Prince Tiger & The Russian Be...

By Ahmedakayed

7.4K 4 0

Prince Tiger is a senior official in the UK Home Office. He gets acquainted with a Russian general and offers... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Sixteen

14 0 0
By Ahmedakayed

London, Home Office.

George entered his office where it was eight in the morning.

"Good morning, Mr. George," the secretary greeted.

George: Good morning, Jenny. Get me today's agenda.

Jenny: Well, Mr. George... and how is your health?

George smiled: My health is good. Please remind me every six hours when to take the tablets

As it fights lung diseases from the effects of smoking.

Jenny: Okay, I'll organize this.

George went straight into his room, turned on the satellite TV, and started looking around quickly in the archives of the night shift, at this time a radioactive spectrum came from the satellite

"Mr. George... This is me, the assistant agent... Please get up from the chair now and go to the back of the room."

George: Hahaha, are you kidding me?

"If you do not get up now immediately, I will guide you by making the ghosts touch your body and move you."

George walked and had almost reached the end of the room when bullets rained down on the office door and hit a chair behind the table, George was horrified.

Meanwhile, there was a large man with a machine gun in his hand, and he looked at the secretary.

He gave a warning look and the secretary was very terrified, then he left the room.

Immediately, the secretary called the security force and opened the room door, "Oh my God, oh my God, Mr. George, are you alive?"

George watched her enter the room, "Yes, Ginny...what was all that about?"

Jenny: Thank God you saved me... I called the security forces. It was a man carrying a machine gun, he got in then he got out.

George: There must be a security guard at my office... Call the investigation department now to find out the assailant.

The secretary came out... George approached his desk, "Oh, the bullets destroyed the computer screen and the chair."

He pressed the phone button, "Jenny... ask the repairmen to bring you a new bulletproof door

Also, I need a chair and a computer screen, and there are some bullets in the wall... Also, spread the word the news is all over the ministry... "Okay, Mr. George... I hope you calm down and rest."

Meanwhile, security guards entered the room, "Hello, Mr. George, we are glad you survived

From the assassination attempt "... "Thank you... Please guard the office from the outside and ask for identification of those entering and being searched "... "We are at your command."

George took out a laptop from his closet, sat on the plush leather sofa, and began reading

Reports, then pressed the phone button, "Jenny, order me from the cafeteria an ice cream with strawberries, a large cup ".

"Okay, Mr. George."

Meanwhile, some detectives entered and shook George's hand, consoled him, and began asking him. One of them was writing a report, and then they went out wishing George safety, health, and a long life.

A quarter of an hour passed and the repair workers entered and began to reassure George and begin the repair work. They installed a new door and took out the bullets from the wall.

Someone brought a new chair and a computer screen, and Jenny brought him a cup of ice cream.

George became angry, but he controlled himself and continued working. Meanwhile, the secretary called "Mr. George... I would like to tell you the news that there are rumors throughout the ministry accusing you of working for the Russians, and you started killing innocent employees ".

George laughed: "Well, ask the investigation department to investigate and find the source of these rumors."

George began writing some notes, looking at the satellite television, and issuing instructions to her and recommendations.

The phone rang, "Mr. George... Mr. Henry wants to talk to you about some developments

On the issue of the nuclear briefcase."

George: "Yes... Yes, Mr. Henry. What's new? Did you find the bag?"

Henry: "Yes, Mr. George, and we have confirmed that is it ."

George: "Now immediately, bring the bag to the explosives department in the ministry and put a bag in its place similar to fake."

Henry: Okay, Mr. George... Any other orders?

George: Watch the site and the bag until Evan appears

Henry: Okay, Mr. George... but what if Evan doesn't show up?

George: In this case... they provoked members of the Russian embassy.

Henry: Well, your orders are being executed.

George got up, sat down in the new chair behind his desk, and pressed the phone button

"Jenny, ask about the news of Prince Tiger on the Isle of Man."... "Well, Mr. George... I would like to tell you there's Detective Lawrence, who has been appointed as Mark's successor. He wants to meet you today "... "Yes, Jenny arranges an appointment."

George had a strong desire to smoke, so he took out candy from his pocket and started sucking it happily.

The phone rang, "Yes, Jenny "..." Regarding the news of Prince Tiger, they say that he is renting an apartment in the city of Douglas, and they see him every day on the balcony "... "Ah... ok, Jenny... ask they arrest him immediately on charges of high treason against Britain "... "Okay, Mr. George, immediately."

George was walking around the room and decided to make himself some green tea.

An hour passed, and George was sitting relaxed on the sofa, playing calm music for himself.

He had drunk two cups of green tea, as he remembered his wife's advice about her mouthwatering after he read it.

Meanwhile, the phone rang, "Mr. George... Mr. Lawrence is waiting to meet you."

George got up from the sofa and pressed the phone button, "Let him in," then turned off the music.

Lawrence entered and was very happy when he saw George. The two shook hands and George invited Lawrence to sit.

Lawrence was a young man of thirty-five years old, with blond hair, medium height, and a strong build, he had sharp blue eyes that indicated intelligence and wore a black suit.

Lawrence: Thank God for your safety, Mr. George, from today's attempt.

George: Do you know who sent him?

Lawrence: No... because satellite communications are hidden and hacked and we were not able to follow them.

George got angry: I hope you update the devices and monitor any secret penetration... Okay, I will talk about this with the Cybersecurity Department... How do you work with you in tracking the Prince Tiger group?

Lawrence: I follow them, but unfortunately the system, as we just mentioned, is hacked.

George: Then do not tolerate any wrong move against Britain and its allies.

Lawrence: These satellites threaten us, blackmail us, and brainwash us with various lies.

And you act brutally. They may shoot you at any moment... even when you take control

You have no way to be freed from it... a dangerous and complex topic.

George: So how did it come and infiltrate... Someone might have allowed them to do this... Or there might be a traitorous person.

Lawrence: The matter is clear... Of course, he is the traitorous Prince Tiger.

George " I have requested an arrest... I will ask the secretary about this matter" he pressed the phone button " Jenny, is there any news regarding the arrest of the traitorous Prince Tiger "... "Yes, he was arrested in his apartment and is now in prison."

George laughed happily, "Thank you ".

Lawrence: What do you think, George, about the hacking issue and how to address it?

George: You must conduct comprehensive investigations in all countries, especially in ministries and State institutions, in the event of a breach, the matter may be secret and the leader cannot be discovered, so I order the use of weapons immediately.

Lawrence: Okay, Mr. George.

Lawrence went out and George was thinking, and he had a strong desire to smoke, so he took some gum out of his pocket and started biting it. Five minutes passed and he felt a headache. Meanwhile, the phone rang

"Mr. George, it's time for the medicine"... "Okay, Jenny, order me pancakes, juice, and water"... "Okay, Mr George.".

Russia, Vladivostok.

Prince Tiger and his colleagues were at the Novotel Vladivostok Hotel, sitting at the bar, as they arrived by Airplane from Kazan.

Vader: I hope, Your Excellency, Prince Tiger, that you are happy in Vladivostok, as this is an ancient and beautiful city.

Vlad: It has ports and commercial ships, as well as military bases.

Prince Tiger: Where did General Nikolai go?

Vader: He will come soon, don't worry.

The prince was drinking Russian beer and Vlad and Vader vodka.

Their table was full of appetizers, salads, and grilled chicken.

Nikolai entered, sad. "Hello, how are you? I have sad news for Prince Tiger." Nikolai sat down

On one of the chairs, "London has requested your arrest on charges of high treason."

The beer bottle fell from Prince Tiger's hand and broke on the ground. "Oh my God... what a disaster. They sentenced me to death."

Vlad couldn't control himself and burst out laughing.

Feder: And what did I think at first glance?

Nikolai: Evgeniy was arrested while still masked.

Prince Tiger laughed, "Poor Evgeni... Tell him not to worry. They will put him on trial and then he will come to Russia, and he will meet his wife."

Nikolai: Prince Tiger, you can stay in Russia for life and take Russian citizenship.

Prince Tiger: Do they give it easily?

Nikolai: I have your money. I will deposit it in the bank in your name and I will apply for it

Russian citizenship for you.

Vlad: Don't worry, Prince... You are saved in Russia, where you become a Russian citizen and you will find your photo above on the flag of Primorsky Krai on the coat of arms of the city of Vladivostok hahaha.

Nikolai: What, Mr. Tiger, are you going to buy yourself a house?

Prince Tiger: Of course, and what about working on the commodity exchange?

Nikolai: I will talk to the broker in Moscow about this matter.

Britain, London.

A helicopter was flying from the Home Office with George on board, heading to the Isle of Man.

Helicopter pilot: "Don't worry, Mr. George. We will arrive in an hour and twenty minutes."

George's phone rang, "Hello, yes... Director of the police station... I'm George."

"Mr. George, Prince Tiger does not speak, his voice is strange, his behavior is strange, and he does not answer questions."

George: Mr. Robert, he is hiding... Please put tight security around him, as he is the most important person. The main thing that the Russians threaten us with.

Robert: But he has a princely title... and we might make it a symbol of communication with the Russians.

George: I tell you that he and the Russians are dangerous to our national security... Then what title is this, Prince... Of course, we are all children of kings, children of Britain. I do not take the king's words at the time legally because he was at a stage delirious and dangerous.

Robert: I understand... Will you transfer him to London?

George: Of course, in order to carry out the sentence and punishment on him.

An hour passed and the plane arrived in Douglas and landed at the police station.

Where Mr. Robert was with some police personnel, receiving George.

They shook hands.

George: Sir Robert, please hand over the prince to us immediately.

Robert: Come and take a look at him in prison because his condition is strange.

They walked together and the police began to salute them and they arrived at the prison, where the prison guard was, and he opened the door for them after giving them the police salute.

George smiled when he saw Prince Tiger, but he felt that he was not a prince, "Hello, Prince Tiger don't reply...of course, you are embarrassed because of your traitorous attitude."

Robert: Ever since we arrested him, he's been like this.

George: Is he drunk or under the influence of drugs?

Robert: We had him examined and he was found to be healthy.

George approached Evgeni, "You, Prince Tiger, tell me about your aides and the activities you carry out... He doesn't answer us... Okay."

George took out a gun and pointed it at Evgeny. "Do you want me to carry out the death sentence... or to answer my questions?"

Evgeny was terrified and started waving his hand, "Don't kill me, I will confess." He took off the mask and everyone was stunned.

"Oh my God... you are the fake one... where is Prince Tiger?"

Evgeny: He wore a mask like my face and traveled to Russia.

George was astonished: How did that happen?

Evgeni: He took my passport and printed my fingerprints.

Robert: I see, sneak across the border.

George: And so he arrives in Moscow... Ah... Sergei has been deceived... Well, please take the prisoner to the plane, I'm leaving for London now.

Evgeny was taken with chains to the plane, and a guard boarded with them, but George refused

And the plane flew.

Two hours passed, and George was in his office. He pressed the phone button, "Jenny, order me strawberry ice cream."

"Okay, Mr. George."

George was relaxing and thinking about Prince Tiger and General Medvedev.

Meanwhile, the phone rang, "Yes... There is Mr. Henry on the line with important news."

"Yes, Mr. Henry."... "We identified Evan and arrested him."

George: Great... Who is he?

Henry: He's the security guard at the Russian embassy

George: Hahaha, and what does he say about this incident?

Henry: He confesses to everything and says that this bag was smuggled through the embassy.

George: Thank you, Henry. I congratulate you on this success.

George hung up the phone and pressed the button again, "Jenny... ask the ministry official to issue an order. A decision to expel the Russian diplomatic mission immediately."

"Okay, Mr. George... the ice cream has arrived."

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