Loki Oneshots

By Lady_chota

8.3K 135 35

A collection of Loki x Reader oneshots :) Updated whenever I have an idea worth posting! These are also poste... More

The Avengers Will Fall
What You'd Do
I Don't Need You
Remember It All
All Good Things
Masked Love
I Missed You
Just Drawing
Come Home
I'm Fine

Come Home (part 2)

270 8 3
By Lady_chota

Loki stares at the letter in his shaking hands, the ink slightly smudged in places from his tears - and what looks to be dried tears from someone else. You.

It makes sense now; why you disappeared, why you cut all contact with him. And yet, simultaneously, it makes no sense at all.

There are too many blank spaces in the story, each word sounding too devoid of emotion in his head. Whether that's because of his feelings intertwining with the message or because you're not yourself, he's unsure.

He wants to scream; let every emotion out. But his body won't let him. It feels as if he's caged; trapped behind bars of broken love.

It's then that Loki finally snaps, anger and determination flooding his veins. He's been looking for you for months, but now he's going to find you. He couldn't care less about being 'safe'; he just wishes to be with you. Hel, he would happily walk through the middle of a battlefield if it meant you'd be on the other side. Arrows would pierce through his skin, blades would slice open wounds, blood would run down his body in waterfalls; but he'd get to you

All he wants is you. The one person who lifted him out of the dark and showed him the light.

Now it seems he must return the favour.

He runs from the house, your slightly crumpled letter shoved in his pocket. His emotions cause his magic to be stronger than ever - it's easy to cast out an unnoticeable green wave to search for his love.

And it seems to work.

Before, he'd been so out of it he could hardly use his magic to keep the dust away from the surfaces. But just seeing a glimpse of you has made him so frustrated, yet so hopelessly love sick.

He pushes past people, his eyes on a little green shape in the distance. It glows slightly, drawing his attention to his one speckle of hope.

His pace quickens, rushing until the green blur becomes a faint outline, the outline becoming a clear, moving shape. Shouts, scuffles, yelps of pain and the sound of bodies hitting something solid fills the air. Loki's heart fills with dread as he rounds the corner and looks into a wide alleyway.


They've found you.

You stayed in one place for too long and now your paying for it. It's a four against one fight; one lies in semiconsciousness on the floor, one is attempting to regain their senses after a nasty blow to the head and the other two are pinning you against the wall, a knife against your neck as a metallic tang spreads through your mouth.

They decide to slam you against the wall once more for good measure, causing your head to loll as a wave of dizziness momentarily hits your senses. You feel something warm trickle from your mouth.

"You've been running for too long, Y/n," One of them spits, glaring you down with narrowed eyes. "But we've got you now. Boss'll be happy."

"Oh yeah? And what makes you so sure I won't run again?" You're pushing the limits, grappling for more time as your mind works overtime to find an escape route. You find nothing.

The men laugh. "With what the boss has planned for you, I don't think you'd stand a chance at running away again," A single note of fear strikes your heart. "Now, let's get this over with, shall we?"

A malicious grin seeps onto his face as he raises a large fist, intending to bring it down onto your head to knock you out. You brace yourself for the blow, sucking in a breath and watching as...

He's knocked to the floor. Green sparks of magic fly around the alleyway, your heart somehow simultaneously sinking and swelling at the same time. You'd know that colour anywhere. The men end up bound outside the alleyway, your knight in shining armour stood nearby, black locks flowing gently in the breeze.

You take a moment to catch your breath, processing what just happened as crimson droplets splatter onto the floor.

"What are you doing here?" You say, fear etching into your tone. "You can't be here! How did you even find me?"

"Y/n-" Your name slips from his tongue like honey, tempting you closer - somehow, you resist.

"No, no, no. Get away from here! You still have a chance to escape before they-"

"Y/n, stop," Loki interrupts, his voice harsh yet somewhat broken. You stop, eyes beginning to burn with tears as he timidly approaches you. "I don't care," He laughs as a single droplet slips down his cheek. "I don't care about being safe. I really don't."

He takes a few more steps until he's a mere breath away, his eyes scanning your face. In the dim lighting of the bedroom, he wouldn't of seen the slowly fading bruises, the new scars from healed cuts; but now he takes note of every single one, including the new gashes.

"I just want to be with you," He murmurs. "I just want to be with you..."

You feel your lip quivering. Loki's hand moves slowly to cup your face, his thumb rubbing gently over a yellowing bruise. You allow it, relaxing into his touch and feeling a weight lift from your shoulders.

Loki leans down and presses his forehead gently to yours, being careful not to hurt your injuries.

"Let me come with you. Please,"

You sigh, squeezing your eyes shut as the tears begin to cascade. "But you just got your freedom back... I can't take it away from you. And what if you get hurt? I can't... I-"

Loki hushes you. "I don't feel free without you. And where's the fun if we don't get a little injured?" His lips curve up into a smile; something you've been longing to see since you left. "Let me come with you, my love."

The corners of your mouth quirk up slightly as you shrug, finally giving in to your heart. "Fine. You can come,"

"Thank you," He wipes off the blood that has settled below your mouth and on your chin. Then, releasing a sigh, he wraps you into his arms, squeezing you tightly. 

"I'm sorry," You mumble into his chest.

"Don't be. We're together now,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too, my darling."

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