This wasn't the plan (M.R x R...

By Xoxo_Author-Xoxo

71K 972 1K

You Allison Evergreen are attending hogwarts in the Sixth year after you set fire to your last school. Your t... More

A bit of background - please read
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
New characters
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
New charecters
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Another A/N
Part 28
New characters
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Update on characters
Part 32
Part 33
A/N - Quidditch
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Another A/N
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70

Part 50

429 11 54
By Xoxo_Author-Xoxo

Third Person POV

Today was Mattheo's and Mollys birthday, it's been a couple days since Mattheo told Allison he would "put in the effort" and trust me he did.

Everyday Allison woke up with a bouquet of Hydrangeas, they are Allison's favourite type of flower as they always look so full yet beautiful.

He also wrote out a card with a little poem in it and a box of chocolates and left them on her desk with the flowers.

Molly was really happy when Mattheo came up to her and asked her to help him, so she was gathering more and more information about her so he could prove that he was trying and only cared about her.

As it was their birthday the whole Slytherin house decided to throw a party inviting all the houses to celebrate the dark lords children.

It was currently 6:30 am, Allison woke up early because she knew that Mattheo and molly wouldn't be up.

She went in the shower before changing into a skirt and green jumper. Before walking over to Mollys side of the bed and waking her up.

When she finally woke up Allison gave her, her presents. She got her an emerald green ring, a book on Fashion, a book on the history of magic as she loves to read and a black ruffled body con dress. She was so grateful but really tired so she went back to sleep.

Then Allison walked over to Mattheo and Jakes dorm, she knocked on their door and walked in. And guess what, they were both asleep.

She let out a sigh before walking over to mattheo's bed, climbing in and sat next to him. Allison started stroking his hair for 10 minutes before he woke up and said "Morning Princess"  in his morning voice.

(Ok not going to lie I'm reading this back, the paragraph above and 'Allison started stroking his hair for 10 minutes before he woke up' it sounds really creepy. So if you find it weird that she's doing that same your not alone)

"Happy birthday" she whisper to him, he looks confused like he's trying to comprehend everything before realising it was in fact his birthday.

He sat up and looked at her "here are your presents" she says giving them to him.

He opened his presents the first one was a book 'wuthering heights' then she got him another book 'heart of Darkness' and finally she got him him 1 black hoodie and 1 black and emerald green hoodie.

"Thankyou" he says before engulfing me into a hug. Allison let's our a laugh laugh before hugging him back.

Even though Allison started Hogwarts in September just over 3 months ago, so much has already happened.

I mean just think about it. Her parents disowned her, she got SA'd, she nearly died, found out her sister is alive, found out she has a brother. Like honestly looking back at some of the stuff that's happened it would make anyone think that Hogwarts a bad luck charm. Her life was nowhere near as hectic as it is right now.

Anyway back to my point.

Allison feels like she's known Mattheo for her whole life, there's something about him that just makes her fell like she knew him before maybe in a past life but there's something there.

He's not a person that you could easily let go, something absolutely catastrophic would have to happen before you let him go and even then it would be hard.

And as much as she want to date him again Allison can't let myself get hurt, she's done it once and won't do it again.

That's why she's promised herself that she isn't going to date anyone until after new years. You know the saying 'new year new me', well that's what Allison is going to be doing.


Allison's POV

It's now 6pm and the party starts at 8. I've gone in the shower and washed my hair before putting a drying spell on it because I am not drying hair with a god damn hairdryer, do you know how long that takes.

I get out my dress that I'm going to be wearing and match it with some heels, earrings, jewellery and makeup.

I curl my hair and leave it resting in my shoulders, the times currently 7:30.

I go to pansy and daphnes dorm because molly ran in there going in about not having anything to wear even though she has 2 wardrobes full of dresses but who's judging? not me.

I knock on the door and hear a faint come in, so I enter the dorm and see every single dress known to man kind on the floor.

"What the hell happens in here?" I ask stepping over the dresses. Pansy looks at me and smirks "you look hot"

"Thanks, but seriously what happened in here. Molly surely didn't do all this" I say pointing at the floor.

Daphne pops her head out of the bathroom "that's because she didn't, in fact pansy raided our closets because she wanted to look hot" I let out a laugh before sitting on Pansys bed.

Molly runs out of the bathroom with her hair all done and looks at me "why do you look better then me?"

"I don't and it's your birthday nothing and no one can put shine you. Not even Mattheo" I say giving her a smile

"You know if I wasn't straight I would totally smash you" pansy says out of no where while looking at me

Me, Molly and Daphne looks at her confused "Thankyou. I think" I say to her

She lets out a laugh "I mean it because you look hot, like if I was dating you, you wouldn't even make an appearance at the party as we would be to busy in the bedroom making sweet memories"

"Pansy I would sleep with you aswell I mean you always look hot" I say to her

She gives me a smile before continuing her makeup. "Matty is going to be so jealous when he sees you" Molly says sitting next to me

"I don't think so, I mean it's both of your birthdays so your going to get loads of attention he probably won't even see me" I tell her

We both sit in silence, well not silence exactly I mean pansy was swearing at her eye liner as it wasn't 'doing it's job' and Daphne was sighing her heart out to 5 seconds of summer. Before Molly spoke up. "Do you ever miss him?"

I look at her and sigh "I do miss him, but I feel like all of this could of been avoided if we took things slowly, I mean we hooked up and started dating in September. I think if we got to know each-other and took our relationship slowly enough for both of us, we would probably still be together"

"He misses you a lot, and when I found out what happened i was furious I blew up at him. And I couldn't believe why he did it. But I'm glad that you guys are talking again and he's trying a lot to get you back"

"I know he is" I tell her, but deep down I don't know whether us breaking up was maybe a good thing. I mean we rushed into it, not caring about any consequences or what would happened if we broke up and I think we should've thought about that.


It's now 8:10 and we should be downstairs but are we? No.

And why? Well it's because we got a bit to carried away with the music and started signing our hearts out to Taylor swift.

Love story to be exact.

Then as soon as the song ended I hear a knock at the door, I walk over and open the door to see a very annoyed Jake.

"Hey Jake, what can I do for you on this lovely evening?"

He lets out a sigh before walking into the room, "I've been stood outside of that door for the whole duration of Taylor Swift and 1 I'm offended how you didn't invite me and 2 we can't start the party without molly and everyone's downstairs waiting, Matteo is getting very impatient so I'd hurry up if I were you"

Molly stands up and walks over to the door "we're ready let's go"

Jake walks out first with me behind him, molly behind me, Daphne behind her and Pansy last.

We stop at the top of the stairs "ok Jake go down with Daphne because you haven't even complimented her on how pretty she looks. Then me and pansy will walk down behind you guys and when everyone's out of the way the birthday girl will come down last" I tell them all

Everyone agrees with me before Jake and Daphne disappear down the stairs.

Then me and pansy walk down, when I see everyone they are all staring at us. Blaise can't keep his eyes of pansy. They are soo going to sleep with each-other by the end of the night.

When we get to the bottom I go and walk over to where the group is, turning around before Molly made her grand entrance.

Enzo looks at her in awe the whole time, and Mattheo looks really proud of her.

I mean why wouldn't you be proud of someone walking down the stairs, they could trip and fall, break an ankle or whatever.

Stairs are dangerous.


The whole night is a blast, every house is here from 3rd year up. Except for the Slytherins all the Slytherin years are here but they had to leave at 12 because they cannot handle a late night.

Nova did not want to go to sleep but me and Jace basically forced her to bed.

The time was now 2am, it was mostly 5th year, 6th year and 7th years awake everyone else went to sleep.

I have had 18 fire whiskey shots and am very drunk, there's no need to act like I'm not because everyone knows I am.

I find Mattheo sitting on the couches with a couple of random guys in 7th year, I have no clue what house they are in because I've never seen them.

I walk over to him and sit down right next to him, he looks at me confused and places his arm around the back of my waist and pulls me into him.

He continues talking to the other guys for a while, I can feel the weight of the alcohol on me so I close my eyes and fall asleep.


I wake up not I'm my dorm and with a massive headache. I open my eyes and try to see where my surroundings are and find that I'm in Mattheo's and Jakes dorm.

I sit up and see that I'm in Jakes bed and mattheo's in his bed.

Did her carry me here?

I move the sheets of me and walk into the bathroom, I lock the door and run a freezing cold shower to wake me up.

I turn the shower off and go to grab a towel to only realise that I don't have a towel. This isn't even my bloody dorm why would my towel be here.

I open the door a crack and shout "MATTHEO THOMAS RIDDLE"

He jumps out of bed and looks around discombobulated before realising that I'm in the bathroom "yes"

"Can you get me a towel cause I don't have one do I"

A little smile appears on his face before he goes into his cupboard and pulls out a black towel. He then walks over to me and hands me the towel through the small crack.

I take it and wrap it around my body before walking into the bedroom. I notice on Jakes bed there's some clothes lined up for me to wear.

I take them and quickly go back into the bathroom and change. It's a pair of old black jeans that fit me and a green Slytherin hoodie.

I walk back into the bedroom to see Mattheo changed and waiting for me, I walk over to him and plant a kiss of his cheek. Before walking towards the door.

He looks at me confused "it's for bringing me back here last night, it's my Thankyou gift" i say before walking out of his dorm and to Jace's dorm.

Oh my Merlin I just kissed his cheek.

Why do I rush into things?

Next year I'm going back to dating for now no more boys.

But it's mattheo.

That's doenst matter, Mattheo or not I'm not ment to kiss him.

But it's mattheo freaking riddle it's different he isn't a boy.

Oh Merlin Thankyou brain for helping me not.


- 2146 words

A/N - Thankyou so much for 16k views, also I know it's been nearly a week or it has been a week so thanks for being patient.

Xoxo Author

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