here. I've had to edit, add, and remove a lot of stuff, but its been an infuriating setback for me. 

I like to try and have chapters prepared in advance, incase I get writer's block, but this time I only have one chapter ready, so expect the next upload in two weeks. Hopefully, I've figured out what to do by then, assuming that my Irl work hours don't change on me unexpectedly.

This will be the last chapter with major flashbacks of Bloom's childhood for now. I wanted to fit in more about Andy and Roxy, there just wasn't enough chapter space, unfortunately. I'll probably fit in more flashbacks later on, in the chapter when Bloom goes back home for the term break, whenever the episode where the flower shop gets set on fire is. 

Bloom has a flashback of another one of her mid-life crises. Daphne is a good big sis. Violet is a little shit. Finally, the story of how Bloom meets Roxy and Andy is here. 

But enough about technical issues, you're here to read, read and have fun! 


X - normal text

X - text where Bloom is not present

'X' - thoughts

'#$X#$' - Parseltongue

Warning: Mentions of puberty, nudity, sexual themes

Chapter : Mind of a Child Pt.4: 

Their wings fluttered, magic dust falling behind them and disappearing as they tracked Bloom on the map Gaia had given them. 

Their jaws were hardened, eyes narrowed. Thin lips hiding clenched teeth. Determination filled their breasts as they flew toward the scene of the Trix's latest attack. 

"Do you think we can save her?" Flora breaks the silence, voicing what the others have yet to allow themselves to ponder. 

"We have to." Stella doesn't order, she states it simply, as though it is a fact. "We must." 

"Have you considered a leash for her?" Musa suggested, attempting to find humor in the grim adventure. 

Stella choked for a moment. "Does Bloom seem like the kind of person who would be happy with her freedom chained?" 

"She's a free spirit. She's a Wanderer." Flora said softly, her hands brushing over the bark of various trees. Her magic passes from her hands into the trees, each standing a little straighter, their branches a little longer as they weave past and away. 

The further in they went, the darker the forest became. 

Stella shivered, her fingers tightening around her ring. Her eyes darted, peering into the increasing gloom. 

"I guess we know why they call it the Gloomy Wood Forest," Stella commented. 

"Or Dark Forest." Musa corrected. 

"The terminology doesn't matter." Tecna reprimanded them both. "Right now, our friend needs us." 

All three fairies jolted at being scolded by Tecna of all people. 

"Right." Musa chuckled awkwardly. 

They continued to follow the map, coming closer and closer, soon spotting the outline of Cloud Tower in the distance, dark, angry thunderclouds booming their judgment from high above. 

The Winx shivered, casting slightly fearful glances at the school of witches, staring at its unnatural spires and nauseating, winding structure. 

"We need to move. Bloom needs us." Tecna broke the rest out of their fears, prompting them to move onward. 

"Right." Flora gulped, giving the looming tower one last glance before her wings carried her away--preferably as far as possible. 

The first indication that Bloom had fought the Trix was the mounds of snow and ice. 

Icicles hung out of the side of trees and their branches, angled like daggers that had been thrown and were now stuck in a wall. Snow and frost covered many of the branches, along with the ground. 

"There's negative energy here." Stella shivered, the tips of her fingers starting to feel numb. From the flexing the girls were doing, they felt it affecting them the same way too. 

"Dark magic too," Tecna said grimly, the scanner built into her wristwatch going off. "Medium levels, high residual traces remain. They grow stronger in that direction." She pointed the way of the path that they still had to traverse. 

"Fuck." Stella swore, surprising everyone with her language. 

"The Trix weren't messing around." Musa muttered, smelling the ozone stink left from lightning and charred grass." 

"Bloom gave as good as they got," Flora noted, pointing out scorch marks and burns across the grass, and the bark of different trees with a wince. 

Her magic traveled outward, healing as much of the damage as she could while traveling. "Oh, the poor plants," she whispered in horror, staring at several broken and ruined branches that littered the dirt. 

Musa winced, staring at a part of the ground that looked like it had been upended. Or rather, someone had been knocked down into it and kept skidding, creating a mess around them. "I think that Bloom--" 

She cut off at Stella's glowing golden eyes, the blonde's scepter tightly grasped with both her hands. 

They have to rely on the map, especially when the destruction continues across the entire section of the Gloomy Wood Forest. 

Entire trees were uprooted in some areas (to Flora's horror), and remnants of tornadoes were visible. The ground smelt of burned grass and trees, and snow and ice caked the ground as dark magic and negative energies polluted the air. 

"We are never letting Bloom out of our sight again," Stella vowed, internally swearing and cursing the fire fairy with every nasty word she could use. 

Flora, Musa, and Tecna all nodded, silently agreeing. 

"Hey!! Hey!!"

"Did you hear something?" Flora asked. 


Musa froze mid-air, Stella colliding with her. "Oof!" "Ugn!" 

They separated, turning around in confusion. 

"I swear I heard Riven's voice," Musa said aloud, looking around for the source. 

"That is highly improbable." Tecna protested. "Red Fountain's sophomore students should be in the middle of a training regiment right now," she said, checking her watch. 

"Do you see anyone?" Musa asked, peering into the darker shades of the Dark Forest. 

"No...?" Stella spun around, her hands still tightly gripping her staff. It could be an illusion, a trick from one of the Trix. 

It was Flora who spotted them. 

"The Winx?" A disbelieving tone exclaimed. 

"The boys!?!" The Winx gasped in surprise. 


Daphne smiled tightly. "That is the best way for any truth to be unveiled. Without the lies and extended deception." 

Her words fill me with guilt, guilt that I swallow down and shove behind my barriers. 

I don't know how much longer I can lie to my friends about what I am--who I am. My heritage. It's painful, and every time they smile or say that they know me I'm just filled with this overwhelming desire to blurt out that they're wrong, to deny, to speak the truth. 

Daphne must've picked up on my increasingly depressing train of thought, because she says softly, "Some secrets are meant to be unveiled when they are supposed to." 

I choke back on my hysterical laughter. "What's that supposed to mean?" I demand after I regain control of my emotions. 

I really cannot handle so many information bombs dropped on me at once, I just can't. 

"You have not told your friends," Daphne spoke to me softly, no doubt feeling the distress I was radiating via our bond. "It isn't a matter of not trusting your friends, is it?" 

"No!" I snapped before I could stop myself. "I trust them!" 

I did, I really did. They had looked out for me so many times, and they willingly put their lives on the line when they should've turned tail and run. They came back for me when I was attacked by the Trix. They believed me when I warned them about the cursed eggs, instead of dismissing me out of hand. They came to help me when they realized that the Trix were attacking me at Alfea's Gala. The Winx chose to put their magic and their power behind me when it was revealed that the troll was after me, was mutating, and was more powerful. They supported Stella, even though half of them didn't always enjoy her company or her lectures on fashion. 

Honestly, the only thing that was holding the truth back--

"But you do not trust yourself," Daphne noted. 

"I trust my capabilities." I hissed, hurt that she would even say that. 

"You do not trust your origins or your power to remain hidden. Every decision you make is first judged on your fears," Daphne said, golden eyes piercing my cyan-blues with a knowing stare. "You've never ended a fight with the Trix, despite being more than capable of doing so without breaking a sweat. Similarly, you've never allowed yourself to demonstrate your full potential in class, afraid that the adults and those who were a part of the last war will recognize your power for what it represents." 

Strangled laughter gets lodged in my throat. She must've pulled those thoughts out of my head, because that's exactly what I was thinking about. 

But it's true, Daphne is right. I had the chance to defeat the Trix after the Miss Magix beauty pageant. I held back, instead choosing to be more of a spectator than a fighter. The same thing happened in the forest. I held back, even as I proclaimed that I wouldn't. 

And I lost because I purposefully kept my legs bound and one arm behind my back. 

While I bounced in between, always scoring higher on the practicals than I did on the theoretical (though I did my best to keep my grades up with the latter), I never completely showcased what I could do. I never did anything more than what was asked of me, and I never showed off. 

Not after the disaster that happened when we had to manipulate our elements into a magical creature using the Vessel and our own belief (I still remember Faragonda's face). 

Daphne sighed. "This cripples you. It eats you up from the inside out. And I worry, little sister, that one day, your fear will cause you to hesitate, and it will be a conflict where you will be badly hurt. In body, or mind." 

"My mind can't get more damaged than this," I snorted, unable to help my cynicism. 

Daphne's lips turned downward. Pity, I realized, that was how she looked at me. Worry, worry for me. And helplessness--possibly sadness too--because she had no corporeal form--she could not be there for me, could not protect me. 

Could not help me. 

"It would seem that you also can pick up my thoughts." She said with a wry smile. 

I blinked in surprise. "Wait, those are your thoughts?" 

"Indeed." She said, before sighing heavily. "We are getting off-track, however." Her hand took mine. "I worry for you, Bloom." 

My eyes stung, heat building as I shut my eyelids, breathing heavily, fighting back a fresh wave of tears. It worked, but it did give me a headache. 

"I'm scared, Daphne." 

It tore me in two to admit it, but I was scared. Frightened, afraid. I didn't want the Ancestral Witches to find me. I didn't want to be discovered. I just wanted to be--

"Normal," Daphne smiled bitterly. "Oh, my sweet little angel. There is no normal for people like us." 

Another strangled sound left my throat. "But I could be." 

"You could try," Daphne agreed, so quickly that I stared at her, my mouth falling open in shock. "But you would not be able to live with yourself, would you?" 

I stared at the ground in defeat. 

Daphne squeezed my hand, sending a fresh wave of itchy pain up my limb. Startled, I stared at her glowing eyes. "Little sister, you cannot wish to be normal and carry the weight of the world upon your shoulders. It will tear you in two." 

It already has. 

It was unspoken, but both of us heard it. 

"Then tell me, what am I supposed to do?" I beg, finally cracking. "How am I supposed to break a curse that's nearly two decades old? I might have the power, but I can barely tap into the Dragon Flame! How am I supposed to lead--to be a princess--nevermind a queen, when I hate leading? How can I not 'carry the weight of the world', when it's all I know? When I have the power of a god inside of my breast, and if I get pushed past the point of hatred, I become a monster that cannot be controlled?" 

Tears fall freely, and I hate that I'm helpless against all of this. "How do I rebuild what was lost? How do I restore what was gone? I don't know our culture--our traditions and rites, not really. I don't even own anything that belonged to Domino, apart from the Dragon Grimoire, and the Dragon Flame--but I think that's the reverse, actually." 

I laugh madly, unable to help myself as Daphne sits silently, letting me pour out my heart and my grievances. "You're right. I don't trust myself. I fear my power, I'm afraid. Absolute power corrupts, Daphne, just look at what happened! The Ancestresses wiped out Domino in their quest for power, and we have other enemies who also seek the source of our magic! Enemies that even you are afraid to speak of!" 

She flinched, unable to hide her surprise, before her shoulders slumped. 

"It's not fair," I whispered in visible pain, hot tears leaving searing trails down my cheeks as the Flame keened nearby. "I've suffered for decades, fought so many dark lords and ladies...I just want it to rest. To stop having to fight evil," I yearned for home, for Lily, Violet, and James. Back before I started to actively use magic. Where the only thing I really had to fear was the fairy hunter boogymen. "

Her lips twitched, as though she caught my thoughts. "How am I going to do any of this? I have no one that I can trust with this," I gasped out, my eyes burning, my vision blurry, my cheeks wet. "Heck, I'm going to be hindered at every step by Faragonda and the Council of Light." 

"Besides." I chuckled weakly. "There's these two amazing young men that I might have an interest in. But, I can't be with them, not when there are so many other things that I have to do. I have to restore Domino despite being the last survivor, I'll always have to look over my shoulder--where do Brandon and Adrien fit into that?" 

"They won't wait for me. No one should," Shaking my head, knowing that I cannot have happiness, not if it is a distraction to the mission. "And the Winx are onto me. It's only a matter of time before they learn, and then someone else will, and then the leaders of everyone will." 

"Then there will be all these expectations and judgment from people I've never met! Political bastards who would happily backstab me and steal my power if they thought that it would benefit them!" My hands fell into my lap. "How can I do anything when I feel like there's a giant bloody axe hanging over my head, ready to fall if I make the slightest mistake? I tried so hard once to be a part of that world, and I suffered for it. I can't...I won't do it again. I can't fight it...I can't do it alone." 

The silence that grew between us was somber, painful for me (because I just bore out my heart), and tiring, because airing out all your dirty laundry is exhausting. 

"Well, for starters, you aren't alone." Daphne smiled at me. "You have me, Hagan, the Winx, and even these 'two amazing young men'." 

My blush returned full force. 

"The Winx are curious, but they will not betray you," Daphne said, and oh, how I wished I had her confidence! 

"How can you claim that?" I all but demanded. "You haven't even met them!" 

"I see the look on your face when you talk about them," Daphne said softly. "Your thoughts never stray far from them. You see them as your closest friends--Stella you practically see as another sister." 

"I do." I swallowed, stuffing down my emotions again. "But sisters don't keep secrets." 

"Everyone has their secrets." Daphne smiled, and her smile was as mysterious as it was mischievous. "I have my own affairs that not even Mother or Father knew about, exploits that were as adventurous as they were defiant. If you truly fear you cannot trust your own decisions, then trust in your friends. They were there for you, they came back for you." 

"But they might not." I stiffened. "I said a lot of mean things." 

"We all say mean things in the heat of the moment." Daphne shook her head. "What matters is that you can learn from them, move on, and grow as a person. Mistakes will always be made, but you cannot fear making them. Your secrets--your heritage--may be unveiled whether you want them to or not, when you want them to or not. Not everything is in our control, and you are afraid of losing that control. Of being afraid to submit." 

I flinched. That was one thing that I hadn't been able to shake--another remnant of my trauma from my wonderful time at the Dursleys. 

Note my sarcasm. 

"You can only deal with the consequences. The good and the bad." Daphne lectured. 

"How do you accept it?" I wanted to cry more. 

"Accepting things that we cannot have a say in is difficult, incredibly more so if it involves us," Daphne explained. "Some things we can migrate, but only if we do them first. We do them sooner." 

My eyes widened as I realized what she was hinting at. "You--want me to tell them?" My tone trembled. 

"They are your closest friends." Daphne reminded me. "As for the future, let things come one day at a time. You do not need to coronate yourself tomorrow. Let things come step-by-step," She instructed. 

Daphne hesitated, before giving me a considering look. "You confess that you are more comfortable with the title of a princess, you can allow that as your title for now. Hagan can help you if you let him. I can advise you as well, and Good Manners will prepare you for the political arena." 

"But you also received lessons at home--at Sparx!" I protested. 

"Royal tutors." Daphne shrugged. "Truthfully, their lessons differ very little, the only difference being that royal tutors prepare a princess or a prince for the etiquette of their realm specifically." 

"But there's no survivors of Domino left." I looked downward in defeat, before I got an idea. "Unless you could teach me." 

"I can," Daphne said, and her reassurance made me feel a little better. "I will teach you our culture, fill in the gaps of our rites and prayers. Our gifts and our customs. Our etiquette, and how to best respond to other cultures' etiquette without offending them." 

My heart lightened at her promise. Then, it sunk at her conclusion, "The best leaders are the ones who do not wish to lead, they do not seek its position, and thus, are unlikely to be corrupted by power. You shun power, you fear it. And thus, you are best equipped to wield it, because at the end of the day, you wouldn't hoard power. You wouldn't seek out other powers, to add to your own." 

I remained doubtful, hesitant. If I had been such a good leader, would I have led so many to their deaths? Would I have taken a more proactive stance in the second war against Voldemort? Instead of running around like a coward hunting for the bloody bugger's soul containers? Should I have kept on brushing off Delphi, and instead, murdered her when I first knew of her, back when she was just a first year? And what about Grindelwald, should I have used the Hallows against him sooner? And even now, should I have done things differently? Been more honest from the start? Even though it would've drawn in enemies of Domino to my power, like moths to a light, would it have been worth it? 

Merlin, now I'm dwelling on the what-ifs again. Ugh. The only thing that truly held me back was my fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of things that I couldn't control. Fear of the past. 

"Bloody hell," I swore as it hit me. "I really am my own worst enemy." 

Daphne chuckled with a wider smile. "We all are. Our fears, doubts, and selfish desires prevent us from being who we are, the best version that we can be. But, so long as you can keep yourself in check, or trust those closest to you to keep you in check, then you know for certain that your path is the correct one." 

I nodded, biting my lip, before asking for clarity, "So, I shouldn't worry about...being a queen, and the public finding out that I'm Domino's lost princess...or that others might be trying to uncover my secret identity?" 

"Worry, but do not spend endless time on it," Daphne rebutted firmly. "A little fear is healthy, it keeps us grounded. Too much, however, and you will be crushed under its weight." 

"Literally." I joked. 

Daphne huffed, though I could tell that she was refraining from another eye roll at my antics. What? I have to get my kicks in somehow. "Take things easy, for now. Baby steps." 

"Baby steps." I huffed, a smile leaping onto my lips. "Do you have any bloody idea how hard it was to walk with those stubby legs?" 

Daphne gave me a stern look, knowing that I was attempting to change the subject before a giggle escaped her. "I'm afraid that I cannot recollect enduring such a struggle." 

"Be glad that you can't," I muttered aloud, loathing that memory, and every other that saw me unable to fucking walk. "It is downright humiliating when your legs suddenly give out and you fall face-forward with arms that cannot even stop your fall." 

'Not to mention being unable to wipe yourself, especially when you can't control your own urges to go to the bathroom--aaaaaaaaaaand you're hearing everything that I'm thinking, aren't you?' I thought miserably. 

Her frame shook, trying to contain silent laughter--no doubt hearing or reading my thoughts. Seriously, is there no privacy in here???? 

"It's not funny!" I exclaimed, but couldn't help but laugh at the concept as well. 

When she composed herself, Daphne said, "At the very least, your efforts were admirable, you always had a look of determination and concentration as you strove for success." 

"Well, I had to regain control of my motor functions," I shook my head, fighting and losing to my smile. "I wasn't going to get around in this life by being carried in a baby sack." 

Daphne shook her head in amusement, before a new glint of eagerness filled her eye. "You showed me much of your early life, but I confess that I desire to see more. Would that be alright?" she asked, sounding like she would be fine if I said no, but the longer I hesitated, the more her shoulders slumped. 

"I...I guess." I wasn't too enthusiastic to show her my memories of the stages between like nine and thirteen, mainly due to the sheer amount of times I fought with Lily over wearing a bloody skirt or a dress. 

I just--I didn't like it--it wasn't me. 

Obviously, I've come a long way since then, but still. And most of that wasn't thanks to Selina, Hailey, Mckenna, or Roxy, whom I met when her dog was hit by a car in front of our house in summer. 

But rather, to a very special boy who held--and in some instances--still held a piece of my heart. 

"You knew love," Daphne said, picking up on some of my thoughts--this is really fucking weird. And uncomfortable. Like, Voldemort levels of discomfort.  

"I--I did." I swallowed, feeling the sting of previous regrets, hopes, dreams, desires, and what-ifs all playing out in my head. What could I have done differently? Should I have agreed to let him go? "Probably still have, at least a little bit." 

"But, he broke your heart," Daphne said, her tone hard, but from what I could see of her features that weren't hidden behind the golden mask, they were pulled into a confused look. 

"He did, but he didn't," I confessed, my arms wrapping themselves around my sides. 

Merlin, it hurt, reflecting on the past. Dwelling on the memories we shared, the what-ifs. Our hearts breaking because we both knew that the distance was too great--that we would be apart for too long--and neither of us wanted to torment the other in a relationship where calls would be fleeting and physical intimacy would be all but absent. 

Daphne coughed, pretending not to have received the last thought. 

My lips twitched upwards. No doubt the idea of her younger sister doing sexual things with another guy would've mortified her. 

"I guess...neither of us had the courage to push a relationship that started as middle-school sweethearts and test it across time." I sighed, realizing that this was still a sore topic--a very sore topic--for me. 

I'd barely discussed Andy with the Winx either. There were a few occasions where I was tired enough that my tongue was looser and that one occasion when Faragonda made the announcement about the Alfean Gala. 

"Not every love is destined to last," Daphne said after a moment, a nonverbal apology conveyed in her tone for bringing up one of my still-vulnerable points. 

It happens. Once I befriend you, trust you, love you, claim you as my own, there is no taking that back. 

Which is why when someone does betray me, hurt me, or those I call my own, my vengeance will be tenfold and far worse than whatever was dealt. 

There was a reason why the Daily Prophet proclaimed that there were two Dark Lords battling, instead of just Grindlewald. 

"I know." I sighed again. 

Glancing out at the swirling darkness beyond my mental barriers, I blew out another angry huff of air before I waved through various memories at age eleven. Let's see...endless paintings that I slowly improved over along. 

My cheeks heated as I passed by two very um...personal memories. Very embarrassing stuff. 

*Flashback--just Bloom* 

Well, it finally happened. I know that it sounds like a death sentence, but I assure you, to me, it really was. 

Standing naked in front of the full-body mirror in the bathroom, my hair still damp, the air humid, and the mirrors slightly fogged from the steaming hot shower I'd just taken, I stared at the two little mounds on my chest that hadn't been there last night. 

I'd felt them when I was soaping my body, but now...bloody buggering fuck! 

My nipples had been sore all of this week, the entire area around them tender and slightly softer than normal. When I touched them, an ache and something else sent weird tingles through my pre-teen body. 

But overnight, the soreness and sensitivity had reached a climax that made it very difficult for me to relax and sleep. 

And now, I was staring at them. Truthfully, my breasts were small, barely noticeable unless I wore something really tight. That and my nipples had slightly darkened in color, hard as diamonds. 

Bloody hell. 

"Bloody hell," I swore, thankful that I had complete privacy, as I was already hysterical. There was no going back from this. 

Initially, I could've ignored most of the signs that I was female. I could have short hair (although I preferred my hair to be longer since I liked its silky feel), and I could fight tooth and nail to wear shorts or pants instead of a skirt or dress. I could wear sneakers instead of pretty shoes. 

Yes, there was no way to avoid the fact that I didn't have a dick, but a fucking vagina between my legs, but as long as I didn't dwell on it and made sure that all sexual-related memories had been locked away (one of the first things I sorted, next to breast-feeding), then I could pretend that I didn't have that organ. 

Well, apart from washing in the shower--I'm not the biggest fan of baths, mainly because I have an overwhelming urge to be productive instead of enjoying a nice long soak--and wiping myself on the toilet. Thankfully, the strange phenomenon has somewhat worn off. 

No, it hadn't been easy adjusting to that realization, nor did I completely feel comfortable touching myself 'down there' for any reason. 

Apart from that, there were a few 'girly' things that I had picked up, like crossing my legs--although I tended to do that a lot as a guy whenever Hermione complained about my 'manspreading' so...I can't really claim that position to one gender or another--or brushing my hair after every morning shower and at night before I curled into a ball beneath my blankets and went to sleep. 

Even still, I laughed those things off, trying to convince myself that these were just bad habits that I'd picked up--except for the hair. Damn it, do you have any idea how hard it is to disentangle hair? I had to brush it frequently just so that it wouldn't become a bloody mess that cost hours to undo. 

But there was no undoing this. There was no return button, no Time Turner, no way to avoid the little breasts that would soon grow big on my chest. 

I forced myself to take several deep breaths, fighting off my hysterics--the last time of which was when Lily bought me training bras three months ago...

Oh fuck, I have to use them now, don't I? 

"Focus, Bloom." I reminded myself, talking aloud to no one. "Deep--breaths. Think rationally." 

There was no ignoring this damning evidence. 

I was growing breasts. I'm undergoing puberty. I'm beginning the transition into a woman--blossoming and developing all the things that adult females are known for that a child lacks. I'll be a young woman--likely a beautiful woman--and a goddamn princess if I ever find a way back to Domino. 

Not that I want to be a princess...shut up. I really don't, but it's not like I can change my birth origins anymore than I can stop my body from changing. 

My breasts will likely grow bigger--I remember how big Daphne's and Mari--Mother's were--and my hips will start to widen soon, if they aren't already. 

Frowning at the latter thought, I bring my hands from my sensitive buds down to my waist, then down to my hips, feeling like a sick weirdo as I do so. Is it child molestation if you're reincarnated in a new body, but as it grows, you still retain the mental facilities of an adult? 

Aaaaaaaand I'm back to debating philosophy and morality again. 

Snorting at my increasingly cynical train of depressing thoughts, I do my best to wrap my hands around my sides, but I can't really feel any sort of difference. Yet. 

I glare at my reflection in the mirror, poking my little breast and watching mirror-me do the same. 

I've touched maybe three pairs of breasts in my past life, plus two more sets in this life. The latter two didn't count, since I was just feeding from them and my limbs instinctively latched on while I suckled. Babies do that kind of stuff, it was an involuntary action, I swear.  

I've touched Cho's breasts during our kiss in the Room of Requirement, though that was more accidental--because she jumped me and my hands were just right there and--yeah. Obviously, I touched Hermione's loads of times when we were dating, and Susan's slightly bigger ones too, after we had gotten married. 

But now I was growing my own pair of boobs. Should I touch them? Was it even right to do so? It is my body...but I'm not a child...Merlin this is so weird. 

I couldn't really help myself. I had been a fully grown man who lived a fulfilling long life. Got abused as a kid, went on adventures as a child, nearly died more times than I can count, got the girl, murdered some people, got another girl, murdered my nemesis's daughter in cold blood, murdered my mentor's nemesis, got locked up in prison for a while, released, then spent the rest of my days raising a family while ensuring that Hogwarts and the British Ministry of Magic wouldn't fall to any Squib, Muggleborn, Pureblood, or creature uprisings or rebellions ever again. 

Yes, I'm being cynical again. Sue me. 

Now it seems that I'm destined to grow up on the other side of the coin. It's been one heck of a ride already (and I'm still wondering how many strings Fate is pulling for her favorite bitch). 

Oh great, now I'm dreading the future again. Makeup, more girly outfits, dresses, and oh fuck, gossip and girl talk and...shit, what about relationships? Boyfriends? 

Oh god, would I start to like this stuff as my body makes more Estrogen? Is more of Harry Potter going to start disappearing? Will all that he is fade away entirely? Will anything else change, or will I just be a completely 'normal' girl with some weird sentient fire magic inside of her chest? Now technically breast? 

I sigh irritably, resisting the incredibly appealing urge to slam my head against something hard. Brain damage is not a good idea when at this young age though, so I rein in my self-destructive impulses and resist like a good girl before wrapping a towel around my body and returning to my bedroom. 

I glanced at the new canvas that was going to be my masterpiece, my eyes also finding the unicorn painting that had won me several awards at our local school district headquarters. 

Deciding to do a test, I pulled on one of my favorite orange shirts, then looked down and scowled. I could see them through my shirt, they were clearly noticeable. 

Well, this sucked. 

Realistically, my reproductive hole should freak me out more than the two mounds of flesh that would one day supply milk. I should be freaking out about my vagina more than the orbs of soft flesh, but a vagina could be hidden. Boobs cannot. They will be visible, with or without clothes. 

And very soon, it would be even more obvious that my gender was not that of a male, but that of a female. And I need to accept that soon, or else I'm going to end up with a personality disorder, or worse, an identity crisis. 

My blood mother and my blood sister had impressive curves, curves that I had little doubt that I would soon inherit. Large round breasts, wide hips, a firm round derriere, and more curves and angles that would scream 'woman' at anyone who looked. I would become voluptuous, 'sexy on legs', and I internally despaired over it. 

I sighed before pulling off my shirt and grabbed a light blue bra, a shade lighter than my eyes. I cupped the material to my chest, then wound my hands around awkwardly, struggling to lock the strap. 

It likely wouldn't have been as difficult if I'd grabbed a strap bra, instead of a strapless one, but I was feeling lazy, and thus made my life more difficult. 

Then, I pulled my shirt back over my torso--the one with Angry Birds launching from the sling shot--and returned to inspect my appearance in front of the mirror. 

I groaned. 

My boobs were still noticeable, but now they looked a little bigger (I'm not sure who engineered bras to look bigger than the boobs they're supposed to support, but I will happily set them on fire and bury their ashes six feet under for causing my embarrassment and humiliation). 

Forcibly shoving everything to do with the word 'tit' from my mind, I finished brushing my shoulder-length hair and went downstairs. 

"Look, Mom! Look! Bloom has boobies!" 

And of course, my mischievous little sister instantly spotted what was different. And proceeded to announce it. To the world. 

James had been drinking coffee while he was reading the paper, then he lurched backward as the newspaper was splattered, coughing and pounding on his chest in shock. 

Violet and I giggled, despite my burning cheeks--I knew that my face was red, I just knew that my blush went from my cheeks to the roots of my hair--as he sputtered and stared at me in shock. 

Lily emerged from the kitchen, brushing her hands on her apron, looking slightly amused, but not at all surprised. "So it's finally that time," she said aloud as her eyes fell on my small breasts. 

James glanced at my chest, before paling at hiding his face behind the ruined newspaper, muttering, "This isn't real, my baby girl isn't growing up, this isn't real--" 

"Wow!" Violet exclaimed. "Are Bloom's boobs going to be as big as yours Mommy?" 

My blush had gone from tomato to cherry red as I squeaked. I wanted to die on the spot--my embarrassment was at its peak. 

Feeling extremely self-conscious, I crossed my arms over my mounds, effectively hiding them from sight. "Can you not look, please? It's embarrassing enough without your ogling." 

That snapped Dad and Mom out of it. James began to lecture Violet, telling her it wasn't nice or appropriate to talk about anyone's boobs. Lily walked over to me and pulled my arms around her, squeezing me tightly. 

I think that she mouthed something at James before leading me back upstairs, but I wasn't too sure. She led me into her and Daddy's room. "Go sit on the bed, Sugar-Blossom, I'll be right back. I have to grab something." 


Shrugging, I climbed onto her bed and lay on my tummy, confused by her secretive behavior. 

Lily reentered a moment later, a book under one arm, flushed cheeks, and a determined look. 

Uh oh...wait...why do I suddenly get a sense of foreboding? 

She pulled up a chair and sat, the book left on her lap, its spine and cover hidden from my sight. Her fingers curled around it, and she looked a mix of awkward and tense. "Bloom, your body is starting to change. You probably noticed one of the bigger ones." She said as her eyes drifted towards my chest again. that...anything BUT that...

I flushed pink, heat spreading from my cheeks to my ears. 

Lily inhaled, then exhaled sharply as she traded her nervous expression for her determined one again. "Bloom, I'm going to give you 'the Talk'. 

NOOOOOOO! Please god, Merlin, anyone, just no! No. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 

Morgana, someone find a Veil of Death for me to jump into right now! Please! Death is preferable to this torture! 

Mum mistook my stunned silence for confusion because she then wheeled out a big whiteboard (and just where in the bloody house had that fat board been?) with sharpie-drawn diagrams of both sexes and a penis going into a vagina (to my mortification). 

"Bloom, these changes are normal, but there will be many more changes happening to you soon..." 

I sat there. It could've been minutes, hours, or even days and the passing of time still wouldn't have registered to me. 

All I knew was that I was completely and utterly traumatized over the next hour or so as Lily lectured me about the development of both sexes, a heavily descriptive version of both sexes, masturbation, sex itself, warnings about contraceptives, lust, warnings about alcohol and sex drugs, STIs, you get the point. 

I couldn't even attempt to get off the bed and flee to my room. I was so blind-sighted that all I could do was breathe and gape. 

Her sex talk was below Sirius's, but above Ms. Weasley's, Mr. Weasley's, and Madam Pomphrey's. It was heavily descriptive, especially since she felt obligated to tell me some of her sexual acts (cough, groping/fondling/fingering/blowing, cough), "TMI Mom!", which left me scarred for life and mortified, but some good came from that. 

Especially since my knowledge of fairies was severely lacking, and there were some major differences between a fairy and a regular female. 

Firstly, fairies would continue to grow and develop until their late twenties. Every fairy started developing between ages nine to eleven, and would continue to see wider hips, bigger breasts, and well-rounded asses, slowly but surely becoming more and more curvaceous. 

Second, fairies wouldn't get their first period until they reached nineteen. Not only did that information lift a weight that I hadn't known had been on my chest until now, but it also filled me with relief. It was more of a boon than a curse if you ask me. 

Fairies were also fleeting when it came to fertility. Because fairies matured much later than some, many had issues getting pregnant or chose to wait longer before trying to get pregnant. 

The part of me that still dwelled on Domino's fate (that my guilty conscience hadn't been able to bury) pondered if that was the reason why Daphne and I had such a huge age gap--about fifteen to sixteen years. She had turned seventeen mere months before I turned one...still too young to die. 

It was then odd how quickly Violet was conceived--memories of Lily's moans and gasps filled my mind and my blush redoubled in intensity--never mind, shutting up now. 

After all of that, Lily then proceeded to warn me about all the sorts of attention that I would likely attract and shared many of her early experiences before she met James. At this point, I wasn't sure if my blush was from faint arousal, embarrassment, or anger. 

Some blokes just don't know when to fuck off. 

Oh, and after that, I went to sleep, only for my dreams to be filled of memories of literally every adult figure in Harry's life giving him 'The Talk'. 

So yeah, thanks, Mum. Thanks a lot. 

*End Flashback--just Bloom* 

Biting my lip, I settled on my first encounter with Roxy. 


James shook his head in amusement at me. "Bloom, you're covered in grease stains!" 

"So are you Daddy!" I giggled, pointing at the dirty smears on his blue shirt and work gloves. I had stains on my little black leggings and my blue-grey sweater. 

I don't give a damn that it's summer, alright? I'm hot, I like the heat (something to do with my powers but whatever), and I want to be warm. 

We were fixing up our Hyundai minivan that could seat six, technically seven if you added in the extra seat that was in the middle of the two backseats--done in a light blue color. 

Unfortunately, the heat didn't agree with the car as much as it did me, and the engine had overheated. 

Now James was working to fix it, and I was 'helping', but really just making a mess. 

What? I'm a child, I'm going to act like an adorable little shit, and milk as much out of this life as possible. 

The sound of a car screeching to a halt outside, followed shortly by the frantic crying and wailing of a girl causes James to pause in his work, glancing towards the closed garage doors. 

He hit the open button before using a towel to remove his greased gloves, and I tried to wipe my hands clean as best I could before following him to a startling sight. 

A young girl, probably around six or seven--Violet's age--is crying and is latched onto a whining and unmoving tan, Croatian bloodhound (a mix between a Tyrolean bloodhound and an Italian bloodhound). The medium-sized dog--probably no more than a year or two at most--is slender, with long legs, and wears a dark red collar with silver studs.

But is relatively unmoving. Apart from the crying girl, and the two girls who are emerging from the blue GHM Topkick truck, the driver's face is lined with guilt as she stows a phone into her purse. 

See kids? Never drive while on your phone. 

A cranky-faced man appears, yelling at the girls, whose faces pale as the other dude gets angrier and angrier. And says a lot of mean things. 

Dad orders me to go back inside and tell Mum what's going on. 

Oh dear oh dear oh dear. Since when have I ever been given an order, and taken it obediently? 

I shout, "Mom! There's an ack--sident outside! Daddy wanted me to tell you! There's a mean man!" 

"What?" Lily called back, coming inside from the backyard. Her eyes search me, before relief fills them, finding me unharmed. 

Oh, I probably scared her with the last comment. "Yeah!" I said with childish eagerness. "A girl's dog that got hurt. She's crying." 

Lily huffs before calling Sirius back inside, asking him to keep an eye on me and Violet, then marches out to help James diffuse the situation. 

The first chance I get, I give Sirius the slip (sorry dogfather) and run over to the pink-haired girl. I stumble, shocked when I realize that her hair looks...natural. At least, I think it does, and I'm hoping that whoever her parents are don't let her dye her hair that young. 

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Is your dog hurt?" 

Obviously, no and yes are the correct answers, but when talking to a child, stating the obvious is helpful to get the ball rolling. 

"No!" She gasped, tear-filled dark-violet eyes meeting my concerned cyan-blues. "Artu is hurt! He chased the ball into the street, but the car hit him, and now he's hurt and--" 

Knowing what the best medicine was in a situation like this, I tightly hugged the girl, letting her cry on me. 

Lily realizes that I'm there at the same moment that Sirius comes bolting out with Violet, both of them groaning when they realize that I'm on the right side of the road in front of a vehicle with a little girl and a weakly breathing pup. 

"Bloom!" Mum's angry, I can tell, but my heart goes out to the girl. 

We end up pulling her and her dog onto our stone 'lawn', Lily rushing inside to call a dog ambulance while the girls are forced to give the girl's father their insurance and phone numbers. 

"What's your name?" I ask the girl while we wait for the ambulance to arrive. 

"I'm Roxy." She whispers tearfully. 

I give her another hug. "It'll be okay." 

"How do you know that?" She cries. "Artu is hurt, badly hurt. He--he could--" Her bottom lip quivered, and she was about to have another crying fit. 

Lily scooped her up, her mothering instincts helping her to weather the girl's fit of tears better than I could (there's only so much emotional stimulus I can take before I shut down. I know, it's a bad habit, but I'm working on it). 

Roxy's father's name is Klaus--and ain't that interesting--a man who clearly has weathered some form of hardship (whose stress lines don't get put there by themselves). He wore a blue collared t-shirt with greyish-white pants and sneakers. 

He'd taken his daughter for a walk--and isn't that horrible, for your wife to be kidnapped and vanish without a trace, leaving you as the single father of an infant--with their one-year-old pup Artu, with the girl throwing a ball and the dog getting it and running back. 

But, the ball had fallen into the street, and he had run out as the truck had driven by. 

I stared at the poor whimpering creature, which was cradled in Roxy's arms. My heart bled for Artu, he hadn't done anything wrong, and didn't deserve to die. 

"Everything will be okay," I said, rubbing soothing circles against Roxy's back while I touched Artu's head carefully with my other hand. 

The bloodhound was too weak to even lift his head, or snap at an unfamiliar hand. Plus, there was blood matting his fur on his side. 

My eyes suddenly watered. It wasn't fair, to this dog, to his owner, it just wasn't. They deserved to be raised by one another, not violently torn apart this young. 

Overwhelming hurt flooded me, the memory of Hedwig's death replaying in a loop in my head like a sick soundtrack. 

I shut my eyes tightly, praying to whatever deities that were out there to help the pup--Artu--and save him. 

Save him. 

Save him. 

Save him. 

It was like a chant, a prayer, but I believed so strongly, praying and hoping for anyone, any god or greater power to save Artu--heal Artu's grievous wounds. 

Then, my body surged with a flood of heat, my magic core flaring to life, magic surging underneath my skin and rushing from my fingertips into Artu. 

I collapsed, suddenly feeling very tired, like I'd run all day. Artu was still whining, but was now panting a little. 

"Artu!" Roxy gasped when the dog managed to lift his head, and gave a weak bark. "You're ok!" 


Lily rushed over, staring at my pale features, before grasping my hand gently, and reared back. 

I flinched, realizing that my fingers felt cold--like they'd gone numb. 

"You did ma--" Lily cut herself off, shaking her head, but I will never forget the look she had just then. Fear, surprise, and pride, all bundled into one expression. 

The pet ambulance arrived a few minutes later, but by then Artu seemed mostly okay, apart from the heavily bruised and bloodied wound on his side. 

Lily put me with Violet on the couch, making some tea to warm me up while Sirius helped James to wrap up the chaos that was outside of our front door--practically. 

Roxy and her father left, but it wasn't until almost a week later that I ran into her at Gardenia Penta Park. 

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She gasped, throwing herself at me. 

Surprised, she took me down with her weight, Violet giving an excited squeal before throwing herself on me as well. 

Laughter mixed with the pile of girls, and it took too bloody long to separate all those tangled limbs and hair. 

"You're welcome?" I said, confused. 

"I don't know what you did, but Artu is all better now!" Roxy exclaimed, and I paled a little, while Violet flinched. 

Mom had been angry that I had used magic, but proud that I'd somehow used a healing ability. One that she thought came from this 'Amazon' tribe. 

I do remember that Domino produced a lot of healers, and our springs had regenerative properties, so, maybe it's just the magic of Sparx? 

Regardless, I struggled to keep the fact that I wasn't an ordinary little girl a secret, but managed to distract Roxy by asking about what animals she'd seen. 

I gained a new friend--another one--one who cared little for the age gap between us--she's Violet's age but she's our friend--and chose to hang out with me. 

Around this point, Mckenna's family moved away to Texas, and Hailey's parents wanted to send her to a different middle school in Orange County, which meant that we wouldn't get to see much of each other until holiday breaks, and summer. 

Selina and Roxy hit off though, so there's that at least. 

*End Flashback* 

"That was how I discovered that I had healing powers, or well, how to use them," I explained for my sister's benefit. "Roxy and I became close friends after that, and I got to sing at her dad's smoothie bar when we were older." 

Daphne smiled. "Good times, then." 

I snickered. "Oh, you have no idea. Klaus--her dad--wasn't always the brightest when he was drunk, so Roxy ended up having to help him with his smoothie bar. I got to work there sometime too, even though legally on Earth, I shouldn't have." 

Daphne frowned in confusion. "Why not? I can't imagine a realm that wouldn't welcome free service. Solaria, Domino, and even Linphea especially would invite younger teenagers and children to work, usually for the incentive of sweets or coin, as long as they were at minimum nine of age." 

'Nine?' I mouthed in disbelief. "I--how is that safe? I wouldn't let any kid under thirteen near any random shop or workplace with the intent to actually work. You--you don't have child predators or people who kidnap children?" 

A look of shock and horror spreads across her features. "No--" she gasped, clutching a hand to her breast. "Children are sacred, everyone in the Magix Dimension knows that. To target a child is the same as removing your own limb. It is unthinkable--I--I cannot believe that I sent you to such a place." 

Daphne was silent for a time, I could feel her turmoil, relief warring with guilt that she sent my infant self to a planet with child kidnappers. "You couldn't have known, and I was safe," I reassured her. 

"It still does not make me feel confident in the actions I took." Daphne sighed. 

"You made the best decision that you could have, under the circumstances." I countered. "And I will remind you that my powers carried me to Earth when the portal destabilized. You attempted to send me to Horus--to Solaria. You couldn't have known, and quite frankly, I'm happy that it happened." 

Daphne stared at me in shock. "How can you happily proclaim such?" 

"Because it gave me a safe haven," I said softly, fondly, reminiscing. "For the last fifteen years, I was able to grow, learn, and discover who I was as a person, without any expectations whatsoever. I was able to accept who I was, in spite of living an entirely other life. I won't deny and say that at certain times things have been...chaotic," I chuckled, "But, my life has improved because of it. I made friends, I found love, and I was given a second chance to grow with people who loved me after the first was so cruelly ripped away." 

Daphne sighed, then nodded silently, unable to argue with me. Or, unwilling to. 

I waved my hands, manipulating my mindscape to bring forth another set of memories. 

Smiling fondly, I brought forth the day that my life truly began to change. The day that I met...him. My first love. My first boyfriend. The one who took many of my 'firsts'. 



Nervously, I adjusted the straps of my backpack as Mom drove me and Violet through another intersection. 

After our 'promotion'--and it's bullshit that they can't just do it right and call it what it actually is (graduation, how bloody hard is it to say that? Promotion sounds like a downgrade and an insult)--my friend group and Violet had a very fun summer, full of pool parties, visits to the Forest of Flowers, and to each other's houses. 

Plus, Hailey's mother throws the best parties--with loads of activities and games. 

Middle school was...different, but that was to be expected, I guess. I never attended secondary muggle school because I attended Hogwarts. 

It was...stressful, to say the least. Assignments were always due the following day they were assigned unless specified, and I had to keep track of both digital and physical homework, practice quizzes, practice tests, study guides, and projects. 


I had to juggle like six different classes, and it was not fun. 

Six-grade math was full of larger, and more step-by-step problems and word problems (I absolutely loathe the latter). I could find stuff that I learned in Arithmancy, so that was a plus, since I was technically ahead in some areas. 

Sixth-grade science was fun, but my teacher was borderline rude, and heavily biased towards those who did well, but did nothing to help those who were struggling. 

English was English, as a former Brit, I found much of the literature rather insulting, especially with how they taught it to us Yanks (it's so confusing trying to separate the two statuses in my head). 

Social studies was at best...boring. Mr. Snider was very exciteable and had lots to say about different countries. Mesopotamia, Egypt, the foundation of the Roman Empire, and currently, stuff about the Dynasties of China, as well as some of the Mongolians. 

Physical education was the most engaging, at least for me. I put effort into everything, doing it at my own pace. Mr. Zahar and Mrs. Ellis were just too focused on making the 'warm-ups' quick, so that their joined classes could focus on sports and running half-miles and miles (the latter was every Tuesday and Thursday respectively). 

I liked it, and already had a preference for dodgeball and volleyball. Some of the other games, like this modified version of soccer where two people would get picked from two teams, and try to kick the ball past the enemy team's line to score a point. Only those two could fight to control the ball, the rest of us had the form of literal body shields to block the player from scoring, going down the row as we went. 

Due to the school structuring itself in trimesters--instead of terms like Hogwarts, and supposedly high school and college--electives were random, and set on a wheel. 

Thus, I was in art, and you won't hear me complaining one bit. Ms. Jung was as sweet as she was clever, and her class had given me many opportunities to show what I could do with color. 

I was currently heading to my locker. Since there were three cores, cores A, B, and C, it nicely fit with each grade getting a side to themselves. Because there was a garden in core B--which was my core--our generation's tables were outside, with metal gates and fences, along with a big canopy that kept the sun out. 

"Blooooom, I'm bored," Selina whined. 

"We can cause havoc as soon as my books are swapped out," I promised. 

"But we only have ten minutes!" Selina pointed out. "That's not enough time to do anything." 

"It's more than enough for you to find Amanda and Carly and spread more rumors about Peter and Kylie." I reminded her. 

She waved a hand in exasperation. "Those rumors only ended up getting them together." Her eyebrows rose a little as her eyes shined with mischief. "I wonder what they could get up to when left alone?"  

"Ew!" I wrinkled my nose, cringing at the thought of pre-teen romance. "They're too young for any lovey-dovey stuff." 

"Lovey-dovey?" Selina burst into giggles, stopping to lean against the closest lockers to steady herself. 

I glared at her, minus the heat, but it didn't deter her laughter. "Thanks, B, I needed that." 

"Glad you find my squeamishness amusing." I huffed. "Now, if you're done mocking my terminology, you can go scout out your next targets to play Cupid with." 

Selina perked up at that offer. "That sounds like fun, actually," Her eyes met mine. "Besides, I think that you could use some male company." 

I made a face. "Perish the thought." 

She giggled. "No, I'm serious. You don't even bat an eye at Luke, and he's so handsome." 

"He's a pretty boy." I scoffed. Luke was a tall brunette with intense brown eyes. "Who needs pretty when you are pretty?" 

Selina glanced at me slyly. "So, what would you want in a partner?" 

My cheeks flushed. "Someone with brains." 

"Like a nerd?" Her lips twitched. 

"Not a nerd." I rolled my eyes, before sighing as I recalled Hermione, remembering her incredible right hook as it connected with Malfoy's jaw. "Someone smart, and brave." 

"Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, huh?" she smirked at me. 

"Shut up." I stuck my tongue at her, before the first warning bell rang. "Frick." 

"P.E." Selina grimaced. "See you?" 

"Yeah." I agreed, before making my way to art class. Halfway there, just as I was leaving the media center (like the large room that connects the three cores) to core A, a body darted around the door and slammed into me. 

Yelping, groaning at the sudden pain that came from getting smacked into another body, I fell back, as did the other person. 

"Oh god, I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?" 

I blinked back spots in my eyes, my hand slightly burned from the carpet skidding. There was a nicely dressed guy, with jeans and a blue Angry Birds t-shirt. Raven-black hair and earnest brown eyes with hints of green and yellow hidden behind rounded rectangle glasses frames. 

He had on a backpack, slung over one shoulder, and was just getting to his feet, before extending his hand. 

"I'm--I'm okay." I breathed out, accepting the offered hand. "Thanks." 

"Yeah, uh, sorry." The guy said awkwardly, before the second bell rang, announcing that class was starting. 

"Shoot!" he exclaimed as I said "Frick!" 

"Bye!" I said before dashing off, my cheeks burning slightly. 

*End Flashback* 


"Aren't you going to celebrate?" 

It wasn't often that a witch had something to celebrate. When they did, Headmistress Griffin reminded them to savor the reason for the occasion, but not to revere them, or savor them too much, lest their accomplishments turn sour should something go astray.

However, Isobel wasn't one to party, even though she had more than enough reason to. The biggest thorn in the Trix's side for about a quarter of the year was finally gone. Bloom--the last fire fairy--had finally been beaten. Defeated, and imprisoned, with their curse unlikely to end anytime within the near future. 

For the first time in months, their plans were back on track. With Bloom removed from the picture, and with themselves healing from their last battle, Isobel knew that the clock was ticking down for Stella. 

Knowing fairies' weaknesses for love and romance, the ice witch had thoroughly researched Princess Soleil's online presence, and what she found was utterly sickening. Stella's Instagram account was as pretty as every other fairy's, full of brightly-colored photos, sparkly outfits, and--due to her being a child of the Elite--she also would share photos of the rich greenery of the palace gardens of Solaria, of her princess balls, and of her relationship statuses. 

She couldn't believe how sappy or cringe-worthy some of the blonde's earlier posts had been, although it had been worth it. She's learned through social media (and a little bit of hacking) who Stella kept close to, and who could be counted among her 'inner circle' that she had dated the blonde squire of Prince Sky in her younger teens, before taking a short break, only to resurface with her lithe and curvy frame clinging to the strong arm of Prince Sky of Eraklyon in all his handsome glory. 

Knowing the lengths that the princess and other fairies like her would go to for romance allowed Isobel to create her master backup plan. To steal the Scepter of Solaria, to strip from it the last embers of the Great Beast's power. 

The act of committing the theft had been harder than anticipated, but Isobel and her sisters knew that they as a coven were nearing their last year of school at Cloud Tower, before they would be expected to be spirited away and ignored in the darkness, like so many others of their kind. 

They wouldn't allow that to happen. They would not. 

Her eyes flashed behind closed eyelids, allowing her rage to build at the thought, before releasing it in crystal water fragments that slowly formed a jagged spike of ice in her hands. 

If nothing else, the red-haired pixie had given her and her sisters new ideas. It wasn't every day that they were confronted by a novice fairy with the ability to make elemental weapons comprised purely of their own element, but it was a concept that she had given much thought to and was eager to try. 

Isobel opened her eyes to see her magic swirling around her fingertips, and the whitish-blue dagger-sized dripstone-shaped ice in her palm. She huffed in slight irritation; this was far too big and too blunt for her tastes, and gripping it would be especially difficult if she needed to counter any sort of close-range attacks. 

After what that annoying fire fairy had put them through, the Trix would not tolerate further setbacks. And 'Icy' would send anyone who dared oppose her into the most hellish version of the Ice Ages that she could conjure. 

"Isobel, I know you can heaaarrr me." 

Rolling her eyes, she sucked the cold out of her latest attempt to make an elemental weapon, watching it turn to water, and then water vapor as she drained every last bit of cold, the water never touching her faded light blue skirt or legs, which were now free of those painful burns. 

She stood, brushing her hands, before turning to the speaker who'd been whining at her to join them for the last half hour. 

It was D'arcy and Beatrix sitting across from each other at one of their tables, a deck of cards between them, several in their hands. D'arcy was silent, watching the proceedings in amusement as Beatrix whined. 


"Unless you want to experience what frostbite is like on the inside of your gob, I suggest you shut it." Isobel scowled. "I'm trying to work here." 

"Take a break." Beatrix grinned evilly. "We can set aside a day from our campaign of terror after removing the biggest headache this side of Magix has ever seen." 

"I don't think you quite understated that, sister." D'arcy finally spoke, rubbing her arms tenderly with a shiver. She glanced at Isobel's tense form. "Even so, Beatrix is right. You almost seem...disappointed, with how it all ended." 

"Of course I am," Isobel snapped to cover up her wince. D'arcy had hit it right on the dot; she was disappointed. Yes, the pixie had been fun to toy with, but she'd been a thorn in their side. Even so, after the anger and pain had disappeared, she was somehow let down that the pixie had been so easily beaten. "We should've beaten that brat sooner! It took way too long, considering that she was a lone freshman fairy, and we are senior witches!" 

D'arcy lifted a brow, noting that the statements were true, but Isobel looked slightly conflicted. Not about morality, no, the Trix had all done heinous crimes. 

Speaking of crimes, their biggest accomplice yet made his presence known with a loud 'CRSSK'. 

Wincing, the Trix glared at the now wrecked double-door cabinet. 

"Just what are you doing, Knut?!?" Beatrix snarled as she stood up, furious with the damage. 

"You useless ogre." Isobel sneered. 

"I think he needs another reminder of just what's at stake here." Beatrix's hands lit up with lightning, earning a flinch from the ogre. 

"Apologies, your Highnesses," He growled lowly, looking to be submissive and fearing, although D'arcy wasn't fooled by her pride. She recognized the little details, the narrowed eyes and the clenched jaw. "It was an accident." 

Isobel pinched the skin between her eyes in annoyance. "Remind me why we keep you around?" 

"I'm hired muscle." The ogre grunted. 

"Hired muscle." Beatrix snorted. "Muscle that couldn't muscle away a scepter from a weak fairy princess." 

The ogre glared at her. 

D'arcy got an idea. "I think it's best if we get this clumsy oaf out of Cloud Tower for a bit." 

"And where, exactly, would we put him?" Isobel drawled. 

"Obviously to guard the tree." D'arcy shrugged. "We can summon some more Ghouls to accompany him." 

"Those aren't cheap to conjure." Isobel scowled. "And considering how he tends to waste his forces, perhaps it would be better to send him alone." 

"Why bother at all?" Beatrix crossed her arms under her bust. "We beat Bloom, why would we put anyone to guard her resting place?" 

"Because while the Winx might not find her, bets are on that the old fairy bitch would send out search parties," D'arcy sniffed haughtily. "The hag is very attentive to her fairies." 

"True." Isobel mused, before glaring at Knut. "I think you were on to something, D. We'll send this one to guard a tree." 

Beatrix snickered darkly as she looked at Knut. "Hopefully the stinky yellow hulk won't find some way to mess this up." 

"Just to safe, we will include our own insurance." Isobel continued, ignoring Beatrix's goading. "To ensure that no matter what the 'Winx', or Dowling tries, nothing will save their precious little fairy." 

"And while they waste precious resources looking for a rare breed of fairy, we'll be free to go after the real prize," D'arcy smirked. 

"The Dragon Flame will be ours!" Beatrix's mad laughter set off the other two, who cackled maniacally as negative energy festered within their room. New growls were heard as their mocking laughter increased, before a portal spirited away their forces, leaving behind three triumphant witches. 



It took about a week for me to cross paths with the guy again. And it just so happened to be in the middle of the dance floor during the school's first-trimester 'Hawaiian-themed' dance in the media center, with cores A and C having food, as well as board games in one of the classrooms, and a movie playing in a classroom on the opposite core, core C. 


I turned from my phone where I'd been texting Mckenna, surprised that someone was talking to me since Selina had snuck off to find another slice of pizza. 

And there he was, the guy I ran into, with two other guys--probably his friends--watching us by the wall. 

He cleaned up nicely, I suppose. He was wearing a collared Hawaiian shirt in white with blue flowers and Cuban-style beige shorts. 

"Uh, hi?" I studied his eyes, which were trying to keep themselves on my face, but he was clearly struggling. My t-shirt was tied up in the front and lifted carefully to expose some of my midriff--a rather risque display, but I'd lost a bet to Selina and had to do this dare. 

Crossing my arms over my bare navel, I lifted an eyebrow. "Did you have anything you wanted to say, or are you just ogling?" 

He flushed pink. "I--wait what? No! That's not what I--" he sputtered, his blush deepening. 

"Relax." I grinned at him, but kept my arms crossed. "If you're worried about what happened last week, I don't hold it against you." 

I watched as the tension bled from his shoulders. "Oh, that's...good." 

My lips twitched, amusement stirring in my breast. 

I couldn't help it. Obviously, he didn't talk to girls much if this was how he acted around them. Almost like how Neville acted around Hannah whenever she offered to help him with the subjects he struggled with. 

"You know, when greeting a girl, it's polite to introduce yourself." My tease was taken as a rebuke, because his blush turned darker. 

"Sorry, I uh...right." He cleared his throat nervously. "I'm Andy." 

"Bloom." I introduced myself with a small smile. "So, what grade are you in?" 

"I'm in Seventh." He replied. 

My brows lifted. "Huh. Middle year?" 

"Yep." He nodded, pushing up his glasses. 

I winced as a new song was put on by the ASB's chosen DJ. Too loud, with flickering lights...

"Mind if we go somewhere a little less...noisy?" I asked, throwing a glare at the front steps where the DJ was, and a small crowd of students were jumping up and down and dancing next to the big speakers. 

"Uh, sure." He said, before timidly following me as I headed out towards the C core. 

"So, what's Elfie's Middle School like?" I asked, trying to fill the awkward void between us. "I've only been here for a few months." 

He glanced at me, his breath hitching. "You're a sixth grader?" 

I paused mid-stride to grab a plate, then turned to him. "Yeah? What of it?" 

"I--most kids wouldn't hang out with older kids." He said, sounding somewhat lame. Or rather...lonely. 

I glanced at him, studying his expression as I kept a neutral one on my own face. "Then you clearly haven't met me," I said cheekily. 

My humor broke through enough to get his lips to twitch upward a little. "What, you make a habit of picking up random older strays?" 

Self-deprecating humor. I like it. 

"Maybe." My lips twitched, and I threw a grin his way. "Or they run into me." 

"No, you ran into me." He protested as he got a plate for himself, joining me in the line for food. 

I huffed. "Of the two of us, A, which one was running, and B, who turned the corner and kept going?" 

His cheeks pinkened again. "Right. Me." 

I pouted. "You were supposed to keep protesting dude! Totally ruined the banter." 

"I'm...sorry?" He said, looking rather bewildered. 

I suppose he would be, considering that after consuming large amounts of sugar, aka soda, I tend to indulge myself in more childish games. 

What? I have to burn off the energy somehow, and messing with people's minds is always hilarious. I have strong suspicions that it's how Dumbledore got his rocks off. 

I rolled my eyes. "You're fine. Well, apart from the fact that you're like a fountain of apologies." I smirked at him. 

"When I do something wrong I make up for it." He replied, sounding rather innocent and humble. Huh, you don't see that very often. 

I lifted a brow. "Is that so?" 

"Mm-hm." He nodded. 

I bit the inside of my cheek to stifle my mischievous smile. "Then you won't mind carrying my plate while I run to find my friend? As penance for knocking me over last week?" 

His eyes widened slightly, but he gulped and said, "Uh, sure." 

Grinning to myself, I handed him a full plate of food--pizza slice, potato chips, salad, chicken nuggets, and a big chocolate chip cookie before bolting out. 

It didn't take me long to spot Selina, who was sitting near the end of one of the tables close by the entrance. 

Nodding to myself, I returned, only to find Andy walking toward me with two plates. 

"Thanks," I said as I took mine back from him, and swiped a water bottle. 

"You're welcome." He said, still sounding a little timid. 

Dang, this guy needs to build up some confidence. Otherwise, he's going to get steamrolled over in life. 

I bit my lip as I led the way over to Selina, who was working through a plate of nuggets. "Chill out, Selina. Don't inhale all that at once." 

"Like you're any better--" She cut herself off when she realized that we weren't alone. "Uh, hi?" 

"Hi," Andy said awkwardly. 

I grinned as I sat down, gesturing to Andy to join us. He did so quietly. "Hey Selina, remember what I told you about last week?" 

Her light brown eyes swept from my face to Andy's, seeming to scrutinize him. "He's the guy who ran you over?" she asked, the corners of her mouth turning upward. 

"He did, but turns out, he's pretty decent." I deadpanned, causing them both to laugh. "Andy, meet Selina, my childhood friend. Selina, Andy." 

She gave him a mischievous smile. "So, Andy, tell us about yourself." 

He flushed pink but complied, and soon, we had a friendship blooming (my name was not punned). Two of his friends joined us after a bit, named Marcus (who goes by Mark) and Rio. 

"Well well well, look who's finally decided to talk to girls." Came a teasing, slightly cracky male tone. 

We turned as one, spotting two boys approaching us with smiles of greeting and recognition. "Hey Mark, Rio." Andy greeted, showing more life and excitement now that his friends were here. 

The remaining tension within his shoulders finally bled away entirely. 

The first--Mark--has wavy brown hair and light blue-grey (more grayish than blue) eyes, with a sandy skin tone. He wore a white shirt with a mix of red, yellow, orange, and blue flowers, as well as baggy shorts. 

The second--Rio--had shorter hair, like he'd been buzzed down to one inch of dark hair all over his head. He had a darker skin tone, similar to a Latino's complexion, and golden-hazel eyes--rather exotic. He wore jeans and a collared green, aqua blue, and white shirt--our school's colors. 

"Friends of yours?" I ask with a small smile. 

"Yes. Guys, this is Bloom and Selina." Andy introduced us. "Girls, Mark, and Rio." 

"Nice to meet you," I said as I shook Rio's hand, while Selina waved at Mark shyly. 

The boys joined us, and soon, we were having a lively conversation about the other electives. 

"--and there's woodshop, home economics--which is basically food and sewing--and then computer integration. At least, that's the wheel I was on." Rio finished thoughtfully. 

"Wait, wait, wait." I held up a hand, my lips curving upward as I tried and failed to hide my amusement. "Computer integration? What are we, robots?" 

"It's a class that helps students become more...uh...familiar, there we go, familiar with the keyboard, and how to type properly, and stuff," Mark explained. 

"What's after art?" I asked excitedly. "Do you know?" 

"Robotics," Andy answered with a small smile. "Mark was lucky enough to get into the class." 

"You get to build with this Lego set called Mind EV3." Mark leaned forward eagerly, before popping a few potato chips into his mouth. He wiped his lips with the back of his arm, chewed, swallowed, and then continued. "It's not like, legit coding or anything, but it's still programming. And the robot bashes are epic!" 

'Boy's', Selina mouthed at me with a roll of her eyes before she turned to him. "It sounds cool," Selina said with her hand under her chin, her eyes locked onto his face. 

"I'd want to take it," I said before sighing. "Too bad that we can't pick our classes." 

"If we could, I would take film reaction again," Andy said thoughtfully. 

"Film reaction?" I giggled at the name of the class. 

"You only sit and watch movies." Andy shrugged. "We fill out these packets as we watch, and the day after we finish a movie we get a test on it. I'm in it right now. We've seen a Charlie Chaplin movie, a cowboy movie, and Rear Window so far." 

I snickered. "Rear Window?" 

"No, it's good." Andy insisted. "It's about a guy who spies on others from his window." 

"Creep." I said as Selina muttered, "Pervert," at the same time, causing us both to flush pink. 

Rio and Mark laughed while Andy smiled nervously. "No, it gets better. The man overhears a murder, and investigates with a woman, uncovering the fact that the wife's own husband did the crime." 

"He murdered her?" I said in surprise. "Dang, that's dark." 

"Not as dark as Revenge of the Sith," Selina muttered with a shiver. 

The boys looked at us in surprise. "You watch Star Wars?" Mark asked in shock. 

"Yeah, who hasn't?" I said defensively, crossing my arms. 

"Are you saying that girls can't watch sci-fi movies?" Selina asked, her pleasant demeanor becoming frosty. 

"No, no, no." Andy's eyes widened. "That's not what we're saying, uh, right guys?" 

"Uh, nope," Rio said instantly, leaving Mark to sputter and flounder. 

I coughed, deciding to spare poor Mark from Selina's cruel machinations. Her pout was worth me spoiling her fun. "Anyways, what are you going to watch next?" 

"Twelve Angry Men." Andy shrugged, looking a little jittery. "I don't know what it's about yet, since we weren't handed out the new packets. I'll find out on Monday, I think." 

I frowned. "Who teaches that?" 

"Ms. O'neal." 

"Ooooo, I've heard about her," Selina said, clearly in a gossip mood. "She's mean." 

"She's not bad, but she is a little scary," Andy admitted. "Worse if you have her for English 2, but she's, uh, nice enough." 

"What other electives are there, besides the ones you already said?" I asked. 

"Well, there are the full-year electives." Rio offered. "Band, choir, and ASB. ASB does all the projects and plans out stuff. Like this dance." 

I wrinkled my nose. "I can't imagine putting work into ASB. It sounds like no fun." 

"She means she'd have less free time to play with Transformers figures." Selina commented--after STEALING ONE OF MY CHICKEN NUGGETS--laughing at my blush and my strangled, "Seli--na!" 

"You like Transformers?" Andy exclaimed. "Me too!" 

I beamed at him. "We have so much in common." 

"Yeah, we do." His smile was more relaxed as we began to discuss and debate over the Transformers animated shows and brag about the figures we owned. 

I ignored Selina's smirk, but a shiver went down my spine...although I didn't know why.  

(future me: never, could I have imagined at this moment, where my path would lead). 

*End Flashback* 

"So which one is the one to capture your heart?" 

Daphne's question causes my cheeks to heat for like the billionth time. I swear, she's teasing me on purpose--yep, there's the faintly concealed smile. 

"Andy." I breathe out with a fond smile. "He was so cute and innocent back then." 

"You both were, despite enduring what you shouldn't have had," Daphne said tiredly. 

"Even then, I still retained the memories, ups and downs, victories and tragedies of another life." I countered. "I was never innocent--not truly." 

Daphne smiled and shook her head. "The girl I see in that memory learned to let go. She accepted that she is a child, and engaged with others, neither bullying them or shunning them due to her increased intellect. She released her past and left it where it truly was--the past--to begin to grow again." 

I shivered. "I've been an unwilling victim of bullies in both lives. Believe me, becoming what I loathe is never going to happen." 

Daphne gave me a warm smile, though, it looked held traces of worriness. "Your determination is admirable." 

"As is your endless curiosity." I tease. 

"Ignorance, yet knowledge." She said, clearly quoting someone, and yet, I couldn't help but notice it as a reference instead. "We can never stop growing and learning, unless we believe it so." 

"Hence why Stella's always trying something new?" I asked rhetorically, intermixed with sarcasm. 

"Perhaps in her taste of fashion." Daphne's lip twitched. "Diletta was similar in that way." 

Sighing, I drummed my fingers before I pulled up another memory. 

On with the show. 

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