Hells Queen

By anxiety_omfg

1K 45 7

Lilith was about to die when the Devil saved her. But that one decision meant the worlds were no longer in ba... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five


20 2 0
By anxiety_omfg

 "Please eat something Darling," Lucifer whispers, rubbing my back as we lay on our bed.

"I keep puking everything up," I mutter, laying my head back as I continue looking at the screen.

It's now two days after the incident with the hooded figure, Lucifer hasn't left my side and I haven't been able to keep anything down. I'm starving but anytime that I eat something no more than twenty minutes later and I'm sitting on the bathroom tiles.

"No regular poison should have done this to you, maybe Iz will know something," Lucifer mutters, though it seems more to himself than to me. "You are really worrying me."

Shifting around slightly, I kiss his cheek, "I'm fine, I'm sure it will pass, it's just a little stomach ache."

"Darling, we don't get stomach aches down here, you are not a human anymore, this shouldn't be happening," he tells me, pulling me closer, his head resting into my neck.

"Baby," I mumble, now staring at the ceiling. Hearing a muffled mumble, I laugh as his breath tickles my neck. "I love you."

Pulling his face out of my neck, "I love you too, Lilith." Before placing his face back into my neck, making me laugh.

"Why has this been your new favorite spot lately," I ask, raising my hand to run my hand through his soft waves. Rolling my eyes as he mumbles something into my shoulder.

Staying like this for a couple minutes, I enjoy his warmth as he holds me. Hearing a knock on the door, I start to get up but only find myself being pulled into Lucifer again. "Come in," I yell, as I let him hold me.

I sigh when I see everyone shuffling into our room, standing in a line at the end of our bed. "Has he been like this the entire time?" Harium asks, pointing at Lucifer who simply raises a hand to flip him off.

"What can we help you with?" I ask, not even trying to move away.

"Well I'm here to figure out why you are sick, because I asked the doctor you saw once and they said this shouldn't be happening. They are an idiot so, I'll figure it out," Isabania pipes up.

"I'm here to apologize to you and Lucifer," Grim says, his tall stature making him look like a giant compared to the rest of the demons.

"And who told you to do that?" Iz calls, sitting down at a small desk in the corner.

"Yeah, whatever," Grim mutters, walking away from the small group and joining Iz in the corner.

"We are here to figure out what happened, because the idiot behind us can only tell us so much," Lorenzo says, earning a 'watch it' from Grim. "And no matter what Harium says, I think he just misses his angry best friend."

"For fucks sake, I don't miss Lucifer," Harium argues, which tells me that this isn't the first argument over this topic, which makes me laugh.

Finally pulling his head from my neck, Lucifer whispers, "you don't have to tell us yet, if you don't want to. But it would be helpful."

"I can tell you guys," I shrug my shoulders. "But can you guys find somewhere to sit, I can't just talk with you two just standing there, it's weird." Ignoring Hariums comment about humans, I watch them all get comfortable.

"Well Grim gave me some information and then apparently you all suck, so he needed a new drink buddy," I tell them, earning a wink from Grim which leads to Lucifer pulling me closer.

"I just got some water, it didn't taste weird, nothing was weird about it at all," I tell them. "I then took a second sip and I was hot, shaking, and all I knew I needed to do was puke, so I ran into the bathroom. As I puked she cam-"

"She?" Lorenzo asks.

"She'll get to that in a moment," Grim states, sending him a thankful smile, I continue.

"While I was puking, she came in and was just talking to me, about how she was going to do anything and then how I ruined everything," I explained. "Talking about how she was back to square one and she wasn't going to stop until she got what she wanted. That she almost had it before I got here."

"I'm sorry," Lucifer whispers, kissing my shoulder as he continues hugging me.

"While she was talking, even when the light was on her, I couldn't see her face, but she moved and strands of black hair framed the hood," I tell them. "It was like she wanted me to see it, and her voice was raspy, it broke at one point too."

"Was there anything that really stuck out to you?" Harium asks.

"She was just really upset, saying that she had a plan and I fucked it up," I mumble, my arms wrapping around my stomach as I feel myself starting to get hungry again.

"Okay, everyone leave except Iz," Lucifer states. Without a word, the three guys head out of the door. Seconds later, the door opens again, a maid bringing in a bowl of soup, placing it down and heading back out. Softly moving me to the side, Lucifer grabs the bowl, "eat."

"Yes sir," I salute, laughing when I see his eyes grow dark for a second.

"Gross," Iz states, as she walks and sits on the side of the bed closest to me. "Don't eat this too fast."

Taking a spoonful of the soup, I enjoy the warmth it brings me as I slowly eat it.

"What do you think it could be?" Lucifer asks, looking over his way I see him staring at me as I take another spoonful. A soft blush taking over my features at his intense stare.

"Honestly, my guess is that she used the flower in the drink like she did on the arrows," Iz sighs, her eyes also focusing on me.

"Okay, both of you need to stop staring at m-" before I could finish my statement, I rushed into the bathroom. Hurling up the little bit I did eat as a sob leaves my lips.

Feeling my hair being picked up as I curl around the toilet seat again, I slowly breathe through my mouth, not daring to breathe through my nose. Wiping my mouth, I groan as I flush the toilet.

"I really fucking hate this," I groan, taking the glass of water from Iz with a smile.

Taking a sip, I place the water down, laying down on the cold tile as Lucifer moves out of my way. Looking up, I try to give him a reassuring smile as he straightens up, looking at Iz.

"Yeah, it has to be the flower, but the cure would need another flower, and to be completely fair with what Grim was telling me earlier, I don't trust the ones in the castle," she tells us, sitting on the edge of the bath.

I'm gonna take a bath after they leave.

"So you guys need to go past the city to get some more," Lucifer mutters, leaning against the bathroom door, staring at me again.

"Nope," Isabania sighs. "You and Grim are going out there, even Harium, but I am not leaving her side."

"I am not leaving her," Lucifer snaps, his eyes glowing red as he looks at his friend.

"I could use some girl time," I whisper, starting to get up but leaning back down when my head starts to spin. I watch as Lucifer snaps his gaze to me, his features softening and his eyes going back to their natural color.

"See Lucifer, she needs some girl time," Iz states, giving me a wink before I close my eyes. Smiling at the cold tiles on my sweating back.

"Please Lucifer, I just want this to be done," I tell him, not opening my eyes.

"Leave," Lucifer states, hearing the click of heels and the close of the door, I know it's just my husband and I left. Hearing the shuffling of suit pants, I smile when I feel him lay down next to me, carefully holding my hand between us.

"I'll be fine," I tell him. "Plus, you can't just keep sitting by my side."

"Bullshit," he argues. "They've been taking care of everything, and they have before. I don't need to leave you."

"I could use the girl time," I repeat, smiling when I hear him sigh.

Opening my eyes slowly, I groan at the bright light in our bathroom. Turning my head over, I smile when I see my husband already staring at me. "Plus, you are faster than the rest," I tell him, making him laugh.

I love his laugh. Ew, I sound so in love. I guess there isn't anything wrong with that but ew.

"Are you sure?" he asks. Nodding my head, I move closer to him, placing a kiss on his lips. Smiling at me, I match his as he looks over my face before nodding. "I'll be back before nightfall then."

Getting up himself, he reaches down, pulling me up and crushing me into a hug. "Can we not lay on the floor again, my back already hurts," he mutters.

"Old man," I tease, pulling back as I grin.

"I am not an old man," he argues, pulling me out to our bedroom. "Don't eat anything before I get back, it shouldn't take too long."

Opening our bedroom door, I burst out laughing as everyone stood in the hall. "Do you guys not have anything else to do?" I ask through my laughs.

"Is he going?" Iz asks, her eyes narrowing at my husband.

"He is," I tell them.

"Fucking yes! Girls day!" she screams, grabbing my arm, pulling me down the hall and around the corner.


"That was such a good movie," Isabania squeals for the third time as we head into the kitchen. "Are there any other movies like that?"

"Yeah, an entire genre explained as cheesy romance," I tell her, laughing at how happy she is right now. "Have you never been to Earth?"

"Like twice, and-" she cuts herself off. "Well it wasn't to watch movies."

Opening the fridge, I try not to think about what she was saying. I know what it most likely meant but I rather not enjoy this night with a serious talk. Grabbing some pasta from the night before, "well I'll show you more movies later."

"Fuck yes!" she squeals, jumping and sitting on the counter. "Should you be eating that? Lucifer might flip and try to kill me."

Popping the top off, I place it in the microwave, too lazy to heat it up any other way, "this is for you, your stomach has been growling since halfway through the movie."

Watching her mouth fall open, she smiles, "I'm a hungry demon, leave me alone!"

"Just stating the facts," I tell her, "also Lucifer would never kill you, I wouldn't allow it."

"Yes, put him in his place," she screams, making me double over laughing.

"Who are we putting in their place?" I hear Lucifer ask, turning around and I start walking towards him when I see a large red stain on his white shirt.

"What the fuck is that?" I spat out, pointing at the red stain. "Is that fucking blood?!"

"Don't worry it's not mine Darling," Lucifer replies as the same time Grim popes out behind him with a bloody grin.

"It's mine," he says, blood dripping from his lip.

"What the fuck did you do," I ask Lucifer as I push past him, pulling Grim to a seat as Isabania starts cutting the wounds on his face.

"He was making smart ass comments," Lucifer smirks, trying to walk to me with open arms.

"Nope, change," I tell him, swirling around before turning back around. "And shower, don't just change."

"You aren't making him shower," he retorts, glancing at his brother.

"You punched him," I scream, his eyes going wide at my sudden outburst. "You were supposed to get something to help me but instead you come back hours later with your brother beat up and nothing else in your hand."

Reaching into his jacket pocket, he opens up a napkin with a dark flower laying on it. Before I can react, Iz is screaming at him to be careful, rushing past everyone to claim the flower from his hands.

"You are an absolute idiot, what has happened to this flower?!" Iz screamed, setting it gently down on the counter, before turning back to my husband. "And you better explain why you beat the crap out of Grim's face."

"You say you don't care about him, so why the fuck do you care?" Lucifer spits out.

"I asked a fucking question, so you better answer," Iz states, stepping up to the devil, anger flashing in her eyes.

Hearing Lorenzo starting to argue with Harium, I finally start losing it, their voices going in and out as another wave of nausea hits me. "Enough," I scream, the kitchen going quiet.

"Iz, create the medicine. Lorenzo takes care of Grim. Harium, go take care of the rest of the work for today. Now," I demand as they all continue glaring at me. "Now."

Watching as they all scramble out of the kitchen, I walk over to Lucifer, grabbing his hand and pulling him with me. Heading down to our room, I shove him in the bathroom. "Take a shower."

Nodding his head, he places a soft kiss on my forehead. Walking into our closet, I grab one of his large sweatshirts, pulling it on. Wrapping my arms around myself, I walk back into our room, sighing when a knock comes through the wood.

Walking over, I smile when I see Iz standing there, a small cup in her hand and a small smile. "I finished your medicine," she says, shoving the cup in my face. "I added some mint leaves in it, so it should taste like mint tea."

"That's my favorite tea," I comment, letting her come into the room as I sit on the edge of the bed.

"I remember you saying that, and I haven't seen you make it so I figured," she shrugs. Hearing the water turn off in the bathroom, she gives me a smile. "Just drink this tea and everything should be okay. Alright love ya, keep me updated."

She walks out the door as Lucifer walks out clothed, drying his dark hair. "Is that the medicine," he asks, nodding at the tea in my hand.

"Mmmhm," I hum, bringing the cup to my lips. Taking a sip, I sigh at the warm liquid.

Scooting further into the bed, I take a couple more sips from the warm mug before Lucifer joins me in bed. Slipping under the covers, he places his head into my lap, looking up to face me.

"I'm sorry about earlier," he tells me, as I slide my free hand into his dark waves.

"You wanna tell me why you beat up your brother?" I ask. Hearing his mutter of 'not really' I shoot him a glare, which he grins a stupid smile at me.

"Okay, okay, he was just saying how much in love I am with you," he grumbles out, crossing his arms on his chest.

"So you aren't?!" I fake gasp, taking my hand from his hair, holding into my heart.

"No!" he protested, grabbing my hand, placing it back on his head. "He then started talking about how I used to act. How I use to fuck anything that had legs and all this other shit, and I didn't want to think about that. He also brought up my last rampage."

Ignoring his comment about fucking anything with legs I figure to ask about what he means by a a rampage. "And what does that mean exactly?" I ask, starting to mess with his hair again as I take another sip.

"No," he states, closing his eyes. "You'll look at me differently."

"No I won't," I insist.

"I killed people," he whispers.

"You are the devil, baby. I kinda figured you kill people," I tell him, shrugging my shoulders, not understand why he doesn't want to talk to me about it.

"That alone, still surprises me how you are okay with all of this," he replies, making me shrug my shoulders. "But when I go on rampages, I take innocent lives, I kill thousands and thousands of people, I start human wars. I start supernatural wars, I use to go on them for decades. Grim decided to ask me if I thought I would kill you if I went on another rampage."

I take another sip, trying to process what he just told me, looking down, I see his eyes are now open, trying to decipher me. "Please say something Darling."

Smiling at him, I behind down, kissing his forehead. "I trust you will never hurt me. I trust you will keep me safe, and give me everything that you can."

"I hurt you earlier, when I didn't let go," he mumbles, his eyes starting to water.

"Lucifer, there are going to be mistakes. On both of our parts in this marriage, we just have to work together to get through them," I tell him, taking the last sip of my tea. Leaning over, I place the cup on our bedside table.

"Lilith, don't give me more chances than I deserve," he tells me, sitting up as I move down to lay next to him.

Pulling me onto his chest, I wrap my arm around his waist, kissing his chest. "If you mess up badly enough, you'll have centuries to make up for it." Sitting in silence for a couple minutes, I find my eyes growing heavy. "I'm sleepy."

"Take a nap my love," Lucifer whispers, as I feel a soft kiss placed on my hair.

"I love you."

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