Quicker than Quick Sand

KnowingMourningMess tarafından

287 4 0

Art cover and characters are not mine. Romance takes the tide and seen how they're along for the ride, who ar... Daha Fazla

Hello, Goodbye

287 4 0
KnowingMourningMess tarafından

Breeze cold and winter flown in the air, the last island wasn't all the more interesting than what transpired; everything said and done, nothing left of the island to inhibit with their very feet.

So they dashed for the ocean waters again.

The ice froze the lapping waters that were once beheld as comfort to the land. Snow pooled overtop trees and fell into a heap on the ground when they'd passed.

The ship waved steady over top the freezing fronts of water; wood cold as ice with the casual wooden texture, icy.

Sanji hummed when his fingers twitched towards the kitchen to warm the ladies up as well as their supposed next island will. Snow was slowly casting downwards less as they sailed further from the previous pot of land.

His cigarettes held the warmth he fled for on the waters with his friends, the smoke filtered the air in the kitchen when he added his presence in the room alone.

Outside the door was his idiotic captain being a feral child for his age; needing food chants coming from his high top volume voice.

Heavily sedating the room with his signature scent, he sighed in fruition to the situation.
Everyone was currently surrounding themselves around the new member, minus the swordsman on the ship, he was busy following the captain.

"Follow the leader too much too serious." Sanji chuckled in his throat to himself as he walked to the stove. "No wonder he has issues navigating anywhere but Luffy's side." Sanji sighed as the tick to the stove was set to a temperature pleasurable.

As he stood staring for it all to be ready, Sanji blew smoke away from the stove and faced the fridge, leaning on the counter with crossed legs maturely.

"Who wants what.. the idiot wants meat and his marimo lover would eat whatever he does.." Sanji counted on his fingers, pushing two down with only four up left to figure out.

"I'm sure my food is the greatest the ladies ever had so I'm sure anything will do fabulous for them lovelies." Sanji swooned towards the door with heart eyes.

He stopped as he saw through the window that their new addition is a different breed than any of them. "And what would a reindeer eat? Plants? Meat? Experimenting is fun, have at it."

The blond shrugged as he walked back to the fridge and took the preparation out of the fridge compartments.

Setting the counter he stood before, swiftly as a chef as great as he is, chopped and savagely tore perfectly and gracefully made the other dishes for their dinner.

The fire beneath the stove made Sanji smile whole heartly, it felt different. He's had a thing for fire and it's benefits. His smoking habit needed fire, cooking needed to be involved with fire sometimes; more often than not that is.

Perhaps the next island, something extraordinary will lit the way to his future dreams and ambitions.


As it would appear, the weather was quite the appeal when it came to being a wild show, from snow to blazing fire trails in the air as it swarmed with heat, Sanji groaned in annoyance.

Most of the deserts and beverages he'd make for the ladies would go warm within a ten minute time span. Not to worry for him as the ladies quickly downed drinks served politely in their hands.

Sanji's heart swooned for their approval and interest. "Sanji, are you ready?" The cook had his head turn quicker than quick sand.
"Yes Vivi-swan, my dear?" Jeering a smile so elegant and polite it made the blue hair smile.

Whole heartedly, "Shopping, as we need supplies for the future trip coming up any day upon us. It's quite a frantic shopping trip. Are you ready to go?" Vivi swirled her hair behind her ear.

Before the blond could answer, Nami came up behind the only other girl on board, heavily sighing as she bestowed a grieving expression on her face from Vivi's shoulder. "Yes Sanji, hurry. The heat is making this babe and I burn. Man, I'm starting to think the last island was a trial."

Vivi only placed her heavy arm on Nami's head, holding her between her forearm and shoulder. "I'm sure Sanji can hurry. It's quite hot, yes, though I'm used to it." She smiled in assurance to the girl before her attention turned to the man before her.

"I'm ready."

How shopping turned to a hide from the marine, Sanji has absolutely only one clue. Their captain. "Trouble magnet." Sanji didn't mutter beneath his breath what so ever. Loud for everyone to groan in agreement.

Sanji was well off in maturity than the boy in the strawhat, the young boy so immature, only one can wonder why nothing's changed for his captain.

Sanji sighed internally, he knows better than to complain. He had years to complain and whine, moan in sadness and groan in pain. He has, will never, have anything to be distraught about as of now with the opportunity he has before him.

His palm found his forehead, how was he to know he'd end up with an idiot for a captain? He couldn't have guessed. Not even his younger self would've been free with availability to think of ideas and beliefs like this.

"Dammit," Sanji blew smoke from his recently cigarette. He has no time for the past right now, present tense, he's just trying to live through the current ordeal.

"Maybe some lunatic pirate is running around making this racket."
"Some pirate?" The rest spoke in tune together. Sanji turned around the walls corner as a voice squeaked loud from the direction of further beyond the wall.

Soon, the scampering was getting closer, the voice now fully audible instead of screaming, "Oh, hey Zoro!" That was all it took for Sanji to hum. The one shown eye cook had a visible frown, "Luffy! Why the hell did you bring them here!?"

The boy had a soundful tone with signature smiles and giggles, Why are you guys just standing there? Come on, we gotta go!"
"We know!"

Sanji's smoking habit might not be what kills him in the end, or so it seems to be going just down that route being with the straw hat crew. But, who was he to complain? Maybe a little to a lot.

Or maybe it was the marine that had just been stopped by some mysterious guy whose apparently on sides with them.

Fire always had a spot with Sanji. The man before them wasn't at all harmed by the such thing his own infatuation comes from. "Hot." His mouth agape.

He's called woman hot, the stove scorching hot, his lighter hot. Never before has he been able to call a man hot, quite literally.

"Ace? Is that you?"
So that was to be believed his name, Sanji wouldn't mind knowing it. Which weirded him out.

He shook his head in disbelief to the situation before his pupils settled on the man infront of them, blazing polite as he held the threat off.

Their eyes met for a moment while the man was looking to meet their captain's eyes.
And for that second, a spark ignited his cigarette, it ignited his insides like a stove, it ignited something so deep inside of him, he could almost audibly agree it hurt when it wilted away.

By then, everyone was running again when it stopped burning for a moments notice.
"Who was that man Luffy? Do you know him?" Sanji was as quick as everyone else to ask questions, maybe not for everyone else though.

He was feeling selfish inside asking about the man.
"He's my big brother!"

The cook had something ignite in him again. His tongue was bit on to cut his words off, interrupting himself from asking questions about the black haired man they saw with speckles of freckles.

Why he himself was so interesting in one man so, apparently, close to their captain, he had no clue. Maybe he'd have to ask the man named 'Ace' what the hell was up.


"Just as promised, the man kept his word close to his chest like a man with his pride. Just so happens our captain is his pride and joy. Guess we stepped in line after him." Sanji muttered under his breath when the man jumped aboard along the railings that were once frozen.

Now it felt so heated, the blond was taken aback. "Sorry to impose, I hope my little brother hasn't cause too much an issue." His face laid a smile so lit up.

Sanji bit his cigarette hard between his teeth, he couldn't believe Luffy's brother could assume it was that much of an issue he makes it seem to be. If he'd not joined the idiot when he did, he'd have all the time in the world to persecute his mind with execution style thoughts.

Now, it's just 'live until you can't', being here with the crew surrounding himself. It's brought him issues perhaps, although, he wouldn't exchange it back for the way it was before.

The ship rocked a lullaby while he grinned them down to their darkest point. He's something of someone to light up a room. Quite literally.

"No, not at all." They all bowed minus the black haired teenage brother of their new guest.
The freckled hair man had a wry smile accompanying his looks, "Are you sure? It's Lu were talking 'bout here! I'm sure you've felt that way."

"No not at all." Sanji found himself repeating as he bowed with them all again. Their voices in sync; the blond could've convinced himself alone he was the loudest.

The man drawn by the finest pen thanked them happily for their compliance with his brother, "You're good people."

Sanji's mouth fell agape. Before he could shut it, he stared at the man who stared back the same gaze. One flame of the same.

"I'm sure you have catching up to do with captain, I can get started on tea for you while you do."
His own hands reaching to pull his cigarette out as his sentence concluded.

Only then the man shook his head meanwhile staring soft at the smoker. "It's all good, don't do it on account of just me."
Sanji nodded, summarizing his niceties to being polar opposite to the younger.

The one showing eyed man went to speak to him, his eyes lingering to the finger now pointing to him, assuming he was going to be spoken to singled out, was entirely wrong to the flame that lit his cigar up.

It was utterly aweing. Not only was he gawking, everyone else was too.
"Wow, he's so polite!"
"Unlike his brother,"
"A bigger monster of a monster."
"Brothers are so cool!"
"Damn, he's cool."

All the dialogue between crewmates fell on Sanji's deaf ears as even he himself spoke between.
His heart was on fire and it spoke within his words, wilted within the strings being sown inside.

The elder brothers eyes were entirely on him now and Sanji had absolutely no idea how to handle anything.
It feels like a gaze for a woman but, how? He had but a clue.

"See Ace! My crew's the best!"


Sanji was gradually falling towards the kitchen door while everyone else talked around. Maneuvering out of sight was one thing with the way he felt eyes over him.

Even if it was just a single pair of eyes, Sanji had food to prepare and no time to figure who was staring down his physique.

Sighing once the kitchen door closed, Sanji rolled his sleeves up in preparation to cut and cook. "A chef should always stay clean when cooking," Sanji repeated to himself as he washed his hands in the sink.

The window infront of his eyes brought surface level lighting over his face that made his face scrunch a smidge. "This place is really bright and hot, isn't it." His freshly lit cig in the corner of his mouth as he puffed smoke out infront of the window.

Turning the faucet off and reaching for a towel, Sanji then noticed the dishes in the sink, "Hm, really should clean these before we head to the next place Nami-swan was speaking of."

Sanji shrugged with a content smile before diving his hands towards the sink again, stopping as the sound of the wood door creaks open.

A shadow in the light before the person, Sanji lifted a brow. Sanji has never seen light ever so bright like that. Even if it was just shadows.

The person poked their head through and Sanji immediate overdid his posture too well to face the person. That person who just waved and smiled. "Yo."

Sanji puffed more smoke that cataloged itself in his lungs too long, making him choke in his throat. "Hello, Ace was it?"
"One and only." The black hair closed the door soft and stood against the door, politely stopping anyone from coming in.

The blond in the room just laid his hands on the outside of the sink, completely clean as he stopped to see who was welcoming themselves in.

The cook looked the man up and down in detail, his eyes lingering more and more as something in him just felt warm. As if then walking infront of him would make him tumble and fall.

Almost like a tumbleweed if you may. The shorter one in the room opened his mouth to talk, only being over spoken first before anything else. "How's it been on the ship with my kid brother?"

It was then Sanji realized, he was quite fortunate to see such brotherhood present before him, he himself could never have ever experienced.

Sanji nodded, his hair falling forwards as his head leaned downwards. "Well, he's a handful all right. Not that I would exchange him for any other captain out there."

"Figured. No way I'd ever be convinced any of you guys would leave.." The fire man spoke with a scratch to the back of his nape, drawing Sanji's attention. Perhaps the man did have hesitancy.

The blond lifted his head and blew more smoke into the air. The black hair looked around as he made his way in further.

"Surprise surprise. I knew you guys had to have to deal with that of I did. He's not changed much, even after all those and these years." A chuckle was rumbling the in the elder's throat.

The younger one raised his one visible brow to that, "He's been the same all this time? Not the excited jitters of being captain?" Sanji's laugh twisted and intertwined with his words.

Ace just shook his head, his smile faltering into a soft one; the blond believed it complimented his aspect.

"Nah, he's been that way since I first met him."
"First met him?" The black hair leaned over on the counter next to the blond and laid his head in the palm of his elevated hand, elbow hard on the counter below as he eyes the blond in only what Sanji could believe was awe.

Ace tilted his head in a way that soared happy Sanji inside, "Wait, you really think we're brothers by blood?"

Ace's and Sanji's eyes widen together in sync as the latter laughed awkwardly, "So.. you're not?"
"Wow, here I was believing we had enough differences to separate us. Guess 'Bo was right."

Sanji shrugged his shoulders, assuming 'Bo' was a name not fond of as he watched the happiness fade from Ace's face when he spoke.

"Well, you both capture black hair,"
"So? You think it's enough to go off of?" Ace teased as he leaned closer, the blond furrowed his brows together; inching closer himself.

"No, you also have black eyes, decently tall,"
"Luffy's short as shit. Have you seen people compared to him? Look at me!" Ace laughed.

Sanji pointed a finger, "And? He might still be growing! And I'm just naming similarities."

When he said that, the blond realized he's talking to the stranger like man as if he's known him for years. You usually don't point at someone so close to their face and do what they're doing.

"He's been done, he told me while we were catching up he hasn't grown in around a year."

Sanji shrugged, Pulling himself back from getting too close to the fire man. "Well, It's difficult to believe you guys aren't blood related, you're too well together to assume otherwise."

Ace sighed with a smile, the sun staring with it's own smile through the window, casting an awing sight on the two of them. Sanji noticed it first on Ace.

The swirly browed one went to face the sink and finally get started on the dishes before his sleeves fell downwards.
He sighed, this time, his cigarette also fell out. "Dammit, where did all my luck go?"

His head turned away from Ace to work on one sleeve at a time and while he rolled his sleeve, he felt something taken out of his back pocket on his pants and the same feeling on one arm as the other.

Sanji's mouth fell agape and his brows lifted with his eye lids as he stared in awe at Ace rolling his other sleeve up. Messily as if he had something else in mind at the time.

"Huh?" His and Ace's eyes met face to face on the same level seen; Ace leaned towards him. Sanji's mouth closed to save Ace the scent of his smokey mouth.

A hand coming up fast to his face and his lips forced to be parted as a cigarette now being lit was shoved in his mouth.

Ace went straight back to his sleeve, "Luffy and I met under circumstances due to our families. Lived in a forest with bandits," Ace went to sigh along the last line.

Sanji hummed, "Not surprised about that much there. Maybe just the curious about circumstances and the forest. He eats like a rabid animal." Ace laughed with no care.

"We both were used to that growing up with him a while. Yeah. Did you know I used to hate him?"
Sanji let his eyes go wide.

Before he could speak, Ace was finishing up the sleeve he was rolling and lit his cigarette a little more.

"No worries now chef, eh?" Ace smiled before patting him on his mid-back and walking behind him.

Sanji's eyes followed him as he sat at the table. "Hm?" A hum from Ace's smile.
"No worries I guess.." Sanji had red chalked colored cheeks, he knew Ace saw so easily.

As the faucet was turned on again, walking in was the second and third you get members on their crew.

"Ace? You in here? Have you met Usopp yet?"
Ace let his hand rest in his palm again before analyzing the man before him residing next to his kid brother.

"He's you're sniper right? You look like two peas in a pod. Can't wish either you both ill fate in the future. You look like great friends." Ace gave a smile with no obvious hidden look.

Sanji let himself run his eyes over the man's face and count his freckles as he stares. Hearing just barely as his captain rambled on about their lying sniper.

Sanji noticed the two now sitting at the table by the time he stopped zoning out into Ace's facial aspects.
They were playing with food Sanji left out earlier to cool for the ladies.

"Oi!" He walked over with anger and hit them with the closest least dirtiest pair of pans.

"If you aren't going to eat your food and stop playing, you could help out?! Wasn't he dishes or something, idiots!"

His stomach churned with a mysterious feeling he's only now discovered so free.
Something only for the ladies around.

He had no clue whether to be embarrassed or angry. Angry and the two young boys or embarrassed he did this infront of walking fire.

Before he'd let his mind decide, he fled back to the sink. Sighing of relief. "Let me know if I can ever help you, cook."

His stomach continued its fit as he turned with a awkward smile. "Oh, no. You're our guest. You sit back and relax."

His eyes locked with the man and the gaze Ace gave him softened. It felt too well off to Sanji he just turned in the other direction.

Noticing the two washing dishes in the mop bucket water.


Sanji doesn't want to go home. Not while he was everyone with him now. Preferably forever, if that word could ever be categorized with him.

He'd grew up with some of the worst types of people.

The ones with only benefits coming at a cost he himself was to never reach affordability.
Hurt was all he knew, sometimes it's difficult to believe the present, has passed into the past.

Every new step he takes, he's already inside of the future. Every thought he has, doesn't entirely convey around the past anymore.

He's alone in his future with the content of being with people who surround him with a family he wasn't happily greeted into.

Before, it was simple things he could count on his fingers on one hand: Rats, his Mom Sora, cooking.

Now, it's all broad: Family, cooking, Women, Ace, running from the marines, piracy. Still a long list he can't keep up anymore.

Presently, they've hopped off the ship a bit ago, headed towards Yuba.

Having run into an entirely, overthrown by sand, city and the drawn out sad story Vivi described to them as they pictured the scene, no one had high hopes of the future ahead.

Only able to appreciate what's to come good or not and falsify hope for the kingdom of Alabasta.

Sanji sighed of the heat beating down on him, it entirely exhausted himself, none the less treading forwards for Vivi and her kingdom as the only other reason for staying in the desert heat.

"Hey, how're you holdin' up?"
Sanji immediately felt himself perk up, but continued to drag his head down.

Was it too much to ask for a breeze in the desert? Or was a sandstorm all the winds offering of a peace treaty? Sanji was burning just aching for a bit of cold.

He knew the future would probably not be this hot all the time, his child-self made it safely out, he's fairly confident he will now adays.

"It's so hot .. I don't think I need you to light my cigs anymore." Sanji sounded awfully distasteful about that.

The cook felt an arm around his shoulder, guaranteeing his attention. "The night is cold as a frozen over lake, so just count the hours down and it just makes it all seem the more hopeful."

"Easy for you to say, I bet you're used to the heat, fire man."
"I like that nickname. You'd guess half right though; heat always had a way with me and can be hard to handle, not that it isn't easier for me than most."

Sanji sighed, finally raising his head enough leaned over to stare Ace in the eyes, "Example number one, exhibit A. You're human with a fruit to make you flame wise."

Ace just gave a soft smile and look that shivered something down the one shown eyed cook.

"Oh?" Smug smirk over Ace's lips.
Sanji narrowed his eyes, giving Ace a wonderful view of the man he was. 

Not seeing the ground, Sanji tripped over something in the sand and stammered forwards a step.
"Woah-" He had to think about bracing for impact seeing how he had nothing to help him jump off the ground into a safer landing.

The ground was just tiny miniscule molecules and rocks Sanji relates to his hair color.

Hands coming out of his pockets, he reached for the ground as much as he fell. Bracing for impact and embarrassment, his eyes closed quick as quick sand.

A swift motion he saw before his eyes closed, Sanji let the world run it's course.

Only, this course had a body close and pressed neat against the back of his, a hand in one of his and an arm around his waist.

The first though was to say what was coming up to his mouth from the deepest crevasse of his core, "Ace? Is that your hand?"

Sanji was now looking in the general direction of their hands being held together.

"And so is this one," A squeeze on his waist gave only further confirmation.
Sanji was slightly turned to face Ace as he regained some ground under his feet.

They were still close together. Sanji had fireworks going off all over. "When did it get so hot..?" He mumbled.

Blushing a hard crimson red as Ace chuckled, "Compliment? Weather?"
Sanji stumbled out of his grasp slow, "I.. take it as you may, Ace." Sanji blew off his expression and tried trading it with a less excited one.

"Compliment it is then. Thank you, fine cook." Ace was flushed.

Sanji just couldn't rid the blush creeping over his body. 
He's never been treated as such.

He's been just as smooth as Ace when it comes to woman, well- best to his ability as they never seem to be interested.

"Man, do I wish I was smooth with.. woman," Sanji cut his words off as his mouth just closed.
Ace tilted his head, "Hm? Whatcha saying?"

"I meant to say that I wish I was smooth with woman as you are here. I never seem to get myself a girl."

Ace shrugged that off and patted his back in the same place as earlier as he pushed them to continue following the group even while behind them all.

"Who says it has to be a woman?"
"How do you know?"

That gave Sanji swift issues, "Huh? Are you implying I may not actually have a preference for woma-"
"No no!" Ace shook his hands in front of himself, "Ofcourse not but, have you ever tried exploring?"

Sanji was awestruck.

He's never been encourage in preference exploration, Ace is the only one he's ever met who actually has genuine question about what his type of person is.

"Are you having a bi panic?"
"Don't know if you prefer men or woman? Realizing it's both?"

Sanji just shook his head, "Maybe, I've never been introduced to men in my life that way, it's 'woman this and that' seen as how I have the upmost respect for them rather than men."

Ace hummed, looking down at his with a sincere smile, "Sometimes, indulging is all you want and can do!"

"You are really a great guy, brother, pirate, you know that right?"

Ace gave him a wide eye look as if he was now taken aback, Sanji just looked away with a look between sadness and genuine happiness.

The cook never had someone in his life be like this, so familiar to him. "It's unreal. I can't believe you're so different to Luffy. He's troublesome where there's no trouble and you,"

Sanji looked up with gazing eyes that just traveled from Ace's feet to his knees to his abs, chest, beads, and to his countless freckles.

"I counted twenty-two freckles on your face, you know. I bet that's the perfect amount of you being so kind, you'll be kind twenty-two times to us and then you'll be gone. On your way to find your guy."

Ace lifted a brow so delicately, "So, you really paid that close attention to.. me? Really?"

Sanji knew he must've sounded weird but, how could he make it sound any better. He's been in situations like this with woman and they end up just walking away disturb of his observations.

Was it wrong to want to break someone down and make them feel seen? He's wanted that.
"Well, yeah. Guess that's weird, eh? Women tell me that all the time. I think because I'm so infatuated with pretty hot woman that paying so close attention would draw me some."

Sanji shrugged, tilting his head as he looked Ace in the eyes, having never let go since he confessed how many freckles he's counted.

"They both counted that many, Luffy used to trace and connect them." Ace had a fond smile about him reminiscing, Sanji didn't want to blow the hot smile away.

Though, the latter realized that he's always relaying things back to his little brother. And someone other?

Not that it bothers Sanji, he finds it sweet. It's like a different love he's only had with his mom.
"What is love really?" He mumbles barely audible.

"You wanted to see that many? You kept your eyes on me that long to count?"

Sanji nodded with chalk red cheeks, his eyes wandering down Ace's face to the freckles, eyes glazing over his nose and lips before falling on their friends ahead.

"Weird enough as it is, I couldn't help it. It was a weird urge, which reminds me when I first saw you and we connected eyes, I felt something I only felt with woman and I think you know wh-"

Hands were on his face quicker than he could fathom just as quick as lips were on his. Quicker than quick sand.

The hands were a nice touch of first cold and then hot, they pulled him to a halt as they held his face.

His hair over his eye had little less hair so he was seeing with both eyes, one clearer than the other, who was kissing him so passionately. It was intimate and not just lips.

His hands traced back to grasps the ones on his face, holding them as his eyes widen with settlement on who it was.

The only other person at the back of the group a bit behind.

They pulled away at the same time, ready for more hot air as they took a breath close to one another's face.

"I'm so grateful, you wouldn't be able to comprehend it. I.. apologize if that was too .. uh.. early?" Ace's quick breath sync with his chuckle and that was all it took.

"Oh, wait.." Sanji felt too many emotions and just choose to attempt to kick the man with one swift motion, though the man dodged unfazed and with a delicate smile that made Sanji blush.

"Idiot! You can't-" The back members of the group turned around to the loud voice Sanji toned, he waved them off.
When they turned around, he pulled Ace close, "Kiss me like that! That was random as hell!"

Ace's pink cheeks were pretty in Sanji eyes, "I said I was sorry,"
"You don't mean it." Sanji was still worked up and it did help to squeeze Ace's hand hard in his.


As much as Sanji wanted to distance himself from Ace, even some attempts from running to fights monsters or crewmates, Ace always drifted back to him.

They seemed always at most a step or a foot away too often for the blond to be able to think further on their situation.

Thus, when nightfall came and it was cold as the previous island, Sanji didn't bother heading to Ace for warmth when he's a built in fire. The fire made was toasty enough for Sanji and his inner flame.

While everyone was getting cuddly and Vivi went to talk to Ace who was eyeing down everyone around Luffy, Sanji left to take his last smoke break of the night as well as quick piss.

When Sanji finished his business and sat on a decently far rock that was still close to the group but still hidden, he took a breath to himself. Red was creeping up on his face again.

"Does red ever go well with yellow?" He chuckles unintentionally as he thought of mustard and ketchup, the colors of fire, seasoning and food dressing.

He grew frustrated, "They go pretty damn well together, don't they?" A vague voice on his left, Sanji just shivered under the tone.

"Ace, hello."
"Hey, what are you doing over here alone?"

Sanji let silence take reign as Ace was getting comfortable next to him on the rock.
Seeing the man need a little more room, Sanji scooched over and patted the spot.

Sure, Ace went where it was free. The swirled brow one noticed he was sort of fidgeting and reddish. Yet, they gravitated close and had barely a small gap between them.

Sanji was getting used to the heating up over his body from that of Ace does to him.

"So..?" Ace started again.
"I've seen how you've eyed everyone ever since you've come along, especially the Marimo."

Ace had to stifle a laugh under his palm.

"Marimo, pff,"
"It's a good one!"

Sanji just let a content smile overtake his emotion.

The stars were pretty, under this light with Ace.

"I was eyeing all of you, some different and some the same." Ace huffed as crossed his legs crisscross and leaned into his palm on his left.

Nudging him, Ace got the que Sanji wanted elaboration. "Is it really something I need to explain?" Ace turned away with his own red face this time.

Sanji got smug with that. Nodding happily as he took a puff of smoke in.

Ace just looked at him with a smile, clearing his throat as he rested his hands in the gap between his legs.

"Well, I look at how well you all treat my little brother, especially your snipper, that uh.. reindeer was it? Navigator, that princess even. I think those two are something."
"Hah, then I bet it was surprising about that stupid swordsman and the idiot captain, their little relationship which is actually-"

"Not so surprising seeing how close and well they are with one another, yeah." Ace itched the back of his nape, "I was worried to be honest. I wanted to protect Lu, but.. he seems like he won't hurt him. Loyal and loving. Honest too."

Sanji nodded with him, giving a couple hums in agreement.

The younger believed he also had to protect their captain from Zoro seen as how idiotic one was and how lost the other was. Sanji's convinced they just need their captain rather than a swordsman who could easily get lost without being by his captains side or in a fight.

Subconsciously looking at his fingers, Sanji counted off everyone Ace was mentioning.

"So I assume you're worried I would hurt your brother?"
"Nah, Luf's trust and judgement in someone has never been wrong, I just wanted to see for myself, trust my own word I would believe in you guys to take good care of that idiot."

Sanji went to place his last standing finger of the others down, then Ace held it up and clutched his hands.

"But you.. you know I would've gone into this world to probably hate everyone forever?"

Sanji was slightly taken aback too far, "HAH? No way, It's unbelievable Luffy is your brother on occasion seeing the obvious difference, now this?"

Ace just awkwardly gave a wry smile and a sad laugh, "Not to dive too far into unwanted territory, I didn't have a good background and I hated the world, even Luf like I said before."

"I remember that, I wanted you to elaborate, you look like all you do is love and protect him. Like he's a reason.."

Ace nodded and looked to the sky, "He's special. Too special for anyone to comprehend."
Sanji understood too quick for never being someone else's reason.

"But, I grew up with him for almost a decade and I've learned so much then. So now, I can happily say other things about his crew, other people I met, and you."

Sanji almost let his cigarette fall out as he quickly questioned what he meant by that.

Ace was all too happy and flushed to admit to him. "Meeting you was fate, but falling in love with you was .. kind of beyond my control." He leaned over and lit his finger and then the cook's cigarette.

Sanji's eyes were way too exposed to the night as he was in awe. "L..love?"
"Don't you know anything about romance? I mean.. it's 'woman this and that'."

"Well- uh.. I think you were right earlier about my interest and preference being overdue for exploration and now.. I don't think I have a clear view on what romance love is.."

Ace looked at him with a different gaze, one of what Sanji assume quick as quick sand, love.
The man pressed a finger to his chin and looked up with a thoughtful eye, following back down.

"I could explain it.. uh.. it's like 'If I had to choose whether to breathe or to love you, I would use my last breath to tell you that... I love you'." His finger pointing to Sanji as if referring it back to him.

Sanji's brow lifted and his rocked back, "Really?"
"Are you asking me if that's what I totally would do or if that's what love is?" Ace deadpan reddened with a quirked brow.

Sanji chuckled and took his hand free from Ace's, leaving only one intertwined hand to contain their sharing heat, and took his cig out of between his lips.

"Well.. both I guess.. I assume I would. Seen as how it's only been so long and I've already felt so so much here with you, which it absolutely crazy! I still wonder how quick it really happened,"

Ace's cheeks color the same crimson fire red as Sanji's.

"I think I feel more than just that alone," Ace began, giving a stare so daring to the man before him.

Ace let his face get closer to Sanji's as they both had a smile on their lips. "And what do.. you feel?" Sanji asked, obvious questioning hints in his words.

"I want to be your favorite hello and your hardest goodbye." The black haired spoke. Ace felt his shoulder light a spark of being too loving and out of his comfort zone for one man.

"I want that too. I truly believe I do.."
"Then .. please do." Ace replied.

They let themselves take one another into their arms as they connected again. Sanji never felt like kissing was this easy as it was.


"Well, I guess this is goodbye."
"What do you mean? You're leaving just like this?"

Sanji was sitting next to Ace on a rock while they took a break. 

The sun was beginning to set and the day was growing older by the minute, only younger with them.

"Sadly, the man I hunt isn't here. He needs to pay and I can't do it without finding him."

Sanji frowned, "Huh, right. Seems like being with you made me forget about why you're really here. You won't be forever."

Ace patted his shoulder as he turned to face his head infront of the blonds that was dropped.

"Hey, don't feel so down. I'm glad I made an impression and got me a man, you know." He smiles.
"I'll be a lonely me with the crew," Sanji looks deep into Ace's smile and sees absolutely no regrets about anything happening around.

Thus, he entrusted Ace knew what he was doing. "I guess it's alright though, even if you are far. I don't plan of breaking up you know."
"First love and only love it's all it is. I wouldn't do the same." Ace mumbles in his hands while looking away blushing.

Sanji loved when Ace put down his front and stopped eyeing everyone one over and judging them.

"I'm glad I put trust into what this is." Ace started, he leaned on his knee now looking at Sanji.

"Wouldn't you have asked for Luffy's blessing to have me? Or.. the other way around?" Sanji randomly blurted out.

Ace laughed happy from his spot before looking at the approaching boy that Sanji just mentioned.
"Well.. let's see."

"Ace! There you are! You're always with Sanji now, are you guys dating or something?" Luffy had excitement before deadpanning at the end of his words.

Ace looked to the man his little brother was talking about, before growing a rather intentional smirk. "Why Luf, is that any of your business?" Ace had a tone that sounded a little on the edge of irritated and teasing.

"So you are? Hm, okay. But you cannot take him with you. He's on my ship, Ace."

Luffy up and started walking away, Ace looked flustered and stared the back of his head down with a short glare like a child version of him would.

Sanji stuttered under his breath before shoving Ace's head down and using him as leverage to seem a little more sat up. "Oi Luffy! You can't just assume shit like that! Idiot!"

"I already knew, saw you guys kissin' behind a rock. I wanted to cuddle with Ace as a heater but, you called dibs." Luffy grumped as he turned back to look at Sanji.

Sanji just huffed and sat back down on the rock, "Guess were moving again,"
"See! No need for him to worry about us, he's chill about it. Anyways-"

They got up and started walking and talking behind the group again.

"Hey, I think it's now time I leave, so.. I wanted to give you a proper goodbye before I give you one with everyone." Ace whispers in his ear as they came to a halt.

Sanji knew he had to prepare for this, the man who took him by surprise was leaving like a desert gust of cool wind.

"Right. Well, I hope you catch that guy and stay safe and sound to see us again."

Ace frowned at that quick goodbye he got when he knew there was more to be had, even said.

"You're scared I won't come back."
"Most I've ever loved left me and this world, or me in general. So, yeah. I would have a right to be."

Ace seemed to understand as he looked ahead to the group.

"Sometimes, it isn't about where they end up when they leave you, it's about how long you'll let the memories and their lone stay, reside close to your heart."

Sanji was bewildered with how nice Ace was being and how understanding he wanted to be with Sanji. He was patient, kind hearted, shy with his own romance, and more than ever understanding.

"You're right. I want to believe you will but, I feel I might not ever see you again. With that, I must keep you close as I can. Especially the memories."

"Now you get it. Remember when you first saw me walk into the kitchen and I greeted you?"
"I spoke and said, "Hello, Ace was it?" and you welcomed yourself with getting close to me."

Ace nodded as they kept walking, just barely keeping up with the group from their distance.
"Yeah well, that can be our own little thing."
"I like that. I greet you with hello. And say 'goodbye' when you leave."

Ace nodded.
"Now until forever." They swore that with connected lips.

Now until forever was too short for Sanji.
The news shook his core and it felt like weights were being thrown tons on him.

The paper crinkled under his grasp and he heard his brain and heard pound louder than his steps running from the awful people he's met on the island.

"I.. Luffy! .. Ace.." He let his cigarette be swallowed by the sand when it fell and he shot up off his bottom. The news as never felt more unreal to him, like a bad dream or something you've never seen ever before.

Sometimes, it isn't about what's far but how close you keep it. That's the summary Ace taught Sanji.

And now, it just hurts as word torn to his memory. "Oh.. Luffy.. Ace is.. dammit.."
The ships cook, Sanji, had absolutely no idea who to grieve for.

Is he allowed to feel grief knowing his lover is dead on the battle field where his own execution was being held, or was he not allowed to? Just feel immense guilt for not being there for their captain?

Sanji was torn and he tore the paper top in his hand, he wanted to just keep the picture of Ace just by himself but, it was his corpse. The least of who he was then rather to now.

It was just a body and his soul is now in the afterlife, long gone. Now, he wished he knew love earlier so then he could've loved him longer.

"Being alone .." Tears soiled the paper to his footing, "Will never .. be something I'm used to.. dammit!"

Love isn't something he's earned for a long time, he's now had it and the world selfishly took it upon itself to steal all he's earned once again.

So, he swore to himself, he'd never let his captain be hurt like this again.
And he most definitely swears to never love anyone else like Ace. It's only Ace he will forever love. Even now, till forever does them part. "Goodbye Ace.."

Okumaya devam et

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