By P0liceb0x

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By P0liceb0x

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐄𝐃 the streets of downtown Tokyo, Japan. She wore a white hoodie and a pair of black sweatpants. The hood of her jacked stayed over her head. She had an earpod in one ear and nothing in the other.
The temperature was about 21° F, and the streets were empty. Rosemary shoved her hands in her pockets and continued down the street.
"Rosemary." Called someone from a nearby area, causing her to stop in place and slowly turn her head around, towards the direction of the sound.
"Pardon?" She slowly said, trying to make out the face in the shadows this mysterious person was hiding in.
Suddenly, they pushed themselves off the wall they were leaning on and rushed towards Rosemary, grabbing her by her wrist before she could step back.
"Hey, let go!" Rosemary whisper-screamed, careful not to draw attention to herself in the street.
"Rosemary, come on." The mysterious person said, gaining a better grip on her wrist. "You really didn't think you couldn't escape us, right?" The mysterious person said, causing Rosemary to freeze.
The blood drained from her face, and she stopped attempting to free herself of the mysterious person.

They stood in front of an electronic store, the blue light of the flickering televisions in the window made them only a silhouette. The televisions displayed a news channel. The topic was on some sort of criminal, probably going to be put to death. Not by law enforcement, but the notorious Kira.
Suddenly, the program was interrupted. A screen of a man with black, raggedy hair in a suit appeared. The disruption caused enough distraction for the mysterious figure, but not Rosemary.
The figure loosened its grip on Rosemarys wrist in the slightest way, causing her to immediately shoot backwards, accidentally falling to the ground.
"Hey!" The figure said quickly, but didn't chase after her immediately as if it was some sort of movie. This gave Rosemary enough time to get back up and begin to sprint off. She was just barely ahead.
Running as fast as she could, she was only a bit in-front of the mysterious figure, who was presumably male.
"Rosemary! You need to pay for the childish actions of your family!" The man yelled, still slightly behind Rosemary. Suddenly, he jumped forward and roughly grabbed Rosemary's ankle, causing her to fall into the ground, roughly hitting her chin on it.
The man suddenly got on top of her, holding her hands down onto her body.
"You can't get away, Rosemary." He said, panting slightly. Suddenly, blaring red and blue lights and sirens appeared behind them. Holding a girl by her wrists in the street isn't very normal and is easily noticeable when they are in front of bright screens.

Rosemary sat in the police station. The officers were trying to interview her, but she refused to speak. She wasn't involved with whoever these guys were, her parents were. But, she was now involved with them because of their passing shortly after they moved to Toyko together, as a family, for her education.
They owed a lot of money to these guys. The officers finally decided to let her go. She gently stood up, and not knowing really what to do, she slightly bowed as a thank you for bandaging her bruised wrist. The officers simply laughed and shooed her away. Rosemary felt embarrassed and began to walk away, before she suddenly stopped.
But it wasn't just her movement that had stopped.
She let out a shaky breath, before roughly gripping her chest. The surrounding officers from the watching room and the ones interviewing her rushed to her as she fell to the ground.

Rosemary woke up to the bright, blaring lights of a hospital. She laid in a section full of beds, separated by a simple sheet. Rosemary was at the direct end, as they had no hope of her survival. A old television played in the corner.
Rosemary squinted her eyes and looked around the room for a minute. Confusion, disturbance, and discomfort could describe her current emotions.
Suddenly, she shot up from her bed. Ignoring the bright lights at this point. She ripped the cords from her arms, realizing she was in a hospital bed. She gently whispered, "No," to herself repeatedly, rushing to get up.
She looked outside at the dark city, lights coming from small streetlights and nearby buildings. She fell backwards, her eyes opened to an extreme level.
Her fall brought attention to her, and nurses rushed over to her and picked her up. They both were extremely surprised that Rosemary had survived, let alone got up so quickly.

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