The Viper hero. My hero acade...

By TheCrimsonWrath

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His name is Nagisa midoriya Adopted as a baby by the midoriya family He lives with his adopted brother and... More

Enter Nagisa and izuku midoriya
Time for a training montage
Entrance exams
Time to be a hero
The Awakening and the meeting
Time to train
Lets go to the USJ
Unexpected attack and an Dark debut
Lets get ready to roll
The race and a surprising twist
The battles begin
Todoroki gets fired up and Nagisa roars
Best friends or bitter rivals, Nagisa and katsuki clash
Who will win its the sports festival finale
Hero names and interships
Training with Edgeshot
Clash with the hero killer
Aftermath of the fight
And we're back
Fighting with all our might
The sleepover
Shopping and future trip
The first sleepover
I island part 1
I island part 2
Lets go swimming
The tearful goodbye for now
Training camp!
Going plus ultra
Time to fight
Naga breaks free
Lets get out of here
Staying over
Ultimate moves
Exam time
Lets get our liceenses
The three way grudge match
The scoop on class 1-A
Work studies
Overhaul and the girl
The meeting
The raid begins
The Reapers rage
We won..but at what cost
Its good to be home
The school festival
Lets rock
Making her smile
Hero rankings and The new symbol
Time for some rescue training
Heroes rising part 1
Heroes rising part 2
Kicking it up a notch
Clash between classes
Chilling out
Interveiw and a very special time
The New year
Burn away the wrong
The most awkward dinner ever
Total victory
The new year begins
The league vs the giant
The destruction of the liberation army
Worlds heroes
The war begins
The giant will fall
The clash of monsters
Waking up....wait what happened
The battle of brothers
Deku vs Class 1-A
The Declaration
The Calm before the storm

I'm home

64 1 0
By TheCrimsonWrath

Nagisa: (damn there's going to be a lot of crying today isn't there I guess I should get it done)

Nagisa walks through the doors to his home

Inko comes running up to him

Nagisa: hey I'm home

Inko is currently doing her water full tears and hugging her son
Nagisa is taking all of this in and starts to cry himself: I won't mum so please don't cry I home I'm safe you don't need worry anymore
Inko: really your not lying your ok they didn't do anything too you
Nagjsa: no I'm fine but there is some good news that came out of this
Inko: what?
Nagisa: that horrible part of myself is gone and it's never coming back I've conquered it you don't need to worry about me losing control anymore
The teen ducks rip open again and Izuku joins in on the hug
Nagisa: (what did I do to deserve this family)

Nagisa is let go and he walks into his room and falls onto his bed in complete exhaustion
Nagjsa then pulls out his phone and decides to call a certain friend
Kyoka; hello
Nagisa: hey kyo I'm ok I'm back home
Kyoka breathes in: yeah I'm glad to hear that..believe me I wasn't even supposed to be there
Nagisa: huh
Kyoka: here's how it went
Kyoka after Nagisa's gets captured is absolutely devastated
Kyotoku: Hey it's fine it's fine there's nothing you could've done
Kyoka: but I could've I was right there and I couldn't do anything dammit I was way too weak!
Mika: no you are not..he'll be fine I know it they've got the heroes going looking for him right
Kyoka: yeah I know but..
Kyotoku: what you need is a walk go and clear your head
Kyoka just nods and grabs her bag and jacket
Kyoka: thank you
She leaves the house
Kyotoku: do you think they're together yet
Mika: oh absolutely they've been spending so much time together

Kyoka is in a haze

And then by some miracle she ends up and kamino and watches everything and then

The blue haired monsters emerges and starts fighting
Kyoka immediately recognise both of them

Kyoka: Nagisa...and is is he free how have they separated?!

Everyone is too distracted too notice her

She then sees Nagisa being pinned down

Kyoka then does something only true heroes do

She moved without thinking

Before she knew it Her speaker bag is aimed right at Naga and she blasts him with a huge sound wave
Flashback over
Kyoka: and that's what happened I didn't even know about our class going to recuse you
Nagisa: you really are my hero Kyoka if it wasn't for you I don't know where I'd be today so
Kyoka: well of course I am what kind of girlfriend would I be if I couldn't save my boyfriend from his twisted twin 
Nagisa: that's true but I'll try to make sure I'm the one to save you next time
Kyoka: oh well that'll be interesting I look forward it
Nagisa: that sounded weird and you know it
Kyoka: oh yeah I know it did but I don't regret it
Nagisa: I know you where worried how can I make it up too you
Kyoka: well don't get thr wrong idea when I say this but my parents aren't home this weekend and I was hoping we could spent it together a few hours isn't enough
Nagisa: that sounds great I can't wait
Kyoka; well I'll see you then bye my blueberry
Nagisa blushes slightly: Bye my diva

Timemskip that will be the next chapter a few days from now

Nagisa then let's his hair down, rests his head on his pillow and has the best sleep he's had in a really long time

Nagisa gets up stretches and see Izuku leaving

Nagjsa: huh where ya going
Inko: hey where are you going dinner is almost ready
Izuku: sorry I can't
Inko: what was that about
Nagisa: probably something important he had that look in his eye

Timeskip (yeah this chapter is going to be boring)

Nagisa is busy practicing with his wooden sword to get better at using his weapons

He suddenly feels a disturbance someone I walking in and izuku and his mum seems nervous

Nagisa walks out of his bedroom

Nagisa; huh all might
All might; ahh young Nagisa please the meeting is going to be in the kitchen
Nagisa: oh yeah that (crap I hate this I just know mum is going to have something against us going back to ua)

All might: I guess you know why I'm here you received a notice that ua is moving it's students to dormitory's
Inko: yes about that i read the letter..

And I won't allow it
Izuku gasps: but yesterday you said
Nagisa just has a expression of annoyed mixed with sympathetic: (I knew mum would say that)
Inko: I thought about it since then and I changed my mind Izuku never had a quirk as a kid and Nagisa even though he's not biologically my son has always been an outcast because of his and even since they entered ua they've both been hurt one even got FREAKING KIDNAPPED excuse my language just look at Izuku do you know about his arms if he injures them anymore he might not be able to use them again
Nagisa gasps: Wait Izuku you never told me that
Izuku: you... didn't need to know
Inko: that's enough I wasn't finished back to what I was saying as a regular citizen I, so thankful of what you do but as a mother I'm terrified Izuku wants to be just like you and as for Nagisa he wants to try and change the world and they follow those paths his future will be filled with blood so I'm sorry.. but they are my sons genes or not I'm sorry Izuku and Nagisa back when you where younger Izuku you where so happy just watching the heroes do their job and Nagisa you seemed content with holding back for the sake of Izuku and just living a normal life maybe it was better that way I don't know
Izuku: that's not true
Nagisa thinks about: I agree with Izuku mum it's not true
Inko: both of you I told you I'd support you both but I would never stop worrying do you remember that
Izuku and Nagisa stop
Inko: and I know all you want is too keep going to ua and Nagisa you finally get to live towards the dream you've had since before I could remember but I can't take it anymore
Nagisa: (I'm not surprised we've been ignoring her emotions for way too long )
Inko: I'll speak frankly as their mother I don't have the nerves to intrust my sons to ua not with everything that's happened at your school it doesn't matter what a wonderful hero you are when the villains attacked every class had to be cancelled and you couldn't stop your students from being seriously injured almost killed I won't put my sons in danger it's my duty as their mother to keep them safe

Izuku says it was his fault he kept getting injured

Nagisa: Yeah mum it was my fault I got taken I was supposed to be careful and I was but I got jumped by the villains I was warned to stay away but I didn't

Inko: so your saying neither of you learned doesn't that mean the schools responsible

Nagisa looks angry for a second before calming down

Inko: I may be talking like an overprotective parents but I'm at peace with that I don't want to steal my sons dream away them they can always go to a different if are plenty of hero courses put there besides UA

Izuku runs out

Inko: Izuku

Nagisa just stays silent

Izuku: Mum it doesn't have be ua look at this you two all might

He reveals a letter from kota

Izuku: and Nagisa you got one two

Nagisa opens it

Dear Nagisa

Sorry I punched your brother in the balls
Thank you for saving me even though you'd just met me
You where scary but cool scary you know
I really hope one day I can become as strong as you
Nah I don't hope I will become as strong as you
So don't you dare stop getting stronger or I'll be there to knock you down

From your future biggest fan Kota

Nagisa's heart swells

Nagisa: (dammit kota gonna make me cry)

Izuku: I know who I'm meant to be and that's what I'll train for at UA or not

Nagisa: Izuku is right I decided along time ago that I don't want people to go through what I did so that's what I'm gonna do and if that's not at ua I don't care

All might turns his muscle form and bows his head: I'm afraid I haven't been upfront with you mam I believe that young Izuku is the right person to succeed me and Nagisa will be right beside him changing the world together with peace and strength they will create a new world one where anyone can be a hero

Inko: Hold on what are you saying all might what is this

All might: it's an apology as the previous symbol of peace I allowed myself to remain their hero instead of giving me my all as their teacher as a ua teacher I employ you to forgive my past weakness it's true my path as been filled with blood but that's what makes me the right person to allow him to find his own way a way free of the mistakes I made as a young hero, the heroes at ua know that things can't continue as they've been we are committed to ensuring the safety of out students from here on out it's our top priority, look not at the current UA but towards the future will you allow me to devote myself to young Izuku together we will go beyond I will lift him up and young Nagisa will fly right beside us I will protect your sons even if it costs me my life

Inko falls to her knees
Inko: I can't I mean you are Izuku's reason for living it's not that I hate you or ua I just want my sons to be safe and happy, all might don't give up your life Izuku needs you to protect him, raise him promise me you'll do thy and they can return to ua

All might: I promise

Nagisa and Izuku: mum

Inko: Nagisa, Izuku for your going back to this school you have to be very careful

Nagjsa and Izuku: we will

And that's a wrap

The next chapter will be great trust me

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