Sana x Neutral Reader (One-Sh...

By vanbestvn

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oneshots story of you and sana More

Arranged Marriage
Love At First Sight
Clumsy And Flirty Neighbour
Fading Echoes of Love
Shimmers of Love
Heartstrings of Fate
The Games We Play
Unexpected Love
Unrequited Truth
Unanticipated Reunion
Whispers of the Heart
Melting Her Heart
A Lifetime of Love
From Enemies To Lovers
Love Beyond Borders
From Struggle to Redemption
The Unexpected Charms of Kindness
Fluttering Hearts
From Pretend to Forever
Love's Triumph
Late to Love
Shout-Out to Love
From Ice Queen to Queen of My Heart
Flower of Love
Journey of the Lost
Love, Laughter, and the Forgotten Birthday
Twice the Love
Enchanted Halloween
The Text That Changed Everything
Melodies of Redemption
From Wedding Waltz to Forever
Blooms of Affection
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Her Birthday
New Year's Eve
New Year's Day
From Misunderstanding to Love
Unmasking Hidden Desires
Valentine's Day
Second Chance
A Library Date to Remember
First Time
The Hitchhiker

Tied by Love

66 1 0
By vanbestvn

In the bustling halls of Crestwood High School, a place where friendships bloomed and dreams took root,

 You found yourself navigating the daily challenges of being a student.

 Among the sea of faces, one person stood out like a beacon of light: 


She was your classmate, 

and to you, 

she was more than just another student in the crowded halls.

 She was the reason your heart skipped a beat each time you saw her, 

the secret crush you had carefully hidden from the world.

One crisp morning, 

just before the start of another school day, 

you stood in front of the hallway mirror,

 attempting to fix your tie. 

It was an everyday struggle for you, 

and despite countless YouTube tutorials and advice from family members, 

you just couldn't seem to get it right.

 You sighed in frustration, 

feeling like you were losing a battle with a strip of cloth.

As you tugged at the tie, 

trying to make it look presentable, 

you noticed Sana walking towards you. 

She was known for her friendly nature and warm smile, 

which only made your heart race faster. 

She approached you with a curious glint in her eye. 

"Hey there, Y/N. Need some help with that tie?"

You flushed, 

feeling your cheeks heat up as your secret crush offered assistance.

 "Oh, uh, no, I've got it. Just a little tricky today, you know?"

Sana chuckled softly,

 seeing through your feeble attempt to save face. 

"Come on, let me help you. I'm pretty good at this."

With a reluctant nod, 

you handed over the tie, 

feeling a strange mix of embarrassment and gratitude.

 As Sana expertly worked on your tie, 

her fingers deftly maneuvering the fabric, 

you couldn't help but steal glances at her. 

Her closeness made your heart race, 

and you couldn't believe your luck that she was standing so close, 

touching you with gentle familiarity.

Sana noticed your nervousness and decided to strike up a conversation. 

"So, Y/N, how's your day going so far?"

You cleared your throat, 

trying to keep your composure as she continued to fix your tie. 

"Uh, it's good, I guess. Just the usual school stuff."

Sana smiled, 

her fingers still working their magic. 

"Yeah, school can be pretty hectic. Have you thought about what you want to do after graduation?"

As she asked about your future plans, 

you found yourself opening up to her, 

sharing your dreams and aspirations. 

You realized that beyond her beauty, 

Sana had a genuine interest in getting to know you as a person,

 and it warmed your heart.


Sana finished adjusting your tie and took a step back to admire her handiwork. 

"There you go, Y/N. All fixed."

You marveled at how perfectly she had managed to tie it, 

feeling immensely grateful for her assistance.

 "Wow, Sana, you're amazing at this. Thank you so much."

Sana's smile widened, 

and she gave your shoulder a friendly pat. 

"No problem at all. Friends help each other out, right?"

As you walked together to class, 

you couldn't help but feel that your secret crush on Sana was even stronger than before.

 You had shared a sweet moment, 

and you realized that you wanted to continue getting to know her, 

tie-fixing or not. 

In the hallways of Crestwood High School, 

amidst the hustle and bustle of student life, 

a budding friendship had taken root,

 and you couldn't wait to see where it would lead.

As the days turned into weeks, 

your friendship with Sana continued to blossom.

 Each day brought new conversations, 

shared laughter, 

and an ever-deepening connection. 

You found yourself eagerly looking forward to seeing her at school, 

cherishing every moment spent in her company.

One sunny afternoon, 

after classes had ended for the day, 

you and Sana decided to grab a bite to eat at a nearby café. 

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the soothing hum of chatter filled the air as you settled into a cozy corner table.

Sana sipped her cappuccino and smiled at you. 

"Y/N, I have to admit, I never expected to become such good friends with someone in such a short time. It feels like we've known each other forever."

You couldn't help but feel a rush of happiness at her words.

 "I feel the same way, Sana. You've made high school a thousand times better for me."

The conversation flowed effortlessly,

 touching on everything from favorite books to travel dreams. 

Sana shared stories of her family, 

her passions, 

and her love for baking. 

You listened attentively, 

hanging onto every word, 

feeling grateful that she was letting you into her world.

As the evening sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, 

you realized it was time to head home. 

Sana insisted on walking you to the bus stop, 

a gesture that made your heart swell with warmth.

While waiting for the bus, 

you looked at Sana, 

feeling a mixture of nerves and excitement. 

"Sana, there's something I've been wanting to tell you."

She turned to you with a curious expression.

 "What is it, Y/N?"

Taking a deep breath, 

you decided it was time to share your secret crush.

 "Sana, I hope this doesn't change anything between us, but... I've had a crush on you for a while now. You're amazing, and spending time with you is the highlight of my day."

Sana's eyes widened in surprise, 

and for a moment, 

there was a hint of uncertainty. 

But then, 

a soft smile graced her lips.

"Y/N, you have no idea how happy that makes me. Because, well, I have a secret too."

Your heart skipped a beat as you waited for her to continue.

Sana took a step closer, 

her eyes locked onto yours. 

"The truth is, I've been feeling the same way about you. I couldn't figure out how to say it, but I really like you, Y/N."

It was as if the world stood still in that moment. 

Your secret crush had blossomed into a mutual attraction, 

and it felt like a dream come true.

The bus arrived, 

but neither of you made a move to board it. 


you both leaned in, 

and your lips met in a sweet, 

tender kiss. 

It was a moment of pure magic, 

sealing the beginning of a new chapter in your relationship.

As you finally boarded the bus, 

hand in hand with Sana, 

you couldn't help but smile. 

The hallways of Crestwood High School, 

once filled with the quiet longing of a secret crush, 

had now become a place where love had taken root, 

where two hearts had found their home in each other's company.

And as the bus carried you away, 

you knew that your journey with Sana was just beginning, 

filled with sweet moments, 

shared laughter, 

and the promise of a love that had bloomed from a simple gesture of kindness, 

the fixing of a tie that had bound your hearts together.

As the days turned into weeks, 

your relationship with Sana deepened, 

and your connection grew stronger. 

You spent your weekends exploring the town together, 

visiting parks, 

trying out new restaurants, 

and sharing your favorite books and movies.

One sunny Saturday, 

as you strolled hand in hand through a beautiful botanical garden, 

Sana turned to you with a playful twinkle in her eye. 

"Y/N, do you remember that day when I helped you with your tie in the school hallway?"

You smiled warmly, reminiscing about that moment. 

"Of course, I do. It's one of my favorite memories."

Sana grinned, 

squeezing your hand gently. 

"You know, it's funny how a simple act of kindness can change our lives so profoundly. That tie... it brought us together."

You chuckled, gazing into her eyes. 

"It did, didn't it? I'm so grateful for that day."

As you continued your walk,

 the topic of your future together naturally arose. 

Sana shared her dreams of opening a bakery one day, 

a place filled with love and delectable treats,

 where she could express her creativity through baking.

"Y/N, I hope you'll be a part of my bakery dreams," 

Sana said with a hopeful look in her eyes.

You felt your heart swell with happiness. 

"Sana, I'd be honored to be by your side. Your dream is my dream."

Time seemed to fly as you enjoyed each other's company. 

Before you knew it, 

graduation day arrived, 

a momentous occasion that marked the beginning of a new chapter in your lives.

As you both stood in your graduation gowns, 

waiting to receive your diplomas, 

you looked at Sana with admiration. 

"We made it, Sana. High school is over."

She smiled, 

her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and excitement. 

"And now, we're ready for whatever comes next, together."

After graduation, 

you and Sana worked hard to achieve your dreams. 

Sana pursued her passion for baking and opened her own bakery, 

"Sana's Sweet Delights." 

It quickly became a beloved spot in town, 

known for its delectable treats and warm atmosphere.

Y/N, on the other hand, 

followed your passion for technology and innovation. 

With dedication and hard work, 

you landed your dream job at a tech company, 

helping to create products that would change the world.

One evening, 

as you sat across from each other in Sana's bakery, 

enjoying a slice of her famous strawberry shortcake, 

you couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment.


you began, 

"our journey from classmates to friends to being in love, it's been amazing."

She smiled, 

her eyes sparkling with affection. 

"Y/N, I wouldn't have it any other way. You've made my life sweeter in every possible way."

And so, 

your love story continued, 

filled with shared dreams, 


and countless sweet moments. 

In each other's company, 

you found your greatest joy, 

and as the years passed,

your bond only grew stronger.

One beautiful evening, 

surrounded by the warm glow of the setting sun, 

you knelt down and, 

with a heart full of love,

asked Sana the most important question of your life.

"Sana, will you marry me?"

Tears of joy filled her eyes as she whispered a heartfelt


 And in that moment, 

surrounded by the aroma of freshly baked pastries and the love that had brought you together,

 your love story found its perfect, 

happy ending.

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