My Alien Soulmate

By Sarah__Leann

106K 3.8K 916

When Daisy was abducted by aliens and forced to work on their ship, she felt hopeless as she watched species... More



1.4K 65 14
By Sarah__Leann

I felt sick to my stomach as I was dragged through the gladarian ship and thrown into a cage.

It was the same as the one that I was held in the first time I was abducted and I was in complete and utter shock when I saw Gemma and Hayley hurrying over to me.

"What's going on?" I heard a male voice ask from the other side of the cage.

I was dizzy and nauseous from being teleported here and as I stood to my feet, my legs gave way and I dropped to the ground, hitting my head hard.

"Daisy, are you ok?" I faintly heard one of the girls ask before black spots clouded my vision.

When I came to, I was groggy and confused. I momentarily forgot what had happened but when I opened my eyes, I remembered everything.

Gemma and Hayley were gone and I was alone. Scanning my surroundings I saw two guards by the cage door.

I had to be smart, so I decided not to piss them off with a screaming fit and chose to lie still on the floor instead.

My head was pounding and I was afraid of what might happen to me.

I didn't have Kai or any of the zaviours to rescue me this time and I had no way to escape alone.

The cage door rattled and I glanced over my shoulder to see a smug looking Felix walking towards me.

"You're awake?"

No shit Sherlock, of course I'm awake.

I glared at him, sitting up so that my back was agaist the cage bars.

"Let's get you ready for the drainers."

I could see how excited he was to have me hooked up to the drainers. His smile was wide with a glisten in his eyes and I knew that there was nothing I could do to stop him.

With a ship full of gladarian monsters, I would no doubt be slaughtered if I ran.

I sucked in a breath and stood to my feet.

"You'll never get away with this." My voice was cold and I shoved past him, walking out of the cage.

"I already have."

The two guards led me away, stopping outside of the decontamination room.

"Really?" I rolled my eyes.

"You know what to do." Felix muttered before opening the door and pushing me inside.

I stood in the middle of the bright white room, waiting for the mist and as expected, it filled the room.

My heart raced. What the fuck do I do now?

I knew I had to stay strong. I wouldn't let Felix see an ounce of fear in me, no matter how terrified I was.

I wondered if this was the work of the universe, my punishment for what I did when I was last here. I suppose I couldn't complain. It's only fitting that this is how I'd go.

Hopefully it would be like falling asleep. I could handle that.. I think.

"Move!" Felix's voice boomed as he opened the door, causing me to jump and I scowled at him as I took a few steps towards him and out of the room.

I followed the two guards closely but when I felt Felix push me from behind, I hit one of them in the back and he turned around, furiously.

Raising his dirty hand, he slapped me in the face, scratching me with his disgusting, long, sharp nails.

The force he used caused me to stumble sideways and I fell into the wall.

I had to grit my teeth to refrain from saying anything that would land me in even more trouble and I heard Felix snickering as I covered my cheek with my hand.

"Utter filth. Touch me again and I'll remove your head." The guard snarled.

I nodded, holding back tears and I felt blood trickle through my fingers and down my arm.

My cheek felt like it was on fire, pressing my sleeve onto it in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

We walked in silence towards the drainers and when we got there, I noticed that they were all in use.

I couldn't believe that I was back here again, on a blood sucking, gladarian ship.

The guards led me to a cage behind the drainers. They must be the holding cells that Felix told me about last time.

The guard that hit me held a weapon in his hands, pointing it at the cage as the other one unlocked it.

It was already half full, multiple species awaiting their fate and Felix pushed me in while the other guards stopped anyone from trying to escape.

"Fucking arse hole." I spat at him once the door was locked behind me.

"I'm going to have great pleasure in watching the life drain from your face. But don't worry, I'll be sure to keep you alive, just enough for you to suffer again and again and again. You're going to be begging me to kill you once I'm finished with you."

"Fuck you, Felix. You're a coward, hiding behind gladarians. What are you anyway? Human or monster? Because from where I'm standing, you look like a pathetic little reject that no one wants. You're a disgrace to either species if you ask me and even if I do die, you'll always be looking over your shoulder in fear of Kai and the zaviours. They will come for you and when they do, you'll regret ever setting foot on Zandara."

I laughed in his face as it turned red with anger.

"What's wrong? You can't exactly hit me from out there can you?" I took a few steps back so that I was surrounded by the other people in the cage. "Come and get me, I dare you."

Goading Felix was probably one of the last things I'd ever get to do, so if I was going to do it, I may aswell do it right.

He was lost for words and the two guards with him were smirking at him.

"Didn't think so." I muttered, walking to the back of the cage so that he couldn't see me anymore.

"You're in the drainers next, Daisy. I hope you're ready!" He yelled, walking away.

I slumped down to the floor, leaning against the cage. My body was trembling with either fear or adrenaline, probably a mixture of the two and I knew it wouldn't be long before he came back for me.

"Daisy!" Gemma rushed to my side.

She was frantic and I frowned when I peered up at her.

"They've taken Hayley, she's in the drainers. They said they would bleed her dry this time, I don't know what to do."

I didn't know what to do either. There were at least thirty people crammed in this cage and I was doubtful that any of us would survive.

I sighed, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry, there isn't anything I can do."

She stared at me for a moment before breaking down infront of me and I wrapped my arms around her, comforting her as best as I could.

Looking around the cage, everyone in here was awash with fear. Some of them were staring at me while others cried silently but one guy in particular caught my eye and my heart skipped a beat when he noticed me and came over, sitting down beside me.

"You're a zaviour, how are you here?" I was confused yet relieved at the same time.

"Are you.. are you Daisy? Thee Daisy?"

"Wait a minute. Please tell me that you're Dazna. As in Florna's brother."

"Yes." We spoke in unison.

My jaw dropped. "How are you alive? Everyone thinks you're dead."

"I thought as much. The gladarians found me hiding on my ship and sent me to one of their other ships as a test subject. They blew my ship up for fun and when I tried to call for back-up, they took my wristband and destroyed it."

"Is there any way we can get out of here?"

Dazna sighed. "I know I could take the guards down and probably a large amount of the others but they would take me down before I could get anywhere that I could signal for help. I don't know the layout of the ship."

My hopes of escaping were shattered. I wish I could get a message to Kai, even just to let him know that Dazna was alive. I doubt the gladarians could kill him in the drainers so he had a high chance of survival.

"If you ever see Kai again, please tell him I will love him forever, even in death and meeting him was the most amazing and incredible part of my life."

I felt my eyes glaze over and a tear skimmed my cheek.

"Come on, Daisy. I've made space just for you. It's time to go!"

Felix's voice echoed in my ears and I felt Gemma tighten her grip on my arm.

My eyes widened, my heart racing and my body flushed hot. Oh shit!

"Stay here." Dazna whispered in my ear and I looked into his deep blue eyes, nodding.

"Oh come on. What's the matter?" Felix chimed.

I knew that I'd have to go and I sighed, rubbing my eyes with my blood stained fingers.

"If you want me, come and get me."

I may aswell be defiant and waste time.

"Either come out now or I'll start killing people and their deaths will be on your head."


I stood to my feet and turned to Dazna. "Please look after her."

I looked down at Gemma and he nodded.

I slowly made my way to the front of the cage, clenching my jaw when Felix locked eyes with me.

"Ahh, there you are. Ready?"

His smile was starting to piss me off and once I was out of the cage, I lost my cool and launched my fists at his face, punching him over and over again.

The gladarian guards didn't stop me right away, letting me take Felix on for a while before dragging me off of him.

"Little bitch!" He roared, standing to his feet.

I caught him off guard so I knew I wouldn't get the chance to do it again but it felt amazing to punch him in his stupid little face.

He balled his fists and before I knew it, I took a blow to the ribs and another to the eye. He didn't stop there though, pushing me to the ground, kicking me repetedly until the guards pushed him back.

The pain I felt was horrendous. He must have gladarian strength even though he has a human body.

I blacked out for a moment and all I could hear was Dazna and Gemma screaming at Felix.

My vision was blurred, my body in a world of pain and I felt myself being dragged across the floor.

I suppose I should have expected that.

My consciousness was slipping away and I began hallucinating. I could have sworn I heard Kai.

"Kai." I whispered, barely able to open my eyes.

I love you, Kai

I opened my mind to him. I knew he wouldn't be able to hear me but it gave me a sense of comfort anyway.

I was tired, unaware of what was happening around me and I gave in to my body and stopped fighting.

Everything turned black and I felt calm as unconsciousness took over.

I wasn't sure if I'd ever wake up but I was happy in the knowledge that Dazna was alive and I had hope that he would eventually pass my message on to Kai.


Dazna is alive!!

Do you think Kai will get to Daisy in time?

Let me know your predictions.

Thank you for all of the votes this week, you guys are amazing!

Double update today, so don't stop reading, chapter 21 is here too 😁😁

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