RWBY x Male Reader

By EarlKen8

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(Head's up, not a harem fic btw, but a threesome.) The Theory of Four swords: The First State "Energy Control... More

Vol 1 Chapter 1: Where it all started
Vol 1 Chapter 2: Day of beginnings

Vol 1 Chapter 3: Beacon Academy, our new home

628 29 21
By EarlKen8

Abilities, Timeskip, Location, POV, AN, Etc.

Location - Inside the bullhead

3rd Person POV

The bullhead is currently heading to Beacon Academy to drop the students who will become a Huntsman and Huntresses in the future.

??: "Aww~! I can't believe that my baby sister is coming to Beacon Academy with me! This is the best day ever!" A female voice said with a hint of excitement in her tone of voice as she hugged her little Sister.

She had long blonde hair, and her weapon of choice seems to be a gauntlet. This woman is no longer than Yang Xiao Long.

And the little sister whom she hugged was none other than Ruby Rose.

Ruby: "Sis, please stop. You're embarassing me."

Yang then let go of the hug.

Yang: "But I'm so proud of you!"

Ruby: "Really, sis, it was nothing."

Yang: "No! Don't say that it was nothing! Because for me it was incredible!"

Ruby: "Everyone at Beacon is going to think you're the bee's knees!"

Ruby: "I don't wanna be the bee's knees okay? I don't wanna be any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees!"

Yang: "What's with you? Aren't you excited?"

Ruby: "Of course I'm excited!"

Yang: "Then what's bothering you?"

Ruby: "It's just that...i got moved ahead two years. I don't want people to think I'm special or something..."

Ruby: "Not to mention that if I will get to ever see him again. He said that he and I will meet again, but when and where?" She said in her thoughts. Still not getting over her encounter with Y/n.

Yang: "But you are special!"

As Ruby started looking around inside the bullhead, she spotted a familiar H/c boy with E/c eyes in the crowds minding his own business. She was doubting herself if that boy is Y/n whom she met the last few nights.

The H/c boy with E/c eyes noticed that someone is staring at him from the distance, and he then turned his head and saw the familiar red girl whom he met the last few nights.

Y/n flashed her a gentle smile before the crowds blocked Ruby's view. The way Y/n smiled at her made all of Ruby's doubts in her mind disappeared in an instant as her face started to get red all of a sudden.

Ruby: *blush* "Ohmygosh! Omygosh!H-he's here too! What he said to me back then was true! He and I will indeed meet again! Hehe looks like I have an even more reasons to get excited attending to Beacon!"

Yang: "Hmm? Why are getting red all of a sudden? Don't tell me you had your eyes set to someone else~?" Yang teased, making Ruby snapped out of her thoughts.

Ruby: "Wh-what!? N-no! Of course not! I-It's not like that!"

But their conversation was cut off when suddenly, Glynda appeared in the bullhead via hologram and then speak in a voice that caught all of the students attentions.

Glynda: "My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a priviledged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy."

She then talked about the students becoming Huntsman and Huntresses in the future and telling them that it is their duty to uphold it and also talked about training to save the world before the hologram turned off.

Soon, Ruby then started to look at the window, admiring the view.

Ruby: "Look! You can see Signal from up here!"

Yang: "I guess home isn't too far after all. Beacon's our home now."

While they were admiring the view, they heard a sound of someone who's about to puke. They turned around and noticed a blonde haired man holding his mouth as he walked past them both.

Yang: "Well, I guess the view isn't for everyone."

Ruby: "It was a nice moment while it lasted."

Yang: "I wonder who we're gonna meet at Beacon?"

Ruby: "I just they're better than 'vomit boy'" She said, referrencing to the blonde hair guy who walked past them.

Ruby: "Oh, Yang, gross, you have puke on your shoe!"

Yang: "Gross, gross, gross..."

Ruby: "Stay away from me! Stay away! Stay away! Noooooo!!!"


Location - Beacon Academy

After arriving at Beacon, Yang ditched her little sister Ruby at the entrance of Beacon and went to meet her friends.

Ruby: "Can't believe she just ditched me here just to go and meet her friends..." She was about to fall down while saying that while closing her eyes, but a pair of soft warm arms managed to catch her in time.

Y/n: "Careful now, falling down on the ground on your first day is not ideal, you know?"

Ruby immediately opened her eyes when she heard a familiar voice talking to her.

The moment she opened her eyes, she noticed that her face is almost closer to his, as she then noticed that he was carrying her in bridal-style.

Ruby's face immediately went red as she stood up but quickly trips herself and fall on the ground due to the overwhelming feeling she feels in both her mind and body.

She didn't even noticed that she accidentally bumped herself to a tray full of white suitcases, causing a white haired girl with a scar on her left eye yelled at Ruby.

This girl is no other than Weiss Schnee. The second main girl for Y/n. An Ice Queen where Y/n has no problem melting her cold heart.

Weiss: "What do you think you're doing!?" She asked with a hint of anger in her tone of voice.

Ruby: "Ah! I'm sorry!"

Weiss: "Sorry!? Do you have any idea of the damage you could have caused!?"

Ruby: *holds out on of the white cases* "Uhhh..."

Weiss: "Give me that!" Weiss demanded as she then took the white case that Ruby was holding and she then opened it.

Weiss: "This is dust! Mined and purified from the Schnee quarry!"

Ruby: *confused* "Uhh..."

Weiss: "What are you? Braindead?"

Y/n then offered his hand to help Ruby get up, which Ruby accepted. Getting a bit red from just holding his hand, while Weiss keeps on talking about different kinds of dusts, while shaking the dust she is currently holding in her hands.

Ruby then accidentally inhaled some of the dusts in the air as she then sneezed, causing an explosion in front of Weiss, but luckily Y/n managed to grab her to safety by just grabbing Weiss hand swiftly and quickly, making their bodies touch each other, their faces close to each other.

Y/n: "Careful now, you wouldn't want the explosion to ruin your beauty now, right?"

Weiss face shows a small hint of redness before breaking free from his grasp as she then turned around and glared at Ruby.

Weiss: "Unbelievable! This is exactly the kind of thing I'm talking about!"

Ruby: 👉👈 "I'm really, really sorry!" She tried to apologize, but to no avail.

Weiss: "Oh! You complete dolt! What are you- no, what are you both doing here?! Aren't you both a little young attending Beacon? This isn't your ordinary combat school! It's not just sparring and practice you know? We're here to slay monsters!"

Ruby was about to apologize again, but Y/n cut her off by speaking first.

Y/n: "Watch your tone, Princess. Us, attending in beacon while being a few years younger than you, means that we are both strong and have more potential than you."

Weiss was lost for words for a sec. She was about to reply back, but they soon heard a voice talking to them in the distance.

??: "It's Heiress actually." A woman with yellow eyes and long black hair with a large black ribbon on top of her hair said as she then approached them.

This person is no other than Blake Belladonna.

Blake: "Weiss Schnee. Heiress to the Schnee dust company one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world."

Weiss: "Hmph! Finally! Some recognition!"

Ruby: "ohhh..."

Y/n: "Thank you for the explanation, I appreciate that, but it still doesn't ring a bell to me. I mostly spend my time training and living in the woods."

Blake: "This same company infamous for it's controversial labor forces and quistionable business partners." She added while speaking in a calm voice.

Weiss: "What!? How dare- The nerve of-...Ugh!" She didn't finished her sentence properly as she starts walking away in rage, of course she took one last glance at Y/n before talking again.

Weiss: "The name's Weiss Yourlastname. Make sure to remember that."

Y/n: "Hol-up, wait a minute. I'm pretty sure I heard that before. And isn't your last name is Schnee?"

He didn't get his answers as Weiss's started walking away along with her helpers who carried her luggages.

Ruby: "I promise I'll make this up for you!" She said as she lets out a sigh.

After sighing for a bit, Ruby was about to start a conversation with Blake, only to find out that she is walking away from them. She then let's out another sigh, while Y/n watches Blake leaves, analyzing her.

Y/n: "My instinct tells me that she is hiding something that she doesn't want to share with anybody at Beacon." Y/n said in his thoughts.

Ruby: "Guess, I'm the only one having a rough first day..." She exclaimed with a hint of sadness in her tone of voice.

Y/n: "I know something that might help you brighten your spirit in your first day at beacon."

Y/n then picked up the present box he was holding, and then kneeled down on one knee. He then looked at Ruby while offering the present box to her. The box matches the color of Ruby's outfit which consists of black and red, the box also has rose petals as a design.

If other students were here to witness this, then it might looks like that Y/n is confessing to Ruby, but hopefully that's not the case. At least not yet.

Y/n: "I made this for you."

This of course made Ruby's face went extremely red as smokes started to appear on her face.

Ruby: "E-eh!? F-for me!? A-are you sure!?" She asked as Y/n just simply nodded his head.

Ruby then hesitantly took the box. She doesn't want him to feel sad if she were not to accept it.

The moment she open the present, the smell of a preserved freshly baked chocolate cookies filled her nostrils, making her eyes turns into stars.

Y/n: "I hope you'll enjoy this. I baked this perfectly for you."

Y/n: "Not to mention the fact that I almost burned my sister's kitchen along with our house, but let's not talk about that."

Ruby then took one cookie and took a bite. It was delicious, water started to gush out from her mouth, eyes still looking like stars, indicating she wants more as she then began eating all of the cookies, one by one.

Soon enough, the box full of chocolate chips was reduced to nothingness in a matter of seconds. This made Y/n blink his eyes a few times before processing what just happened in his mind.

Y/n: *brain is not braining*

Ruby then holds both of his arms and began spinning herself in a fast pace along with him.

Ruby: "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for those wonderful cookies you made!!" She thanked him while continuing to spin herself along with him via holding hands.

Y/n: "AHHH! C-calm down!" He said, making Ruby stopped spinning herself along with him.

Ruby: "If we we're become together, does it mean I'll get a lifetime cookies made by him!? W-wait! Wh-what am I thinking!? He's just a nice and sweet guy!"

Y/n: "A-anyway, I think we should go to the place where the new students like us are gathering. We don't want to be late on our first day now, right?" He asked, making Ruby snapped out of her thoughts .

Ruby: "Oh! You're right!"

Then suddenly, the same blonde hair man who puked inside the bullhead approached them.

Jaune: "Hey, uhh nice to meet you both...the name's Jaune." He introduced himself as he offered his hand to them.

Y/n & Ruby: "Y/n/Ruby." They both introduced theirselves in unison as they both took turns shaking Jaune's hand.

Ruby: "Wait, aren't you the guy who threw up on the ship?"

-Short Timeskip-

Right now, we see the three of them walking around Beacon, getting to know each other more.

Jaune: "All I'm saying is that motion sickness is a much more common problem than people let on!"

Ruby: *laughs* "I'm sorry but Vomit Boy was the first thing that came to my mind."

Jaune: "Oh yeah? What if I called you Craterface and Y/n as the Rizzler?"

Ruby: "Hey! That explosion was an accident!"

Y/n: "Tell me, which one of your brain cells decided to give me that nickname?"

Jaune: "Well I did see you saving Weiss from the explosion and told her something that made her face go pink for a second."

Ruby: "He did...?"

Y/n: "Fair enough."

Jaune: "Well, the name's Jaune Arc! Short, sweet, rolls of the tongue - ladies love it!"

Ruby: "...Do they?"

Jaune: "They will! W-well I hope they will."

Y/n: "Well, I just hope you aren't dense if a lady were to have an interest in your name or you."

After a short period of silenceness. Ruby started to speak.

Ruby: "So...i got this thing."

She then pulled out her Scythe, making Jaune surprised.

Jaune: "Woah! I-it's that a scythe?!"

Ruby: "It's also a customizable high-impact sniper."

Jaune: *Braindead* "A...what now?"

Y/n: "It can also shoot bullets."

Ruby: "What about yours?" She asked, referring to Jaune.

Jaune: "Oh! I have this sword and shield." He said as he showed Ruby her sword and shield.

Ruby: "Oh! What does it do?"

Jaune: "Well the sword is used to attack enemies and the shield is used to block attacks or projectiles."

Y/n: "Ah, yes. The floor is made out of floor."

Ruby: "Well, I'm kinda a dork when it comes to weapons. I guess I did go overboard in designing it."

Jaune: "Wait, what? You made that?"

Ruby: "Of course! All students in Signal Academy forged their own weapons. You didn't make yours?"

Jaune: "No, it's a hand-me-down. My great-great-grandfather used it to fight in the war. It's nothing fancy like yours." He said, feeling down.

Y/n: "Don't let yourself down just because your weapons are different than ours. Remember that customizable weapons wouldn't be possible if it weren't for the classic ones whom people used in the past, just like your great-great-grandfather. And I can tell that your great-great-grandfather wants to pass the mantle to you. Hoping that you'll continue his legacy and become stronger than him oneday." Y/n motivated him, causing Jaune to smile.

Jaune: "Thanks Y/n...I actually needed that. So what about yours? What's your weapon?"

Y/n: "Oh, just a sword. Doesn't have the customizable feature like Ruby had in her scythe." Y/n said as he pulled out his sword. (Insert the sword of your choice)

Ruby: *excited* "Wow! I can tell that even without a customizable feature, this is a high-quality sword! Did you made it!?"

Y/n: "Well yes, but actually no." Y/n said, making both Ruby and Jaune looked confused.

Y/n: "It's more like a family tradition of ours. You see, when we turn seven years old, we look for high-quality materials to make our sword. After finding the materials needed, we will then search for skilled blacksmiths to craft our sword using the materials we provided."

Ruby: "Wait, really!? You created your own weapon when you were just seven!? That's incredible!"

Y/n: "One of the materials i used to craft my sword is from a dark cave where there are many creatures of grimm inside. I was untrained back then, and I almost died."

The three of them continued walking and talking, getting to know each other, until they realized that they're getting lost and don't know where the audition is.


Eventually they managed to find where the audition is for new students who will become future Huntsman and Huntresses.

Ruby then saw her sister Yang waving at her in the distance.

Yang: "Ruby! Over here! I saved a spot for you?" She shouted in the distance.

Y/n: "Someone you knew?"

Ruby: "Oh! She's my Sister! Anyways, I gotta go! I'll see you both later! Thanks for both of your time today! Also thanks for the cookies Y/n!" She thanked them before she left and went towards where her Sister is.

Y/n then scanned the crowds and noticed that all of them are standing.

Y/n: "Geez, can't believe they'll let us stand again after having such a long trip coming to Beacon via a bullhead that doesn't even have a chair for us to sit on. If they won't provide me the chair I need, then I'll go get a chair for myself." He said as he began to walk away too, leaving Jaune behind.

Jaune: "Hey, wait! Ahh great! Where am I supposed to find another nice quirkly girl to talk too!? And a Rizzler too?" He then lets out a sigh as he began walking away.

As Jaune walked away, a certain long red haired girl is watching him in the distance. It's as if like the red haired girl is interested in him.

Now, back to Ruby.

Yang: "How's your first date going little Sis?" She asked, making Ruby glared at her while crossing her arms.

Ruby: "You mean since you ditched me and I exploded?"

Yang: "Yikes. Having a meltdown already?"

Ruby: "No! I literally exploded in front of the school! There was some fire and I think some ice too?"

As she continued explaining how she exploded ever since Yang ditched her, Weiss then appeared behind her.

Weiss: "YOU!"

Ruby knows that scary familiar voice as she then quickly jumped onto her Sister's arms.

Ruby: "Ohmygod! It's happening again!"

Weiss: "You're lucky that we didn't get blown off the side of the cliff!"

Yang: "Huh. You did explode."

Yang then let's go of her little sister, as Ruby was about to apologize to Weiss again, Weiss silenced her by showing Ruby somekind of a brochure.

Weiss: "The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries and damages and blah, blah blah, blah, blah, blah." (Ain't writing it)

Weiss: "Read this if you want to make amends with me and don't ever talk to me again!"

Yang: "Look, I know you both had a rough first day bumping to each other. But why don't you both bury the hatchet and start over again as friends?"

Ruby: "Great idea sis! Ahem! Hello Weiss, I'm Ruby! We can hang out and go shopping for school supplies."

Weiss: *sarcastic* "Oh yes! Then we can paint our nails and try on clothes, and talk about handsome boys especially the one with H/c hair and E/c eyes."

She referred to Y/n as she then pointed her fingers to where Y/n is.

They both saw him, currently sitting on a plastic chair, being unique among the crowds of students.

Ruby: "Really?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

Weiss: "NO. But he's a different story."


After Ozpin and Glynda deliver their speechs to the new students, it was now currently nighttime. All of the new students are currently in the ballroom, where they will sleep for tonight. Some of the students are wearing their pajamas, nightgown, or even only wearing pants just for the boys to impress the girl's with their body physique.

Y/n: "Shameless." Y/n said in his thoughts as Ruby stared at him in the distance.

Yang: "So sis. I can't help but notice something..." She called out to Ruby who is currently staring at Y/n who is about to go to sleep.

Ruby: "Yeah? What is it?" She asked while still staring at him, not bothering to look at Yang.

Yang: "Is he your type? I can't help but notice your eyes staring at him for a while. And I must say, you have a very good choice~" Yang teased, which made Ruby immediately turned her head to look at Yang.

Ruby: *blush* "Wh-what!? Of course not! W-we're just friends...for now. He's a very sweet and friendly guy!"

Yang: "Hmm, just friends you say? So you don't mind If I were to take him away from you~?"

*Ruby will remember that*

*Weiss will remember that*

Ruby: "Wh-what!? Yang, you can't just-" But it's already too late as Yang went to Y/n.

Yang: "Hey there, Shawty~ You look like a fine piece of meat there." She attempted to flirt at Y/n.

Y/n: "The name's Y/n, thank you. Aren't you the one with Ruby?"

Yang: "She's my little sister."

Y/n: "Oh. I see." He then stood up and bowed down his head.

Y/n: "Nice to meet you, Ruby's older sister."

Yang: "Wow, he's so polite."

Yang: "The name's Yang, but you can call me yours~" She teased yet again, which earned a glare from both Weiss and Ruby in the distance.

Yang: "Say, why don't you be with me instead of my little sister hmm~?"

She teased yet again as she tried to seduce him by intentionally shaking her chest right in front of him. She knows that this is the weakness of men, but little did she know, she underestimated him. He was properly disciplined by his Sisters, so he knows what to do in this situation.

Y/n: "Miss Yang, this isn't your ordinary school, where you can just show off your features to the teachers and/or students, and expect them to do everything to make you graduate. This is a combat school where we are properly trained mentally and physically to become future Huntsman and Huntresses in the future. Those A's won't get you anywhere here. So please refrain from doing such acts here and let me have my beauty sleep."

Y/n who did not just rejected her, but also just attacked her mentally, causing Yang to have an emotional damage as she then returned to her beddings, as Ruby couldn't help but laugh at her sister's attempt for making Y/n hers.

Soon the lights were now off, all of the students are all fast asleep. They all can't wait for what's tomorrow to come.

But little did they know, or little did Y/n know that Weiss managed to sneak up to him while everyone was asleep. And she then placed her beddings right next to him and then proceed to lie down right next to him, before closing her eyes and drifting off to dreamland.

AN: So how's this chapter? Good? Bad? Confusing? Lemme know!

AN: If you have any questions, feel free to comment it, and I'll try to reply back if I'm free.

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