𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 ║ ᴍɪɴꜱᴜɴɢ

By MoreThanMyOwn

13.3K 461 143

Han Jisung, a struggling music producer, is completely smitten by a handsome, cold bar back by the name of Le... More

Chapter 2. Paralyzed
Chapter 3. Benefits
Chapter 4. Waiting
Chapter 5. Stay
Chapter 6. Stuck
Chapter 7. Getaway
Chapter 8. Longing
Chapter 9. Flooded
Chapter 10. Admittance
Chapter 11. Regret
Chapter 12. Wounded
Chapter 13. Limbo
Chapter 14. Healing
Chapter 15. Ghost
Chapter 16. Closure
Chapter 17. Past
Chapter 18. Deceit
Chapter 19. Burned
Chapter 20. Repair
Chapter 21. Resentment
Chapter 22. You

Chapter 1. Encounter

1.9K 45 35
By MoreThanMyOwn

There is no content warnings for this chapter xx

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Jisung needed a break.

Work was beyond exhausting, and as far as he could tell, he needed a fucking drink. He wasn't one to go out and party at random times of the night, especially on the weekend where a large crowd of people were surely out at a bar or clubbing their life away, chugging random alcohol and possibly consuming drugs left and right. It wasn't Jisung's exact idea of a good time, but being a musician, a struggling one at that, made him really want a bottle of soju.

He lived in an apartment by himself, one that was hardly kept clean and was small enough. The only separation his bedroom had from the living room was a dressing divider, one he found on the side of the road and would suffice enough to offer some privacy when he had company over. It was an affordable living space, one that would get him by before he could live in some sort of lavish mansion or. . . something.

He barely owned enough furniture, especially for someone who had been living there for the past year, it looked like he had barely moved in. Jisung admittedly was a bit frugal and didn't find the need or want to expand the amount of possessions he had if he were to move out of this hellish apartment within the next few months. But, then again, he's been telling himself he was going to move out for at least six months already, so, he was stuck in a loop of lying to himself every day.

He had a large desk, one that took up most of the room in his living space, fitted with three computer monitors, a powerful computer tower and a multitude of music equipment. He had a microphone, a keyboard, soundboard, mixing board and a few loose cables from something, but everything he needed to make a song was present. He had a few guitars hung on his wall for display purposes, but every now and then, he indulges himself and plays a few songs to alleviate the stress in his veins.

He wasn't famous by any means, making barely enough to afford this shitty apartment from his freelance music work and composition skills, mixing and remixing songs over and over again until he can barely keep his eyes open. His diet basically consisted of coffee and take out from the barbeque place down the street, which was enough protein to keep his body alive and kicking.

He had some friends, ones he barely went out with, but he did his best to keep in touch. They had been friends since high school, and he wasn't one to break promises. He told both of them that he'd keep himself in contact regardless of where they'd end up, making sure to see them at least once a month. Felix and Seungmin were his only friends, moreso the only ones who put up with his bullshit and lack of schedule. They graduated almost five years ago, putting everyone out of college and into the real world, where they all were very much single and working boring nine to fives.

Jisung did his best to keep himself isolated, making music for almost sixteen hours straight some days and other days sleeping until the sun set for the second time. Some would call him lazy, but Jisung refers to his routine as producer magic, claiming that he needs to hibernate until another idea develops in his mind and takes a hold of his heart.

This night in particular, Jisung had worked on his computer passionately for around nine hours before deciding that he needed some sort of a break. It was late August, a lonely Friday night spent staring into a computer monitor and working on the same remixed track he had been stuck on for the last week. His phone was empty of notifications and his mind was incredibly fried. He needed another outlet, at least, just for this one time. He needed to go out into the world and get some fresh air. But, that could also be the smell of his apartment rotting his brain. God, he really needed to clean.

He takes it upon himself to finally text Felix and Seungmin in their shared group chat which, as of late, had remained quiet for more than a couple of days. Everyone was busy, working their boring shifts and making money to live comfortably. But Jisung was bored. He needed his friends more than he ever has, finally deciding he needs more than just a five minute break.

I need to go out. Please say you'll come with me.


You're lucky you found me with no plans.

I'm in.


I guess I'll go too just because you asked nicely.

I need a drink. Who knows of a good bar around here?

One that isn't going to be riddled with people either.


I know one. I'll send you guys the address.

Please don't be late, Jisung.

Who said I was ever late?

Jisung knew he was usually always late, but he wanted to go out. Surely he wasn't going to be late. Then again, when he looked down at his clothes and smelled the lack of showering he had done for the week, he might be a little late.

Nevermind. I might be late.

Gotta shower.

Be there in like twenty.

Jisung throws his phone on the couch behind his desk, jumping out of his desk chair and running into the bathroom without another thought.

He's relatively quick, washing his hair and putting on a clean change of clothes within ten minutes before spending the next five minutes styling his hair and adding accessories to his outfit of choice.

Was he looking to earn some intimate company for the night? Not really. But, it didn't hurt to at least try and look like he was worth buying a drink for. He was already running kind of late, grabbing his phone and a jacket before tying on his boots and heading out the door, locking it shut haphazardly. He rushes down the stairs, mind in a blur as he opens the bar's location on his phone and realizes that it's a ten minute walk.

"Shit!" Jisung groans, eyeing the street ahead of him to try and hail a cab within a few seconds before giving up and walking dejectedly down the sidewalk. He made sure to text his friends that he was on the way and they didn't forget to tell him what a mess he was, to which he laughed off and pretended not to hear because deep down he knew that, he just didn't want to be reminded.

As he arrives, hearing the mellow thumps of music with street lights ambient on the pavement ahead of its open front doors, he spots Felix's blonde hair and Seungmin's usual jeans and white shirt combo, waving to them with a beaming smile.

"You're so late!" Seungmin frowns, but Felix is quick to smack his arm with a sigh.

"We're just happy to see you, Ji. Feels like it's been forever, is all."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'm always busy." Jisung apologizes truthfully, watching Seungmin roll his eyes with an unamused gaze. He knew Seungmin felt left out of his life now, and he hated that his friend felt so abandoned, but he felt like he couldn't help his introverted tendencies of locking himself away in peaceful isolation.

"First round is on me. Let's go!" Felix places his hands on his friend's backs, pushing them gently towards the doors and into the vacant bar Seungmin had suggested.

It was modern on the inside, filled with televisions that broadcasted sports games and some sort of music channel, black leather bar stools empty as two bar backs sit waiting, hands on the bar with a white rag laid over their shoulder.

The walls were wooden, brown slats of repurposed wood with pictures of aesthetic photographs labeled with different brands of soju and beer rested against the panels, along with the usual neon lights resting behind the counter to add the typical flair to the newer, modern bar.

There were some patrons in the back of the bar, talking loudly about a soccer game with a mess of onion rings and french fries between them, empty bottles askew on the table behind them. Jisung watches them for a moment, eyes flicking up to gaze at the televisions above them, trying to understand why people found sports so interesting before following his friends to the bar quietly.

"Three shots of soju, please." Felix smiles at the taller bartender, sitting down on a barstool that was almost in the middle with Seungmin to his left and Jisung settling to his right.

"What have you been working on lately, Ji?" Felix turns towards his friend, watching him sigh with a million answers clinging to his tongue.

"Mixtapes and some commission work here and there. Usual bullshit." Jisung's attention is stirred away by three clear glasses being sat down ahead of them, watching the clear liquid be filled to the brim of the small shot glass. He patiently waits for everyone to have their glass filled, grabbing onto his glass with his thumb and pointer finger, quietly cheersing with his friends before tossing the bitter liquid back, barely wincing at the sting of the soju.

"Post any new music lately?" Felix asks after swallowing his shot, placing the glass gently down on the counter.

"No. I've been in some sort of mental rut with this track. Haven't made any headway with it in like a week."

"That sucks." Felix frowns, feeling Seungmin lean forwards, eyes glancing at Jisung with bitter interest.

"Well, maybe if you took more breaks, you wouldn't be so frustrated."

"Minnie," Jisung tries to play along, ignoring the sting the words had on his heart. "I try my best."

"What Seungmin is trying to say is that you look tired, Ji." Felix shoots their younger friend a threatening glance before turning to Jisung with an empathetic look filled with concern, but Jisung tries to wave it off as nothing.

"I sleep! I sleep a lot, actually."

"But do you take care of yourself?" Felix's words hurt more than Seungmin's did. He knows his friends are trying to be good and considerate, but the last thing he wanted on his conscience was to know that his friends were worried about him. He knew he had some problems to dish out with himself and his dirty apartment, but he was doing his best, and in his mind, that was all that mattered.

"I'm okay, guys. I promise. Please stop talking about my sad ass life! Let's drink and have fun, yeah?"

"You're right." Felix nods, raising his hand slightly to cue the bartender back over. "But we're going to discuss your unhealthy habits later."

"Give me a break, mom." Jisung drawls, earning a small bout of laughter from Seungmin.

"One more round, please." Felix politely asks, watching the bartender reach for the soju again and pour one more small glass for the trio.

"God, I don't know if I want another shot," Jisung groans and Felix smacks his wrist.

"You're taking one." Felix smiles at him, watching his friend roll his eyes in despair as the bartender lines up three more shot glasses and fills them to the brim.

Jisung hardly refuses as soon as the liquor is poured, fingers grabbing onto the shot glass quickly, raising it towards his lips and tossing it back, barely wincing when the soju hits his tongue.

Felix and Seungmin follow suit soon after, a groan following after the liquid is swallowed, visibly wincing in recoil to the bitter sting of soju.

"God, what brand is this?" Seungmin mutters, shoving his glass away as he decides against wanting another shot.

"You're just being a pussy," Jisung grumbles, watching Felix stifle an incoming laugh and Seunming's eyes turn into visual daggers.

"I'll kill you." Seungmin threatens, though his words hold little weight as Jisung starts laughing and Felix struggles to keep his composure.

Through his laughter, Jisung notices a shift change between the bartenders, watching the two males serving them previously fill in two other bartenders, hand over their towels and leave beyond the bend of the bar. Two younger men come through, one taller with broad shoulders and dark brunette hair. The other was just a little shorter, auburn hair, sharp jaw accompanied by a muscular build and veiny arms. He was wearing a black button-up, the first two buttons undone, hands sliding to his wrists to move his sleeves upwards towards his elbows.

"Ji!" Felix gently shoves Jisung's arm, trying to snap his attention away from the new bar backs.

"Hm?" Jisung practically tears his eyes away from the stranger, watching Felix gawk at him hysterically.

"Are you checking him out?"

"What? No!" Jisung recoils, watching Seungmin turn his focus towards the new bartenders and almost immediately stand up from his seat.

"I'm gonna go get a table." He mumbles to Felix, walking away and leaving Jisung to defend himself to Felix who very obviously didn't believe him.

"I don't need a boyfriend right now." Jisung tries to keep his voice low, eyes watching the two bartenders slowly ease into their shift and scan their surroundings. "Besides. . . he's probably not gonna be into me."

"You never know, Ji." Felix glances towards the bartender in question, then back towards his friend who was watching him curiously. "He's your type. Who's to say you're not his?"

"A very broke and very struggling music producer with a bad sleeping schedule doesn't exactly sound like his type."

"Oh, so you know him?"

"Obviously not."

"Well, then how do you know?"

"You're annoying," Jisung sighs, dropping his gaze for a moment. "He's really hot, though."

"Yeah," Felix turns around, a smile curling on his lips. "He is."

"Where'd Minnie go?" Jisung turns to look, scanning the area around the bar with confusion lingering in his gaze.

"Said he went to go get a table. . . not sure why."

"Oh." Jisung blinks twice, turning back towards Felix with a raised brow. "Did we do something wrong?"

"I'd hope not. He was the one making fun of you, actually. I think he's just hungry or something."

"Why'd he go to a table instead of just ordering something here?"

"He's Seungmin. He's weird."


"I'm gonna go keep him company. Are you coming with me or are you gonna try to flirt with the hot bartender?"

Jisung rolls his eyes. "I'm not flirting with him."

"You didn't say anything to coming with me, so I'm assuming you're gonna stay here."

"Lix." Jisung makes stern eye contact with his friend, watching a smile curl on his 'innocent' lips. "I don't need a boyfriend right now."

"You don't have to make him your boyfriend." Felix reassures. "You can just like. . . fuck around, y'know?"

"God, Felix." Jisung stifles a laugh, turning his attention away towards the nearing bartender. "Be quiet, will you?"

"Can I get you two anything?" The older bartender asks politely, eyeing both of his patrons down while reaching for the white rag hung over his shoulder.

"I'll do another round of soju, please." Jisung says quietly, turning towards Felix who nods.

"I'll just do a bottle. I'm gonna go join my friend at a table." Felix smiles at the bartender, who nods slightly and gives them a warm smile.

"Of course. One second."

"He's cute-" Jisung mentions lightly, looking up at Felix with a devious smirk.

"Enough, Ji. I really don't need a boyfriend."

"I know. You're still dealing with Hyunjin, trust me, I know."

"Well," Felix watches the bartender approach again, an unopened bottle of soju in one hand and a shot glass in another. "Cowboy up, Ji."

"Cowboy up?"

"Here you go," The bartender hands over the bottle of soju to Felix, setting the empty shot glass on the counter before grabbing the old ones to stow away in an apparent dish rack beneath the surface of the countertop. "Half shot, full shot?"

"Full." Jisung drawls, looking at Felix with an unvoiced plea for help.

"Right." The bartender reaches for the bottle of soju behind the bar, his free hand grasping onto the shot glass before generously pouring in the liquor. It's only then that Jisung looks up enough to catch the name tag hanging on his button-up shirt, eyes glazing over the silver pin with interest.

"Christopher?" Jisung audibly asks, watching the bartender look up once he was done pouring.

"That's me. Just let me know if you need anything more." Chris smiles and leaves, turning away towards the other bartender, the one in question, down the line.

"Well, I'm gonna go sit with Minnie. Please don't do anything I wouldn't do." Felix grabs onto his bottle, watching Jisung reach for his shot glass and raise it, slightly tilting his shot glass towards his friend in silent cheers. Felix tilts his bottle back, rising from the barstool and walking away, leaving Jisung to throw the liquor back without thought.

He sets down the glass, sliding it towards the edge of the counter before leaving his barstool and walking timidly towards the other end. The other male was quite bruting, quiet and focused, all things Jisung took notice of immediately. His eyes scan for the male's name, hands reaching out for the back of the barstool before he pulls it out to sit.

"Can I help you?" The male asks, almost coldly, but warm enough to be inviting as an employee.

"Old fashioned?" Jisung watches as the bartender breathes calmingly, nodding with a quiet sigh.

"Sure." The male grabs a glass under the counter, using the towel perched on his shoulder to wipe away any fingerprints on the outside of the glass before mixing bourbon and whiskey together, tinged with the flavor of citrus to top it off.

Jisung watches devotedly, eyes scraping to try and find the name of said bartender, but he misses the chance to see his badge.

"Here you go," The bartender sets down the finished drink on the counter ahead of Jisung, finished with a thin black straw and a napkin settled beneath the drink, using his white towel to wipe his hands off afterwards.

"Thank you," Jisung smiles, looking up just in time to catch the spelling of a name. "Minho."

"You're welcome. . .?" Minho smiles at him for a moment, words hanging on the edge of his tongue as Jisung finally blinks himself to life.

"Ah, Jisung." The younger smiles at him shyly. "Where're you from?"

Jisung wraps a hand around his glass, watching Minho exchange glances with him awkwardly for a second before sighing.

"Gimpo-si." Minho sharpens his gaze, eyes narrowed and voice a cent softer. "You?"

"I live in Seoul now. I was born in Icheon."

"Do you like it here in Seoul?" Minho asks, hands resting on the edge of the bar as he glances around timidly at first, catching sight of no other customers near the bar.

"I do. I've been living here for about a year." Jisung shrugs, raising his glass. "The weather here sucks, though."

"It does rain a lot." Minho agrees lightly, watching Jisung take a long swig of his new drink.

"It's good writing weather, though." Jisung breathes, slightly wincing from the ache of bourbon.

"You're an author?"

"No. I write music a lot." Jisung sets down his glass, watching as Minho's attention is caught by his own gaze.

"A producer, hm?" Minho looks over to Chris, then settles back towards Jisung as he watches the younger rake a hand through his hair.

"What do you do, besides this?"

"I dance." Jisung raises a brow at the response, eyes struggling to stay connecting towards Minho's gaze. Minho definitely looked the part, given the fact that his veins protruded out of his arms and his neck, and also considering that he was incredibly fit.

"How long have you been dancing?"

"For as long as I can remember." Minho's gaze drifts. "I've loved it more than I've loved anything else."

"Interesting," Jisung smiles, fingers tapping his glass lightly. "I've felt the same way about music."

"Write anything good?"

"Probably not by your standards." Jisung scoffs.

"How do you know my music taste, hm?"

"Let me guess," Jisung narrows his gaze, jaw taut with a smirk curled on the edge of his lips. "You like rock. Not hard rock, but something enough to get your body moving and to keep your mind busy. Or, maybe hip-hop of some kind because you like the beats and tones associated with it."

"Pretty close." Minho raises a brow. "How'd you know?"

"You're a dancer. It's pretty textbook."

"Hm," Minho leans away from the counter, waist and lower back pressing to the counter settled behind him that held multiple bottles of liquor stowed away on shelves nailed into the walls. "Let me guess something about you."

"Alright," Jisung raises his glass again. "Shoot."

"You write music, so you don't sleep. Right?"

"How could you tell?" Jisung rolls his eyes playfully, taking a drink of his booze.

"I can see the ridiculous amount of bags under your eyes, plus you hold your liquor incredibly well and like you said; textbook." Minho grabs onto his white towel that was resting on the counter and tosses it over his shoulder. "Writers never sleep."

"You can just sense my insomnia from that far away, hm?" Jisung takes another drink, setting down the glass almost unphased, but quietly screaming inside.

"It's not that." Minho shakes his head. "Tortured souls can see each other."

The conversation unexpectedly turned deep, and for a second, Jisung regrets sliding over to this bar stool. Minho was undoubtedly smart, seeing right through his drunken facade with ease, given that he's only said a few sentences to Minho. He didn't like to drag on his own personal red flags, especially with a random hot stranger he had only met three minutes ago, but something about the elder made his heart race. That was something he wasn't so easily going to let go of.

"What do you mean by tortured?"

"I just know you've been through some shit."

"Hasn't everyone?"

Minho rolls his eyes. "Yes, obviously. I don't mean for this to sound rude, but when I look at you I see pain."

"I need more whiskey for this." Jisung groans, taking another large swig.

"I don't want to impose." Minho hurriedly apologizes, but Jisung can't help but think that it might just be to save his tip. "I can just see that about you."

"Minho," Jisung bravely asks, fingers clinging to his drink. "What are you doing after this?"

The comment seems to have taken Minho by shock, leaving the male to sit quietly and blink rapidly towards the younger. Jisung instantly feels regret sinking into his stomach, leaving him little room to formulate words to fix the mess that stumbled from his mouth.

"I work until late tonight." Minho finally admits coldly, leaving Jisung sitting awkwardly in his chair.

"I didn't-" Jisung's eyes close in a pinch. "I really didn't mean that."

"It's alright." Minho holds his hand up, silently asking for the younger to quit blaming himself as his eyes wince open.

"Well, now I'm embarrassed. So, I'm gonna go join my friends and act like this didn't happen. It was nice to meet you, Minho." Jisung grabs his glass and starts to stand from his seat, watching Minho glance down the bar and mutter something towards Chris. Jisung watches curiously as Minho turns back towards him, eyes unsure and timid.

"Wait." Minho pleads, catching Jisung's attention immediately the moment his feet meet the floor of the bar. Jisung's eyes are wide, drink sweating in the palm of his hand as he waits, watching Minho internally argue with himself.

"Can you come with me for a second?"

Jisung doesn't seem to care about the consequences of his actions now as he sets his glass down, pointing to it assuredly. "I'm coming back for that."

"Sure, Jisung. Come here." Minho smiles at him, walking to the otherside of the bar and towards a nearby door, to which Jisung follows devotedly. Awkwardly enough, it was the staff room.

A black nameplate is screwed into the door, gold letters etched into the metal stating 'Employees Only Beyond This Point'. Jisung is hesitant at best, but the encouraging glimmer in Minho's dark brown eyes persuades otherwise, so he trudges forward.

Jisung scurries into the staff room, listening to the door hurriedly shut behind him as he glances around the white-walled room, catching a glimpse of boxes stacked next to each other, labeled with different brands of liquor. It was kind of organized from what Jisung could tell, but then again, what did he know about owning a bar?

"Minho-" Jisung turns around, unexpectedly feeling Minho's hands capture his shoulders. Jisung quickly gets pushed backwards towards the empty wall, breath leaving Jisung's lungs as his back meets the wall, feeling Minho's hands push into his shoulders, keeping him placed up against the wall.

Words barely left Jisung's lips before he felt Minho press up against him, chest on chest and lips on lips. Minho groans into Jisung's mouth, hands readily touching and feeling all parts of Jisung's body as he clings to him, messily kissing his lips and his neck.

Jisung returns the favor, hands gripping onto Minho's waist hungrily, feeling the booze simmer deeply within his core as it drives him to bite down on Minho's bottom lip. Minho doesn't back down and instead returns the favor, slipping his tongue past Jisung's lips to taste inside of his alcohol-soaked mouth, grinning against Jisung's lips.

"Minho-" Jisung breathes, catching a moment to fill his lungs with fleeting air.

"Shh, Jisung." Minho coos, kissing another breath away from his lips.

"Is this really work appropriate?" Jisung asks the moment Minho presses a few more kisses against his throat. "I was thinking that we could go out when you get off, since I don't sleep, so you working late will never bother me anyway-"

Minho pulls away for a moment, a look of incredulous shock pulling at his expression as he stares at the younger playfully. "Jisung just shut up, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah. Okay."

More kisses are pressed to Jisung's lips as the next few minutes pass filled with hitched breaths and subtle groans, hidden by the impasse of touches and kisses. Jisung didn't realize how much he missed this. He longed for something like this for a while now, but with his work schedule and his lifestyle, it all seemed impossible. Given, the past relationship he was in was nothing except for toxic and unloving, but something about relationships gave Jisung an ick.

It wasn't that he hated sharing his life with someone, however, sharing his personal details with a stranger who felt replaceable was an uncomfortable idea. He just wasn't one for labels, especially when it came to relationships. He just liked to flirt and hang out with others, but rarely did he ever find himself in this type of situation.

There was a first for everything, and Jisung supposed that making out in a staff room with a hot bartender was indeed quite the first.

"I should go back," Minho breathes, one more kiss being placed on Jisung's jaw. "But you should know that what you said-"

"It was stupid." Jisung shies away, but Minho catches his jaw with his fingers.

"It was alright if you meant it like that." Minho blinks, watching Jisung's expression turn puzzled. "I didn't want to say anything in front of Chris, but, it was okay if you meant what you said, about going out or whatever tonight."

"Oh!" Jisung's cheeks deepen in flush.

"I'm off at eleven. I think your friend Felix knows Hyunjin, right?"

"They do know each other," Jisung smiles, watching Minho's eyes light up gently. "Why?"

"Chris was begging for Hyunjin and I to go out clubbing with him tonight after work. You and Felix can tag along too." Jisung's almost expressionless for a second and Minho's eyes widened with concern. "Unless you don't want to-"

"I want to." Jisung smiles, suddenly caught up in the idea of leaving Seungmin out. "But we do have a third friend. Can he come, too?"

"Sure. As long as you're there." Minho leans away for a second, but Jisung is quick to pull him right back with his hands glued to the back of the elder's neck.

"I can't wait to see you later, then."

"I can't wait to be free of this uniform." Minho laughs, but Jisung leans closer, breathing Minho's air and hushing a promise against his lips.

"I can't wait to take it off of you."

"Jisung-" Minho wants to cut free of the tension building between them, but Jisung is eagerly placing himself against Minho's lips, pulling away after a few seconds of peppering kisses to his face and mouth. "I really have to get back to work."

"Then go before I keep you hostage." Jisung smiles, half wishing Minho would beg to stay.

"I'll see you later. I'll have Hyunjin tell Felix the details, alright?"

"Okay." Jisung watches Minho pull away and he begrudgingly sneaks back out of the staff room, returning to the familiar counter that Minho wastes no time in disappearing behind.

Minho shares little words with Chris as he returns to work, acting innocently as if nothing had happened just a minute prior, pressing longing kisses to a stranger's neck and lips. Jisung was adamant that this was just a fling, but something inside of him knew that Minho could hardly ever be just a fling.

Jisung grabs his glass that was still sitting on the end of the counter, swirling his thin straw around in the glass before shyly looking upwards, watching Minho's eyes trail away from him suddenly. Jisung can't help but smile like an idiot as he strolls away in search of his friends.

"There he is," Felix smiles, hand hovering over a basket of french fries. "Where'd you go?"

"So, about that." Jisung laughs, sitting down at the table across from Seungmin and Felix. "I just made out with the fucking bartender."

"You're kidding." Seungmin frowns.

"You're kidding!" Felix smiles, watching Jisung gauge both of his friend's expressions.

"The growing hickey on my neck would suggest otherwise."

"You're gross." Seungmin grabs a fry, shoving it into his mouth with a tinge of disgust lingering in his gaze.

"Hey. The dude was hot, alright?" Jisung reaches his hand over to the basket when Felix's hand withdraws. "Besides. I got us plans for later."

"Which is what?" Felix asks with intrigue, a french fry gracing his tongue with a pinch of salt.

"Clubbing. Apparently Hyunjin knows the guy."

"You're lucky I'm on good terms with him right now." Felix rolls his eyes and Seungmin groans.

"So you're telling me that this is some kind of double date, and I'm left alone?"

"No! You can have the other bartender. He's coming too." Jisung watches Seungmin's eyes track towards the bar and return back towards his own gaze with lingering disinterest.

"I'd rather die."

"Oh come on, Minnie." Jisung whines. "I never get to see you guys. Please?"

"You are literally working all of the time. You said it yourself!" Seungmin feels Felix smack him on the wrist lightly, to which he sighs in defeat.

"Come on. One night. That's all I'm asking for."

"Fine. But you owe me." Seungmin grabs another fry, looking at both of his friends. Felix and Jisung both had smiles growing on their lips, happily watching their friend grow an attitude. "What?!"

"You're so cute, Minnie." Felix teases lightly, watching the younger lean into his chair and fold his arms across his chest.

"Shut up."

"Let's pregame, yeah?" Jisung eyes his drink excitedly, listening to Felix hum happily and Seungmin groan disapprovingly.

"I guess." Seungmin leans forward, fingers grasping onto Han's drink as he steals it away, tilting the rest of the liquid down his throat with ease.

"You're a fucking lunatic." Jisung threatens, eyes wide as he watches his younger friend completely slam back a drink concocted with both whiskey and bourbon.

"And I'm going to need to be completely drunk to get through a night stuck with you. So let's party." Seungmin winces as he sets the glass down, eyes shut tight with bitterness as the bourbon lingers on his lips.

"You heard him," Felix nods, bottle of half-drank soju in his hands. "Let's party."

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"you're crazy if you think i'm ever letting you go, baby." jisung feels a blush blooming on his face. he blinks rapidly, clearly affected by the pet...
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Completed! ❝ Get in loser, we're going shopping ❞ ❝ You've watched Mean Girls? ❞ ❝ Of course they have, ...
81K 2.3K 36
Lee Minho and Han Jisung were two very different individuals. Minho liked sports and was a 'jock'. Jisung loved music and producing the arts, he was...
95.4K 2.8K 25
- I'm not dumb and I won't fall for your flirting! - Wait and see, Han. At a party Jisung meets Minho, a fuckboy who tries to seduce him. Jisung exac...